More interesting engineering ahead! When I was making a bunch of furniture with my friends I always enjoyed making the jigs that we would use to make the product. 😊
Thanks Linda. I'm hoping my next attempt at the sphere will be more respectable. Nothing particularly inventive about the pin router although I haven't seen one that can be configured for top and bottom routing.
Very nice explanation of what you are going to do, I would love to see how you build the jig. Keep on rockin!
More interesting engineering ahead! When I was making a bunch of furniture with my friends I always enjoyed making the jigs that we would use to make the product. 😊
Thanks Todd. I already have a few ideas for using a pin router. They are more versatile and safer than regular pattern routing
I love your mind and how you work out these problems
Thanks Linda. I'm hoping my next attempt at the sphere will be more respectable. Nothing particularly inventive about the pin router although I haven't seen one that can be configured for top and bottom routing.
That's such a real problem solver looks cool .
thanks Aiden