I think the first boards fitted in the C64C cases were the 250466 long board. The '466 board doesn't have a can around the VIC2/Clock chip so the centre 3D printed bracket probably fits fine on that board. The "official" left side Commodore metal keyboard bracket for the 250466 board won't work with the older boards that have the 8 RAM chips, there isn't enough clearance on the board.
The 8-Bit-Guy suggested washing (retro!-)mainboards in the dishwasher without the soap and rinsing them with alcohol afterwards, what are your(/everybodies) thoughts/experiences on that?
I prefer using my dishwasher for dishes. But if it's just with water and then a through rinse with 99% IPA then it should be ok. Still there's things like switches and ports to consider, water can get in there in the dishwasher and you'd want to be certain that it's completely removed afterwards. Tldr: I don't recommend it
I have never own a C64. At this point I would like one in my collection. I have no preference aesthetically. I assume one of the latest models would be most desirable, if I can find one?
Yes, newer boards are generally more reliable. I'd avoid the breadbins and look for something in the C64C style case. That way you'll likely end up with a 250466 longboard or a 250469 shortboard. Unless someone has swapped the boards like the one in this video of course. The 250469 are probably the most reliable but some people prefer the longboard for the 6581 SID, and likewise some prefer the shortboard for the 8580 SID. Personally I prefer the 6581 but there are mods to make the 6581 work in a shortboard and of course replacement SIDs that can emulate both.
What sort of bottle is your IPA dispensed from? Looks really neat. Also, good job on the 64 - always very satisfying to see old tech get a new lease on life. :)
It's called a menda pump. Very handy to have as the liquid gets pumped up into the little reservoir in the lid and doesn't drain back down, so there's no chance of contaminating the stuff in the bottle
Very nice repair! I love the clock fine-tuning part, I should check the clocks on my machines, hm...
Very cool. Cheers dude.
I think, the contacts on the component side look worse because of gravity. The dust collects there.
I'm going to start storing them upside down to even things up
Reminds me. I owe you some heat sinks 😂
Haha, all good. Plenty more on their way
@@TheRetroChannel I did order a stack, just never got around to giving them to you 😂
Soon we will have an endless supply!
I think the first boards fitted in the C64C cases were the 250466 long board. The '466 board doesn't have a can around the VIC2/Clock chip so the centre 3D printed bracket probably fits fine on that board. The "official" left side Commodore metal keyboard bracket for the 250466 board won't work with the older boards that have the 8 RAM chips, there isn't enough clearance on the board.
Ah yes good point. I didn't think of it at the time but that left 466 bracket does dip down quite a bit so probably would hit the RAM on older boards.
Could you leave the can lid off and use a heatsink?
It should fit, but I think the can is slightly more effective (as long as the thermal paste hasn't dried up)
Beautiful work on an C64 as always, if only you could have replaced the motherboard with an 250469 one.
The 8-Bit-Guy suggested washing (retro!-)mainboards in the dishwasher without the soap and rinsing them with alcohol afterwards, what are your(/everybodies) thoughts/experiences on that?
I prefer using my dishwasher for dishes. But if it's just with water and then a through rinse with 99% IPA then it should be ok. Still there's things like switches and ports to consider, water can get in there in the dishwasher and you'd want to be certain that it's completely removed afterwards.
Tldr: I don't recommend it
I have never own a C64. At this point I would like one in my collection. I have no preference aesthetically. I assume one of the latest models would be most desirable, if I can find one?
Yes, newer boards are generally more reliable. I'd avoid the breadbins and look for something in the C64C style case. That way you'll likely end up with a 250466 longboard or a 250469 shortboard. Unless someone has swapped the boards like the one in this video of course.
The 250469 are probably the most reliable but some people prefer the longboard for the 6581 SID, and likewise some prefer the shortboard for the 8580 SID. Personally I prefer the 6581 but there are mods to make the 6581 work in a shortboard and of course replacement SIDs that can emulate both.
@@TheRetroChannel Great, thanks so much.
What sort of bottle is your IPA dispensed from? Looks really neat.
Also, good job on the 64 - always very satisfying to see old tech get a new lease on life. :)
It's called a menda pump. Very handy to have as the liquid gets pumped up into the little reservoir in the lid and doesn't drain back down, so there's no chance of contaminating the stuff in the bottle
@@TheRetroChannel Awesome - thank you very much for taking the time to reply. :)