Wipro Next 20W Smart LED Batten - Long Term Review (E)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @prosesaha
    @prosesaha 2 роки тому +4

    can you automate temperature change over time?

  • @syedtariqshahid2657
    @syedtariqshahid2657 10 місяців тому

    how is its brightness when it comes to color and normal white light
    does it have a good amout of brightness?

  • @AbhayGupta-le9qu
    @AbhayGupta-le9qu 3 роки тому +1

    Hi....what is the warranty period for this product?

  • @Saisrinivas_Siripurapu
    @Saisrinivas_Siripurapu 3 роки тому +1

    does this have bluetooth support because in my area wifi connection goes on and off randomly.Thankfully, my wipro bulb has bluetooth support and i can turn on the bulb from the app even without the internet. does it work via bluetooth using the app...?

    • @naufalsam
      @naufalsam 3 роки тому

      Yeah Bluetooth should work only if you are close to the bulb. Wifi will let you control from anywhere in the world

  • @meghnagaonkar8625
    @meghnagaonkar8625 3 роки тому

    What do you do when it starts flickering?

  • @sunnyverma5823
    @sunnyverma5823 3 роки тому +1

    Really informative sir ji...👍

  • @Publicchannel5
    @Publicchannel5 2 роки тому

    Hi bro,I was testing same tube light bought from Amazon but in my testing brightness is not up to the mark,do you think fixing to wall at top with clamps will give more brightness than testing by placing wire in plug.Please help.

  • @yogibintuchheda1987
    @yogibintuchheda1987 10 місяців тому

    15 days worked properly but now not turning on

  • @frozenprakash
    @frozenprakash 2 роки тому

    Man, I use 4 of these tubes (only white), which is placed on 4 sides of the house outside on sunshade.
    I automatically switch this on/off during night time, which is super useful for me,
    Now after the tubes, I don't want to walk around the house to switch on/off all the tube lights around the house every morning & evening!

  • @yogibintuchheda1987
    @yogibintuchheda1987 10 місяців тому

    App showing offline

  • @pramodchandrasane6179
    @pramodchandrasane6179 3 роки тому

    Very good review , thanks

  • @Publicchannel5
    @Publicchannel5 2 роки тому

    Brightness is worst

    • @aseemsavio6696
      @aseemsavio6696 2 роки тому

      what's the size of the room you installed it in? I'm asking you to compare it with mine before purchasing. :)

    • @coolestspott69
      @coolestspott69 2 роки тому

      is it that bad?/