this is the first time ive ever seen capybara be confrontational, i guess when there is a giant watermelon on the line you gotta stake your claim and be firm
Capybaras can be agressive. Internet paints them as the chilliest animals on earth but that's not true at all in their natural environment, far from urban areas. they also cary a lot of ticks and that can become a huge problem.
@@feister2869 not at all. i live in brazil and they're very common here. they'll never attack you for no reason and they are not usually agressive, but you can't get too close and treat them as pets because they can react. specially if you go to a remote place, far from cities. they can also kill dogs if they feel threatened.
@@susicroft7905 animals instinct when they get a lot of food is to overeat and stuff themselves as much as they can because they don't know when the next time they will find food. So its our responsibility if we raise them to monitor their food intake so they don't overeat too much to a point where it will harm them. In the wild food is hard to find but if raised by humans they get food everyday and often so they don't need to overeat if they live with humans.
😂😂😂 Capys are soo chill, Even when they fight, they're so non confrontational, they get in a disagreement, both sides are instantly surprised and stop caring because it's just not worth it. and also there's food lol
this is just not true.. i breed amoebas in my home town in argentina (their home country) and one day for no reason one bit my finger... it came clean off !! haha... that must have been like 12 years ago live and learn haha
The few guys that back away are smart. They're waiting for the majority of their friends to peel off the outer layer and had their fill so they could enjoy the juicy inside of the melon.
Dude it’s the dyslexic in me if I say catalyst when I really mean capitalist just remember that’s the life of a dyslexic I didn’t see it until I reread it 2 weeks later.
I love capybaras. They’re amazing creatures and the exact look on their faces is the more I want to have in my life as well. Thank you for the video! 🥰
Hey, I dunno if you're being serious but they're actually a traditional dish in my home town and it's pretty delicious. The taste is different and strong but that may just be the preparation.
@@jacobolondono4650 Really, what do they taste like? I didn’t think they would have a strong flavor, maybe like a slightly gamey pork; but I’ve never had one so idk.
@@f4ptr989 I don't know if it's the actual meat that carries the flavour or it gets the flavor from the preparation process tbh but what I remember is that it is very salty and kinda like pork yes I'd say.
São lindinhas comendo ! Dá gosto d ver ! Mas acho q deveriam colocar mais melancias, pois as capivaras q são + submissas, ñ conseguiram comer. Tb acho q se deixasse, elas comeriam a melancia toda ! rsrsrsrsrsrs.... Ao ver a criação de Jeová Deus ( Salmo 83:18 ; Apocalipse 4:11 ), me lembro do q diz Tiago 1:17, onde lemos assim : " Toda boa dádiva e todo presente perfeito vem de cima, desce do Pai das luzes celestes, o qual ñ muda como sombras inconstantes. " E d fato, qdo olhamos p/ toda a criação, ñ tem como ñ nos admirarmos c/ tamanha sabedoria, poder, amor, justiça, etc , q vemos, e q estão diretamente relacionadas a personalidade d Jeová, q td criou d forma tão perfeita, generosa e altruísta. Realmente a criação é dadivosa e perfeita, presente d Jeová p/ kd 1 d nós. Como a criação, revela mt sobre a personalidade de Jeová Deus, sendo esta, extremamente atraente, nos faz admirar ainda mais o nosso Grandioso Criador e Pai Jeová Deus ( Gênesis 1:27 ). ! Realmente, Jeová é a personificação do amor, como diz 1 João 4:8. P/ demonstrarmos q amamos a Jeová, e q apreciamos e agradecemos por td q Ele criou, nós devemos fazer basicamente 3 coisas : 1 ) Devemos ser obedientes a Jeová ( Romanos 13:10 ; 1 João 5:3 ). 2 ) Devemos orar constantemente a Jeová ( Salmo 62:8 ; Salmo 65:2 ; Filipenses 4:6,7 ; 1 Tessalonicenses 5:17 ; Tiago 4:8 ). 3 ) Devemos cuidar, amar, tratar bem, toda a criação, ñ importa qual e d q espécie for. Se agirmos destas formas citadas acima, Jeová promete nos recompensar ( Salmo 37:11,29 ; Jeremias 29:11 ; 2 Timóteo 3:16,17 ; Tito 1:2 ; Hebreus 11:6 ). P/ q aprendamos e saibamos como viver d acordo c/ o q Jeová e Jesus nos ensinam na Bíblia, e assim, nos tornarmos pessoas q têm o seu favor e aprovação, foi criado um site q é inteiramente gratuito : ou . Neste site, poderá fazer buscas e pesquisas sobre assuntos d seu interesse. Poderá pedir um curso da Bíblia, gratuito, individual, no dia e horário d sua preferência. Este curso bíblico, poderá ser feito por meio d telefone e/ou videoconferência, se assim, for + d seu agrado. Ao acessar o site , encontrará material em forma d txt, entrevista, vídeo e áudio, voltados p/ todas as idades e formações, visando ajudar e atender o máx d pessoas possível ( por isso, é o site + traduzido do mundo, p/ + d 1.000 idiomas ). O site , é mt bom, prático e realmente útil, ao usá-lo, c/ ctz se beneficiará. Agradeço a atenção d quem leu meu comentário. Estimo td d bom a todos, aos seus familiares, amigos e pets, caso os tenham, pois tb são membros importantes e valiosos d nossas vidas. Se cuidem e fiquem bem. : )
this is what the internet was meant for
@@biopark this video is a perfect reason to have internet.
@@biopark it was a compliment.
I appreciated Japanese Zoo gets your attention and compliment.
Reddit moment
I like how they carry the watermelon out to the capybaras like a ritual sacrifice.
appease the beasts
We have prepared blood of the lamb, my Lords.
Let us all turn to Christ.
@@HebrewsElevenTwentyFive not me, nor any of the other 5 billion people
@@Ripurlife i do, seethe atheist
Capybara capybara
This is like the vegan equivalent of a pride to lions tearing into a wildebeest.
an animal can't be vegan lol
@@redRAID3R what about herbivores 🤨
@@gravy3858 that's by design not choice so it's not right to call them vegan
@@gravy3858 veganism is a choice/philosophy made about the food you eat and things you use, they aren't making a choice to not eat animal products.
嗚呼そうなんだ なんか納得しました
I Will kill all the frogs
@@hokkoringer02 本能って言い回しだと能動的に音出してるみたいになるな
The capybaras are like, here comes another sacrifice.
this is the first time ive ever seen capybara be confrontational, i guess when there is a giant watermelon on the line you gotta stake your claim and be firm
Capybaras can be agressive. Internet paints them as the chilliest animals on earth but that's not true at all in their natural environment, far from urban areas. they also cary a lot of ticks and that can become a huge problem.
@@patodonaldinho bs
@@feister2869 not at all. i live in brazil and they're very common here. they'll never attack you for no reason and they are not usually agressive, but you can't get too close and treat them as pets because they can react. specially if you go to a remote place, far from cities. they can also kill dogs if they feel threatened.
Giant vicious Guinea pigs....just add Mellon. 😜
@@patodonaldinho I knew those teeth weren't to be underestimated...
The afterparty looks good
They truly pulled up after that
her friends get naughty by eating a watermelon with the skin still on
That was gruesome, and then later on they rolled around in its blood! Oh, the humanity!
Gotta admire their cruelty.
@@commandervile394 Name checks out
@@yourfuturewaifu9061 Can't have evil without Vile! Or live for that matter.
But Barry, don't you live for that sort of thing?
The melon's human rights have been violated !
7:05 お子さんからの質問に答える神近さんの返しが名言で好きww
There is not one thing that’s bad about this video, Capybaras eating a watermelon is now my favorite thing
Why take it away before finished?
@@susicroft7905 Probably more than enough food for them as is. I know more than one animal that'd stuff itself over full if given the chance.
they already look half ded at the end
@@susicroft7905 animals instinct when they get a lot of food is to overeat and stuff themselves as much as they can because they don't know when the next time they will find food. So its our responsibility if we raise them to monitor their food intake so they don't overeat too much to a point where it will harm them. In the wild food is hard to find but if raised by humans they get food everyday and often so they don't need to overeat if they live with humans.
have you seen them swimming with oranges?
I didn't think I'd watch the whole thing, but they're just too awesome.
😂😂😂 Capys are soo chill, Even when they fight, they're so non confrontational, they get in a disagreement, both sides are instantly surprised and stop caring because it's just not worth it. and also there's food lol
I make my capybaras fight to the death
this is just not true.. i breed amoebas in my home town in argentina (their home country) and one day for no reason one bit my finger... it came clean off !! haha... that must have been like 12 years ago live and learn haha
@@mt-3956 never
I think us as civilized humans can learn some things from these capybaras.
@@mudasho did one really bite your finger off???
Capybaras: eating
Japanese and Americans: *this is the best time of my life*
The few guys that back away are smart. They're waiting for the majority of their friends to peel off the outer layer and had their fill so they could enjoy the juicy inside of the melon.
Superthanks! ありがとうございます!
スイカ洗顔😂 なんか痒くなりそうです😂
@@biopark 世界文化遺産まであと少しですね。
Meanwhile Ichigo is fighting a hollow in the spirit realm 500 meters away
This is exactly like a pride of lions eating big games in africa.
I am a simple man: I see capybaras eating, I click
The best animal to ever exist. Just why are they so adorable?
A huge watermelon exists*
Capybaras- okay we pull up
human : its a 97kg watermelon
Capybara : Are you challangng us?
@@ラスティスマイレージ なぜ馬…
I love how Japanese capybaras also have to practise moderation, when the watermelon gets taken away at the end.
its like the PG rated version of what Sharks do to whales at sea
Capybaras had to be the most chill animal on earth. I had the pleasure visit them in one of the farms in Taiwan couple weeks ago.
Thank you so much for eng sub!
Please check my comment of eng. sub.. We can suggest more better sub..
Wow I wanna a watermelon farm now!!! Its interesting to see the hierarchy show during feeding time. Thank you for your honorable work!!!
Dude it’s the dyslexic in me if I say catalyst when I really mean capitalist just remember that’s the life of a dyslexic I didn’t see it until I reread it 2 weeks later.
お納めください… 笑
These capybaras will look even more chill with some shades on
はぁ~食った食った🎵 って感じで転がってておっさんみたいw
I love capybaras. They’re amazing creatures and the exact look on their faces is the more I want to have in my life as well. Thank you for the video! 🥰
1:34 カピバラ界にもイジメが。
This one capybara at 1:10 is like, "Only flesh will satisfy me"
Yes!! kawaiiiii!!
Me and my brothers when my mum brings watermelon to home
カピバラ 「ブッ!!」
顔つっこんで食べてる子、スイカ好きなんだろうなぁ〜^ ^お客さんに見せるためのイベントとはいえ、毎年こんな豪華なおやつもらえるなんて大事にしてもらってるんだなーって嬉しくなります^ ^
So this is what goes down when they pull up to the after party.
I wonder capybara taste like, they look delicious especially if they’re fed on fruit like that all the time.
Hey, I dunno if you're being serious but they're actually a traditional dish in my home town and it's pretty delicious. The taste is different and strong but that may just be the preparation.
@@jacobolondono4650 Really, what do they taste like? I didn’t think they would have a strong flavor, maybe like a slightly gamey pork; but I’ve never had one so idk.
@@f4ptr989 I don't know if it's the actual meat that carries the flavour or it gets the flavor from the preparation process tbh but what I remember is that it is very salty and kinda like pork yes I'd say.
bruh that's pretty cursed
@@bunnygirl893 what, why?
O verdadeiro ASMR de fofuras!
Outro br eu vejo
Simplesmente... *CAPIVARA*
Sim, as onças adoram esse ASMR
97 kg? That's one Enho!
What people see: cute
What I see: *cannybals*
I live for these uploads ✨💯
Seven and a half minutes of big guinea pigs dining like kings
They pulled up
São lindinhas comendo ! Dá gosto d ver !
Mas acho q deveriam colocar mais melancias, pois as capivaras q são + submissas, ñ conseguiram comer. Tb acho q se deixasse, elas comeriam a melancia toda ! rsrsrsrsrsrs....
Ao ver a criação de Jeová Deus ( Salmo 83:18 ; Apocalipse 4:11 ), me lembro do q diz Tiago 1:17, onde lemos assim : " Toda boa dádiva e todo presente perfeito vem de cima, desce do Pai das luzes celestes, o qual ñ muda como sombras inconstantes. "
E d fato, qdo olhamos p/ toda a criação, ñ tem como ñ nos admirarmos c/ tamanha sabedoria, poder, amor, justiça, etc , q vemos, e q estão diretamente relacionadas a personalidade d Jeová, q td criou d forma tão perfeita, generosa e altruísta. Realmente a criação é dadivosa e perfeita, presente d Jeová p/ kd 1 d nós.
Como a criação, revela mt sobre a personalidade de Jeová Deus, sendo esta, extremamente atraente, nos faz admirar ainda mais o nosso Grandioso Criador e Pai Jeová Deus ( Gênesis 1:27 ). !
Realmente, Jeová é a personificação do amor, como diz 1 João 4:8.
P/ demonstrarmos q amamos a Jeová, e q apreciamos e agradecemos por td q Ele criou, nós devemos fazer basicamente 3 coisas :
1 ) Devemos ser obedientes a Jeová ( Romanos 13:10 ; 1 João 5:3 ).
2 ) Devemos orar constantemente a Jeová ( Salmo 62:8 ; Salmo 65:2 ; Filipenses 4:6,7 ; 1 Tessalonicenses 5:17 ; Tiago 4:8 ).
3 ) Devemos cuidar, amar, tratar bem, toda a criação, ñ importa qual e d q espécie for.
Se agirmos destas formas citadas acima, Jeová promete nos recompensar ( Salmo 37:11,29 ; Jeremias 29:11 ; 2 Timóteo 3:16,17 ; Tito 1:2 ; Hebreus 11:6 ).
P/ q aprendamos e saibamos como viver d acordo c/ o q Jeová e Jesus nos ensinam na Bíblia, e assim, nos tornarmos pessoas q têm o seu favor e aprovação, foi criado um site q é inteiramente gratuito : ou .
Neste site, poderá fazer buscas e pesquisas sobre assuntos d seu interesse.
Poderá pedir um curso da Bíblia, gratuito, individual, no dia e horário d sua preferência. Este curso bíblico, poderá ser feito por meio d telefone e/ou videoconferência, se assim, for + d seu agrado.
Ao acessar o site , encontrará material em forma d txt, entrevista, vídeo e áudio, voltados p/ todas as idades e formações, visando ajudar e atender o máx d pessoas possível ( por isso, é o site + traduzido do mundo, p/ + d 1.000 idiomas ).
O site , é mt bom, prático e realmente útil, ao usá-lo, c/ ctz se beneficiará.
Agradeço a atenção d quem leu meu comentário.
Estimo td d bom a todos, aos seus familiares, amigos e pets, caso os tenham, pois tb são membros importantes e valiosos d nossas vidas.
Se cuidem e fiquem bem.
: )
me: so are they a rat or a pig...?
also me: yes.
4:09 how I feel when I’ve eaten too much watermelon.
I have never heard or seen of this animal in my life. The world is so big.
They are from South America
@@f.massardo Daqui !!!
@@f.massardo Daqui !!!