番茄金针菇丸子汤--家常美味,营养满分Tomato and mushroom ball soup

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • 这款番茄金针菇丸子汤,汤汁鲜美,丸子嫩滑,金针菇爽口,非常适合家庭日常食用。而且,番茄富含维生素C,金针菇则有助于提高免疫力,肉丸子则能提供优质蛋白质,是一道营养均衡的佳肴。This tomato and enoki mushroom ball soup, the soup is delicious, the ball is tender and smooth, and the enoki mushroom is refreshing, which is very suitable for family daily consumption. What's more, tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, enoki mushrooms help boost immunity, and meatballs provide high-quality protein, making them a nutritionally balanced dish.