Yamaha CLP-700 Series - New Features

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @AMoKDuke
    @AMoKDuke 3 роки тому +11

    Very detailed demo. Best explanation on the clp-700 so far.

  • @MrVara411
    @MrVara411 3 роки тому +6

    Great presentation from start to finish. Virtually every minute detail to chart the evolution of these instruments was covered.

  • @jaredhartman6460
    @jaredhartman6460 2 роки тому +1

    This is a great presentation. I ordered my 795 6 months ago. You are Yamaha. Start doing everything in your power to get orders to dealers. My dealer is a rock star, but cannot do anything without product.

  • @regendaas
    @regendaas 3 роки тому +7

    At 10:52, it is said that the CLP-775 and CLP-785 both contain the Beethoven and Scarlatti pianos; this is not true - only the CLP-785 contains all four. Apart from that, great demonstration. One of the best of the 700 series out there.

    • @CraigKnudsen
      @CraigKnudsen 3 роки тому +1

      Good catch on the Fortepianos on CLP-775. You are correct, the CLP-775 has 2 Fortepianos and the 785 has all four. I had an early spec sheet that incorrectly listed all 4 Fortepianos for the CLP-775.

  • @fishikawa78
    @fishikawa78 3 роки тому +2

    I am a happy new owner of the CLP-735. Binaural sampling very authentic and yes you think the sound is from the external speakers when you wear the headsets. My daughter and son think the same. All the resonances features are adjustable and very realistic. I liked very much the key action, well it is my first digital piano and I don't have past references. The rhythm with bass baseline runs very smooth. And the piano curved design is beautiful.

  • @azureNETCode
    @azureNETCode Рік тому

    nice. I own the CLP 685. It's a beautiful instrument to play.

  • @hv1946FLUSA
    @hv1946FLUSA 3 роки тому +2

    Excellent presentation. Comprehensive and graphics were legible and appropriate.

  • @berfava
    @berfava 2 роки тому

    Amazing details helping my purchase decision , I only missed some explanation about the supposedly let-off mechanism

  • @michaelrosen7559
    @michaelrosen7559 3 роки тому

    Excellent demo Craig! In person experience is “key”!

  • @SuperOwyeah
    @SuperOwyeah 3 роки тому

    at 8:00 that's not a sample of the U1 but the SU7 (at least that's what the user manual says)

  • @erick5327
    @erick5327 3 роки тому +3

    question: what is the lifespan of these computers running these pianos? What is the durability of these computers based on useage, temperature, electrical power surges? Often, this issue makes the instrument obsolete and possibly unsellable within years without remedy. Impressive these are, no dought,. but could you share your experience on this question? Thank you

  • @primerareloadsmartkaraokes4554
    @primerareloadsmartkaraokes4554 3 роки тому

    I just hope those Fortepiano and/or new Piano voices from the Clavinova CLP will also be included on the Yamaha Clavinova CVP-800 Series ver. 2.0 and/or CVP-900 Series

  • @sx99cornell
    @sx99cornell 2 роки тому

    1:07 $999 Casio Privia PX-870 has that pedal noise too :)

  • @jaysymon5943
    @jaysymon5943 3 роки тому +1

    Does binaural sampling also have multiple sample layers?

  • @jorgwinter939
    @jorgwinter939 3 роки тому

    There seems to be 2 different actions: 1) GrandTouch (featured in CLP 795 GP) adn 2) GrandTouch S
    As mentioned in the video, the GrandTouch S takes different fulcrums for black keys into account. So does the GrandTouch in the CLP 795 GP actually have a heavier play on the black keys ?

  • @GK-bi6de
    @GK-bi6de 3 роки тому

    Can you go over "touch" function? I noticed it was set at medium. If u set it at light, will touchweight be lighter?

  • @DavidIzquierdoAzzouz
    @DavidIzquierdoAzzouz 2 роки тому

    Haven't seend "note off" setting on the piano room, isn't it implemented?

  • @BlackSaphire1987
    @BlackSaphire1987 3 роки тому

    Do all 3 Pedals funktion as they should be like in accoustic Piano??

  • @thestorysongsnl9397
    @thestorysongsnl9397 3 роки тому

    there are also wood keys in the clp775 are there not?

  • @guinhomusico9504
    @guinhomusico9504 3 роки тому

    Yamaha, the P-515 is a portable Clavinova lost in the P series ☺. It would be great to update the P-515's firmware with the sound of the Pedal Noise and the new Upright Pianos. I would exchange the voices in the Others category for new Upright Pianos if there is space in the instrument's memory. This can be an option in the Smartpianist application. I love the realistic sound of the Clavinovas, but I prefer portability like the P-515.

    • @RenyPerucchi
      @RenyPerucchi 3 роки тому +2

      No, clp 785 is other world, including the action.

  • @sasisar8005
    @sasisar8005 3 роки тому

    Why doesn't my clp 745 have a studio grand ? Does it mean it doesn't have a c7 sample?

  • @andrewdolphin344
    @andrewdolphin344 3 роки тому

    Craig great demo thank you. Is there a noticeable difference playing towards the back of the keys or is it as smooth as at the front (785)? Shops still closed in the UK so I’ve yet to try one. Thanks

  • @bradencutright-head6629
    @bradencutright-head6629 3 роки тому +2

    Can this be hooked up to a computer?

    • @MrVara411
      @MrVara411 3 роки тому +1

      Yes. These pianos can be connected to a computer for recording, virtual instruments, etc.

    • @CraigKnudsen
      @CraigKnudsen 3 роки тому +1

      Absolutely, in a variety of ways.

  • @Jim_Mundy
    @Jim_Mundy 3 роки тому

    The new CLP-700 line is beautiful. I will soon purchase a CLP-775 or CLP-785. I do have a question. I have single sided hearing loss. I am almost completely deaf in my right ear, and what sound little sound I do pick up with that ear is distorted. While the binaural sampling is likely amazing for a person with full hearing in both ears, it is distracting for me. Do you have a setting to turn this off? I have purchased an adapter for my current piano that converts the stereo headphone jack to a monaural output.

    • @CraigKnudsen
      @CraigKnudsen 3 роки тому

      Yes, it can be turned off in the settings.

  • @kevinhurzeler9705
    @kevinhurzeler9705 3 роки тому +1

    haha the binaural thing is true. happened to me too^^

  • @notdisclosed
    @notdisclosed 2 роки тому

    Just because many people put their Clavinova in their living room, doesn't mean that they want the controls buried in the touchscreen. I yearn for the day when Yamaha produces a keyboard with lots of top notch sounds, a great 88-key action, and accessible, durable, versatile, tactile controls. Not everything needs to pretend to be an acoustic. Make it available in slab and console form, too. For the slab, a high-quality three pedal unit is much needed. I know Yamaha can do it.

  • @marevalo8775
    @marevalo8775 2 роки тому

    I dont know to compare with the real acoustic piano there is still a tin like sam expecting to hear.ound for me. A real acoustic piano is what I

    • @marevalo8775
      @marevalo8775 2 роки тому

      Hi, I like the sales talk and the piano I will find out and I want to play it.

  • @mrhump6132
    @mrhump6132 2 роки тому

    Less talk more play I’m looking to hear it not listen to what Yamaha has always done on the clavinova for years.

  • @effyleven
    @effyleven 2 роки тому

    I don't know why the makers of digital pianos strive so hard to recreate the FAULTS of conventional pianos.. the sound of the dampers being lifted off, for instance.