Joe Bonamassa Plays His First Fender Guitars | Fender Artist Check-In | Fender

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @allthingsclassicrock
    @allthingsclassicrock 4 роки тому +44

    Joe has grown on me through the years. Can’t say I’m the biggest fan of his music, but he’s a great player and authentic good human being.

    • @charlieplate9687
      @charlieplate9687 Рік тому

      Most people hop into the peanut gallery and never leave . Good for you

    • @Dirtydrock001
      @Dirtydrock001 Рік тому

      He’s a good dude down to earth playing amazing his voice just really can’t get into his lyrics and songs but playing yeah for sure

  • @susankraft77
    @susankraft77 3 роки тому +20

    Drive is one of my favorite songs. It takes me back to my pre-disabilty days when I drove thousand of miles trying to outrun depression. What a treat to hear you sing it here. Thanks, Joe. God Bless all!!

  • @keddy5627
    @keddy5627 Рік тому +3

    Enjoy it…?!!!! Drive is Heaven on Earth!!!!!

  • @lukapuletic9742
    @lukapuletic9742 Рік тому +2

    Such a humble and nice guy. He did so much for young musicians and charity also. He influenced thousands of guitarists including me, with his attack on string, timing.. What an important person for blues guitar and todays blues music. Thank you Joe from the bottom of my heart. ❤️

  • @diment0857
    @diment0857 2 роки тому +4

    I am 10 years older than this man and like him have been playing guitar since my early teens. Of course I can't touch him but his talent, work ethic, humility and kindness can touch me. Big time. Thank you Joe Bonamassa.

  • @antoniocolella8388
    @antoniocolella8388 Рік тому +1

    W Strat 🎸 W Fender. Thanks Leo.

  • @63mymojo
    @63mymojo 2 роки тому +2

    Legend in his own lifetime, guitar custodian..... and one hellava nice human !!!

  • @KickArs
    @KickArs 4 роки тому +1

    Trust me. We're the crowd and we all applauded. We are just belated. You're the man!

  • @VonBluesman
    @VonBluesman 4 роки тому +33

    I had a 1972 Strat bought new when I was 15 years old, out the door with hard shell case and tax $426.97. It was the wood grain finish butterscotch color with a white pick guard and maple neck. It was immaculate but needed a refret, one of the workers fell on it and broke the neck pocket, a tone knob, and scratched it all up. Heartbreaker. They paid me $2000 but you could not replace the guitar because of the condition, I am diagnosed OCD and keep my guitars, amps, pedals, etc, all in excellent condition. I love your videos Joe. I just watched your video last night with Brad Paisley, he is hilarious at times, a real good guy and one heck of an outstanding musician. His tele’ s need a 5 way switch with an afterburner engagement. Man he sure can play. Joe you have become one of the best artist in the world. All the different genres of blues songs you absolutely nail, plus your original music is phenomenal. Hope to see you in concert when this Coronavirus blows over. Until then, please keep on posting videos and doing interviews. Thank you very, very much. 🎸👍👌🙏✌️😎

  • @jerrylake6825
    @jerrylake6825 4 роки тому +17

    I second that Fender, Joe deserves his own signature guitar...

    • @joeurbanowski321
      @joeurbanowski321 2 роки тому

      He’s got one now.. Gibson Lazarus LP… retro neck..which I find hard to play…. But it’s really pretty..👍🏼

  • @phildiegidio4658
    @phildiegidio4658 4 роки тому +2

    We should all be so lucky. Thanks Joe for all of the great music. Don't stop.

  • @morbius1189
    @morbius1189 4 роки тому +1

    I know you can’t hear me but I am applauding you and screaming... encore! Encore!!! Thank you and the live stream concert was great!! It was a birthday gift from my wife. Best gift ever!!

  • @markmartin3221
    @markmartin3221 3 роки тому +4

    Some songs make people feel different feelings. Drive had a “wicked game” to it, love to hear you get together with Chris Issack after a surf session and cruise some songs together

  • @donnabost4445
    @donnabost4445 3 роки тому +1

    i know i am a bit late but Drive is my favorite, it feeds music, thank you JoeB for all you do

  • @jhhag
    @jhhag 4 місяці тому

    The Strat sounds great, but the spring reverb sounds FANTASTIC💫💥

  • @coachschmiede
    @coachschmiede 4 роки тому +2

    One of the few, true guardians of Blues!

  • @abortsocialism5905
    @abortsocialism5905 4 роки тому +3

    I really like his humility, and his elite playing.

  • @mitemejia
    @mitemejia 4 роки тому +2

    He had recently collab with Epiphone on a new LP model. Now Fender calls him to this beatutiful perfomance. Joe is loved by both legendary brands. So proud of him!

  • @kevinkimball152
    @kevinkimball152 Рік тому

    First time I heard about Joe was in a record store, they were playing his first record as a promo to a local concert the next day. I went to the local venue and bought tickets at the door. It was a small place here in Vermont. Hardly anyone there.. What a show! He killed it! Met him after the show and spoke with him for a bit... super shy and humble. I told him he's gonna be big. Great memory

  • @guitaraficionado8145
    @guitaraficionado8145 4 роки тому +151

    Come on Fender, give Bonanmassa his own Custom Shop Guitar. That would be so cool.

    • @wrenf22
      @wrenf22 4 роки тому +30

      He would probably buy them all for his collection.

    • @dr.stonks9911
      @dr.stonks9911 4 роки тому +9

      Typical selfish boomer. Hoarding everything good with their millions of dollars and away from the hands of actual musicians who might want to create music. When they’re all dead, these guitars will be affordable again because you won’t have anyone willing to spend 50,000 dollars on a les Paul.

    • @RobertoSunga
      @RobertoSunga 4 роки тому +27

      @@dr.stonks9911 He's actually a musician who creates music with those guitars, he takes them out on the road.

    • @Jayyy_Wav
      @Jayyy_Wav 4 роки тому +20

      Dr. Stonks there’s an endless amount of strats out there you’re acting like there’s a shortage and he’s hoarding them all and people can’t produce? Moron.

    • @cardbored_
      @cardbored_ 4 роки тому +16

      @@dr.stonks9911 bitterness sucks doesn’t it?

  • @atllzable
    @atllzable 4 роки тому +11

    Just wanted to say "Thanks" to Joe for making himself "accessible" to all of us....Thanks Joe..:)

  • @KennyLeee1
    @KennyLeee1 Рік тому

    Hi Joe this is Kenny thank you for all My music is in spired By all the old blues players And keep it up keep on

  • @VlrGuitarWorld
    @VlrGuitarWorld 4 роки тому +28

    A great guitarist, singer & songwriter...talented man..bluesman.

  • @Spidey2000ad
    @Spidey2000ad 4 роки тому +14

    The song Drive reminds me of something Chris Isaak would have wrote back in the mid-1980s. Its a great song.

    • @srh413
      @srh413 4 роки тому

      It uses “similar” chords as wicked game, great tune. Incredible solo

  • @stevejewett3650
    @stevejewett3650 4 роки тому +5

    I really like that song, Joe. It tells a story and has kind of a mystical melancholy feel. Thank you for sharing.

  • @mikealexander5550
    @mikealexander5550 4 роки тому +2

    I love the subtitles listing the music as cheerful and lighthearted 😂

  • @jeffreyschmoldt7798
    @jeffreyschmoldt7798 4 роки тому +18

    Joe is the coolest nerd. From one nerd to another

  • @stratjed
    @stratjed 3 роки тому

    Utica NY beautiful rust city . Cold brutal winters ! Home of Joe !

  • @jeremybatson5712
    @jeremybatson5712 4 роки тому +3

    I applauded, beautiful song and perfect dynamics. Thank you.

  • @mannyfragoza9652
    @mannyfragoza9652 4 роки тому +2

    i love that solo rendition of Drive and Bless you for all the charity work you do

  • @ryanboshell6124
    @ryanboshell6124 4 роки тому +60

    I’ve JUST finished watching his latest Gibson video. How crazy.

    • @zhentoro
      @zhentoro 4 роки тому +1

      Same haha.

    • @ryanboshell6124
      @ryanboshell6124 4 роки тому +2

      Zhentoro well good wasn’t it? I’d love to have a cup of Joe, with Joe.

    • @chris_2714
      @chris_2714 4 роки тому +4

      Same. I'm a diehard Fender fan, but those Gibson videos are great!

    • @ryanboshell6124
      @ryanboshell6124 4 роки тому +2

      Chris T yeah, I like that they’re not afraid to show both brands.

    • @rohanb9874
      @rohanb9874 4 роки тому

      He does call himself a predominately a Fender player. Good one though.

  • @Songbird477
    @Songbird477 2 роки тому +1

    Most beautiful version - 🥰🔥🥰

  • @SharpEdgeStandardOfficial
    @SharpEdgeStandardOfficial 2 роки тому +3

    Wow that tremolo or vibrato effect sounds so honey sweet !! Love it

  • @digiwaves
    @digiwaves 4 роки тому +14

    "And the crowd would cheer..." Nothing like being a little humble Joe!

    • @e.tienne6600
      @e.tienne6600 4 роки тому

      digiwaves “Night life” is a good song

    • @Hatari2
      @Hatari2 4 роки тому +2

      Tom Johnson I have one question why are you even here? I mean the title tells you who it is so, if you don’t like him don’t watch.

    • @jydymyyyr9630
      @jydymyyyr9630 4 роки тому +1

      And Joe has sold more albums, performed more concerts and made more people happy than all those so called Gr8 bar guitarists. If you don’t like Joe go watch something else!

  • @GuitarExpress
    @GuitarExpress 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and talent with us mortals Joe. Keep up the good work!

  • @kevinkimball152
    @kevinkimball152 Рік тому

    Drive is one of my favorite songs... the video is awesome really loud. Well done Joe

  • @thefirstdude
    @thefirstdude 4 роки тому +3

    I enjoy what you do Joe-the music, the videos, showing off your arsenal, and your nerdiness. Thanks for sharing!

  • @Hhenriette
    @Hhenriette Рік тому

    amazing this intimate beautiful song. thank you @JoeBonamassaTV and @Fender

  • @aussie_philosopher8079
    @aussie_philosopher8079 4 роки тому

    Drive, one of my favorite songs.

  • @nicktognella3085
    @nicktognella3085 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks JB...appreciate you sharing this song! Applause!

  • @riittahatinen4579
    @riittahatinen4579 4 роки тому +2

    Sooo awesome guitars and you JOE❤️

  • @thomasberinati3380
    @thomasberinati3380 4 роки тому +1

    Great to see you joe. Can’t wait for the live show !

  • @giulioluzzardi7632
    @giulioluzzardi7632 Рік тому +1

    Cool, your first Fender Strat is probably one of the 1st 3 bolt/neck tilt models! Turn the Reverb on the 55 Stratocaster is perfect ...good song..reminds me of the Doors and that's a good thing. Esteem has risen as of now. Groovy...bravo"cheers" 👏👏👏

  • @alejandroangeles8587
    @alejandroangeles8587 4 роки тому +2

    Joe deserves a Signature both in Gibson and in Fender as well...

  • @riittahatinen4579
    @riittahatinen4579 4 роки тому

    Thank you sooo much for this song JOE❤️ Lets Drive🚘 I Love You😘❤️🌹💋💕

  • @idylldon
    @idylldon 11 місяців тому

    That '55 hardtail Strat sounds great! Ronnie Wood sometimes plays a '55 hardtail as well. I have a '56 hardtail and it's the finest sounding Strat I've owned in my 50 years of playing. Great era for guitars.

  • @metalcavy33
    @metalcavy33 4 роки тому +12

    Joes collection is unreal.

    • @deriangueldner23
      @deriangueldner23 4 роки тому


    • @deriangueldner23
      @deriangueldner23 4 роки тому

      Tom Johnson was kinda surprised to hear strings ringing out more than once. Maybe I’m just being picky as this is something I’ve been playing close attention to lately in my playing and struggle with

    • @elonmust7470
      @elonmust7470 4 роки тому


  • @RCGC01
    @RCGC01 3 роки тому

    Joe is the signature guitarist of mutiple brand guitars. Joe has established his own click in the industry....I like Joe just as Joe is.
    I hope to meet and hang out with him sign my guitar

  • @MrGTO-ze7vb
    @MrGTO-ze7vb 4 роки тому +1

    11 years old and he striped it.!! LOL Thank you Joe..!!

  • @TMCMR
    @TMCMR 4 роки тому +1

    JB is the real deal. It’s crazy but I think his songwriting is just starting to peak. Cheers

  • @alexaphilippovich9553
    @alexaphilippovich9553 Рік тому

    Love this song so much

  • @susiewheeler8197
    @susiewheeler8197 4 роки тому

    Drive, my favorite

  • @madelinesmith587
    @madelinesmith587 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for the glimpse into your professional and personal life. And "Drive" is one of my favorite 🙃 songs

  • @O5wa1d
    @O5wa1d 4 роки тому

    Lovely song. I'm cheering.

  • @erichebert582
    @erichebert582 4 роки тому +1

    Can’t wait for the concert on Sunday!

  • @joeurbanowski321
    @joeurbanowski321 2 роки тому +1

    Really nice tune.. the reverb near the end makes it eerily cool…👍🏼

  • @anthonybymallia7067
    @anthonybymallia7067 3 роки тому +1

    What a great huuuuge talented guitarist u r joe I really enjoy your playing man your tone technique everything yur perfect
    I really love your guitars too especially the strats r my favourite

  • @jeffbriggs4268
    @jeffbriggs4268 4 роки тому +2

    Awesome video Joe! I love Fender guitars and amps. Your collection is spectacular! I don't think I've heard you do much country picking and I think you could be great at this style of playing. I loved your song. The tremolo or vibe adds a lot to it.

  • @CaterinaCarlone
    @CaterinaCarlone 4 роки тому +5

    Top Guitarist ! Bonamassa the Best !!!

  • @SammyFender
    @SammyFender 4 роки тому +22

    Amazing talent who seems like such a regular guy! He’s done so much for blues and music in general! I become more of a fan every time I see him!

    • @joeurbanowski321
      @joeurbanowski321 2 роки тому

      He IS a regular guy… Sometimes I feel bad for him.. I don’t think he’s in a relationship… and those guitars are cold at night..under the covers…

  • @RastaSaiyaman
    @RastaSaiyaman 4 роки тому +20

    For those not in the know: Joe actually was featured in a nineties Fender Ad for Squier guitars. When he was still going under his original stage name "Smokin' Joe Bonamassa"

    • @RastaSaiyaman
      @RastaSaiyaman 4 роки тому +2

      @Tom Johnson And what have YOU been doing so far?

    • @ATX0705
      @ATX0705 4 роки тому +1

      @@RastaSaiyaman That's just a troll who's bitter that it's never been laid. Best to just ignore and not respond to it.

    • @williammontgomery6132
      @williammontgomery6132 4 роки тому

      Answers my question about the red fenders pickgaurd Smokin Joe .

    • @allthingsclassicrock
      @allthingsclassicrock 4 роки тому

      @Tom Johnson I’m not particularly a Bonamassa fan but to say he stinks at guitar is just ludicrous. Weak bait.

    • @MRPERFECT_79
      @MRPERFECT_79 4 роки тому

      Tom Johnson you stink at life

  • @dalehamlin7383
    @dalehamlin7383 4 роки тому

    Love this.....! Thanks for all you are doing to help. Very much appreciated!

  • @e.tienne6600
    @e.tienne6600 4 роки тому +3

    Thank YOU Joe! Yes the crowd would cheer as a thank you , for the time being we can only write and click for most of us. Very nice song and sound, keep up the blues alive!
    Also adding this comment so that the one below the video is not appearing by default anymore ;-). Calling for humility... think of what a true musical artist life is about. Music be the food of love!

  • @geraldwilson3559
    @geraldwilson3559 5 місяців тому

    Sir, thank you so much for everything you do. G.

  • @anthonybymallia7067
    @anthonybymallia7067 3 роки тому +2

    Great guy huge guitarist love your video s very inspirational to me I learn a lot from joe thank u for your awesome music

  • @michaelnedoshytko6920
    @michaelnedoshytko6920 4 роки тому

    Those 2 guitars are awesome. My dad has both of them. The Strat is a 74, close enough, in original natural finish. And the tele custom is an '84 62 reissue in the candy apple red finish; great Fender japan guitars. Joe Barden pickups were hard to come by in Canada back in the 80s and 90s.

  • @MrNatev715
    @MrNatev715 4 роки тому

    Drive is one of my favorite songs.

  • @johnarick7317
    @johnarick7317 4 роки тому

    This is probably my favorite Joe B song.

  • @delbertstringbreaker7686
    @delbertstringbreaker7686 4 роки тому +1

    The Master Musician weaves his Magic Spell backed by his own signature acoustic baffle.

  • @gitarbangsatchanel8036
    @gitarbangsatchanel8036 4 роки тому +1

    Such an amazing guitarist

  • @joebaby555
    @joebaby555 4 роки тому +1

    The Brad Paisley interview Joe just did was amazing.. thank you for these wonderful segments!🙏🙏. Beautiful song...Drive 🔥⚡️⚡️

  • @susiewheeler8197
    @susiewheeler8197 4 роки тому

    My favorite song

  • @blues6782
    @blues6782 4 роки тому +1

    Great, to hear you sing, again!

  • @jaimer744
    @jaimer744 4 роки тому

    Perfect song for 2020 ... thanks for sharing with us!

  • @KennyLarvitz
    @KennyLarvitz 4 роки тому

    First time I really like a tune from him, maybe because it comes from the heart... it sounds like a movie soundtrack. reminds me Thelma & Louise...

  • @sambeckham4481
    @sambeckham4481 4 роки тому

    “Drive” is one of my all time favorite songs, and Joe nails it!’

  • @ginolamendola4084
    @ginolamendola4084 4 роки тому

    Thank you Joe !

  • @ludvig5281
    @ludvig5281 4 роки тому +1

    Love this guy!

  • @szabolcskiraly6323
    @szabolcskiraly6323 4 роки тому

    We cheer 🤗😃😁 thank you Joe!

  • @MarkPilipczuk
    @MarkPilipczuk 4 роки тому +19

    I love "Drive" and this solo version. The keyboard warrior comments about "too much reverb" give me a chuckle. No such thing as too much reverb...

  • @edwindude9893
    @edwindude9893 4 роки тому

    Listen to that song loads.

  • @sydneysitwala
    @sydneysitwala 2 роки тому

    The clarity on that 55'

  • @john_pryce9855
    @john_pryce9855 4 роки тому +1

    Getting serious Ventures vibes with those amp setting Joe !! Love it !!!

  • @syfman6
    @syfman6 Рік тому +1

    Awesome!! 💚🎸

  • @dusanignjatovic9312
    @dusanignjatovic9312 4 роки тому

    Awesome as always thank you For sharing your time

  • @robertclarkguitar
    @robertclarkguitar 4 роки тому +4

    Wonder had i kept the guitar playing going when i was 7 instead of going to drums and keys where I'd be as a guitarist. I gave drums 27 years only to switch in 2018 to guitar. I've been in serious love.

    • @robertclarkguitar
      @robertclarkguitar 4 роки тому +3

      Thanks to David Gilmour and my son.

    • @orlock20
      @orlock20 4 роки тому +1

      There are many multi instrumentalists with many being hard to tell what was their main instrument.

    • @robertclarkguitar
      @robertclarkguitar 4 роки тому

      @@orlock20 that is so true. Ironic enough ive yet to play a kit on my channel other than keyyboard beating on keys. Hahahah

  • @chazjr2390
    @chazjr2390 4 роки тому

    My favorite guitarist! Listen to JB every day.

    • @marshallbangun
      @marshallbangun 4 роки тому

      ikr! Justin Bieber is a killer guitarist!

  • @timsellsted521
    @timsellsted521 4 роки тому +1

    Love @joebonamassa. Thanks for sharing.

  • @sannojohasshu7590
    @sannojohasshu7590 4 роки тому

    I'm clapping. What a moody song. Love it!

  • @ralex3697
    @ralex3697 3 роки тому

    Good man Joe Bonamassa

  • @WarrenAndrews-w5x
    @WarrenAndrews-w5x 7 днів тому +1

    Very cool Joe. Makes me wish I still had a car!😎

  • @jbels41
    @jbels41 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks Joe!

  • @ThisOldYota
    @ThisOldYota 4 роки тому

    New favorite song

  • @christianjhonny3401
    @christianjhonny3401 4 роки тому

    Bonnie 😍

  • @sergeybogdanovich7019
    @sergeybogdanovich7019 Рік тому

    Legend guitarist 🙏🍀❤️👌🎶🎼🎵✌️🎸🎤,super guitarist.

  • @anthonybymallia7067
    @anthonybymallia7067 3 роки тому

    I did it I'm playing it beautiful notes there joe not that hard to play thx for your awesome music god bless u man

  • @Rikalonius
    @Rikalonius 4 роки тому +1

    I love guys like Joe and the late Gary Moore who played whatever sounded good for what they needed. I happen to be a huge Fender fan though, so I really enjoyed this.

  • @KBK286
    @KBK286 4 роки тому

    The Humble is watching you and his proud of you as BB!

  • @dadudezpr
    @dadudezpr Рік тому

    First time hear him singing! Wowwww Wowwww Wowwww I think love more his singing!!!!! Wowwww again lol

  • @rarerockk
    @rarerockk 3 роки тому

    Singing a guitar with a knife is a very special method. Thanks for the inspiration @3:10