Navigating the Storm in the Church Today (Guest: Fr. Gerald Murray)

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024


  • @frmorganwhite3054
    @frmorganwhite3054 2 роки тому

    Father, thank you a million times for your fidelity, clarity and profound love for Christ and His Church. Your current interviews and fantastic book demonstrate a sane and sure path in this era of profound confusion and open rebellion against Catholic Faith so clearly proposed in the Second Vatican Council and its clear presentation in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is plain, obvious and tragic that many clerics, prelates and religious are in open dissent against this doctrine, written and codified as Catholic teaching must be. I am 48 years old, began formation for the priesthood at the age of 17, attended four seminaries and Catholic universities, have been ordained for twenty years and still amazed at how many of my brother priests have never studied the documents, Catechism and the liturgical books of the Roman Rite. Its mind-blowing that this is the case. Let us continue in prayer for each other....Father I agree with you 100 percent

  • @bettypang4971
    @bettypang4971 2 роки тому +6

    Thank you so much for such a pointed inquiries. And many thanks and kind regards to Fr. Murray. I guess now Fr. Murray is a new name to my list to pray by name for priests. May God richly blessed you both and may Our Blessed Mother protect you. 🙏

  • @barbarafirich9400
    @barbarafirich9400 2 роки тому +2

    Fr Murray, you have given me a way to see through the confusion in our Church and handle the blatant heresy by our own clergy. It is discouraging but I will not leave the Church. God bless our holy clergy who will continue to lead us in true doctrine.

  • @bhas3373
    @bhas3373 2 роки тому +6

    Amen Fr. We are thirsty for the reverence.

  • @phylliscory2105
    @phylliscory2105 2 роки тому

    An excellent conversation. Thank you both.

  • @tedmaloney2092
    @tedmaloney2092 2 роки тому +3

    1., 2., and 3. Amen! Hoping one day to see Fr. Murray as a Bishop/Cardinal

  • @sheri6089
    @sheri6089 2 роки тому

    I really agree with Fr. that ad orientem worship, receiving Eucharist kneeling and receiving Communion on the tongue are the three most important things to put God as the reason for worship!!!!

  • @mikeryan3701
    @mikeryan3701 2 роки тому +2

    I was 18 when the Second Vatican Council came to an end and I agree with what Eric says about expectations. Lots of people were expecting all sorts of things to change. I remember being at a Catholic conference in 1968 and when it came to Communion during the Mass, a plate was passed round the congregation. On the plate were the consecrated hosts. Each person took one of the hosts and passed the plate onto the next person. And then, all of a sudden, the experimentation came to an end with the introduction of the new Missal. Or was supposed to end. I think there are people now in their 70s and 80s who are still living in the 1960s and feeling nostalgic about those times of experimentation.

    • @M5guitar1
      @M5guitar1 2 роки тому

      I was born in 1960 and seeing the destrucion in the late 60s and early 70s sickens me to this day. I detest all of the changes due the demonic so called spirit of Vatican II.

  • @grahamcombs4752
    @grahamcombs4752 2 роки тому

    I don't know if you read the Houses of Worship column in the WSJ every week. A recent essay was about shared parishes or communities (Catholics would call them cluster parishes) and, I"m not kidding, the importance of relevance. A woman wrote a letter in response and said what I suspect many of us thought as we read the piece. She wasn't Catholic, but she essentially described her family's difficulty in finding a reverent church after they moved to another city. I grew up primarily in Detroit and as an adult convert had one heck of a time finding one. I eventually came across the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Grotto) Church. As Mr. Sammons is aware, we know what happened to my beloved pastor there. I do what I have been doing for months: praying for a Shepherd. And as a woman wrote in a single-sentence letter to the Journal, "We miss our German Shepherd." That is, Benedict XVI who wrote that famous essay in 1958, THE NEW PAGANISM IN THE CHURCH. Paganism is all about NOW. And as a former bookseller I can attest to the popularity of the "metaphysical" section involving witchcraft and other rituals. The young eat them up. The Barnes & Noble where I worked also sold games including Quija Boards. I don't want a relevant priest, but I do want one that has situational awareness. I sometimes think they are willfully ignorant.

  • @M5guitar1
    @M5guitar1 2 роки тому

    The lack of a reverent liturgy is a major problem. The Novus Ordo is not in conformance to the letter of Sacrosanctum Concilium and I will probably not live to see it replaced. I agree with 1, 2, 3.

  • @mpasaa
    @mpasaa 2 роки тому +2

    The sad part that Bishops, the courageous ones, don't get is that the faithful Catholics WILL BACK THEM UP if they are willing to be the first to speak up. BUT we cannot help if they remain silent or refuse to stand up to sinful policies and laws and public figures. Laity CANNOT FIX THE CHURCH!! We have no authority in the church OR by GOD HIMSELF to be the public voice for the church overstepping our roles and going over the Bishops....the BISHOPS MUST BE THE SHEPHERDS!!!!

  • @billschrader5139
    @billschrader5139 2 роки тому

    Communion on the tongue, kneeling and Mass celebration Ad Orientum. Nearly all diocese in the US restricts nearly all these actions especially AO

  • @coffeebreaktheology2634
    @coffeebreaktheology2634 2 роки тому

    Should the book more correctly say Roman Catholic Church and Society?

  • @frankamico746
    @frankamico746 2 роки тому +1

    Fr. Murray is a great priest and I have a lot of respect for him. In my opinion he is not quite right when it comes to VII. It seems to me VII was infiltrated by the mondernists. He should just accept that's what happened. He's ALMOST there!

  • @rhwinner
    @rhwinner 2 роки тому

    Perhaps if the Pope were more aware of the hurt and pain he is causing so many faithful Catholics, he would have more empathy for their opinion, and be less divisive in his pronouncements?

  • @oliverclark5604
    @oliverclark5604 2 роки тому

    Fr Murray purports to presume to believe that holy virginity surpasses marriage in excellence based on as reported an "opinion not given by God" of St Paul in 1 Cor 7:25-34 as taught by the roman catholic role group in SV, 1954, 24 supported by Vatican Council 11 Decree on the training of Priests, OT, 1965, 10 and "Declaration on Christian Education", GE, 1965, 3: "... those others to whom the parents entrust some share in their duty to educate..."; and subsequent church teaching and exhortations: e.g. FC, 1981, 16; TTMHS, PCF, 1995, 35 and particularly VC, 1996, 62 of Pope St John Paul 11 not recognising the consecrated married as in the same "category" as the consecrated celibates. All the other problems he covers stem from those: "... who give scandal ... may even draw his brother into spiritual death" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2284), by support of this purported presumed belief in "higher vocation" of the consecrated celibates to that of male and female valid and proper family members of valid and proper marriage and which support is for tax embezzlement and insurance fraud for the economic advantage of the families of "familyist" persons in families by their grooming psychologically and or emotionally vulnerable family members with this hidden as occult, incest connected as substitute mate non-economic status of "higher vocation" inducement. Oliver Clark for the trustees of the Job's Trust Disability Trust, valid and proper family members of valid and proper marriages collecting and administering compensation for injury to the victims of this giving scandal, E., in my role as a catechist of roman catholic religion in the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia acting under written direction of the Pope's Council for the Laity letter to the Brisbane catholic archdiocese role group parish of Kenmore, addressing me, dated 28 September 1994.