That girl is sick! I love rosie! right enough i got my first holby autograph through my door today personally signed in corrospondence with the letter i sent her witha link to my fanvideo for her and i generally love rosie! but you should NEVER go as far as doing this to her or anyone for that matter!
@@imnotacat3798 It doesn’t matter if she knows or not I won’t be going to any shows ever again so it’s not an issue I have better things to do with my life than hang around stage doors licking peoples arses I’m not a sad twat like you
Lot of nutters out there. RM has serious health probs too so must've been a real strain. Yeah - she seems nice but why shouldn't she? Jac Naylor is a CHARACTER she plays
Blimey, she's brave
I don't know how she could have put up with this and still be an wonderful actress.
she truly is amazing.
I’m so sorry she has experienced this. She’s very brave.
I love Rosie. she is a great actor and a great woman.
Poor Rosie love her 💞
Rose u are great And how ever has gone and done that to u is stick in the heard u don't need people like that
Thank you x
@@DenizTeve ive no intrest in rosie full stop and ive hurt nobody ever
@@DenizTeve Savage!!!
most fans are so nice.
That girl is sick! I love rosie! right enough i got my first holby autograph through my door today personally signed in corrospondence with the letter i sent her witha link to my fanvideo for her and i generally love rosie! but you should NEVER go as far as doing this to her or anyone for that matter!
Thank you x
@@xavierdallenmusicuniverse6304 lets not talk about Alice here i dont want her mixed up with this crap
Feck off stalker I’m telling Alice Fearn anyway
@@xavierdallenmusicuniverse6304 She already knows hun
@@imnotacat3798 It doesn’t matter if she knows or not I won’t be going to any shows ever again so it’s not an issue I have better things to do with my life than hang around stage doors licking peoples arses I’m not a sad twat like you
Very attractive woman. I love her cheekbones
iam with u on that xxx very much fancy her❤
I had no idea Rosie went through this :( Poor woman
Love Rosie she is sooooooooooooo cool xox
Lol, she didn't make anyone cry this time, hahaha.
Just kidding, Jac is actually one of my favourites, classic grumpy doctor.
Aww bless her :/
Poor Rosie how awful
That is horrible :(
same thing happened to alan partridge !
poor rosie :'(
This is like the plot of baby reindeer 😔
Lot of nutters out there. RM has serious health probs too so must've been a real strain. Yeah - she seems nice but why shouldn't she? Jac Naylor is a CHARACTER she plays
Lol I like rosie but WTF why would you stalk and try to rape her :/