I love this Christian. Extremely well informed biblical knowledge, precise in delivery, with funny jabs sprinkled in for his opponent. Praise be to Jesus Christ. ❤️
How can anyone listen to Siraj and think, he knows what he is talking about. If you think Siraj has all the answers to any questions he is asked you must be as mad as he is.
@@usamanyusoff1763LOL! islam is progress?! that’s hilarious. Y’all can’t even show where muhammad is prophesied. You claim it’s an abrahamic faith that is a continuation yet it contradicts thousands of years of the entire abrahamic faith and muhammad isn’t prophesied. All other prophets in the faith are. suddenly you get to muhammad who contradicts everything and it’s simply “trust me bro!”So considering muhammad said he was explicitly mentioned in the bible and the torah but isn’t, that means he made it up and you guys started following a man based off “trust me bro”
No false prophet can split the moon ,GOD SHALL NEVER ALLOW THAT ,The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. 2 THESSALONISIANS 2 : 9
Isaiah 53: talks about the crucifixion of Jesus. V5; But He was wounded for our transgressions... Micah 5:2; talks about the birth place of Jesus, Bethlehem. Isaiah 7:14; talks about the birth of Jesus Christ from a virgin, who happened to be Mary. The NT is consistent with the OT, Amen 🙏
Quran says Jesus is a prophet and here Siraj try to make him false prophet. He nither knows quran nor able to prove his faith. But strong without shame.
Siraj should go back to school and learn about the difference between similarities and congruent in order to understand what our Lord Jesus said about his death and three days.
I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE ! "Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied". John 14:8. “I and the Father are one” is a statement made by Jesus in the Bible, in John 10:30. It is a declaration of the 'Trinity', which is the idea that God is 'One Being' made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. “Before Abraham was, I am” is a statement made by Jesus in the Bible, John 8:58. It is interpreted as Jesus is the God of Abraham. The above verses explain the following verses: “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” is a phrase from the Bible that appears in Matthew 22:31, Luke 20:37band Exodus 3:15. He also said, "I am the God of the 'living' not the 'dead' to emphasize that they have been resurrected from the dead, and to make it know that GOD - YHWH - I AM - JESUS is a God of the "sinless as well as sinners", because all three of the above sinned against Him before reincarnation in human nature on earth, however they repented for their sins and truly believed in Him ! Jesus often used the title "I AM" to identify himself with the voice from the burning bush as the voice of GOD - YHWH - I AM. Luke 9:30-36 Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. At the time of the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah were communing with Jesus. Moses 'sinned' against Jesus many times when He disobeyed His commands, however Elijah was 'sinless'. The above verses all conclude that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Elijah had encountered GOD - YHWH - I AM - JESUS, during their time, before His reincarnation in human nature on earth. And since He is - “The way, the truth, and the life” - John 14:6, the five mentioned above were already in heaven and not purgatory, during Jesus' time on earth in human nature, although four of them 'sinned' against Him, with the exception of Elijah, because, they truly believed in God - YHWH - I AM - JESUS. And this is also for other biblical characters mentioned in the Bible who had an encounter with GOD - YHWH - I AM - JESUS, and truly believed in Him ! Some sinned against Him and some were sinless like - Agabus, Amos, Anna the Prophetess, Apostle Barnabas, Daniel, Elijah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Huldah the Prophetess, Jeremiah, Joseph, Joel, Joshua, John of Patmos, Malachi, Manahen, Nathan, Obadiah, Oded, Philip the Evangelist, Simeon, Silas.......... So also, anyone be it Christian or Non-Christian, if they truly believe in God -the Creator, are not attached to worldly pursuits, are righteous, humble and repent, even if it's in the last hour or last breath, will also merit heaven. However, why wait for the transformation of heart, begin early and fill onself with the 'Wisdom of God' at the earliest ! No one knows the day or the hour of passing from here ! All believers, even if they sin, will go to heaven, if they 'repent and believe' in God, but of course after doing their time and punishment, as appropriately decided by God in purgatory. However, the same doesn't apply for atheists and antichrists though, as they deny God, and choose a 'permanent separation' from Him, unless of course they too repent and believe in Him ! WARRIOR OF GOD (DN)
Muslim siraj ought not to come in the debate because he's not a serious man; he's already confused before debate. I am very sorry. This is how most Muslims do. They are always turning away to the question. They really need to learn how to debate respectfully. Siraj is so shameful.
Torah was written 8000 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'. Vedas was written 3,500 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'. Bible was written 3421 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'. Quran was written 1379 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'.
Siraz is paid US$ 1000.00 for every disruption. How rich is Siraz or every disruption. So in other words he is the richest Dawah atspeakets corner. So that is is profession for disruption, now you can understand.
Quran and Hadith state Muhammad was a sinner and asked for forgiveness from Allah many times. If Muhammad were so pure and innocent, why would Allah be tormenting him in the grave? Muhammad was aware of his sins, and thus, he prayed for forgiveness. John 8:32 : “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
The Qur'an says that Jesus showed signs that He is the Creator right from infancy ! And the Bible says that Jesus manifested His 'Divinity', when at age 30, and after his earthly father St. Joseph passed away from this world, at His mother's request He turned the water into wine, which was his first miracle for the sake of humans, although He hadn't begun his ministry, but did so, due to obedience to His Mother ! The Qur'an says that Jesus created a bird from clay by breathing life into it, below are verses that clearly show Jesus' Divinity (The Word - The Son who created the world) : Sura 5:110 Jesus is said to have created clay birds and brought them to life by breathing on them. Sura 3:43-49 The Qur'an mentions the miracle of Jesus creating birds from clay and breathing life into them. The Qur'an also says that blowing or breathing on something is a means of creation, as in Sura 38:72, where Allah brings man to life by blowing his rūḥ into him. The Qur'an also mentions other miracles of Jesus, including: Speaking from the cradle, Healing the blind and the lepers, and Raising people from the dead. The Bible too speaks about all His miracles plus His teachings ! The above verses confirms that Jesus is the God of Creation and Son of our Heavenly Father ! And He and the Father are One because they are spiritual beings not human with a physical and mortal body like us ! They can abide in each other and work separately too, but with a common goal to save all of humanity ! Which is why the 'divine sacrifice' was planned to pay the price for the salvation of all humans who believe in Him, His crucifixion and resurrection proved that He is a 'Living God' - the God of creation, the 'I am' of Moses, Isaac and Jacob, and that He and the Father are one in spiritual form ! So Mother Mary had to be an 'Immaculate Conception (created by God)', because the vessel that would carry Him, who is God, had to be 'pure and holy' without the 'original sin' in her to pass to Him. If He was born of a father and mother, He would carry the stain of the original sin - which brought the seven deadly sins - wrath, sloth, lust, greed, gluttony, envy and pride to the world, due to the disobedience of Adam and Eve. God our Father is so merciful towards us mortals, that He sent His only Begotten Son to this 'sinful and fallen' world, to be the bridge back to Him from where we came. His teachings will take us to the Father without which we are all doomed ! Because He without 'original sin' was crucified by the Jews, which was prophesied by several prophets before His arrival on earth, the last prophet being 'John the Baptist' (who was Elijah in a second life on earth), sent to be His forerunner. After which no prophet or teacher would be required ! The Rigveda (Hindu scriptures) too written 3500 years back, 1500 years before the Bible and 1000 years before the Qur'an states in detail in several verses, that He is the Supreme Being's (God) Son, who would be sent on earth as a 'Divine Sacrifice' to save all of us from eternal damnation. No other Hindu God or teacher or prophet died in the manner that is depicted in the Rigveda in the history of Hinduism. The same is written in the Bible which also includes His teachings which we have to follow to go back to His Father and our Father, because through the Son, we become heirs - sons & daughters of God ! WARRIOR OF GOD (DN)
"The Qur'an says that Jesus is the 'Word', the Truth, the 'Way to Allah' (God) and the 'Redeemer of all' !" Surah Ali-Imran; 3:45 Remember when the angels proclaimed, “O Mary! Allah gives you good news of a Word from Him, his name will be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary; honoured in this world and the Hereafter, and he will be one of those nearest to Allah. Note: The Holy Qur'an says Jesus will be one of those 'nearest' to Allah ! No mere prophet on earth who is human can profit a place next to Allah who is the 'Almighty, Powerful and Holy God' ! How can someone who is 'unholy' be next to Allah who is 'Holy' and 'Just' ! Which confirms that Jesus is 'Holy and Righteous' ! The 'disbelievers' (the Jews) who assumed he did blasphemy for which the only penalty in those times in Israel was 'death' ! Jesus was sent in flesh and blood so he couldn't have escaped the inevitable ! As what would be his purpose on earth if he would save himself and let a fallen world die without an example to follow of the 'Will of Allah' even to the point of death, and which would eventually result in our own resurrection when we follow him and his teachings ! And since the Romans were ruling Israel it had to be 'death on the cross', which was their way of putting people to death in those times ! Surah Ali-Imran; 3:52 When Jesus sensed disbelief from his people, he asked, “Who will stand up with me for Allah?” The disciples replied, “We will stand up for Allah. We believe in Allah, so bear witness that we have submitted.” Note: The Holy Qur'an states that Jesus only did the 'Will of Allah' not his will ! And the ones that believed in him submitted to him ! And among the twelve, eleven of them died a bitter death as a result of hearing testimony to him ! Surah an-nisa 171 O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allāh except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allāh and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allāh and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allāh is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allāh as Disposer of affairs. Note: The Qur'an states Jesus is the 'Word' of God ! The Word that became flesh through the Virgin Mary, and dwelt upon us ! Which concludes that if Jesus is Allah's 'Word' then he is also the 'truth', the 'light' and the 'way' back to Allah ! Because Allah's Word is Allah's Word and nothing on earth can change the gospel truth ! Surah Al-Ma’idah; 5:110 And on Judgment Day Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Remember My favour upon you and your mother: how I supported you with the holy spirit so you spoke to people in ˹your˺ infancy and adulthood. How I taught you writing, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel. How you moulded a bird from clay-by My Will-and breathed into it and it became a real bird-by My Will. How you healed the blind and the lepers-by My Will. How you brought the dead to life-by My Will. How I prevented the Children of Israel from harming you when you came to them with clear proofs and the disbelievers among them said, “This is nothing but pure magic.” Note: The Holy Qur'an states that on 'Judgement Day', Allah will speak with Jesus about his favor on him and his virgin mother Mary. How he supported him with the 'Holy Spirit' (singular and the third person in the 'Holy Trinity'). And how he was taught writing, wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel. And how he moulded a bird and breathed life into it, healed people and even raised them up from the dead ('resuscitation' on earth not 'resurrection' in heaven'). Surah Maryam; 19:30-34 26. Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet. He has made me a blessing wherever I go, and bid me to establish prayer and give alms-tax as long as I live, and to be kind to my mother. He has not made me arrogant or defiant. Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” That is Jesus, son of Mary. And this is a word of truth, about which they dispute. Note: The Holy Qur'an states that Jesus will be resurrected ! Hence the 'Resurrection' of himself is true ! It also states that Jesus did the will of Allah to the point of death with his holiness and righteousness! Surah Al-Imran Ayat 55 God said, 'Jesus, I will take you back and raise you up to Me: I will purify you of the disbelievers. To the Day of Resurrection I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieved. Then you will all return to Me and I will judge between you regarding your differences. Note: The Holy Qur'an says that Jesus will be 'resurrected' (only after death can one be resurrected). Because resurrection only happens in heaven ! It also says that Allah will make those who 'follow' Jesus superior to those who disbelieve (the Jews). Surah An-Nisa; 4:159 Every one of the People of the Book will definitely believe in him before his death. And on the Day of Judgment Jesus will be a witness against them. Conclusion: Everyone of the People of the Book (Word of God) will believe in him before his/her death (which confirms he died on earth only to be raised up again in heaven. Because we are in human form on earth and if and when we make it to Allah and heaven, we will be in spirit form and not in body and flesh. And on 'Judgement Day', Jesus will be a witness against the people who follow the people of the book (Holy Bible or the Holy Qur'an). Which means our judgement for our life and deeds on earth and our redemption (resurrection) will be done by Jesus as Allah says ! The ones who are 'Holy and Righteous' and who believe in the 'Word of God' (Jesus)' will go to heaven and the others will go to the other side where there's an eternal fire ! Jesus the Word of God's teachings are in both the Holy Books). However the Jews disbelieved him and assumed he committed blasphemy. And the penalty for blasphemy as all know in those times in Israel was 'death'. And since the Jews were ruled by Romans it would be no other way but by the cross ! The Roman way of execution ! The Holy Bible as well as the Holy Qur'an mentions about the 'disbelievers' in the Word of God ! WARRIOR OF GOD (DN)
The miracle about pharaoh's body is a part of living miracles from the last testament Quran, unfortunately the miracles done by Allah's permission for Jesus Christ pbuh ( ACT 2:22) NONE CAN BE SEEN IN THE WORLD TODAY ! !!
What is the greatest FEAR of every human ? But of course, it is, the fear of DEATH ! We were 'created' by God to be 'immortal', but the devil deceived the first humans and plunged them into 'sin' and brought 'death', no more to be 'immortals' ! And they, him and his army of dark angels were 'exiled' on earth ! Jesus came in 'human' form to this 'fallen world' (our exile) to teach us how to conquer 'death' and have 'victory' over the devil ! By his 'Crucifixion' and 'Resurrection', He showed the world He is a 'Living God'. And all who 'truly believe in Him' and follow his 'Way' (His teachings) will be saved (resurrection - immortality in the after life) not to be confused with resuscitation or multiple lives as some believe which would eventually lead to a mortal death ! No one can go back to the 'God' without going through the 'Son' ! He is the 'Way', the 'Truth' and the 'Life' ! And every knee shall bow and tongue confess that he is Lord ! WARRIOR OF GOD (DN)
Instead, Allah raised him (Prophet Isa) up to the “heavens”, both his body and soul, where he now resides, alive in the “heavens” at Second Level of Sky [Surah Aan-Nisa 4:157-158] whereas Christians Jesus was resurrected from the dead and ascended to “Heaven” and is true one and only God in Heaven [Christians Jesus said God and I are one (John10:30). [Note: Difference between “Heavens” and “Heaven”: “Heavens or Cosmos or Universe” is a created Heavenly Realm (Genesis 1:1and Surah Al-Mulk 67:3), whereas Heaven is an uncreated Spiritual Realm that exists beyond the human comprehension of “Heavens or Universe or Cosmos”]
Name any 'One Religious Figure' that appears in any 'Holy Book' of more than one religion ? The only name that comes up is the name of 'JESUS' ! He is mentioned as 'Yeshua' in the Torah. He is mentioned as 'Yeesha Masih' in the Vedas. He is mentioned as 'Jesus' in the Bible. He is mentioned as 'Al-Masih' or 'Isa' in the Quran. And all the above speak about the nature of the person as firstly, born without 'Original Sin' which passed on from the first humans. Which means He couldn't have sinned, neither bodily or by thoughts ! And secondly, He showed several 'signs', that He is the Creator. He even raised people from the dead besides healing others. Only a God can give life or take life, no mortal has that authority. Only an 'Immortal' cannot sin all other mortals sin, if not by body, than by mind. If there was even one human who was 'sinless', He would not have to be sent on earth to 'save and redeem' all of humanity ! He came not to condemn the world but to save it ! In all the above religions, it is mentioned, that He will judge and redeem (only a God can have the authority to Judge and Redeem not a mortal) all of humanity, because, when He came in 'human form', He was tested in every possible way by the devil and still abstained from sin, even to the point of Crucifixion ! In this way He gave us Himself, as an example to follow. And by His Resurrection, He showed the entire world, that He is the 'Living God' and our 'Creator' ! The actual reason He had to come on earth as a mortal, is because He truly understands, we as humans, have our 'shortcomings and failings' ! John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 10:30 “I and the Father are one”. WARRIOR OF GOD (DN)
just want to ask, if jesus is god, why does god have to go through the birth process? Why does God have to be a baby and go through childhood? if jesus is god and wants to come down to earth, why doesn't jesus incarnate directly as an adult?? one more, where is the verse in the bible, where Jesus says 'I am God' & 'worship me'???
Torah was written 8000 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'. Vedas was written 3,500 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'. Bible was written 3421 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'. Quran was written 1379 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'.
Name any 'One Religious Figure' that appears in any 'Holy Book' of more than one religion ? The only name that comes up is the name of 'JESUS' ! He is mentioned as 'Yeshua' in the Torah. He is mentioned as 'Yeesha Masih' in the Vedas. He is mentioned as 'Jesus' in the Bible. He is mentioned as 'Al-Masih' or 'Isa' in the Quran. And all the above speak about the nature of the person as firstly, born without 'Original Sin' which passed on from the first humans. Which means He couldn't have sinned, neither bodily or by thoughts ! And secondly, He showed several 'signs', that He is the Creator. He even raised people from the dead besides healing others. Only a God can give life or take life, no mortal has that authority. Only an 'Immortal' cannot sin all other mortals sin, if not by body, than by mind. If there was even one human who was 'sinless', He would not have to be sent on earth to 'save and redeem' all of humanity ! He came not to condemn the world but to save it ! In all the above religions, it is mentioned, that He will judge and redeem (only a God can have the authority to Judge and Redeem not a mortal) all of humanity, because, when He came in 'human form', He was tested in every possible way by the devil and still abstained from sin, even to the point of Crucifixion ! In this way He gave us Himself, as an example to follow. And by His Resurrection, He showed the entire world, that He is the 'Living God' and our 'Creator' ! The actual reason He had to come on earth as a mortal, is because He truly understands, we as humans, have our 'shortcomings and failings' ! John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 10:30 “I and the Father are one”. WARRIOR OF GOD (DN)
I love this Christian. Extremely well informed biblical knowledge, precise in delivery, with funny jabs sprinkled in for his opponent.
Praise be to Jesus Christ. ❤️
Yh i love Arul, he's one of my favourites and his jabs (Arabian knights stories, Mickey Mouse fantasy Allah... just to name a few)are hilarious.
@@smkvibez2684 Don’t forget gibberish nonsense 🤣🤣
Siraj will never change at all
Idiots never accept the truth
Brother Arul 🤣🤣🤣 you had me at “Shakey Shake” 😂😂
Siraj is just a noise maker sent to disrupt any debate.
Same same as Lamin 😂
Very true and correct, God bless you in Jesus name amen
Siraj is a Milkshake 😂😂😂😂
God told us he is the answer... when he said...I AM!🤔
Beginning a fight is like opening a floodgate, Before the quarrel breaks out, take your leave. Proverbs 17:14 👍
Another comedian like Lamin at SC!
How can anyone listen to Siraj and think, he knows what he is talking about. If you think Siraj has all the answers to any questions he is asked you must be as mad as he is.
Splitting moon. Does NASA know about the miraculous Islamic moon that was split by a desert moon god ?
Siraj says muhammad split the moon.
Muslims, please provide evidence.
“Tablecloth person” 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭🤦🏾♂️
The liar (siraaj) won't quote Revelation:1v17-18
The problem is both books are not the same God...
Also a case of unstable mental health
Bible have more power than quran amen
Quran is not from GOD, then how can it have power
The Bible is supernational, 🙏! 🤍🤍🤍
@@pramodjohn9032So true
The Visa preacher is desperate . because Islam is progress.
That teatowel on his head is blocking the truth to enter.
@@usamanyusoff1763LOL! islam is progress?! that’s hilarious. Y’all can’t even show where muhammad is prophesied. You claim it’s an abrahamic faith that is a continuation yet it contradicts thousands of years of the entire abrahamic faith and muhammad isn’t prophesied. All other prophets in the faith are. suddenly you get to muhammad who contradicts everything and it’s simply “trust me bro!”So considering muhammad said he was explicitly mentioned in the bible and the torah but isn’t, that means he made it up and you guys started following a man based off “trust me bro”
@@usamanyusoff1763Your kidding right.
@@usamanyusoff1763 The cult islam is backward nonsense
siraj is mad bringing judgement day sign
Muslims don't know Quran
Siraj must get a dream frim the holy spirit. In order to change his belief..
Yes its translated in many languages
No false prophet can split the moon ,GOD SHALL NEVER ALLOW THAT ,The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. 2 THESSALONISIANS 2 : 9
Isaiah 53: talks about the crucifixion of Jesus. V5; But He was wounded for our transgressions... Micah 5:2; talks about the birth place of Jesus, Bethlehem. Isaiah 7:14; talks about the birth of Jesus Christ from a virgin, who happened to be Mary. The NT is consistent with the OT, Amen 🙏
Quran says Jesus is a prophet and here Siraj try to make him false prophet. He nither knows quran nor able to prove his faith.
But strong without shame.
why we waste time with siraj???
Why continue to cast your pearls before the swine...when God says not to?🤔
Day in bible begin at sunset to sunset as one day. Jesus's crucifixion count Friday as one day, then Saturday and Sunday equal to three days.
Siraj should go back to school and learn about the difference between similarities and congruent in order to understand what our Lord Jesus said about his death and three days.
"Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied".
John 14:8.
“I and the Father are one” is a statement made by Jesus in the Bible, in John 10:30. It is a declaration of the 'Trinity', which is the idea that God is 'One Being' made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
“Before Abraham was, I am” is a statement made by Jesus in the Bible, John 8:58. It is interpreted as Jesus is the God of Abraham.
The above verses explain the following verses:
“I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” is a phrase from the Bible that appears in Matthew 22:31, Luke 20:37band Exodus 3:15.
He also said, "I am the God of the 'living' not the 'dead' to emphasize that they have been resurrected from the dead, and to make it know that GOD - YHWH - I AM - JESUS is a God of the "sinless as well as sinners", because all three of the above sinned against Him before reincarnation in human nature on earth, however they repented for their sins and truly believed in Him !
Jesus often used the title "I AM" to identify himself with the voice from the burning bush as the voice of GOD - YHWH - I AM.
Luke 9:30-36
Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. At the time of the Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah were communing with Jesus. Moses 'sinned' against Jesus many times when He disobeyed His commands, however Elijah was 'sinless'.
The above verses all conclude that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Elijah had encountered GOD - YHWH - I AM - JESUS, during their time, before His reincarnation in human nature on earth.
And since He is - “The way, the truth, and the life” - John 14:6, the five mentioned above were already in heaven and not purgatory, during Jesus' time on earth in human nature, although four of them 'sinned' against Him, with the exception of Elijah, because, they truly believed in God - YHWH - I AM - JESUS.
And this is also for other biblical characters mentioned in the Bible who had an encounter with GOD - YHWH - I AM - JESUS, and truly believed in Him ! Some sinned against Him and some were sinless like - Agabus, Amos, Anna the Prophetess, Apostle Barnabas, Daniel, Elijah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Huldah the Prophetess, Jeremiah, Joseph, Joel, Joshua, John of Patmos, Malachi, Manahen, Nathan, Obadiah, Oded, Philip the Evangelist, Simeon, Silas..........
So also, anyone be it Christian or Non-Christian, if they truly believe in God -the Creator, are not attached to worldly pursuits, are righteous, humble and repent, even if it's in the last hour or last breath, will also merit heaven. However, why wait for the transformation of heart, begin early and fill onself with the 'Wisdom of God' at the earliest ! No one knows the day or the hour of passing from here !
All believers, even if they sin, will go to heaven, if they 'repent and believe' in God, but of course after doing their time and punishment, as appropriately decided by God in purgatory.
However, the same doesn't apply for atheists and antichrists though, as they deny God, and choose a 'permanent separation' from Him, unless of course they too repent and believe in Him !
Jesus (Isa) our 'Redeemer' and our 'Saviour' is mentioned 108 times in the 'Holy Quran' and 187 times indirectly as the 'Messiah' (al-Masih) !
Isaiah prophecied about Jesus...that is old testament..isaih 58
Muslim siraj ought not to come in the debate because he's not a serious man; he's already confused before debate. I am very sorry. This is how most Muslims do. They are always turning away to the question. They really need to learn how to debate respectfully. Siraj is so shameful.
Torah was written 8000 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'.
Vedas was written 3,500 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'.
Bible was written 3421 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'.
Quran was written 1379 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'.
Siraz is paid US$ 1000.00 for every disruption. How rich is Siraz or every disruption. So in other words he is the richest Dawah atspeakets corner. So that is is profession for disruption, now you can understand.
Nothing supernatural or super and natural at all 😂
Quran and Hadith state Muhammad was a sinner and asked for forgiveness from Allah many times.
If Muhammad were so pure and innocent, why would Allah be tormenting him in the grave? Muhammad was aware of his sins, and thus, he prayed for forgiveness.
John 8:32 : “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
I love to see two theist arguing!!
The Qur'an says that Jesus showed signs that He is the Creator right from infancy !
And the Bible says that Jesus manifested His 'Divinity', when at age 30, and after his earthly father St. Joseph passed away from this world, at His mother's request He turned the water into wine, which was his first miracle for the sake of humans, although He hadn't begun his ministry, but did so, due to obedience to His Mother !
The Qur'an says that Jesus created a bird from clay by breathing life into it, below are verses that clearly show Jesus' Divinity (The Word - The Son who created the world) :
Sura 5:110
Jesus is said to have created clay birds and brought them to life by breathing on them.
Sura 3:43-49
The Qur'an mentions the miracle of Jesus creating birds from clay and breathing life into them.
The Qur'an also says that blowing or breathing on something is a means of creation, as in Sura 38:72, where Allah brings man to life by blowing his rūḥ into him.
The Qur'an also mentions other miracles of Jesus, including: Speaking from the cradle, Healing the blind and the lepers, and Raising people from the dead.
The Bible too speaks about all His miracles plus His teachings !
The above verses confirms that Jesus is the God of Creation and Son of our Heavenly Father ! And He and the Father are One because they are spiritual beings not human with a physical and mortal body like us ! They can abide in each other and work separately too, but with a common goal to save all of humanity ! Which is why the 'divine sacrifice' was planned to pay the price for the salvation of all humans who believe in Him, His crucifixion and resurrection proved that He is a 'Living God' - the God of creation, the 'I am' of Moses, Isaac and Jacob, and that He and the Father are one in spiritual form !
So Mother Mary had to be an 'Immaculate Conception (created by God)', because the vessel that would carry Him, who is God, had to be 'pure and holy' without the 'original sin' in her to pass to Him. If He was born of a father and mother, He would carry the stain of the original sin - which brought the seven deadly sins - wrath, sloth, lust, greed, gluttony, envy and pride to the world, due to the disobedience of Adam and Eve.
God our Father is so merciful towards us mortals, that He sent His only Begotten Son to this 'sinful and fallen' world, to be the bridge back to Him from where we came. His teachings will take us to the Father without which we are all doomed ! Because He without 'original sin' was crucified by the Jews, which was prophesied by several prophets before His arrival on earth, the last prophet being 'John the Baptist' (who was Elijah in a second life on earth), sent to be His forerunner. After which no prophet or teacher would be required !
The Rigveda (Hindu scriptures) too written 3500 years back, 1500 years before the Bible and 1000 years before the Qur'an states in detail in several verses, that He is the Supreme Being's (God) Son, who would be sent on earth as a 'Divine Sacrifice' to save all of us from eternal damnation. No other Hindu God or teacher or prophet died in the manner that is depicted in the Rigveda in the history of Hinduism. The same is written in the Bible which also includes His teachings which we have to follow to go back to His Father and our Father, because through the Son, we become heirs - sons & daughters of God !
"The Qur'an says that Jesus is the 'Word', the Truth, the 'Way to Allah' (God) and the 'Redeemer of all' !"
Surah Ali-Imran; 3:45
Remember when the angels proclaimed, “O Mary! Allah gives you good news of a Word from Him, his name will be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary; honoured in this world and the Hereafter, and he will be one of those nearest to Allah.
Note: The Holy Qur'an says Jesus will be one of those 'nearest' to Allah ! No mere prophet on earth who is human can profit a place next to Allah who is the 'Almighty, Powerful and Holy God' !
How can someone who is 'unholy' be next to Allah who is 'Holy' and 'Just' ! Which confirms that Jesus is 'Holy and Righteous' !
The 'disbelievers' (the Jews) who assumed he did blasphemy for which the only penalty in those times in Israel was 'death' ! Jesus was sent in flesh and blood so he couldn't have escaped the inevitable ! As what would be his purpose on earth if he would save himself and let a fallen world die without an example to follow of the 'Will of Allah' even to the point of death, and which would eventually result in our own resurrection when we follow him and his teachings !
And since the Romans were ruling Israel it had to be 'death on the cross', which was their way of putting people to death in those times !
Surah Ali-Imran; 3:52
When Jesus sensed disbelief from his people, he asked, “Who will stand up with me for Allah?” The disciples replied, “We will stand up for Allah. We believe in Allah, so bear witness that we have submitted.”
Note: The Holy Qur'an states that Jesus only did the 'Will of Allah' not his will ! And the ones that believed in him submitted to him ! And among the twelve, eleven of them died a bitter death as a result of hearing testimony to him !
Surah an-nisa 171
O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allāh except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allāh and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allāh and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allāh is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allāh as Disposer of affairs.
Note: The Qur'an states Jesus is the 'Word' of God ! The Word that became flesh through the Virgin Mary, and dwelt upon us !
Which concludes that if Jesus is Allah's 'Word' then he is also the 'truth', the 'light' and the 'way' back to Allah ! Because Allah's Word is Allah's Word and nothing on earth can change the gospel truth !
Surah Al-Ma’idah; 5:110
And on Judgment Day Allah will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary! Remember My favour upon you and your mother: how I supported you with the holy spirit so you spoke to people in ˹your˺ infancy and adulthood. How I taught you writing, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel. How you moulded a bird from clay-by My Will-and breathed into it and it became a real bird-by My Will. How you healed the blind and the lepers-by My Will. How you brought the dead to life-by My Will. How I prevented the Children of Israel from harming you when you came to them with clear proofs and the disbelievers among them said, “This is nothing but pure magic.”
Note: The Holy Qur'an states that on 'Judgement Day', Allah will speak with Jesus about his favor on him and his virgin mother Mary. How he supported him with the 'Holy Spirit' (singular and the third person in the 'Holy Trinity').
And how he was taught writing, wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel. And how he moulded a bird and breathed life into it, healed people and even raised them up from the dead ('resuscitation' on earth not 'resurrection' in heaven').
Surah Maryam; 19:30-34
26. Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet. He has made me a blessing wherever I go, and bid me to establish prayer and give alms-tax as long as I live, and to be kind to my mother. He has not made me arrogant or defiant. Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” That is Jesus, son of Mary. And this is a word of truth, about which they dispute.
Note: The Holy Qur'an states that Jesus will be resurrected ! Hence the 'Resurrection' of himself is true ! It also states that Jesus did the will of Allah to the point of death with his holiness and righteousness!
Surah Al-Imran Ayat 55
God said, 'Jesus, I will take you back and raise you up to Me: I will purify you of the disbelievers. To the Day of Resurrection I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieved. Then you will all return to Me and I will judge between you regarding your differences.
Note: The Holy Qur'an says that Jesus will be 'resurrected' (only after death can one be resurrected). Because resurrection only happens in heaven ! It also says that Allah will make those who 'follow' Jesus superior to those who disbelieve (the Jews).
Surah An-Nisa; 4:159
Every one of the People of the Book will definitely believe in him before his death. And on the Day of Judgment Jesus will be a witness against them.
Conclusion: Everyone of the People of the Book (Word of God) will believe in him before his/her death (which confirms he died on earth only to be raised up again in heaven. Because we are in human form on earth and if and when we make it to Allah and heaven, we will be in spirit form and not in body and flesh.
And on 'Judgement Day', Jesus will be a witness against the people who follow the people of the book (Holy Bible or the Holy Qur'an). Which means our judgement for our life and deeds on earth and our redemption (resurrection) will be done by Jesus as Allah says ! The ones who are 'Holy and Righteous' and who believe in the 'Word of God' (Jesus)' will go to heaven and the others will go to the other side where there's an eternal fire !
Jesus the Word of God's teachings are in both the Holy Books). However the Jews disbelieved him and assumed he committed blasphemy.
And the penalty for blasphemy as all know in those times in Israel was 'death'. And since the Jews were ruled by Romans it would be no other way but by the cross ! The Roman way of execution !
The Holy Bible as well as the Holy Qur'an mentions about the 'disbelievers' in the Word of God !
The miracle about pharaoh's body is a part of living miracles from the last testament Quran, unfortunately the miracles done by Allah's permission for Jesus Christ pbuh ( ACT 2:22) NONE CAN BE SEEN IN THE WORLD TODAY ! !!
What is the greatest FEAR of every human ? But of course, it is, the fear of DEATH !
We were 'created' by God to be 'immortal', but the devil deceived the first humans and plunged them into 'sin' and brought 'death', no more to be 'immortals' ! And they, him and his army of dark angels were 'exiled' on earth !
Jesus came in 'human' form to this 'fallen world' (our exile) to teach us how to conquer 'death' and have 'victory' over the devil !
By his 'Crucifixion' and 'Resurrection', He showed the world He is a 'Living God'. And all who 'truly believe in Him' and follow his 'Way' (His teachings) will be saved (resurrection - immortality in the after life) not to be confused with resuscitation or multiple lives as some believe which would eventually lead to a mortal death !
No one can go back to the 'God' without going through the 'Son' ! He is the 'Way', the 'Truth' and the 'Life' ! And every knee shall bow and tongue confess that he is Lord !
Instead, Allah raised him (Prophet Isa) up to the “heavens”, both his body and soul, where he now resides, alive in the “heavens” at Second Level of Sky [Surah Aan-Nisa 4:157-158] whereas Christians Jesus was resurrected from the dead and ascended to “Heaven” and is true one and only God in Heaven [Christians Jesus said God and I are one (John10:30).
[Note: Difference between “Heavens” and “Heaven”: “Heavens or Cosmos or Universe” is a created Heavenly Realm (Genesis 1:1and Surah Al-Mulk 67:3), whereas Heaven is an uncreated Spiritual Realm that exists beyond the human comprehension of “Heavens or Universe or Cosmos”]
Name any 'One Religious Figure' that appears in any 'Holy Book' of more than one religion ?
The only name that comes up is the name of 'JESUS' !
He is mentioned as 'Yeshua' in the Torah.
He is mentioned as 'Yeesha Masih' in the Vedas.
He is mentioned as 'Jesus' in the Bible.
He is mentioned as 'Al-Masih' or 'Isa' in the Quran.
And all the above speak about the nature of the person as firstly, born without 'Original Sin' which passed on from the first humans. Which means He couldn't have sinned, neither bodily or by thoughts ! And secondly, He showed several 'signs', that He is the Creator. He even raised people from the dead besides healing others. Only a God can give life or take life, no mortal has that authority.
Only an 'Immortal' cannot sin all other mortals sin, if not by body, than by mind. If there was even one human who was 'sinless', He would not have to be sent on earth to 'save and redeem' all of humanity ! He came not to condemn the world but to save it !
In all the above religions, it is mentioned, that He will judge and redeem (only a God can have the authority to Judge and Redeem not a mortal) all of humanity, because, when He came in 'human form', He was tested in every possible way by the devil and still abstained from sin, even to the point of Crucifixion ! In this way He gave us Himself, as an example to follow. And by His Resurrection, He showed the entire world, that He is the 'Living God' and our 'Creator' !
The actual reason He had to come on earth as a mortal, is because He truly understands, we as humans, have our 'shortcomings and failings' !
John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 10:30
“I and the Father are one”.
Quran is bible till they brought trinity in it which is a false doctrine
Right Quran is copy-paste
quran that's from the 👹
Ooooo nooo mad cow worpshiper to man worpshiper
Jesus is the bridge between God and man, without him there is no reconciliation.
Jesus is the bridge between God and man, without him there is no reconciliation.
Jesus is the bridge between God and man, without him there is no reconciliation.
🫏🫏🫏🫏🫏🫏🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈Siraj nothing just a noise
just want to ask, if jesus is god, why does god have to go through the birth process? Why does God have to be a baby and go through childhood? if jesus is god and wants to come down to earth, why doesn't jesus incarnate directly as an adult?? one more, where is the verse in the bible, where Jesus says 'I am God' & 'worship me'???
The quran is perfectly clear but you ignore the evidence.
@@truthisthevictory9278yeah so taping kids is right
@@truthisthevictory9278😂😂😂😂😂 discusting
Only God knows
@@truthisthevictory9278 Alif Lam Mim, can you please tell me what this means
Torah was written 8000 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'.
Vedas was written 3,500 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'.
Bible was written 3421 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'.
Quran was written 1379 years ago. Has prophecies of 'Jesus the Messiah'.
Name any 'One Religious Figure' that appears in any 'Holy Book' of more than one religion ?
The only name that comes up is the name of 'JESUS' !
He is mentioned as 'Yeshua' in the Torah.
He is mentioned as 'Yeesha Masih' in the Vedas.
He is mentioned as 'Jesus' in the Bible.
He is mentioned as 'Al-Masih' or 'Isa' in the Quran.
And all the above speak about the nature of the person as firstly, born without 'Original Sin' which passed on from the first humans. Which means He couldn't have sinned, neither bodily or by thoughts ! And secondly, He showed several 'signs', that He is the Creator. He even raised people from the dead besides healing others. Only a God can give life or take life, no mortal has that authority.
Only an 'Immortal' cannot sin all other mortals sin, if not by body, than by mind. If there was even one human who was 'sinless', He would not have to be sent on earth to 'save and redeem' all of humanity ! He came not to condemn the world but to save it !
In all the above religions, it is mentioned, that He will judge and redeem (only a God can have the authority to Judge and Redeem not a mortal) all of humanity, because, when He came in 'human form', He was tested in every possible way by the devil and still abstained from sin, even to the point of Crucifixion ! In this way He gave us Himself, as an example to follow. And by His Resurrection, He showed the entire world, that He is the 'Living God' and our 'Creator' !
The actual reason He had to come on earth as a mortal, is because He truly understands, we as humans, have our 'shortcomings and failings' !
John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 10:30
“I and the Father are one”.