Never say never maybe in the future the digital zoom technology is gonna be much more advanced so then we can even see mars with mobile phone like we see moon right now with p1000... Imagine in 300 years from now the technology humanity its gonna have...
I went out last night at 10:00 PM. Got home this morning at 7:00 AM. Was out in a state park taking sky pics with the P1000. I had a good time out in a very remote wildlife area. There is nothing like being alone in that type of environment. The P1000 is new to me and I always have issues with different cameras and new technology. It is a real challenge to maintain line of sight on a planet from the 24 to the 3000mm setting. I have a great respect for those who capture recognizable planet pictures.
3 роки тому+13
I have a P1000, bought on Dec 2019 in Sydney. I started shooting with Nikon's superzoom cameras in 2016 with the Coolpix P520, using it I started shooting the Moon and found it really cool. I 2018 I bought a Coolpix P900 and then I started photographing the gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn) I recommend the Coopix P1000 for those who like astrophotography and don't have a telescope.
Yes I recommended it as well. I have a Nikon P900 and will get the P1000 soon. I would rather have something digital (image, video) to share. I know the best budget is to get a telescope and a basic webcam but I'm not sacrificing 3,000 mm zoom, 4K video resolution of P1000 for a 640x480 webcam quality and a basic webcam for similar price...
Should just be comparing optical to optical as you can digitally zoom either in post-process. So appears to me from that comparison you get about 3x larger optical (non-degraded) image from the telescope. As pointed out, you can easily improve that to be 6x or even 9x by using a 2x or 3x Barlow, which will make the image dimmer but not degrade it (essentially an optical zoom). Since Mars is bright, you should be able to handle the dimming by increasing the ISO slightly on the camera. So, yeah - telescope wins for image quality. Just up to you to decide if it’s worth the extra cash. Although if you add up the price of a lower end Canon DSLR still capable of imaging very well plus this telescope and a Barlow, it’ll probably be the same as Nikon P1000 camera. So - yeah. If you want to image the planets and have $1000 or so, the telescope plus DSLR route is the way to go.
The only problem on Nikon's part is compression artifacts. I think you would get way better results using single shot (in raw if possible) instead of video
Telescope looks better here. Although smaller, it's a clearer image and more still. However, this is not the most perfect comparison when considering you see Mars via a screen zoomed digitally from the camera and an eyepiece for the telescope.
@@heavenof7777 It's easy to prove the Sun, the Moon, and Mars are not "local". It's because they _don't change size_ as they cross the night sky. C'mon flerfy dude, it's easy. Grab a pen and paper! Draw a Sun over a flat plane. If it moved over the flat plane, any observer on the ground would see it _changing size_ as it moves closer/farther away. That's right. Farther away, small. Closer, big. This holds for stars too, but because they don't have any "size", the reasoning is used on their angular distance in the sky. They move as a whole, completely rigidly through the night. No "stretching".
@@mmixlinus you haven't looked into flat earth enough. That's why you give this answer. Stars is not light-years apart. They would not be on the same spots in relation to each other year after year if they were. Some star is supposedly 4 light years from here and others is thousands, but their speed around the milkyway galaxy is coincidentally speeds that would make them look like they are stationary to each other from our view. Ever thought of that?
Jestem świeżo po obejrzeniu filmiku płaskoziemców, z ich nigdy nie zachodzącym słońcem krążącym nad zwrotnikami ziemskiego naleśnika i jeszcze mnie trzęsie ze śmiechu...Popatrz uważnie w teleskop a zobaczysz NOCĄ nasze słonko oświetlające drugą część spłaszczonej ziemi...
@@maladetts Znalazł się wyznawca...Popatrz na tor wędrówki Słońca za dnia, jest eliptyczny, zależny od pory roku a potem porównaj ten FAKT do schematu jaki wymyślili płaskoziemcy z krążącym świetlikiem. Ryczeć ze śmiechu to mało powiedziane.. Wasze Słońce nie zachodzi tylko przygasa wraz z odległością....Oświetla pół świata, a za chwilę jest kompletnie nie widoczne dla teleskopu, czy nawet dobrej lornetki? Atmosfera przysłania wielki świecący obiekt na niebie, który nawet w swym najdalszym położeniu w nocy jest tak niedaleko was?
@@maladetts Konkrety a nie puste banały...Właściciel tego kanału obserwuje teleskopem dalekie planety a nocą świetlistego wielkiego Słońca nie widać??? w waszym schemacie nawet w najdalszym punkcie swego obrotu jest gdzieś nad Hawajami, a to nie tak daleko jak planety... Puść wysoko drona, będziesz miał lepszy widok, tylko uważaj by nie rozbił się o słoneczną kulkę.
@@maladetts Uważaj na kopułę...nikt nie wie na jakiej wysokości zawieszona...a serio to ten wasz schemat krążącego świetlika zwanym Słońcem zasuwającego po okręgach płaskiej ziemi to naprawdę błazenada...Obejrzyj sobie i sto razy schemat płaskoziemców a może w końcu dotrze co to za brednie...porównaj odległości i zakres działania tego świecącego bączka .
@@maladetts Fakt niezaprzeczalny...Na płaskiej ziemi z każdego punktu z którego widać horyzont, MUSI BYĆ WIDOCZNY TAK ŚWIETLISTY OBIEKT NA NOCNYM NIEBIE jakim jest nawet to wasze mini słoneczko...Czekam na filmy dokumentujące to zjawisko...Inaczej nasza pisanina nie ma sensu, nikt nikogo nie przekona,..Żyj dalej w swoich urojeniach, masz prawo...Pozdrawiam i kończę ze swej strony.
Masz tendencje do bajkopisarstwa...Spójrz na Słońce... o każdej porze dnia , tak zaraz po wschodzie, jak i jego zachodzie MA TAKI SAM świadczy że Słońce jest wielką gwiazdą ale daleko od Ziemi.... W waszym płaskoziemskim schemacie dzień zaczynałby się od pojawienia małego świecącego piksela na niebie który wraz z upływem czasu i zbliżania się po okręgu stawałby się coraz to większy i większy aż do osiągnięcia swego maksymalnego rozmiaru w środku dnia...I od tego momentu wasze słońce musiałoby się stopniowo zmniejszać z upływającym czasem aż do całkowitego zniknięcia w mroku, a tak nie jest i doskonale o tym wiesz....SZACH MAT teorii płaskiej ziemi...
@@LShaver947 I was at a star party (Nova East) 3-4 years ago and they were going around with a tool to check collimation on the reflectors on the field. They adjusted several, but they said mine was too close to bother with (didn't think they could get it any closer than it was). It was about 12 years old at the time.
These telescopes are factory collimated, so you'll only have to make small adjustments every few days. It is really simple and because the changes you're making are so small, it'll only take like 2-4 minutes, even if you don't really know what you're doing just like I didn't
It is cool to compare Mars with a camera and a telescope. The camera can be zoomed in bigger, but it doesn't seem clear. A telescope is good because it is big and clear. However, it was amazing that the camera expanded to a size similar to that of a telescope. Thank you for sharing the video.
na verdade o telescopio nao tem tamanho, voce coloca o tamanho que voce quiser, pelo video deu para ver que o telescopio tem muito mais definição, entao ele aguentaria mais ampliação muito acima da p1000
Big difference if you ask me, digital zoom can just magnify but no details,just one big red planet that's about it.but with the optical zoom you can see color shade on the middle.
I dont know why but lately when I look at mars with my Celestron Nexstar Evolution 8 telescope it looks nothing like what this video is showing! Why is that? And most other nikon p1000 & p900 footage I see isn't like this either...I dont understand how they could look so different? And I know that mine are completely unedited...
@@eMBO_Gaming im talking about visual observation through the eyepiece only. I know i can use a dslr and filter out the light. But looking through the eyepieces only, it’s incredibly bright. Just looks like a light.
@@DavidShaneTrueCosmology It depends on how big focal length eyepiece you use, as higher magnification makes also the view dimmer. For me when viewing through a 6mm eyepiece in 8 inch dobsonian scope which gives 200x magnification it's already enough dim to watch surface details without using a filter, and when additionally using a 2x barlow lens which gives 400x you could even say that it's dark.
@@carloko08 Wow, really? The video is about using it for astronomy, not general purpose photography. It also costs 4 times as much as the telescope, can't handle dim deep space objects (just bright planets and the Moon), but yes, works great at a football game.
Cześć. W bardzo zły sposób. Aparat posadziłem na uniwersalnym adapterze w taki sposób, że obiektyw patrzył prosto w okular. To bardzo złe rozwiązanie, ale wtedy nie miałem innej możliwości. Ten adapter służy do podłączania aparatów kompaktowych do teleskopów, dostaniesz do np w
Don't use digital zoom. People who don't understand what digital zoom is / means, it doesn't increase resolution or quality, it's same as zooming in on a picture that you have already taken. This is why optical zoom is only way to go.
What happens if you use the p1000 to look through the telescope? I used to hold my phone up to a cheap telescope lens to take pictures, I'd imagine youd be able to zoom even further doing it with the p1000?
P1000 has an equivalent focal length max of 3000 That telescope has an optical focal length of 1200 These are different measures P1000's optical is 539mm, while the telescope with a small sensor can push over 20 000 equivalent
with the nikon p1000, I can see faraway objects, more clearly. I saw fishermen from far away, security guards, distant islands, and many more. But to zoom mars, I can not clear video
A telescope can definitely get some finer details, but it'll appear smaller. The camera got the planet bigger, but some details were hazy. I'd still go with telescope.
6 inch is actually a small scope, you can get few of those for one Nikon's price, and it already outperforms it exactly as expected. Instead of Nikon you can afford 12 inch dobsonian - 2 times bigger than this.
Witaj. Zainstaluj sobie (najlepiej na komputerze) program Stellarium. Dzięki niemu zobaczysz jakie planety i kiedy są widoczne na niebie. Program idealnie symuluje widok nieba na żywo i w każdym wybranym czasie. Stellariuum jest łatwy i intuicyjny w obsłudze, ale jakbyś miał problemy to na kanale AstroLife jest poradnik:
No. The P1000 is limited to the lens that is built on it. You can connect a DSLR camera to it, or a planetary camera which will give a much larger detailed view. The telescope has a larger lens and a longer focal length, so will have greater detail.
I am a beginner in astrophotography so I cannot help you well. As far as I know, Canon cameras are the best because they can be easily modified to take better astro photos. Try to get answers from UA-camrs like AstroBackyard or Chuck's Astrophotography. They know it best.
A czy dołożenie aparatu Nikon P1000 do takiego teleskopu mogłoby spowodować jakiekolwiek korzyści...? W sensie ja mam teleskop, a ktoś aparat, ten ktoś przychodzi, montujemy do teleskopu aparat i czy wspólnymi siłami uzyskamy jeszcze lepszy zoom, czy ograniczenie jednego urządzenia nie daje możliwości drugiemu na nic więcej...?
Digital zoom just turns it into a blob, lol. You'd get an even bigger picture of Mars if you took it out of focus with the P1000 as well. But it defeats the purpose and the definition of the word see.
Which one is more expensive the good thing about then p1000 is that it can take pics and record video without any other adapter and ,+the compatible camera
@@maladetts everyone has different story how they met. I will upload Q&A in next 2 weeks so if you are interested in you can watch to know answers for many questions. Usually people are talking in English if they are from two different countries. I am talking this language with Ana. But I am learning Romanian too. Have a great day 🙂
@@maladetts When Poland got invaded by the Germans in WWII there was a small migration of poles in north Romania..Moldova Bukovina..they never returned..few villages there with speaking Poles welcome!!
@@sanyijutuber2381 Completely false analogy. Why not read up on telescopes and the limitations of physics in regard to optics. Might save some silliness.
Telescope 🔭 shows more details of Mars like the dark patches in the equitorial area whereas the camera 📷 has a bit blurry image with not much detail... Still the camera performed better than I expected...
But why do you compare digital zoom in Nikon with no-digital zoom in telescope? You can anytime do digital zoom with your telescope camera or software. My point is that: there is so point to compare digital zoom in any case.
...we can never compare a quality telescope to a camera 👍 ...but as details p1000 does its ,,job,,💖
Never say never maybe in the future the digital zoom technology is gonna be much more advanced so then we can even see mars with mobile phone like we see moon right now with p1000... Imagine in 300 years from now the technology humanity its gonna have...
You can compare it and should!!! 😂😂
Erm ... The P1000 does not show ANY details, plain nothing. It's the blown-up fully featureless orange blob on the *left*-hand side.
I went out last night at 10:00 PM. Got home this morning at 7:00 AM. Was out in a state park taking sky pics with the P1000. I had a good time out in a very remote wildlife area. There is nothing like being alone in that type of environment. The P1000 is new to me and I always have issues with different cameras and new technology. It is a real challenge to maintain line of sight on a planet from the 24 to the 3000mm setting. I have a great respect for those who capture recognizable planet pictures.
I have a P1000, bought on Dec 2019 in Sydney. I started shooting with Nikon's superzoom cameras in 2016 with the Coolpix P520, using it I started shooting the Moon and found it really cool. I 2018 I bought a Coolpix P900 and then I started photographing the gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn) I recommend the Coopix P1000 for those who like astrophotography and don't have a telescope.
Yes I recommended it as well. I have a Nikon P900 and will get the P1000 soon. I would rather have something digital (image, video) to share. I know the best budget is to get a telescope and a basic webcam but I'm not sacrificing 3,000 mm zoom, 4K video resolution of P1000 for a 640x480 webcam quality and a basic webcam for similar price...
2021 Earth: "I have a picture on Mars, you can see some details on it!"
2061 Mars: "I have a picture on Earth, you can see some details on it!"
2061 Mars could be more like "Oh, that picture of the earth on my poster display? Yeah, made it with my phone."
@@Bitfire31337 followed by 2062 Mars: "Mars is flat!"
nah thats too early
@@kotoamatsuki2254 Perhaps. But I love you now!
2021 and 2061 like 40 41 year from now on. I will pick Nikon p1000 because lot cheaper than a Tescope.
Should just be comparing optical to optical as you can digitally zoom either in post-process. So appears to me from that comparison you get about 3x larger optical (non-degraded) image from the telescope. As pointed out, you can easily improve that to be 6x or even 9x by using a 2x or 3x Barlow, which will make the image dimmer but not degrade it (essentially an optical zoom). Since Mars is bright, you should be able to handle the dimming by increasing the ISO slightly on the camera. So, yeah - telescope wins for image quality. Just up to you to decide if it’s worth the extra cash. Although if you add up the price of a lower end Canon DSLR still capable of imaging very well plus this telescope and a Barlow, it’ll probably be the same as Nikon P1000 camera. So - yeah. If you want to image the planets and have $1000 or so, the telescope plus DSLR route is the way to go.
Absolutely agree.
Yes, but with a bonus, you attach a 50megapixel camera to the scope. There is a channel that does some great comparisons on this, I forget her name.
Nah. The telescope is less portable
The only problem on Nikon's part is compression artifacts. I think you would get way better results using single shot (in raw if possible) instead of video
Telescope looks better here. Although smaller, it's a clearer image and more still. However, this is not the most perfect comparison when considering you see Mars via a screen zoomed digitally from the camera and an eyepiece for the telescope.
Also atmosphere on earth is problematic for the nicon
Those are some great images of Mars, it's a weird feeling looking at something so far away in space..
u are right
Not so weird when you discover earth is flat, and Mars is not that far away
@@heavenof7777 It's easy to prove the Sun, the Moon, and Mars are not "local". It's because they _don't change size_ as they cross the night sky. C'mon flerfy dude, it's easy. Grab a pen and paper! Draw a Sun over a flat plane. If it moved over the flat plane, any observer on the ground would see it _changing size_ as it moves closer/farther away. That's right. Farther away, small. Closer, big. This holds for stars too, but because they don't have any "size", the reasoning is used on their angular distance in the sky. They move as a whole, completely rigidly through the night. No "stretching".
@@heavenof7777 u buggin
@@mmixlinus you haven't looked into flat earth enough. That's why you give this answer. Stars is not light-years apart. They would not be on the same spots in relation to each other year after year if they were. Some star is supposedly 4 light years from here and others is thousands, but their speed around the milkyway galaxy is coincidentally speeds that would make them look like they are stationary to each other from our view. Ever thought of that?
When you zoom at last Mars is seen cleary through telescope than Nikon P1 1000
Jestem świeżo po obejrzeniu filmiku płaskoziemców, z ich nigdy nie zachodzącym słońcem krążącym nad zwrotnikami ziemskiego naleśnika i jeszcze mnie trzęsie ze śmiechu...Popatrz uważnie w teleskop a zobaczysz NOCĄ nasze słonko oświetlające drugą część spłaszczonej ziemi...
@@maladetts Znalazł się wyznawca...Popatrz na tor wędrówki Słońca za dnia, jest eliptyczny, zależny od pory roku a potem porównaj ten FAKT do schematu jaki wymyślili płaskoziemcy z krążącym świetlikiem. Ryczeć ze śmiechu to mało powiedziane..
Wasze Słońce nie zachodzi tylko przygasa wraz z odległością....Oświetla pół świata, a za chwilę jest kompletnie nie widoczne dla teleskopu, czy nawet dobrej lornetki? Atmosfera przysłania wielki świecący obiekt na niebie, który nawet w swym najdalszym położeniu w nocy jest tak niedaleko was?
@@maladetts Konkrety a nie puste banały...Właściciel tego kanału obserwuje teleskopem dalekie planety a nocą świetlistego wielkiego Słońca nie widać??? w waszym schemacie nawet w najdalszym punkcie swego obrotu jest gdzieś nad Hawajami, a to nie tak daleko jak planety... Puść wysoko drona, będziesz miał lepszy widok, tylko uważaj by nie rozbił się o słoneczną kulkę.
@@maladetts Uważaj na kopułę...nikt nie wie na jakiej wysokości zawieszona...a serio to ten wasz schemat krążącego świetlika zwanym Słońcem zasuwającego po okręgach płaskiej ziemi to naprawdę błazenada...Obejrzyj sobie i sto razy schemat płaskoziemców a może w końcu dotrze co to za brednie...porównaj odległości i zakres działania tego świecącego bączka .
@@maladetts Fakt niezaprzeczalny...Na płaskiej ziemi z każdego punktu z którego widać horyzont, MUSI BYĆ WIDOCZNY TAK ŚWIETLISTY OBIEKT NA NOCNYM NIEBIE jakim jest nawet to wasze mini słoneczko...Czekam na filmy dokumentujące to zjawisko...Inaczej nasza pisanina nie ma sensu, nikt nikogo nie przekona,..Żyj dalej w swoich urojeniach, masz prawo...Pozdrawiam i kończę ze swej strony.
Masz tendencje do bajkopisarstwa...Spójrz na Słońce... o każdej porze dnia , tak zaraz po wschodzie, jak i jego zachodzie MA TAKI SAM świadczy że Słońce jest wielką gwiazdą ale daleko od Ziemi....
W waszym płaskoziemskim schemacie dzień zaczynałby się od pojawienia małego świecącego piksela na niebie który wraz z upływem czasu i zbliżania się po okręgu stawałby się coraz to większy i większy aż do osiągnięcia swego maksymalnego rozmiaru w środku dnia...I od tego momentu wasze słońce musiałoby się stopniowo zmniejszać z upływającym czasem aż do całkowitego zniknięcia w mroku, a tak nie jest i doskonale o tym wiesz....SZACH MAT teorii płaskiej ziemi...
Amazing Comparison Of Mars With Your Equipment..Keep Going 🔭👍✨
Thanks for watching :)
Amazing video my friend, I always enjoy your content, keep up the good work. smashed the Like👍#68
Thank you very much for watching :)
@@MrSuperMole u deserve it :)
Can you recommend this telescope? is it hard to collimate?
Collimation is really easy, all you have to do is turn a couple knobs and you're good
I have the 8" version, never had to adjust it yet.
@@lenm2857 really? Sometimes I have to collimate it twice a night.
@@LShaver947 I was at a star party (Nova East) 3-4 years ago and they were going around with a tool to check collimation on the reflectors on the field. They adjusted several, but they said mine was too close to bother with (didn't think they could get it any closer than it was). It was about 12 years old at the time.
These telescopes are factory collimated, so you'll only have to make small adjustments every few days. It is really simple and because the changes you're making are so small, it'll only take like 2-4 minutes, even if you don't really know what you're doing just like I didn't
This is no contest. Aperture is king!
Overlay post-processing is emperor.
It is cool to compare Mars with a camera and a telescope.
The camera can be zoomed in bigger, but it doesn't seem clear.
A telescope is good because it is big and clear.
However, it was amazing that the camera expanded to a size similar to that of a telescope.
Thank you for sharing the video.
na verdade o telescopio nao tem tamanho, voce coloca o tamanho que voce quiser, pelo video deu para ver que o telescopio tem muito mais definição, entao ele aguentaria mais ampliação muito acima da p1000
I am from future , you have reached a million subscribers
Cant wait for the next opposition and see it for myself
Thank you very much for this comparison , great info , great advice , Have a nice day , Tom
Thank you very much for watching :)
@@MrSuperMole you are welcome
Hello, awesome video .. I enjoyed watching. Good luck!
Hello! Thank you very much for your visit :) Have a nice day!
I love you like u
Great presentation dear Mr SuperMole
! I like telescopes. Maybe one day I will get for myself. I would love to see Mars :)
Mars and the other "planets" are Wandering Stars, lights in the sky....
Big difference if you ask me, digital zoom can just magnify but no details,just one big red planet that's about it.but with the optical zoom you can see color shade on the middle.
Aperture is still king.
Nice video I've always wanted a comparrision between the nikon image and a telescope image. Great job keep up the good work!
The picture quality of telescope was better but the camera did his best.
your work is brilliant, just perfect !
Dear alien u know 4 languages 😂
It's time to Wake Up. Brilliant in CG. I.
Dam that’s a good camera, instead of a picture of me and my family I’m finna take a picture of Jupiter!
I dont know why but lately when I look at mars with my Celestron Nexstar Evolution 8 telescope it looks nothing like what this video is showing! Why is that? And most other nikon p1000 & p900 footage I see isn't like this either...I dont understand how they could look so different? And I know that mine are completely unedited...
Likely unfocused or overexposed.
@@eMBO_Gaming im talking about visual observation through the eyepiece only. I know i can use a dslr and filter out the light. But looking through the eyepieces only, it’s incredibly bright. Just looks like a light.
@@DavidShaneTrueCosmology It depends on how big focal length eyepiece you use, as higher magnification makes also the view dimmer. For me when viewing through a 6mm eyepiece in 8 inch dobsonian scope which gives 200x magnification it's already enough dim to watch surface details without using a filter, and when additionally using a 2x barlow lens which gives 400x you could even say that it's dark.
This video was awesome but there is a lot of difference between watching planets in a digital screen or from the naked eye
Does the camera come with that zoom lens, or do you have to buy it separately? Cheers.
The lens is built-in. This is a compact camera.
@@MrSuperMole cheers. Unbelievable how powerful that zoom is. Definitely going to buy this.
P1000 is nice, but can't match the resolution of a 6" telescope.
wow, really, so carry your 6 telescope to a party, to a park, to take pics with your friends, to the football game, to the disco, etc etc XD
@@carloko08 Wow, really? The video is about using it for astronomy, not general purpose photography. It also costs 4 times as much as the telescope, can't handle dim deep space objects (just bright planets and the Moon), but yes, works great at a football game.
Cześć, jak zamontowałeś aparat do 6 calowego dobsona?
Cześć. W bardzo zły sposób. Aparat posadziłem na uniwersalnym adapterze w taki sposób, że obiektyw patrzył prosto w okular. To bardzo złe rozwiązanie, ale wtedy nie miałem innej możliwości. Ten adapter służy do podłączania aparatów kompaktowych do teleskopów, dostaniesz do np w
@@MrSuperMole A wiesz moze jak podłaczyć lustrzanke do okularu w dobry sposob?
Don't use digital zoom. People who don't understand what digital zoom is / means, it doesn't increase resolution or quality, it's same as zooming in on a picture that you have already taken. This is why optical zoom is only way to go.
When phobos turns into a mars
What happens if you use the p1000 to look through the telescope? I used to hold my phone up to a cheap telescope lens to take pictures, I'd imagine youd be able to zoom even further doing it with the p1000?
Blessings to you. It's a thumbs up from me.
Thank you very much for your visit :)
I surprise 📸 congratulations Super 💐👏👏👏👏
I have a Meade telescope ETX 105 mm.The footage of Mars with the Nikon P900 are good/better. The moon is also well detailed by the Nikon P900.
The 105 is a nice little scope, I had the ETX 90… But had aperture fever and went to a Meade 10” LX200…
so beutiful
But how did you take that picture with the 6"? I mounted my dslr on the same telescope and it can't focus.
P1000 has an equivalent focal length max of 3000
That telescope has an optical focal length of 1200
These are different measures
P1000's optical is 539mm, while the telescope with a small sensor can push over 20 000 equivalent
You sound like you wouldn't know the difference between beer and wine tbh.
@@journeyman6752 i didn't even speak, how could you hear me? lol
Mars was in opposition?
Wow! That's one telescope. Thnx for sharing
Thank you very much for waatching :)
with the nikon p1000, I can see faraway objects, more clearly. I saw fishermen from far away, security guards, distant islands, and many more.
But to zoom mars, I can not clear video
The clarity of the telescope seems better but I don't think the Dobsonian can aim itself like the Nikon can.
Buy an Celestron Nexstar 5SE or 6SE and you will get a GOTO mount and can find it way easier
Nice comparison!
Lovely ❤
Doesn't matter which "LOOKS BETTER" - you wanna carry a telescope or a $3-5k tele lens? 😂
Imagine a future Nikon P1000 iteration with an APS-C sensor.
Hello friend ~~ !!
I watched the amazing video well. ~~
Have a nice day. !! 😊👍57
Hello! Thank you very much for your visit :)
A telescope can definitely get some finer details, but it'll appear smaller. The camera got the planet bigger, but some details were hazy. I'd still go with telescope.
very nice
What the max optical zoom?
This pretty much sums up my suspicions. You can make the telescope as big as you want. Nothing can bring those objects closer but distance.
That is not a big telescope.
It's not a big telescope. this is only 6 inches.
6 inch is actually a small scope, you can get few of those for one Nikon's price, and it already outperforms it exactly as expected. Instead of Nikon you can afford 12 inch dobsonian - 2 times bigger than this.
you should state the focal length of the respective lens. (or the angle of field of view)
Wow spectacular 😀
Thanks :)
I cant wait to hold Nikon P5000 in my hands one day
Nikon P5000 will replace Hubble.
@@Aranimda pahahaha good luck with that 😂 Will never happen
What's is coat Nikon p 1000 ?
Why do you use digital zoom? It makes no sense from logical/technical point of view or does it? Please explain.
Lovely. I think you may use a filter, so that we can see clear pictures.
(Tue 22 June 2021 14h17)
Name that bg music
In the description below the video.
mam pytanie bo niewiem jak znaleść marsa,saturn,jowisz czy są one w jakiś wyznaczonych miejscach i godzinach? ( jestem początkujący jak coś )
Witaj. Zainstaluj sobie (najlepiej na komputerze) program Stellarium. Dzięki niemu zobaczysz jakie planety i kiedy są widoczne na niebie. Program idealnie symuluje widok nieba na żywo i w każdym wybranym czasie. Stellariuum jest łatwy i intuicyjny w obsłudze, ale jakbyś miał problemy to na kanale AstroLife jest poradnik:
@@MrSuperMole dzięki😀
Is it possible to connect Telescope with P1000?
No. The P1000 is limited to the lens that is built on it. You can connect a DSLR camera to it, or a planetary camera which will give a much larger detailed view. The telescope has a larger lens and a longer focal length, so will have greater detail.
Back ground music taken from which song?
Hello I like your vidéos. I would like to know what tripod I can use to take photos with the nikon p1000 ?
Thank you for the answer
Jak zwykle super filmik 💪
Are you deadening the light solely with the camera and not the telescope?
Yes, I dimmed the light with the camera because the telescope was borrowed from a friend and I didn't have any additional accessories for it.
Nikon p1000 vs celestron 130eq ?
Plz suggest good telescope or dslr for astro photography and my budget is $700 ( 50000rs )
I am a beginner in astrophotography so I cannot help you well. As far as I know, Canon cameras are the best because they can be easily modified to take better astro photos. Try to get answers from UA-camrs like AstroBackyard or Chuck's Astrophotography. They know it best.
How it comes that a 3000mm lens show Mars smaller that a 1200mm lens?. Something is not matching. Are you sure that Nikon lens is max 3000mm?
The telescope was equipped with an eyepiece that increased the focal length.
Cual es el nombre de la cancion ??
A czy dołożenie aparatu Nikon P1000 do takiego teleskopu mogłoby spowodować jakiekolwiek korzyści...? W sensie ja mam teleskop, a ktoś aparat, ten ktoś przychodzi, montujemy do teleskopu aparat i czy wspólnymi siłami uzyskamy jeszcze lepszy zoom, czy ograniczenie jednego urządzenia nie daje możliwości drugiemu na nic więcej...?
Thanks friend 💝
Mars is pretty beautiful
Can we put telescope lens on top of nikon lens to get more zooming?😕
Theoretically yes, but in practice the resulting image will be blurry and very dark.
Digital zoom just turns it into a blob, lol. You'd get an even bigger picture of Mars if you took it out of focus with the P1000 as well. But it defeats the purpose and the definition of the word see.
Which one is more expensive the good thing about then p1000 is that it can take pics and record video without any other adapter and ,+the compatible camera
Świetne porównanie.Ale Mars jest trudny .Zrób kiedyś porównanie Jowisza lub Saturna .Jestem ciekaw porównania P1000 vs teleskop.Pozdrawiam.
Witaj. Są już te porównania na moim kanale:)
It's obvious that the Nikon Mars likes to bounce to the music.
i see weird gray things in my telescope, can you help me?
That's dust
@@nytarskongen0072 nvm i sell my telescope and my telescope dont have dust
@@MyNameIsGabriel. it is dust bro
@@nytarskongen0072 but it just happened when i want to see an star
@@MyNameIsGabriel. You cant see stars, their too far away, it'll just look like a blob.
Fajne porównanie. Pozdrawiam 🙂
@@maladetts yes. Few thousand people are living here 🙂
@@maladetts because yes hey have family here. Many polish people has Romanian wife’s or husbands 🙂
@@maladetts everyone has different story how they met. I will upload Q&A in next 2 weeks so if you are interested in you can watch to know answers for many questions. Usually people are talking in English if they are from two different countries. I am talking this language with Ana. But I am learning Romanian too. Have a great day 🙂
@@maladetts When Poland got invaded by the Germans in WWII there was a small migration of poles in north Romania..Moldova Bukovina..they never returned..few villages there with speaking Poles welcome!!
Simply spectacular ☝️🔭
I am waiting for nikon P5000 to see all the planets and stars😅😜
Really cool share, like it👍👍👍
Thank you :)
wow significant different, but maybe do to the same Mars diameter on the P1000 magnification
Which background music you use please comment
I gave the title and author in the description below the video.
very very nice
Thank you :)
Nikon p1000 can make it bigger, but telescope can make the details clearer
What a comparison...
hopefully, one day, there'll be an affordable camera or telestcope when you can see someone waving at you from Mars. :p
You only could see that from Moon or from the space not on earth surface. Because of the atmosphere.
That will never happen.
@@ngc-fo5te "One day, a computer will fit on a desk"
(actually now fits in your hand)
@@sanyijutuber2381 Completely false analogy. Why not read up on telescopes and the limitations of physics in regard to optics. Might save some silliness.
Telescope 🔭 shows more details of Mars like the dark patches in the equitorial area whereas the camera 📷 has a bit blurry image with not much detail... Still the camera performed better than I expected...
Yes it's true. It is just a compact camera with very large but limited possibilities.
I love you like u
Put a zoom on the telescope and then see which one has the detail. No contest as aperture is king 🤴
Yeah but $$$$ is a big difference.
The planet Mars must be a former planet Barsoom. A lack of oxygenated air wiped out the Martian civilization to be nonexistent on the Mars surface.
I was looking for one of these dobsonians but they are out of stock on amazon ughh
But why do you compare digital zoom in Nikon with no-digital zoom in telescope? You can anytime do digital zoom with your telescope camera or software. My point is that: there is so point to compare digital zoom in any case.
The question is just, which picture is better. The telescope won as expected.
Put it through registax and the image will astound you
youre making nikon look worse than it is by zooming it bigger than telescope
so sweeeeeet!!!!
Mega piękny odcinek jest mega konkret 👍
How many rupees for this camera
Setting please 🙏