Number 5 girl girl like not so like you. You'll won't be too long together. She like guy that more powerful than her. You too soft maybe together you will under pressure with her. Understand
Robot 🤖 boy boy like more mature girl girl so he rejected White 🤍 colour shirt girl girl because she said she needs more pamper types of boy friend but he maybe not times for her.
I’m going to Las Vegas for the weekend so I’m invited for dinner 🍲 and drinks 🍺 with my husband tonight at 8.00 pm to 2:10 am very important for the relationship to go through the owner of this property is getting a girlfriend and boyfriend to moved out and I have a very expensive apartment in my name is Catherine Care Home 🏠 I don’t want to live there 30 years in the next door neighbour to my son every night for two summers
❤❤super ❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍
Aiyo. Ah boy boy should choosing number 4. Her father can be your's buddy's so cute cute handsome 👍❤❤
@28:10, he had twice "I Do" but, none of them was last long.
Number 5 girl girl like not so like you. You'll won't be too long together. She like guy that more powerful than her. You too soft maybe together you will under pressure with her. Understand
如果我是1號男嘉賓 一定選4號(她還會緊張害羞)而明顯5號沒喜歡這男
Robot 🤖 boy boy like more mature girl girl so he rejected White 🤍 colour shirt girl girl because she said she needs more pamper types of boy friend but he maybe not times for her.
我來說說第一位男嘉賓的服裝 - 出洋腔,在西裝上衣袖手肘位‘’打補釘’‘是有一定規律的不然是‘’出洋腔‘’,這適合於運動型 - 馬術、馬球、牛仔、運動員等,工作服、制服(藝人、魔術師、表演除外),⋯⋯‘’打補釘‘’還要配合衣料。
機器人男專業是很不錯的。其他方面 尤其性格 都不行。 性格這個很重要的。慢慢體會吧。 他很不喜歡自己的家庭。看得出來。
男嘉賓 年輕 帥氣 今天台上女嘉賓 不配 放棄吧…
這期的 女嘉賓 免費送給我 我還是要考慮一下下 。
Guest #2 was on the show in April 2020 and the guy sweep off her feet on the show. What happened? Didn’t work out?
Aren't these all re-runs?
若是我 會選擇放棄 這男孩 吃大虧了呀~可惜……
I’m going to Las Vegas for the weekend so I’m invited for dinner 🍲 and drinks 🍺 with my husband tonight at 8.00 pm to 2:10 am very important for the relationship to go through the owner of this property is getting a girlfriend and boyfriend to moved out and I have a very expensive apartment in my name is Catherine Care Home 🏠 I don’t want to live there 30 years in the next door neighbour to my son every night for two summers
1 號舅媽 我喜歡妳 請問是否單身
我是台灣台北人 姓 郭 31歲 身178
文化 政治 經濟學 雙碩士 喜歡運動 業餘模特兒
各國 有公司、工廠 舅媽 我這算表白 可以喜歡妳嗎? 。
Short hair girl don't waste time lol
巨烦那个易静 聒噪 话多声音难听 烦死!!!!!
2號 確實有點漂亮 但自己幾兩重 是否該測量 剩女。
no. 2 look like actress korea Kim Ji Won