Uneheer tasarhai duu umaa. Ylanguya ter ehnii hesegt huuhde tevreed suuj bga emegtei, moritoigoo davhij bga hesg unher gun orj bn. Dres ni gdaadad bga blhor oln um bodogduullaa. U guys are really imaginative! I believe that it is a live music band that will start a new era in Mongolia.
"The wages of sin is death.." Do you have the free gift of God? Which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord? Sin corrupts, it destroys, it is pleasurable for a season but ends in death and destruction. The Bible says, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." We cannot earn heaven. Have you ever lied? Stolen? Used God's name in vain? Lusted? Dishonored your parents? These are some of God's ten commandments. We are guilty of breaking God's law, hell is where we would go to pay for these sins. But praise God! He has made a way for us! God sent His only Son Jesus, fully man and fully God, perfect and sinless, to die on the cross for your sin! Then He rose again the third day defeating death! We broke God's law, Jesus paid the fine! That's why He said, "It is finished." Right before He died! The debt has been paid! Now we must turn to Him in repentance and trust in Jesus! Turn from your own way that leads to destruction, and follow Jesus! He loves you more than anyone ever could, He will never leave you.
Oilogvol mash goy utga sanaag ilerhiilsen clip hiijee, ene ay aylguu ni ymrch goyiin, morning star iin medremj shine ursgal ni zohison bn. Iim mongol um sonsoogui ysn udsiin, buh hamt olon bagt ni bayr hurgiye
ene jujigchin ahiig songoson ni uneheer zuv buguud chamin songolt boljee .
Morningstariin hooloinii tsar huree uneheer gaihaltai yumaa! Ehleed barag emegtei hunii hooloigoor buuvein duu met duulaad, dund hesegt urtiin duu shuuranhailj, etsest ni rock ursgalaar duulj bna 🔥🔥🔥
Давчуу саарал хотод бачуурч амьдарч байхаар дэлгэр уудам тал нутагтаа дураараа давхиж амьдармаар
Yag l tiim l zuil oilguulahgeed baihshig bna
vneen zundaaa huduu yval moritei davhih bvr😢❤
@@Ukennihun ene delhiig yaj uurchilj suiruulj bgag heleh gsn bh
Jujuglej baigaa ah bol unuugiin mongold bgaa buh jujigchdees iluu baina🤟 Respect🤟
ene hun uuruu odoo ed gylalzaj ywaa zaluu jujigchin shu
ingj shaahaal bolih heregtei😂, neeh hudnii, negiin magtahda busdiin zaawal shaaana ngu hedn goy shaawal eniige butsaagad shaana,
Жүжигчин Батнямбууг тоглуулдаг бүр ёооо үнэн гоё авцалдаж наалдаж эээ... Гал гал
Waaw Clip, jujigchnii jujiglelt, clipnii nairuulga, duulalt, ay, hugjim geed bugdeeree goy bnuu. perfect❤
ay hugjim 2 cn neg oilgolt bti ingj hudla shaj tsetserhji
Uneheer tasarhai duu umaa. Ylanguya ter ehnii hesegt huuhde tevreed suuj bga emegtei, moritoigoo davhij bga hesg unher gun orj bn. Dres ni gdaadad bga blhor oln um bodogduullaa. U guys are really imaginative! I believe that it is a live music band that will start a new era in Mongolia.
Өөрийнхөө ингэж их бачуурсан байсныг мэдсэн ч үгүй. Сая л нэг тайтгарах шиг боллоо.
No word can describe quality of his art
Gal gal🔥
Нээрээ мартчихсан байна хүн гэдгээ тэр тусмаа Монгол хүн гэдгээ юутай байж хаашаа зүтгэж байгаагаа бүгдийг нь саначихлаа чи сануулчихлаа чамд баярлалаа.
Ene jujigchin ax ystoi best songolt bailaa 😊
Хөдөө амар тайван амьдармаар санагдлаа. Сонсоход урамтай сайхан бүтээл болжээ.
harin tiimee
What a blessing to my ears. I just wish we could get english subtitles.
Gaihaltai! Excellent work. The melody, acting, and Celine's voice speak to the soul.
"The wages of sin is death.." Do you have the free gift of God? Which is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord? Sin corrupts, it destroys, it is pleasurable for a season but ends in death and destruction. The Bible says, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." We cannot earn heaven. Have you ever lied? Stolen? Used God's name in vain? Lusted? Dishonored your parents? These are some of God's ten commandments. We are guilty of breaking God's law, hell is where we would go to pay for these sins. But praise God! He has made a way for us! God sent His only Son Jesus, fully man and fully God, perfect and sinless, to die on the cross for your sin! Then He rose again the third day defeating death! We broke God's law, Jesus paid the fine! That's why He said, "It is finished." Right before He died! The debt has been paid! Now we must turn to Him in repentance and trust in Jesus! Turn from your own way that leads to destruction, and follow Jesus! He loves you more than anyone ever could, He will never leave you.
Visually, lyrically, musically stunning masterpiece. Дүү нарт амжилт хүсье 😎🤌
Celine ii hesgiig iluu urtaar sonsmoor bh yum, dahiad tusad ni track gargana gj bhu? :d Lyrics, hogjim, duulalt, MV gd bugd l tsogtsooroo uneheer goy boljee. Super!
aljin shdee ene heveeree bydnigaa jargaaj yvaarai bayrlalaa ahij bitgii eldev hereggui zuil heregleerei respect
Хүнээс гарж болох бүх эмзэг мэдрэмжийг маш гайхалтайгаар гаргаж өгөхөөр сайн уран бүтээл сайхан хоолой🙏🏻
Enjoyed watching the male actor
What a performance
Love you Morningstar ❤
Will be at your concert
Oilogvol mash goy utga sanaag ilerhiilsen clip hiijee, ene ay aylguu ni ymrch goyiin, morning star iin medremj shine ursgal ni zohison bn. Iim mongol um sonsoogui ysn udsiin, buh hamt olon bagt ni bayr hurgiye
Дээлээ өмссөн байгаа хэсэг дээр тэврүүлсэн мэт дулаан мэдрэмж авлаа❤️
Live concert үнэхээр гоё байлаа. Баярлалаа ❤
Jujigchin buur video ,aya bugd niilemj n tugs yumaa ulam olon hun sonswol gj bodloo bayarlalaa 😊
Amjilt husie
togloltoo dahiad hiihgvi l bhdaa😔 vzmeer bnaa❤
hezee uhaarandaa!!!
зүгээр л сэтгэл огшоод уйлчихлаа, дууны мессэж гайхалтай !!!
Ymar sonin bi gantsra tm mdremj awaaguil ym bn 😊
Elle chante très bien aussi félicitations ❤🔥👏
Bineensonni fi biqiltoonni, margaa fi daraaraan illee uumamtoota sirna hubannoo dhukkubbii qabaniifi dhukkubbiin itti dhagahama. Uumama lubbuu qabu kamiyyuu addunyaa kanarra bakka kamittuu hin miidhinaa! Isaan hin caccabsin irra hin deemin hin caccabsin hin miidhin! Meeshaaleen miidhaginaa qaama bineensotaa irraa kan hojjetamanidha!
🔥🔥🔥 OMG, Soliotoi! Yaaj duulaad baigaam bee gemeer hooloi, hugjim, hemnel, gun utga aguulga... Shar us bosood heden ch udaa sonschihov oo.
Хамаг шар үсийг босгож чадаж байна шүү. Хөгжим нь бүүр яая гээд байгаа юм бэ 👌🤘
Тайвширлаа. Ил гаргаж чаддаггүй сэтгэл хөдлөл минь багтжээ
Outstanding performance Celine 🔥🔥🔥
yoooooo booom zugeer🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Mashindaa gantsaaraa changalaad dagaad duulsan chne nulims ursaad baih ym 😢. Henii, yunii tuluu ywaad, ingej ih bachiurch amidaraad baigaagaa oilgohoo bailaa. Uurteigoo terselden barin,,, Hund taalagdah hariultiig ni ugchihuud butsah medremj 😢😢😢😢
Өөөө тэгэж сонсоод явахаар сэтгэлийг аймшигтай хөдөлгөж байгааз 🥺
zivuuuuuuuun hoooloitoiii pysda shvv nre👏👏👏👏👏👏
Yamarrr goy yum hiigedanbeeee Azzayaaa
OMG hed c sonschvoo unheer setgelruu orson goy duu boljee🤯Uran buteeld n tomoos tom amjilt husye❤❤
i`m battling depression and addiction since I can remember . This song made me cry
Just in love. La partie en français est magnifique😍
damn this rocks hard, beautiful video too
Mnaihan MV edree sain hiideg bolchijee 🔥🔥🔥
Би гадаадад сураад 3 жил энэ хугацаанд нэг ч удаа Монгол яваагүй. Энэ дууг анх сонсоод ойлгоогүй ч дахиж нэг сонсоод үзээд ямар их харамсаж уйлав. Үнэхээр сайн бүтээл болжээ. Баярлалаа❤🥹
I love you guys. Every song touches my heart deep inside. Very powerful.
just to heart..😌
this is truly amazing
Uneheer l sonirholtoi hamtlag shuu, ugj baiga hamag medremj ni tsoo shine baidag ni goydoo 🖤🖤
Damnnnn this video✨
Goosebumps 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Unher sonsoh bolgond shar us bosjin🤯❤️ u guys actually made piece of art🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Rock urtiin duu
yooooo yay gd bgnbe
Huuyee jinken yaalt gdg duu weeeeee oomiigood
no more words to say this song.
How beautiful song!❤
Uneheer ugeer ilerhiileshgui saihan gedeg ug bagadahaar uran buteel boljeee🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤ #eargasm! Perfection! Super artist 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Hanitaigaa hamt shine duug ni gertee changalj bgaad sonsloo. . Goy boljee zondoo olon uran buteel tuurwiaraa. Amjilt. .
Gehdee Night Sky shig duug huleedeg humuus bnu 🥹
fallen angel edrshgu hha
So crazy
Live stage дээр солиоруулах дуу байна шдээ🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ergeed sonsohod saihan bnaa zaluu min 🔥🔥🔥
Энэ хоолойгоор өөрийнхөө дуртай бүх дуунуудаа коверлуулах юмсан...
yamar goyo duu ve❤
Гоё дууллаа. Ийм хүмүүс их байдаг байх даа.
Masterpiece 🎉🎉🎉
Saihan morinii tuhai duu bn bayrllaa👏🏻
Unheer chanartai uran buteel bolson bna✅✅
yooo fire fire Morningstart yamar ih huleevee broda GL
Much needed work delivered at the time of need. Thank you
Сүнс сэрэх шиг боллоо уухайййй!!!!
Зүгээр "Уран бүтээл" болжээ. 🔥🔥🔥
therapy thru music
C’est d’une douceur 🍃
Yohhh zurh min❤❤️🔥
goosebump alert !
Ene ohinii nuuree budaagui engiin bgaa ni ymar goy yum be
Anh garj bhd n l sonsood ❤ uneheer chanartau boljee
Вааауувв ямар гоё хамтлаг олчиховоо ❤
сүнсэн биёийг хөдөлгөж байна. Хүчтэй юмбээ 😲
mongol iim artisttai band uneheer bhgue morningstar band bol nre uneheer shutiy jnkn tsos hoorgj cdjn👏🏻🤯🔥
Энэ дуунд донтжээ🎉🎉❤❤❤
Ohhh shit, shar us bosoj bnshu zalu mn❤🔥🔥
Ymar hurdan duuschwaa geed uidah zawgui opj uzsen 5 minutiin duu baishdee woow sonsool baimaar
beautiful beautiful
Messege ni bvr ymr aimr ymbe
ehlehde delhii eejeer ehleed avdran deer ni 3 laa baigaa ni mongolchuud hetrhii muhar svsegde jivseng ilerhiilj baigaa baih gej bodjin yrih ymgu keep going bro🔥🔥🔥