Macanalea If you weren't one of the pledgers that got her new album early, I strongly suggest you get it when it comes out early next's beyond AMAZING! There is also a little over a week left to still pledge to the project to get advanced downloads and signed CD's plus a bunch of awesome other stuff.
Melisa Bernards can you please tell me where to go to do this? I need this new album - I listen to all the others through Spotify and own a couple of singles through iTunes but this is an artist that deserves support!
Macanalea If you go to and search her name you will see where you can click on the project for her 4th album. Make sure and look at all the options you can buy. Everything from handwritten lyrics to your favorite song of hers (that's what I got) to dresses she has worn at shows! Let me know if you can't find it.
I have a feeling I'm responsible for all the views on this video. Also this is my new favorite of hers.
Macanalea If you weren't one of the pledgers that got her new album early, I strongly suggest you get it when it comes out early next's beyond AMAZING! There is also a little over a week left to still pledge to the project to get advanced downloads and signed CD's plus a bunch of awesome other stuff.
Melisa Bernards can you please tell me where to go to do this? I need this new album - I listen to all the others through Spotify and own a couple of singles through iTunes but this is an artist that deserves support!
Macanalea If you go to and search her name you will see where you can click on the project for her 4th album. Make sure and look at all the options you can buy. Everything from handwritten lyrics to your favorite song of hers (that's what I got) to dresses she has worn at shows! Let me know if you can't find it.
Melisa Bernards found her thank you!
Macanalea Awesome!