Susie Larson: Faithful With The Struggle (LIFE Today)

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • The author of "Strong In Battle" shares the hope and grace she experiences in her physical suffering and emotional endurance. Air date September 6, 2022.


  • @genepsullivan
    @genepsullivan 9 місяців тому

    Thank you so much Suzie for the podcast with Francis Frangipane!!! I was actually looking for Francis because we passed around his Accuser of the Brethren article many years ago, it was life changing for me, I learned how to identify the voice of the devil in a whole new way. I just LOVE Is 58, put away the pointing of the finger. Understand the LOGS in our own eyes so we can be reconciled to him, in what we condemn others for, and GET A TESTIMONY. Get the word WE TURN AT, so He will pour out His Spirit on us. We can't loose bands of wickedness when we are bound in pride and have no testimony to WASH feet with. I understood my sin when I saw it in others. I was sorry, forgiven, BUT THE WORDS OF GOD FLEW OFF THE PAGES when I fellowshipped his suffering in what I saw in others, I actually realized HOW JESUS FELT ABOUT MY SIN! You can't set people free from oppression when you are bound yourself. This article Francis wrote many years ago, HELPED ME ACTUALLY HEAR the voice of the slanderer, the accuser! So when you put away the pointing of the finger, pray to Jesus to love, to loose the bands of wickedness, undo heavy burdens. REPAIR BREECHES, RESTORE PATHS TO WALK IN, RIDE THE HIGH PLACES, rather than the low ones, you are walking in your God given destiny!! My husband did stand before a King. He understood a lot about The Kingdom of heaven, my husband, but the OTHER WITNESS in Francis really opened my eyes to what my own husband was teaching in the 80's about how our love waxes cold. He is now having a movie made about him. For signs, wonders and miracles have followed him for over 50 years now. He prayed one simple prayer when he got saved in 1972.
    "Show me why people do what they do so I won't be offended, but able to help." He also got King Solomon's prayer in the Bible twice. It basically says, Help me go in and out of the hearts of your people in a right spirit. Help THE SPIRIT of my words be right, not just my words. "We pass from death unto life WHEN WE LOVE, not focusing on how others love us!" So glad to hear Francis is well. YES HUMILITY GLUES, PRIDE CUTS APART! So many people don't understand, FOLLOW PEACE AND HOLINESS WITH MEN... to SEE GOD'S SALVATION! After being in ministry myself now for 38 yrs. I have learned THERE IS NOTHING that can be done against GOD'S LOVE, and ALL THINGS can work together for good. This is GREAT TO HEAR!!! I think people WANT to hear this truth, our channel has exploded to over 60k subscribers now!!! He/She WHO ABIDES IN GOD, ABIDES IN brotherly love. We can't say we love Him who we don't see when we fail in loving those we do.... people are changing to not be so willing TO WASH THEIR HANDS anymore of brotherly love. More willing to LOOK IN THE MIRROR and understand their own sin, so they can LOVE. When I became willing to FELLOWSHIP the suffering of Jesus, touching darkness in others, I UNDERSTOOD HOW, our sin becomes exceedingly more sinful, and the JOY of our own salvation gets stronger... OUR LIGHT GETS BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER.... our love becomes deeper, because WE KNOW now how Jesus feels about our darkness and sin (ours) because, what sin is not common to man??? Who isn't guilty of the things God hates. Pvb. 6 It shouldn't be hard to learn how to wash feet, and give up being feet stabbers!!! Jesus opens our eye to THE LOG in the eye of others, SO WE CAN be refined by fire and fullers soap. TO SEE CLEARLY the log in our own eye. Everyone who says they believe in Jesus, should also HAVE A TWIG MINISTRY! There is something wrong in the soul that doesn't.... pride and lying DESTROYS relationships and humility IS THE ONLY spirit that glues us together, to speak the truth in love and MEMBER each other.

  • @moniquemaraispo4826
    @moniquemaraispo4826 Рік тому

    Praise the Lord. I love this remarkable woman. Her words are breath to the heart. Even in the midst of her struggle she was faithful. What a miracle. Thank you , Jesus

  • @deborahromero3459
    @deborahromero3459 Рік тому

    Please pray for me! I’ve been in a battle for many years, and I do not have any more strength to go on! Lost my marriage and my children as well. I love the Lord Jesus with all my heart and I seek him daily. I’ve just been through so many disappointments and so much pain I just feel I’m at my wits end! Years and years of devastation, and I don’t have hope for any good future on this side of heaven

    • @deborahromero3459
      @deborahromero3459 Рік тому

      I need healing from much trauma in my life. I struggle with general anxiety disorder and panic attacks which I am on daily medication for. I just need help! Been crying out to the Lord daily. I feel I must have done something so wrong that I suffered so much sorrow and loss and broken dreams.

  • @melissahaneline6544
    @melissahaneline6544 2 роки тому +3

    Such cause for celebration!! I love Susie so much and I'm touched by her tears.

  • @lindarojo-schmidt8622
    @lindarojo-schmidt8622 2 роки тому

    The Lord cross over, STRONG IN BATTLE, waiting my hope is deferred... keep close. Hard place, John will still

  • @conniegreen615
    @conniegreen615 Рік тому

    What about all the women who can’t get this information? How much has this woman been thru? God…??????

  • @lindarojo-schmidt8622
    @lindarojo-schmidt8622 2 роки тому +1

    Crsis. Hurt keep heart pure, chronic 🤒 illness, 3 groups of women, Prayer movements, fast 50 days partial, Lymue disease, exposure to black mold, serious suffering, brace for impact... so exhausting, imprinted in cells, 5' 2".. client court of heaven 2 sextualy Lisit the crimes, identified the crim Name criminal, pull hooks out, WALK thru the tramua,, black shoot clean off body, RELEASE
    Goodness n mercy fellows you all days of life. Heaven is Tribes, Wed, we show up to pray for you, suffering because of yur faithfulness, connected, whisper, Leap forward , gaining miles in spirt w inches in body

    • @alisadotson8403
      @alisadotson8403 Рік тому +1

      Sounds like my caseload when I was an attorney . I am 5'2. I was faced with clients of unbelievable suffering - that phrase "connected whisper" waiting hope deferred is such a hard hard place

  • @alisadotson8403
    @alisadotson8403 Рік тому

    bring me home or heal me

  • @joycehand3067
    @joycehand3067 Рік тому

    Can I join you, Susie, and the four woman on Zoom? Can you ask GOD? Please!