I see curiosity, determination, imagination, and stubborness in bother children, more in one girl than the other. So so cute, they really don’t need all those toys a bucket, blanket and their imaginations is all they need. Thanks for letting us watch them grown and learn.
Always nice to see happy babies playing with toys and things. -Baby sounds are better than the sound of a check being removed from an envelope. *Nicole Hollander cartoonist 'Sylvia'
You are my absolute favorite videos! I'm a would-be Grandma with no kiddos. Your girls "make my day". One seems more quiet than the other, but I still can't tell the difference between them. I need a clue.👶🥰
I see curiosity, determination, imagination, and stubborness in bother children, more in one girl than the other. So so cute, they really don’t need all those toys a bucket, blanket and their imaginations is all they need. Thanks for letting us watch them grown and learn.
Always nice to see happy babies playing with toys and things.
-Baby sounds are better than the sound of a check being removed from an envelope.
*Nicole Hollander cartoonist 'Sylvia'
You are my absolute favorite videos! I'm a would-be Grandma with no kiddos. Your girls "make my day". One seems more quiet than the other, but I still can't tell the difference between them. I need a clue.👶🥰
We are so glad to hear it!! They are identical so is hard to tell them apart 😂
I have watched these darling twins daily and am unable to identify them.