4 Minute Timer - Multiple Response Strategies - Check for Understanding - Education

  • Опубліковано 3 чер 2024
  • #timer
    Timer for education and multiple response strategies
    Four Minute Timer
    4 Minute Timer
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  • @1dojacatstan731
    @1dojacatstan731 Місяць тому +1

    The next installment in this series left the audience stunned. As the semi-feature film produced some of the series’ most thrilling, tragic, and romantic moments, the audience is left questioning, “what is next?”. Between the start of the film, which featured its iconic “RING”, and the end of the film, which ended on a high note, the movie displays emotions of jubilation and grief. Jubilation in the form of the film beginning and grief in the form of it ending. The hope remains that this franchise will continue its riveting action in the future.

    • @dobbs123456789
      @dobbs123456789  Місяць тому +1

      In the quiet village of Eldenwood, nestled between rolling hills and dense forests, there was a legend about an old bell that hung in the tower of the abandoned St. Augustine Church. The bell had not rung for nearly a century, ever since a great storm had swept through the village, toppling the bell tower and leaving the church in ruins. The villagers believed that the bell, once used to call the faithful to worship, now lay cursed, its silence a reminder of the calamity that had befallen them.
      Lena, a young woman with an insatiable curiosity, had grown up hearing the stories of the bell. Her grandmother often told her tales of its powerful, melodic chime that could be heard across the countryside. Lena was fascinated by the mystery surrounding it and determined to uncover the truth. As she walked through the village, she would often gaze up at the crumbling tower, imagining the sound of the bell cutting through the stillness of Eldenwood.
      One crisp autumn morning, Lena decided it was time to explore the old church. She gathered her courage and set off towards the decaying structure. The path to St. Augustine was overgrown with brambles and thick underbrush, but Lena pressed on, her determination unwavering. As she approached the church, the air grew colder, and a shiver ran down her spine. The once-grand building now stood in solemn silence, its windows shattered, and its stone walls covered in ivy.
      Lena pushed open the heavy wooden doors, which creaked loudly in protest. Inside, the church was eerily quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant call of a raven. She made her way to the base of the bell tower, where a rickety ladder led up into the shadows. Taking a deep breath, Lena began her ascent, the old wood groaning under her weight.
      Reaching the top, she found herself in a small, dusty room. Sunlight filtered through cracks in the walls, casting eerie patterns on the floor. In the center of the room hung the bell, its bronze surface tarnished and covered in cobwebs. Lena approached it cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest. She reached out and touched the bell, feeling its cold, rough surface beneath her fingers.
      Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through the tower, and the bell began to sway. Lena stumbled back, watching in awe as the bell moved. Without warning, it let out a deep, resonant chime that reverberated through the tower and out into the village. The sound was powerful, almost otherworldly, and it seemed to awaken something within Eldenwood. The villagers paused in their daily routines, looking towards the church in astonishment.
      As the bell continued to ring, Lena felt a strange sense of peace wash over her. She realized that the bell was not cursed but rather waiting for the right moment to ring once more. It was a symbol of hope and renewal, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the spirit of the village could endure.
      When the bell finally fell silent, Lena descended the ladder and stepped out into the sunlight. She could feel the change in the air, a newfound sense of optimism spreading through Eldenwood. The villagers gathered around her, their faces filled with wonder and gratitude. Lena knew that the ringing of the bell had marked the beginning of a new chapter for the village, one of resilience and unity.
      From that day forward, the bell of St. Augustine Church was no longer a relic of the past but a beacon of hope for the future. And every year, on the anniversary of its ringing, the villagers would gather to celebrate, reminded of the courage and curiosity of one young woman who dared to uncover the truth.
      Dennys when?

    • @1dojacatstan731
      @1dojacatstan731 Місяць тому

      @@dobbs123456789 beautiful, brought me and my son to tears🥲