Sociology of Caste Census

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kaarwan-e-upsc
    @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому +1

    For Detailed and Comprehensive lectures of Paper 2...Do visit our website
    Affordable EMIs available on Credit cards.
    For verification mail, during registration process, check both Inbox and Spam/Junk Folder.
    Open the website directly in Standard Browser like Google Chrome only... Don't Install the static pages of website on to the mobile (like an app)!!

    • @spleducation..8931
      @spleducation..8931 2 місяці тому

      Sir website me payment method razorpay kewl ya rha hia phonepey, Google pay ye sb option nhi ya rha hia kese buy kare sir please tell me

    • @spleducation..8931
      @spleducation..8931 2 місяці тому

      Sir mera razorpay me account nhi hia kese buy kare please sir tell me

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому

      @@spleducation..8931 Contact me at me an email....I will guide you through the entire process!!

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому

      ​@@spleducation..8931.....If you click on will see other options like Debit card/credit card/UPI (Paytm,gpay,phonepay).

  • @raghavupadhyay1392
    @raghavupadhyay1392 Місяць тому +5

    Sir i can understand your hard efforts to make all these videos, i wish that you have millions of subscribers one day, are a great teacher of sociology.......sir i request plzz don't lose hope, seeing low subscribers on your channel. You will have millions one day.....

  • @proudhindustanihindu2725
    @proudhindustanihindu2725 Місяць тому +2

    let us comment as much as possible so that this lovely and very important channel reaches masses and gains more recognition than it has now .....

  • @chandan6590
    @chandan6590 2 місяці тому +2

    Sir.. You are legend... Not because of your free lectures ,but for your teaching style.. You teach like a mathematian...

  • @mayankbhandari8881
    @mayankbhandari8881 2 місяці тому +4

    Sir most Welcome to your UA-cam channel.....

  • @sashirekhasahu9812
    @sashirekhasahu9812 2 місяці тому +5

    Welcome welcome sir❤

  • @Tyagi_3185
    @Tyagi_3185 2 місяці тому +3

    You are back ❤🙏 thanks a lot sir 💯😊

  • @moneysingh2000
    @moneysingh2000 2 місяці тому +2

    Gratitude and Grateful ❤

  • @Shashwatlistens
    @Shashwatlistens 2 місяці тому +1

    Welcome sir 🙏

  • @siddhidhonde
    @siddhidhonde 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you sir

  • @khushi984
    @khushi984 Місяць тому

    Sir... you're a great teacher. I request you to cover other subjects too. It's a plea sir...

  • @shraddhapandey5692
    @shraddhapandey5692 2 місяці тому

    Sir you are explaining really very well, after viewing your lectures I understood how to deal with sociology otherwise I was very confused...your lectures truly are a hidden gem 💎, only those who are really willing to understand are able to get it, rest are just there for criticism.... please don't take negative comments seriously and continue with the much awaited series 🙏

  • @dharmasothpraveen7320
    @dharmasothpraveen7320 2 місяці тому +1

    Welcome 😊 sir, I love so much of your teaching methodology it was epitome of interdisciplinary application ❤ Love from Telangana

    • @Aishu-v6z
      @Aishu-v6z 2 місяці тому

      @dharmasothpraveen7320 hlo anna nen kuda TS, actually nen bigginer so optional sir videos nundi chedam ankuntuna... So how can i approach annand notes ala prepare cheyaliii .. Plzzzzzz help cheyu anna

  • @aryan_kumar11
    @aryan_kumar11 2 місяці тому

    your presence is no less than a miracle for us ❤❤❤❤

  • @one_7seven_two_9ine
    @one_7seven_two_9ine 2 місяці тому

    Thank you Sir ♡

  • @KomalDahiya-or7de
    @KomalDahiya-or7de 2 місяці тому

    Sir Thank you for your guidance. It would look like we keep asking for more from you, but could you please guide about how to use integrate current affairs with sociology and how to know what are relevant current topics for sociology.

  • @anjalijadhav5398
    @anjalijadhav5398 2 місяці тому

    Hello Sir,
    Very Happy to see you back! Thank you so much for selfless guidance Sir, you really teach great!
    Sir sociology paper 2 playlist youtube pe available ho skta hai pls ?

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому

      @@anjalijadhav5398 It's available on website.

  • @bhojpuriyanoob7494
    @bhojpuriyanoob7494 2 місяці тому

    Make a playlist of research methodology for sociology pls

  • @LavanyaSR-io5lp
    @LavanyaSR-io5lp 7 днів тому

    Sir please write on the board and teach it will be more helpful btw thank you so much sir

  • @AwarenessWithEase55
    @AwarenessWithEase55 2 місяці тому

    Sir paper 2 mei kitne vedios hei our each vedio kitne ghante ki hei. Kab tak complete hogi.
    BTW love ur vedios❤

  • @abhinav3869T
    @abhinav3869T 2 місяці тому

    Sir please guide on these issues .....
    1- sir aapke history lectures
    me aapne contemporary
    societies se relate krke
    samjhaya hai .....
    Example- great bath &
    amritkund in amritsar...
    2- aapne bahut aache acche
    English words ka use
    kiya hai...
    3- aapne without pdf slides ke
    lectures diye hain ... chalk
    & blackboard instead of
    Slide culture (as used by
    every teacher on youtube
    which is practically
    ineffective for me ...)
    Q- Kya ye sab characteristics aapne khud hi develop kiye hain..... ya kisi acche college me offline study krke ?????
    Sir how can we develop such
    academic intellectuality in ourselves ?
    Sir please tell the every aspect of process..... how to maintain such perception
    about any subject ....topic
    That the things we have to gain ..... बाकी पढ़ तो लेते ही हैं
    सर ।।

  • @jitendersharma049
    @jitendersharma049 13 днів тому

    Sir any telegram group for this?

  • @anildeep507
    @anildeep507 2 місяці тому

    Keep camera to the board so that it will visible clear

    • @anildeep507
      @anildeep507 2 місяці тому

      I have to write the notes what have written in the board

  • @shubam224
    @shubam224 Місяць тому sociology...couse chahiye

  • @syedibrahim976
    @syedibrahim976 Місяць тому


  • @RAHULJAIN-cx3mx
    @RAHULJAIN-cx3mx 2 місяці тому

    Sir please take zoom session of enrolled student so that atleast we can ask our doubt

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому

      @@RAHULJAIN-cx3mx you can directly Reach me at for any doubt.

  • @alwaysfree...2001
    @alwaysfree...2001 2 місяці тому

    Sir aap bahut din baad aaye....

  • @captainamerica5037
    @captainamerica5037 2 місяці тому

    Sir Please Complete Other Chapters Of Paper 1🙏🙏🙏

  • @sharonsamikshatopno857
    @sharonsamikshatopno857 2 місяці тому

    Please do share the videos😊

  • @mahendrayadav011
    @mahendrayadav011 2 місяці тому


  • @swapnilsingh-j1n
    @swapnilsingh-j1n Місяць тому

    sir medieval history

  • @shiwangisingh971
    @shiwangisingh971 2 місяці тому

    Sir 1 humble request please provide notes it to tough to convert my running notes in a formate that is suitable for upsc 🙏 please help

  • @ShivamShukla-nm6dn
    @ShivamShukla-nm6dn 2 місяці тому

    Sir hindi me bhi provide kra dijiye

  • @simransadiwal2814
    @simransadiwal2814 2 місяці тому +1

    Sir are you providing the papaer 2 playlist... As you provide in paper 1....?
    Or it will be paid ..?

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому +1

      It's a paid course....The fees is Rs 4999/-.....The lectures are available on the website !!

  • @Etcian577
    @Etcian577 2 місяці тому

    Sir paper 1 ka kaha hai

  • @Love_shorts_video16
    @Love_shorts_video16 2 місяці тому

    Sir I have completed paper 1 from your lectures and I want to complete paper 2 as well but due to certain financial problems i am not getting access to those lectures and I really wish to complete my paper 2 from your explanation..plz help I have waited a lot but now it's getting late and that's why I am directly asking u for help....

  • @ravinaprajapati8570
    @ravinaprajapati8570 2 місяці тому

    Time would you take..??

  • @SheetalSingh-g7j
    @SheetalSingh-g7j 2 місяці тому

    Are u come 😊😊😊😊😊

  • @ravinaprajapati8570
    @ravinaprajapati8570 2 місяці тому

    Please sir its an humble request to complete sociology paper 2 here...
    How much would you take to share video's??

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому +1

      The course will consist of 50-55 lectures of 3-3.5 hr duration each for Paper 2 and discussion of Sociology Paper 2 PYQs post completion of Paper 2.
      The fees is Rs 4999/-

  • @spleducation..8931
    @spleducation..8931 2 місяці тому

    Sir payment mathod kewl Razorpay ya rha hia dusra koi other method nhi hia kaya sir payment ka

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому

      @@spleducation..8931 Dear... Razorpay is just an Intermediary platform on which you can pay using Debit card/Credit Card/UPI.....If you are still facing any issue, you can reach out to me at

  • @varunkumar5147
    @varunkumar5147 2 місяці тому

    Please tell me the booklist for Sociology in Hindi medium.

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому +2

      @@varunkumar5147 I have no knowledge of good books relating to Hindi medium.

  • @Etcian577
    @Etcian577 2 місяці тому

    Sir mjhe bpsc ka krna hai sociology to paper 1 ka aap playlist bana dijiye sir

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому

      Playlist is there ....108 videos....see the playlist section!!

    • @Etcian577
      @Etcian577 2 місяці тому

      Sir aap professor hai kisi college me kiya?

  • @VijayKumar-yb2oe
    @VijayKumar-yb2oe 2 місяці тому

    Sir will complete paper 2 for 2025 aspirants

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому +1

      @@VijayKumar-yb2oe Yes, The course will be finished by November end.

    • @VijayKumar-yb2oe
      @VijayKumar-yb2oe 2 місяці тому

      @@kaarwan-e-upsc tq v much Sir will owe to you

  • @siddhibhadoriya6301
    @siddhibhadoriya6301 2 місяці тому

    Sir, will u also teach ethics full in this sociology course

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому

      No......The course will consist of 50-55 lectures of 3-3.5 hr duration each for Paper 2 and discussion of Sociology Paper 2 PYQs post completion of Paper 2.

    • @siddhibhadoriya6301
      @siddhibhadoriya6301 2 місяці тому

      @@kaarwan-e-upsc will u teach ethics also in upcoming days

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому

      @@siddhibhadoriya6301 May be after completion of Paper 2 (Not certain though).

  • @parasraghav4801
    @parasraghav4801 2 місяці тому

    Hello sir i m from himachal and don't know how to prepare for optional
    I have commerce background but want to prepare sociology for mains
    Your videos are enough or i have to study from somwhere else as well pls reply

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому +1

      @@parasraghav4801 The lectures will be sufficient...Make running notes and supplement them with Orange Haralambos/Nitin Sangwan.

  • @WillRevealLater
    @WillRevealLater 2 місяці тому

    Sir how long it will take to complete the series of paper 2 ??

    • @kaarwan-e-upsc
      @kaarwan-e-upsc  2 місяці тому +1

      @@WillRevealLater By November...we will be able to cover Paper 2.

    • @WillRevealLater
      @WillRevealLater 2 місяці тому +2

      @@kaarwan-e-upsc thanks a lot sir , I'm targeting 2025 mains .
      Sir do you run any test series or answer writing program for sociology optional as well ?

  • @pavanreddy9822
    @pavanreddy9822 2 місяці тому

    Sir,pls make Videos in English Dont add Hindi as you have done before!!

  • @ManojSahu-uc6ed
    @ManojSahu-uc6ed 2 місяці тому +1

    thank you sir