every airport traffic cop

  • Опубліковано 20 гру 2024


  • @sekrailfan831
    @sekrailfan831 2 дні тому +762

    GPS “Go Park Somewhere Else”💀

  • @Bordu.911
    @Bordu.911 2 дні тому +490

    That rhyme was crazy fire 🔥

    • @TheXeroxAlto
      @TheXeroxAlto 2 дні тому +5

      "it's pop, lock, and drop it, not park, block and dock it!" is a masterpeice. i think i just got 207 bones

      @ONEPRIDELION День тому


  • @AnjanS-rp4qk
    @AnjanS-rp4qk 2 дні тому +296

    The traffic may not be moving, but the insults keep flowing !

  • @Josephine661
    @Josephine661 День тому +207

    “they should’ve pulled out” IS CRAZYYYY

  • @maxpatrickhaynes2194
    @maxpatrickhaynes2194 22 години тому +14

    “Not park, block and dock it” 🤣🤣🤣 this guy CRACKS ME UP!!! The *whole* damn vote video!!! Dude, when I see a new video of yours pop up in my feed, I stop watching whatever else, and *jump* to your videos!!! Immediately.

  • @robertswann3592
    @robertswann3592 2 дні тому +86

    Omg googoo gaga get outta here 😂😂😂

  • @GonzalezAddy
    @GonzalezAddy 2 дні тому +121

    We love Trevor as a airport traffic cop!!

  • @Duerda
    @Duerda 2 дні тому +43

    flipping the bird through the car window was a cinematic masterpiece

  • @TheRavenLord1
    @TheRavenLord1 2 дні тому +61

    Be like Ludacris and Roll Out!

  • @TheJerbol
    @TheJerbol 2 дні тому +35

    When he tosses the luggage through the air 😂

    • @fmontiel12
      @fmontiel12 День тому +1

      My wig went flying like that luggage 😂😂😂

  • @maxpatrickhaynes2194
    @maxpatrickhaynes2194 22 години тому +5

    Just watched this 3 times in a row. So, so damn funny. Great camera work, too. Greatness all the way around.

  • @Equipment_Guys
    @Equipment_Guys День тому +23

    I swear every time I go to the airport I get about 23 seconds before a traffic cop starts blowing his whistle at me. I’m a State Game Warden for many years now and these traffic cops have yelled at me more than my Sergeant ever did.

    • @Gravvvyyy
      @Gravvvyyy День тому +1

      Obviously you weren't using your GPS

    • @Equipment_Guys
      @Equipment_Guys День тому

      @@Gravvvyyy That’s right! 😂

    • @Lisa-Simpson-i3i
      @Lisa-Simpson-i3i День тому

      wtf is wrong with these dudes?! Every damn time I go to airport pickup, i've barely pulled up to the curb, like still rolling but they're already comin at me like that unstoppable psycho cop-bot from The Terminator.
      My bf has a bad knee & back issues, i try to pull in as close as i can to his exit door, but its always packed & gonna take him a couple minutes to get to the car rolling bags, & i need a minute to help him. These pencil-d!ck bastards are *always* up my ass as soon as i pull up!!
      Seriously is airport traffic duty used as a punishment for shitty cops? Like you get assigned to that after too many 'abuse of power' complaints filed against them!? Cant imagine how else they would ALL be like this.

  • @-LiL.KJ-
    @-LiL.KJ- 2 дні тому +88

    Bro is literally becoming a rapper

  • @Jaknasco1975
    @Jaknasco1975 2 дні тому +28


  • @DJ-ws6je
    @DJ-ws6je День тому +4

    Telling a baby to pull out is CRAAAZY work

  • @_itsme_922
    @_itsme_922 День тому +8

    Trevor NEEDS TO do this job

  • @bikerboy9411
    @bikerboy9411 2 дні тому +30

    Real ones know this is a re upload

  • @nikkim3050
    @nikkim3050 2 дні тому +31

    They are so angry, all the time 😂😂😂

  • @fatcat22able
    @fatcat22able День тому +14

    That flashlight flip was cleaaaaannnnn

  • @mohitsawlani1455
    @mohitsawlani1455 День тому +4

    4 years later...she was flirting with me.

  • @daraleek
    @daraleek 2 дні тому +5

    The creativity on this is top notch 🔥

  • @Holy.Hussle
    @Holy.Hussle День тому +2

    You can see trevor smiling and trying not to laugh when he says GPS😂

  • @OddSauce
    @OddSauce 11 годин тому +1

    The re-upload is craaaazy

  • @AnjanS-rp4qk
    @AnjanS-rp4qk 2 дні тому +9

    At that point, only the car was pulling out, it was too late for the parents! 😂

  • @AndreaDoesYoga
    @AndreaDoesYoga 5 годин тому

    ✈️ Great insight into the life of airport traffic cops! 👮‍♀️

  • @IamAudiHere
    @IamAudiHere День тому +1

    This is too funny and how Trevor almost broke a couple times lol

  • @floridaboii
    @floridaboii День тому +1

    this is classic
    Trevor slingin clever insults left & right

  • @AtticusPyfferoen
    @AtticusPyfferoen 2 дні тому +3

    I sent this to a real airport traffic cop and he loved it

  • @jadsmvs8651
    @jadsmvs8651 День тому +1

    I was thinking about this one last night. Woke up this morning and it was in my feed.

  • @TheGuySheTellsYouNotToWorryAbt
    @TheGuySheTellsYouNotToWorryAbt День тому +1

    Trevor really wanted to repost an old video and thought we wouldn’t notice

  • @edwardbaker8016
    @edwardbaker8016 День тому +1

    This is Atlanta Airport all day and night

  • @LVHippie
    @LVHippie День тому +1

    This is Las Vegas airport cops sometimes 😂

  • @Oil_Barrel_1234
    @Oil_Barrel_1234 День тому +1

    The end was crazyy 💀

  • @laurenw.8178
    @laurenw.8178 2 дні тому +1

    One of the best TW videos 😂

  • @Crazy-e3y
    @Crazy-e3y День тому +1

    "In the words of ludacris" move beach ☠️☠️

  • @elihahn7894
    @elihahn7894 2 дні тому +3

    1 min dude i love this guy

  • @Trp6gng
    @Trp6gng 2 дні тому +1

    😂😂😂😂 bro is the goat too damn funny

  • @juic3g0d63
    @juic3g0d63 2 дні тому +2

    Goo goo ga ga get outta here!!!! 😂😂😂😂

  • @tfurious4
    @tfurious4 23 години тому

    I love how he broke briefly with the gps thing

  • @juicewrld-999fan
    @juicewrld-999fan 2 дні тому +2

    Bro did not understand she was flirting with him

  • @PumpkinJuiceee
    @PumpkinJuiceee 2 дні тому +4

    Dogs when you try to chill

  • @thegoldenbidoof
    @thegoldenbidoof 2 дні тому +4

    The Collab

  • @adalwolfhelthon749
    @adalwolfhelthon749 День тому +1

    This video is way too good 🤣

  • @IVJester
    @IVJester 2 дні тому +1

    This video is hilarious even the second time it’s posted.

  • @RikuTheMultimaker
    @RikuTheMultimaker 2 дні тому +3

    We reposting With this one 🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🗣️🔥🔥

  • @deegan_groves3473
    @deegan_groves3473 13 годин тому

    Shes so beautiful oh my god

  • @allthingsaddi
    @allthingsaddi 2 дні тому +2

    GPS Go Park Somewhere else bass me ROLLING

  • @CanJanosh9
    @CanJanosh9 День тому +1

    Re-upload, but my favourite one 😂

  • @Meow-meow143
    @Meow-meow143 15 годин тому

    “What do your parents and this car have in common? ☺️😊🥰They both should’ve pulled out😠😐”
    Is crazy.😭

    @MOPCOD День тому

    I can't wait for a Trevor
    Matt and Justin
    Adam w.
    Collab 😂😂😂 it would be fire 🔥🔥

  • @tylergreim7505
    @tylergreim7505 6 годин тому

    Traffic Trevor😂

  • @mightbefire
    @mightbefire День тому

    Pretty much the stress level of every one of them. I have no idea how they last more than a month doing this job

  • @bradparker716
    @bradparker716 День тому

    Once I was the only person at the airport at like 3AM trying to pick up my friend and the traffic Nazi still made me move

  • @Mebirduwine
    @Mebirduwine 2 дні тому +1

    from someone who had to recently pick someone up from LAX this is 100 correct, I had to loop back around, time it perfectly, then they threw the stuff in and we sorted it better at the gas station hahahahahha

  • @brooklananderson4142
    @brooklananderson4142 10 годин тому

    " this is harder then finding my wife g spot" 💀

  • @marcoslind237
    @marcoslind237 День тому

    This is so true I’ve been to airports like twice a year and tenía is how traffic control is

  • @ZiniSama
    @ZiniSama День тому

    An Addy 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @charlotteemily9998
    @charlotteemily9998 14 годин тому

    GPS is Genius

  • @Bbarbiexox
    @Bbarbiexox 2 дні тому +1

    This will be your experience at Bush Intercontinental Airport 😮

  • @TapTrapTap
    @TapTrapTap 17 годин тому

    Yeah I think this is one if the greats.

  • @LandyFortuin
    @LandyFortuin 2 дні тому

    Justus made a cameo 😅😅😅

  • @abi3673
    @abi3673 День тому

    This is Atlanta airport accurate

  • @LandyFortuin
    @LandyFortuin 2 дні тому

    Put it in the GPS 😂😂😂

  • @georgios_georgiou
    @georgios_georgiou 2 дні тому

    He ain’t &@ckin cutting corners for no one you gotta respect that 🫡

  • @LandyFortuin
    @LandyFortuin 2 дні тому +1

    They both should have pulled out is crazy 😢😢😢

  • @BrotherBozeman
    @BrotherBozeman День тому

    To be airport security you have to be on blow

  • @viklightfoot45
    @viklightfoot45 2 дні тому

    Quality content 😄

  • @jeovanniakinbaloye498
    @jeovanniakinbaloye498 6 годин тому

    What did the baby ever do to him 😂

  • @Pr0m3th3us86
    @Pr0m3th3us86 2 дні тому


  • @alleniverson4425
    @alleniverson4425 День тому

    This must be in Atlanta Airport. 😂

  • @JaneDoe-ip5yl
    @JaneDoe-ip5yl 2 дні тому

    Love it. take it up a notch hahaha

  • @vincetuscano
    @vincetuscano День тому

    GPS 😂

  • @heroman1322
    @heroman1322 День тому

    Peak content

  • @xxSeanVxx
    @xxSeanVxx День тому

    Goo Goo Ga Ga Get Outta Here

  • @williamlaws4510
    @williamlaws4510 4 години тому

    Trying to get my cousin and this lady one went up to the truck infront of me straight up screaming treating to give him a ticket

  • @GrimLord-69
    @GrimLord-69 День тому

    avg experience of the airport in the states

  • @TheELITE_Chicken
    @TheELITE_Chicken 2 дні тому

    Go park somewhere else
    Imma use that when I’m at work😂

  • @sarahnyhan
    @sarahnyhan День тому

    Lol! Sooooo accurate.

  • @cyizaElucidates
    @cyizaElucidates Годину тому

    Gu gu gaga Get out here....hhhh

  • @Earnhartlover42
    @Earnhartlover42 20 годин тому


  • @BeauBiden-em9sv
    @BeauBiden-em9sv День тому

    Im looking for an addy 🤣

  • @WoodStocko
    @WoodStocko 16 годин тому

    Real OGS know this is a reupload

  • @GreysonCook-y4c
    @GreysonCook-y4c 2 дні тому

    Was that the dude from matt&justus? 😂

  • @fabuluspotato9815
    @fabuluspotato9815 23 години тому

    Only homies know this is a repost

  • @LR5.
    @LR5. 23 години тому

    Repost is crazy

  • @Gmann2421
    @Gmann2421 21 годину тому

    Is this a repost

  • @MasterSifuYT
    @MasterSifuYT Годину тому

    Gu gu ga ga get outta here

  • @wesstewart1014
    @wesstewart1014 День тому

    real fans know this is a repost

  • @bilan0x
    @bilan0x 2 дні тому +1

    Old video but accepted nevertheless

  • @coolpro211
    @coolpro211 День тому

    Only real ones know this is a repost

  • @ElliottEspada
    @ElliottEspada День тому


  • @danielj3010
    @danielj3010 2 дні тому +1


  • @HazardBro2
    @HazardBro2 2 дні тому +1

    First in and like under 1sec bro dropped off lol😂

  • @Mustafa_08_
    @Mustafa_08_ 2 дні тому +1


  • @Yu-Gé-Mon
    @Yu-Gé-Mon День тому

    Goo goo gaagaa get out of here

  • @Makekervinen
    @Makekervinen 2 дні тому +4

    My guy tryna pay the bills he starting to repost💀💀

  • @Mrclips-d2n
    @Mrclips-d2n 2 дні тому


  • @TheGuySheTellsYouNotToWorryAbt
