The MCP Supports Russia Against NATO-backed Fascist Ukraine

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • A very important video for all comrades to watch. Thank you to comrade Abien for narrating with haste for us.
    May God bless you, and the powerful intercession of the Virgin Mary bring forth many graces in your life!


  • @acey1337
    @acey1337 2 роки тому +10

    President Putin said:
    _‘Many people now fear the United States, but neither I (nor the Russian people) subscribe to this fear. My view is that the ridiculous little US lap-dogs make lots of noise, but they lack the ability to back it up. When US leaders with no dignity or virtue are elected into office, the US is sullied as a nation. This debilitating internal process weakens the US on the external international stage. The US would do well to study the virtuous thinking of Mao Zedong, as he gave China her dignity back. In fact, under the expert leadership of Mao Zedong, the Chinese people were able to ‘stand-up’! It is through the work of Mao Zedong that I learned to counter US hegemony in the world. Just as Mao Zedong stood-up to the tyrannical West, I too have stood up to the tyrannical West. Just as Mao Zedong is vilified by the tyrannical West, I too am vilified by the tyrannical West. This is why I can state with absolute certainty that Mao Zedong is my hero and role model.’_
    President Putin: Quoted from the article entitled ‘Beyond Putin: Studying Mao Zedong is the Unavoidable Mission of Contemporary Chinese Leaders’ (超越普京,学习毛泽东,是中国当代领袖不容回避的使命)

  • @user-yh8ru2ii3h
    @user-yh8ru2ii3h 2 роки тому +18

    Down with the comprador, bureaucratic, capitalist government of Ukraine,Down with the new Russian imperialist government, and the proletarians should not work for these two capitalist governments.

  • @soulplexis
    @soulplexis 2 роки тому +12

    Russia meets Lenin's criteria for imperialism, i dont know why anyone would support them just because they're against the US/nato

  • @VivusVv
    @VivusVv 2 роки тому +7

    Difinitely support you ,comrade!

  • @kaktusmensch6243
    @kaktusmensch6243 2 роки тому +22

    Supporting one imperialist government against another is not a Marxist-Leninist position! We communists must oppose any imperialist aggression, both against NATO and against Russia. We must mobilize the working class of all countries in the anti-imperialist struggle. Anyone who supports one side in an inter-imperialist power struggle makes the same mistakes as the Second International did in 1914 and is not a communist but an opportunist!

    • @kaktusmensch6243
      @kaktusmensch6243 2 роки тому +13

      @@MCP-MZT Russia fulfills all five characteristics of imperialism identified by Lenin. He was also a staunch opponent of any support for imperialist regimes. But you obviously don't seem to care about Lenin. The so-called "Three Worlds Theory" was developed by Deng Xiaoping to justify his betrayal of socialism. And apart from that: "soy take", what's the point of something like that? Are you only ten years old mentally?

    • @ligero1238
      @ligero1238 2 роки тому +1

      @@MCP-MZT Objectively, Russians and Ukrainians are being sent to kill themselves for the profits of the Western and Russian capitalist monopolies

    • @ligero1238
      @ligero1238 2 роки тому +2

      @@MCP-MZT This is however the case
      Imperialism is bad, whether it is Yankee or Russian
      I posted a comment with the article on the war in Ukraine of the Russian Communist Workers' Party
      I don't see it anymore, if you deleted it, it's useless to digest more
      I think it's disgusting that proclaimed Marxist-Leninist are supporters of an imperialist war, it's kautkism

    • @ligero1238
      @ligero1238 2 роки тому

      @@MCP-MZT China is not socialist, it is an ultra-revisionist regime and China is anyway also for peace and negotiations
      Russia also has its fascists like the Wagner society and its Russian and Serbian fascist volunteers
      With Putin's statements that the Ukrainian Nation is a Bolshevik creation and that the real "decommunization" is Ukraine to Russia, one can see very clearly that the Russian imperialists want Ukraine, that the protection of Donbass and its pseudo-antifascism are only pretexts
      What can we do? We can adopt the Leninist position.
      Peace between nations, war between classes
      The imperialist war in Ukraine will have disastrous international economic consequences for the proletarians and the middle class in the West and in Russia, it shows that the peoples of the world pay for the imperialists and their governments, that the war is not in our class interest but on the contrary, it is an unjust war

    • @ligero1238
      @ligero1238 2 роки тому

      the discourse on the Chinese case is still full of idealism with a kind of social-facist cult to Xi Jinping
      China is an emerging social-imperialism, therefore far from the "anti-imperialist center", it is a center of a new imperialism which supports anti-communists against anti-imperialist, democratic and socialist revolutions in order to carry out its plans, just like Western imperialism, and it has been capitalist since the arrival in power of the revisionists of the right wing of the CCP, led by Deng Xiaoping in 1976
      a socialist country is a dictatorship of the proletariat with collectivized and planned means of production for the common good
      China is just a state corporatism, resembling the corporatist economy of the Italian fascist regime or the German Nazi regime (their economy was ordered in a social and national development too, it is not socialism)
      the discourse on Putin's case excuses his anti-communism and anti-Sovietism "let's see, he's only joking" no Russian imperialism is not a joke

  • @kojimavalentina
    @kojimavalentina 2 роки тому +4

    Always with comunist Party and of course i'll Support Russia forev

  • @AndrewMZT
    @AndrewMZT 2 роки тому +7

    Stand with Russia until the end!

  • @javasparrow1482
    @javasparrow1482 2 роки тому +1


    • @javasparrow1482
      @javasparrow1482 Рік тому

      @Beyond Error 是的,謝謝同志的關心,這次二十大我挺滿意的,自我革命還有鬥爭都開封了,我是真喜歡老大😂

  • @jfk4589
    @jfk4589 Рік тому +2

    Bro is against US imperialism but supports Russian imperialism 😂. If you hate either of them, you should also hate the other, end of debate.

    • @MCP-MZT
      @MCP-MZT  8 місяців тому +2

      "Russian imperialism"

    • @user-39q49-0
      @user-39q49-0 2 місяці тому

      @@MCP-MZT Russian Imperialism? LMAO what is Syria, what is oligarchs and companies?
      Your not even a maoist, your a liar.

  • @theleninator5739
    @theleninator5739 Рік тому +1

    i stand against all nations

  • @user-pb8pv4ud6r
    @user-pb8pv4ud6r 2 роки тому

    Сам я из Республики Беларусь и поддерживаю Русскую армию в той войне. В целом интересный взгляд на проблему,но есть одна беда во всех этих рассуждениях: российская армия не показывает себя самой сильной в мире,более того,она нас,коммунистов, подставляет,вывешивая красные знамена на зданиях администрации. Если получится так,что Россия в этой войне проиграет, то все провокации и промахи будут записаны не только на русскую армию,но и на нас,на коммунистов. Наши враги любят при помощи рассуждений о "тоталитаризме" записывать на нас вину за 2МВ, такими же манипуляции они запишут на нас, например, Бучу.

  • @comradedude5824
    @comradedude5824 2 роки тому +2


  • @Surryprosciuttoconpiadina
    @Surryprosciuttoconpiadina 2 роки тому +2


  • @olentangyriver1191
    @olentangyriver1191 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks so much

  • @thischannelismoved4401
    @thischannelismoved4401 2 роки тому +2

    I love Russia! URA!

  • @redfront6707
    @redfront6707 Рік тому +1

    Hello, I agree with many things you say and I am even a subscriber but I wonder why you would support modern Russia, don’t get me wrong I have zero support for Ukraine or NATO but I have no support for Russia either, they are a Neo-Liberal capitalist society run by Oligarchs who only care about money, yes they may be against many western ideals but I would also consider them an enemy of Communism, even China said on behalf of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict that “the territorial integrity of every country should be respected” therefor not exactly declaring support for Russia, also the entire war is only fought to gain access to the oil and natural gas rich regions of Ukraine, so basically the only reason they fight is so that corporations can make more money exploiting the land, also furthermore Russian soldiers are extremely demoralized and lack supplies, now remember that I still agree with you on many things but please explain your support for modern Russian imperialism.

    • @redfront6707
      @redfront6707 Рік тому

      @@MCP-MZT I think that Russia is undeniably a Capitalist state, far more than China, because the difference is that China has policy that care about the well-being of their workers and farmers and the main goal of the CCP is not to only make money and satisfy the desires of corporations, but in Russia the working class people live in terrible conditions and Russia suffers severe poverty and inequality on both class and race problems, the Russian government under Putin works to ensure the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor, and Putin has even entertained the idea of removing Lenin from his mausoleum! The war and Putin himself has very little support by the Russian people, including Russian Communists and Communists in other countries and that’s because they see modern Russia for what it is, an unequal, far right dictatorship run by Putin and his rich Corporate friends, just because a country is anti western does no mean it is good, look at Iran as an example, it is a Islamic theocracy run by a dictator who has no care for the people and women, they hate America and the west just like me and you but the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend, we would be arrested in Iran if we expressed any interest in Communism.
      Also I am not saying that Russia has returned to its Pre-Soviet tsar system, of course it has not but if anything the old monarchy has more respect that the Soviet government in the eyes of Putin, he had the bones of Russias last monarch resumed and given a proper respectful burial and like I said earlier he wanted Lenin moved out of his mausoleum, and also since the fall of the USSR and now especially with the war the Russian economy has been absolutely terrible, there are constant shortages and the ruble is worth practically nothing and Putins government has done nothing to help other than making off brand fast food chains that have moldy food because all of the big chains have left and should not have ever been there in the first place.

    • @user-39q49-0
      @user-39q49-0 2 місяці тому +1

      I agreed. He won't respond the the true proletarian peoples. The real MCP is more accurate also, this MCP is not truly socialist, it follows the ideologues of Russia, where corporates rule and many suffer on the streets.

  • @qwqfeixiang5793
    @qwqfeixiang5793 2 роки тому +1
