Why the rosary? Satan does not want to listen to "Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with you." He is in so much agony listening to this because of envy; he could not accept Mary, a mere human, being praised. But most of all because of the complete enmity between them: HUMILITY of Mary vs PRIDE of Satan. One more, the Blessed Virgin is our mother...your mother. Jesus gives her to you and to us all. You are her child.
Praying for you. Please remember that temptations are just temptations, you have to entertain them to be guilty of a sin. If you're trying to keep your mind away from it, you're doing right. I hope that helps you.
In her early messages, Our Lady shared the Five Stones of Medjugorje: 1. Pray the rosary every day 2. Fasting (if your health condition allows it, of course) 3. Confession 4. Receiving the Eucharist 5. Read the Bible
I'm sorry but Medjugorje is a fraud. Just look at the sheer amount of so called revelations, that deviates from the usual true apparitions like Fatima, the seers are millionaires that flaunt their wealth, and the revelations conflict with traditional catholic teachings. Read E. Michael Jones' book on the subject.
I heard a homily saying the CCC says that homosexuality is the greatest cross and that those chosen are called to be the Greatest Saints. We need to encourage one another to become Saints, and especially call one another to reality check that we are not identified by what turns us on. That's disgusting temptations of the flesh that we must die to to be able to get into heaven. We want everyone to get to heaven.
@UniquelyMary Thank you! Yes, we do. I've pondered this in my heart my entire life, growing up as a millennial. I've had a neighbor and very close friends that I grew up with, and I truly believed that they were homosexual their entire lives- that they were born that way. Upon realizing that this is an intentional cross from God, created to make great Saints, do you have any suggestions on how to pray? Thank you, again. May God bless you and your loved ones.
Once you recognise it as a test from god, and train yourself in abstinance and grow your spiritual and personal foundation thoughts and matters of the flesh truely seem like childish, foolish vain things that serve no use
Ask God to release 100 souls from Purgatory for every homosexual (or other sinful) thought that you may have and the demons will begin to stop tempting you. This was suggested by a priest who did a mission in our church.
Hello from calexico ,Ca. On california mexico border. We juat finished the 3pm devine Mercy and special Rosary Sorrowful Mysteries Twice and the second fie David Canaris our son who is taking final exam he mustcpass to graduate from San Diego State . We pray eveninngs Alvaro's Room with chat petitions for participamts.
It's often linked to the lack of a father figure during growing up, or an overbearing mother. Along with early exposure to pornography. A very common issue, you often hear them saying this themselves, is that they got s. abused by someone in childhood.
My son is Gay and I was devastated when he told me age 18, I went through Hell thinking had I done something wrong and when somebody said exactly what you have said my husband went on to have a mental breakdown, looking back we treated both our children firmly but fairly and lovingly and I think whoever dreamed these statements up about parents are wrong, in my opinion it is who they mix with and Computor usage, which my son told me they used at school? We took our children to Mass every week etc, trying to give them the basics of Faith, it seems cruel pointless and untrue to blame Parents who are doing their best.
@@clayneshore9215Be at Peace in Christ Jesus. I'm a Former Sodomite and I once believed the fake science that it was either caused by nature, nurture or a combination of both. But I don't believe that now. I'm convinced and convicted in my belief that it's a100% Concupiscence caused disorder in the soul from the original Sin of our First Parents. Our Heavenly Father knows you've been the Best Parents you could have been to your son. Now the Ball is in your sons Court to Accept God's Mercy and Love and to live a fulfilling life of Divine Grace in Jesus Christ. Continue your Unending Rosaries and Our Blessed Mother will obtain his conversion . He will eventually Forgive and his anger will come to an end .Just Be patient with God and your Son . I'll be praying for you both.
@@clayneshore9215 Take into account that nowadays they are brainwashing our children from early age, also, they have free pornography one click away. If anyone is to blame it is the powers that be, that push this deviate behavior on our children.
@@clayneshore9215 I can see how this can upset you, you should watch a podcast with Lila Rose talking more about it. There is a link between homosexuality and trauma (sexual abuse or watching porn at an early age). There are always exception to the rules, environment plays a huge role, it is cool and trendy to be gay rather than a straight male especially at such a young age. At the end of the day, there is always hope, I would talk to a priest FSSP order if possible so they can help you spiritually❤
@clayneshore9215 I agree with you. It seems like some children are simply born with that inclination. I have a male cousin who, from the time he was a toddler, always wanted to dress in his mom's clothing and play with dolls. Everyone always knew he was born with that preference. He is a homosexual. It was nothing that the parents did.
Ave Maria, gratia plene, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus Fructus ventris tui, Jesu. Sancta Maria, mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
oh, now, I get to know other humans, who know this. thanks GOD! and related : "make love" ... even when there is no love involved they say this. they are spin doctors, trying to change the meaning.
That's why Paul describes people in the last days as "full of debate." He means one who just tries to justify their pet sin. They'll keep at it and it doesn't matter how crazy their rationale gets; so long as their conscience is seared and they can have their satisfaction.
Correct. And if you read Genesis 18 and 19 you will not God in the form of a man visits Abraham and then it is he God who calls down fire from God in Heaven.
God seems to especially abhor anything that distorts or misuses the conjugal act meant solely for husband and wife to pro-create. Visited St Catherine of Siena at the Basilica Santae Mariae Supra Minervam in Rome recently. She is a Superstar. Steady flow of pilgrims leaving her petitions.
Well, it is said that God flooded the world in the time of Noah because they were highly entangled in the alphabet sins...God was so disgusted by these sins he drowned everything he'd created less those saved on Noah's Ark. To me there is a special place in hell for any clergy/preacher/rabbi that lies to people saying that God condones such behaviors because they know VERY well these sins are 1 of 4 that cry out to heaven for vengeance.
@@athom508 People like you don't like to hear the truth and are cowards. Cowards don't make it to heaven as God clearly says in Apocalypse 21:6-8 [Douay-Rheims] And he said to me: It is done. I am Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end. To him that thirsteth, I will give of the fountain of the water of life, freely. He that shall overcome shall possess these things, and I will be his God; and he shall be my son. But the **fearful** , and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Inform yourself of the word because you lack the ability to correct people on God's words.
From Catholic Answers: “There are particular mortal sins that are so evil that they are said to be sins that cry to heaven for vengeance: murder (Gn 4:10), sodomy (Gn 18:20-21), oppression of the poor (Ex 2:23), and defrauding workers of their just wages (Jas 5:4).”
Puzzled by your use of the hammer and sickle and of rainbow flag colours. You appear to be Christian by your writings and yet you combine two anti-Christian symbols in your personal symbol.
God will forgive your sins if you repent sincerely, with the purpose of not to sin again, confess your sins and change your life completely so you don't offend God anymore.
They say 'born this way', I said, as someone who could fit their definition, 'yes, it is a test from god, if you fail to overcome it you'll be condemned to hell' and then eventually, your abstinance, and work in improving your spiritual and personal foundation will grow so much you'll pass beyond the point of knowing temptation for flesh, and see nothing in it but vanity and fleeting distraction that serves no use
MATTHEW 25:41-46: Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You who are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels, for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of you?’ Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ And these will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous into eternal life.”
💯 it is those that oppress the poor and have zero compassion that is the gravest of sins-indeed Ezekiel lists Sodom’s oppression of the poor as the fundamental reason God destroyed it…Republican lawmakers be aware when cutting help and healthcare for the poor
As my answer beneath may not be visible to all, I will add here what I have experienced myself directly - even if I don't strive with such temptations, but I could check directly the following; to everyone striving with honosexual temptations, pray to be freed by the Very Precious Blood of Jesus from every spirit of homosexuality and, above all, from asmodeus. It is the spirit of it, of shame, because homosexuality is often a form of shame towards the opposite sex by some trauma, and the devil attacks above all those traumatized, inducing such temptations (in some cases, they are obsessions, that is interferences by the devil into human psychology). If you ask in prayer the truth about yourself, you will understand what weakened you, and be led on the path of liberation. Confession, Rosary, Holy Mass, and adoration, plus sacrifice will free you. God bless you all!
6:28 "no one was on the point where we are" ... except the last years before the Flood? I read, "ate and drank, married and were given in marriage" as code for cannibalism, vampyrism, gay "marriage", lesbian "marriage". I think I recall sth like that from Josephus.
To choose that which cannot be compelled, to choose agape (love). If a parent is justified in punishing a rule-breaking child then how much more justified is the persona of Reality Itself when disciplining His wayward children?
There was 2 cities. Sodom and Gomorrah are the 1 cities that God destroyed because if homosexual acts. Today is Sodom and Gomorrah 2 0. God Bless everyone
Actually, The small city or Zoar survived, due the Angels granting Lot his requests. We know it survived because or labeled on a mosiac tile map, Crusader Era map shows it labeled as Zoar or Bela. The rest of the Four cities on the Plain and its green,lush Watered landscape was wiped out.
I stopped watching certain TV shows which had previously been entertaining as they had become LGBT propaganda. Also even a religious radio show I used to listen to on radio became so LGBT focused that I gave it up.I still listen to the religious news radio show on Sundays but even there LGBT issues come up too often, with the pro-LGBT view given precedence.
@@whiteknight-templarnunc1042 In the first few seconds of this video clip, the host refers specifically to Anne Catherine Emmerich and her book. Later, they also talk about St. Catherine of Sienna.
@@UniquelyMary Amazon has several books by Emmerich herself. Are you referring to "The Life and Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich" by K.E. Schmoger, which comes in 2 volumes?
Minute 5:35 He mistakes love for Lust. you can love everyone, your brother, your dead grandma, your dog, your best friend. Lust is if you decide to use your flesh. Lust is an ability of every primitive beeing. Love is not Lust... great mistake
No. Same sex marriages did happen in the late Roman Empire. Juvenal speaks about that, describes even how the men were dressed. However, never ever was it any idea, imagination or mention of changing sex. The Ecclesiastes repeats: nihil novi sub sole. Yet this has been recently disproved and it is tragic.
This is foolishness to say spirits run from gay things. When Satanist and evil people say that is the quickest way to summon evil spirits. I myself had been tormented by evil spirits because they put gay thoughts in my head and I fell into that sin. And I seen them and suffered much because I was still trying to follow God even though I was giving in to these strong temptations. And that was the only time I ever seen or dealt with evil spirits. But God delivered me from the temptation and I don't have those thoughts now. It's a terrible thing to be influenced by evil spirits. But one thing it did do is make my faith stronger 💪 because I should be in hell but Jesus saved me. 🙏 and that knowledge that God is real and the demons are real too. Can never be shaken. And the gratitude I feel towards my God is so much. I love God for everything. For anyone who has been experiencing this. It's not you. You can always tell when something is you. Because you will want it 100% of the time. But evil thoughts put in your mind come and go. You just keep praying and asking God to help you overcome it.🙏 you will It's not something that goes away without a fight though. It will take time. But if you want to be free God will take it away. Trust Him. They run at the name of Jesus Christ 🙏 🙌 don't let them lie to you and tell you that this is your desire. It's the evil spirits. They delight in what God hates.
I kinda do believe that there is more than one god in this world, one that leads people like you astray. If god is supposed to be all loving why persecute gays if they’re born that way. this is why there are so many denominations bc why is god condoning murder and hatred. I think the gnostics are right, that Yahweh is the Demiurge. He is not the one above all. Though that supreme entity exists, the entity that controls our beliefs like this is a malevolent god.
St Catherine’s of Siena - because adding her name to the title makes the title too clunky and no one clicks on the video - trust me - I’ve learned from experience
I don't know about that. That sounds like a seriously homophobic human characteristic..not of a demon I love listening to exorcist priests talk about their experiences and their advice. When they talk about homosexuality.......they don't mention that demons can't see the act. Maybe I just didn't hear that part. Has he talked about this stuff with any exorcist priest? Id like to know
S3xual sins, not just homosexuality, are condemned by God and He calls us to repentance if we have engaged in them. No Christian, should support sexual sins, nor accuse others of being homophobic, because they would also be accusing God of it; however, they would be wrong.
I'm calling BS on this one. If it's so bad, how come it's not in the 10 commandments. How come Jesus never spoke about it while on Earth, and instead healed the slave of the centurion, who in that time would have been expected to perform homosexual acts on his master. And what 5 cities, you can't even answer that one question which is central to what you're talking about. And yet He left a multitude of cities where it was practiced still standing. If you hate, you're not with God, and you have misunderstood His message completely.
Ok what about hermaphroditism. Or people that are born with two organs. Does God ban these individuals who are born with these conditions considering that they didn't have a choice when their fetus developed abnormally!? Should they not be able to or be denied sex due to genetic abnormality!? Should healthy one gender people marry is procreate with them!? Should they alter their bodies to fit society or religious experience or expectations. I do think to do harm to your body just because you are born with hermaphroditic parts. Does more harm than good. You simply have to accept your Body. And not take it like from whatever others say because then others would be encouraging harmful physical mutilation which may prove more harmful than beneficial.
However we were born…..we were told to be “born again” by the Lord. So matter what is happening with the physical body at birth, the Lord judges the heart in death. It’s how we live not what body parts we have. We must have relationship with Him
Instead of creating fan-boy content from these stale dark-age superstitions, start with some good fiction, like Asimov's Foundation. These superstitions you covet have way too much ambiguity, the stories are weak, and the main character, "God" has all the same character flaws as the idiot humans who follow him.
I struggle with homosexual desires. Please pray for God to free me of these sins.
Ok, I will. Me too sometimes, but its bettter. Attacks of demons, because they know our weaknesses.
@johnharris7353 🙏
Pray the rosary constantly...if it's difficult, pray along with Bishop Baron's UA-cam rosaries. God bless you.
Why the rosary? Satan does not want to listen to "Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with you." He is in so much agony listening to this because of envy; he could not accept Mary, a mere human, being praised. But most of all because of the complete enmity between them: HUMILITY of Mary vs PRIDE of Satan. One more, the Blessed Virgin is our mother...your mother. Jesus gives her to you and to us all. You are her child.
Praying for you. Please remember that temptations are just temptations, you have to entertain them to be guilty of a sin. If you're trying to keep your mind away from it, you're doing right. I hope that helps you.
If a movie or tv show has a same sex love scene I stop watching right away.
its amazing to see how many people hate sex scenes in movies! Hollyweird insists one is needed in every movie.
How about no sex scenes at all.
That I eliminates a lot of today's TV sitcoms. No matter theirs better ways to spend one's time.
I skip regular sex scenes in general because they never bring any value to the story
I no longer watch TV I read.
In her early messages, Our Lady shared the Five Stones of Medjugorje:
1. Pray the rosary every day
2. Fasting (if your health condition allows it, of course)
3. Confession
4. Receiving the Eucharist
5. Read the Bible
I'm sorry but Medjugorje is a fraud. Just look at the sheer amount of so called revelations, that deviates from the usual true apparitions like Fatima, the seers are millionaires that flaunt their wealth, and the revelations conflict with traditional catholic teachings. Read E. Michael Jones' book on the subject.
Marian apparitions of medjugore are controversial. They haven't been approved by the church
@@cinelli07 I said the same and referred to EM Jones' excellent book on the topic, but youtube deleted my response. Medjugorje is 100% a FRAUD.
@@cinelli07The above advice though is not controversial, same as Fatima.
Some seers are proven fakes.
It is so sad that so many people think that this is OK. My heart breaks.
Not only that, we teach our children from a young age that this is ok, and if you speak up you get jailed or your life destroyed!
We need the help of the angels,saints and the mercy of Jesus Christ✝️🙏🏻
Lord have mercy on me, a terrible sinner.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Love the Blessed Mother! Never, ever let go of her guiding hand that will lead us to Jesus. Pray the Rosary daily for her intentions. Love her!
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.
I heard a homily saying the CCC says that homosexuality is the greatest cross and that those chosen are called to be the Greatest Saints. We need to encourage one another to become Saints, and especially call one another to reality check that we are not identified by what turns us on. That's disgusting temptations of the flesh that we must die to to be able to get into heaven. We want everyone to get to heaven.
It is and we definitely need to pray intensely for each other
@UniquelyMary Thank you! Yes, we do. I've pondered this in my heart my entire life, growing up as a millennial. I've had a neighbor and very close friends that I grew up with, and I truly believed that they were homosexual their entire lives- that they were born that way. Upon realizing that this is an intentional cross from God, created to make great Saints, do you have any suggestions on how to pray? Thank you, again. May God bless you and your loved ones.
I know he isn't Catholic but Fr. Seraphim Rose is a wonderful example of this. He was known for his holiness and clairvoyance.
Once you recognise it as a test from god, and train yourself in abstinance and grow your spiritual and personal foundation thoughts and matters of the flesh truely seem like childish, foolish vain things that serve no use
Evil is a counterfeit of true desire, an impotence that shadows the Good.
Ask God to release 100 souls from Purgatory for every homosexual (or other sinful) thought that you may have and the demons will begin to stop tempting you. This was suggested by a priest who did a mission in our church.
Purgatory isn't real.
@@taylenvila3915 Correct. Jesus already paid the full price for our sins.
Jesus is the Way, Truth and the Life.
Hello from calexico ,Ca. On california mexico border. We juat finished the 3pm devine Mercy and special Rosary Sorrowful Mysteries Twice and the second fie David Canaris our son who is taking final exam he mustcpass to graduate from San Diego State . We pray eveninngs Alvaro's Room with chat petitions for participamts.
God bless you..
God Bless you Tony
@@tonycanaris1778 Pray to St. Joseph of Cupertino for help with his exam! May God bless him, and your family! Never stop praying for one another! 🙏🏻💞
Hello. That's wonderful. Amen😊❤❤
@@uzbeccastan86 Are you related to Admiral Wilhelm Canaris.
It's often linked to the lack of a father figure during growing up, or an overbearing mother. Along with early exposure to pornography. A very common issue, you often hear them saying this themselves, is that they got s. abused by someone in childhood.
My son is Gay and I was devastated when he told me age 18, I went through Hell thinking had I done something wrong and when somebody said exactly what you have said my husband went on to have a mental breakdown, looking back we treated both our children firmly but fairly and lovingly and I think whoever dreamed these statements up about parents are wrong, in my opinion it is who they mix with and Computor usage, which my son told me they used at school? We took our children to Mass every week etc, trying to give them the basics of Faith, it seems cruel pointless and untrue to blame Parents who are doing their best.
@@clayneshore9215Be at Peace in Christ Jesus. I'm a Former Sodomite and I once believed the fake science that it was either caused by nature, nurture or a combination of both. But I don't believe that now. I'm convinced and convicted in my belief that it's a100% Concupiscence caused disorder in the soul from the original Sin of our First Parents. Our Heavenly Father knows you've been the Best Parents you could have been to your son. Now the Ball is in your sons Court to Accept God's Mercy and Love and to live a fulfilling life of Divine Grace in Jesus Christ. Continue your Unending Rosaries and Our Blessed Mother will obtain his conversion . He will eventually Forgive and his anger will come to an end .Just Be patient with God and your Son . I'll be praying for you both.
@@clayneshore9215 Take into account that nowadays they are brainwashing our children from early age, also, they have free pornography one click away. If anyone is to blame it is the powers that be, that push this deviate behavior on our children.
@@clayneshore9215 I can see how this can upset you, you should watch a podcast with Lila Rose talking more about it. There is a link between homosexuality and trauma (sexual abuse or watching porn at an early age). There are always exception to the rules, environment plays a huge role, it is cool and trendy to be gay rather than a straight male especially at such a young age. At the end of the day, there is always hope, I would talk to a priest FSSP order if possible so they can help you spiritually❤
@clayneshore9215 I agree with you. It seems like some children are simply born with that inclination. I have a male cousin who, from the time he was a toddler, always wanted to dress in his mom's clothing and play with dolls. Everyone always knew he was born with that preference. He is a homosexual. It was nothing that the parents did.
Ave Maria, gratia plene, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus Fructus ventris tui, Jesu. Sancta Maria, mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
Lust , now a day, defines as love
oh, now, I get to know other humans, who know this. thanks GOD!
and related : "make love" ... even when there is no love involved they say this. they are spin doctors, trying to change the meaning.
The Catechism says "it can never be approved". That should end the conversation with those seeking to justify these sins these days.
That's why Paul describes people in the last days as "full of debate." He means one who just tries to justify their pet sin. They'll keep at it and it doesn't matter how crazy their rationale gets; so long as their conscience is seared and they can have their satisfaction.
We are in the end times perhaps. He's tired of it
and who can blame Him? It's sad.
I’m well over it…
Yep. We’re living in the End Times and still so many people are unaware. Major changes are coming and they’re not good.
We're not in the end times yet
@@cinelli07 No one knows. The Scripture itself says so.
I don't disagree at all but I find it hard to believe that pure evil would be sickened by anything. That just doesn't compute.
Father ripperger an exorcist mentions something similar in his experience with exorcisms
@@thefiscalisteI have seen Fr. Ripperger make the same claim.
There's no "pure evil". Evil have no essence, it's absence of good, "privatio boni".
It makes sense, these beings often have remnants of their previous nature before their fall.
I don’t understand. How can demons be sickened or horrified by anything?
I think it means come Lord Jesus come, it is in English.
Yes, _"Come oh Lord"_ Amen
One of the cities of the plain was spared because Lot’s family took refuge there , I think
Correct. And if you read Genesis 18 and 19 you will not God in the form of a man visits Abraham and then it is he God who calls down fire from God in Heaven.
Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, Zoar ((Bela)
@@BensWorkshop God in form of a man (I.e. Christ)
What about all the adultery and “hooking up” or fornication that’s so rampant in our society??
What about it? The question is how to persuade people that such behavior harms them over time, spiritually and physically.
Yes it's all sin.
whoa a bombshell spine-tingling!
God seems to especially abhor anything that distorts or misuses the conjugal act meant solely for husband and wife to pro-create.
Visited St Catherine of Siena at the Basilica Santae Mariae Supra Minervam in Rome recently.
She is a Superstar. Steady flow of pilgrims leaving her petitions.
Well, it is said that God flooded the world in the time of Noah because they were highly entangled in the alphabet sins...God was so disgusted by these sins he drowned everything he'd created less those saved on Noah's Ark. To me there is a special place in hell for any clergy/preacher/rabbi that lies to people saying that God condones such behaviors because they know VERY well these sins are 1 of 4 that cry out to heaven for vengeance.
It is NOT your position to proclaim who belongs in hell, no matter what the sin involved. That belongs to God.
@@athom508 People like you don't like to hear the truth and are cowards. Cowards don't make it to heaven as God clearly says in Apocalypse 21:6-8 [Douay-Rheims]
And he said to me: It is done. I am Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end. To him that thirsteth, I will give of the fountain of the water of life, freely.
He that shall overcome shall possess these things, and I will be his God; and he shall be my son.
But the **fearful** , and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
Inform yourself of the word because you lack the ability to correct people on God's words.
From Catholic Answers:
“There are particular mortal sins that are so evil that they are said to be sins that cry to heaven for vengeance: murder (Gn 4:10), sodomy (Gn 18:20-21), oppression of the poor (Ex 2:23), and defrauding workers of their just wages (Jas 5:4).”
Puzzled by your use of the hammer and sickle and of rainbow flag colours. You appear to be Christian by your writings and yet you combine two anti-Christian symbols in your personal symbol.
God will forgive your sins if you repent sincerely, with the purpose of not to sin again, confess your sins and change your life completely so you don't offend God anymore.
This is the prison of the Archons
They say 'born this way', I said, as someone who could fit their definition, 'yes, it is a test from god, if you fail to overcome it you'll be condemned to hell' and then eventually, your abstinance, and work in improving your spiritual and personal foundation will grow so much you'll pass beyond the point of knowing temptation for flesh, and see nothing in it but vanity and fleeting distraction that serves no use
MATTHEW 25:41-46: Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You who are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels, for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of you?’ Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ And these will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous into eternal life.”
💯 it is those that oppress the poor and have zero compassion that is the gravest of sins-indeed Ezekiel lists Sodom’s oppression of the poor as the fundamental reason God destroyed it…Republican lawmakers be aware when cutting help and healthcare for the poor
We are all exasperated 😢
Time is almost gone....
As I understand it, Sodom was a City, whereas Gomorrah was an urban area of about 200 square miles or so
As my answer beneath may not be visible to all, I will add here what I have experienced myself directly - even if I don't strive with such temptations, but I could check directly the following; to everyone striving with honosexual temptations, pray to be freed by the Very Precious Blood of Jesus from every spirit of homosexuality and, above all, from asmodeus. It is the spirit of it, of shame, because homosexuality is often a form of shame towards the opposite sex by some trauma, and the devil attacks above all those traumatized, inducing such temptations (in some cases, they are obsessions, that is interferences by the devil into human psychology). If you ask in prayer the truth about yourself, you will understand what weakened you, and be led on the path of liberation. Confession, Rosary, Holy Mass, and adoration, plus sacrifice will free you. God bless you all!
Amen. Thank you.😊❤❤
"1370s," WOW! "God the Father Himself." Oh my! Dr. Rosaria Butterfield speaks openly about this sin vis-a-vis her "conversion."
It's interesting that in the comments, it seems hard for some to hear this message. I know this message is true! This sin is an abomination!
All sins are an abomination
@SunnyBoyy448 All sins aren't equal and if you're Catholic, you know that.
A demon can only be offended by censorship
6:28 "no one was on the point where we are" ... except the last years before the Flood?
I read, "ate and drank, married and were given in marriage" as code for cannibalism, vampyrism, gay "marriage", lesbian "marriage".
I think I recall sth like that from Josephus.
Is there a non edited version of the discourses of Saint Catherine of Sienna's that has not been woke redacted?
Just commenting in hopes I'll get notified of someone having an answer.
TAN books has one. I guarantee they didn't redact anything.
Is the whole video available for this interview?
Yes - I'm releasing little pieces to introduce people to the book - the full interview comes out on Thursday
What is the point of free will if God is going to punish for going against His will?
Because he only desires a willing communion with his beloved creation. That can be only with purely free will.
As our earthly life is but a test of our worthiness, it is therefore essential for People to exercise their GOD given Free Will.
To choose that which cannot be compelled, to choose agape (love). If a parent is justified in punishing a rule-breaking child then how much more justified is the persona of Reality Itself when disciplining His wayward children?
There was 2 cities. Sodom and Gomorrah are the 1 cities that God destroyed because if homosexual acts. Today is Sodom and Gomorrah 2 0. God Bless everyone
It is, but not for the reasons everyone thinks. Ezekiel 16:49-50.
Those people should not hold any authority
What are the five cities?
Actually, The small city or Zoar survived, due the Angels granting Lot his requests. We know it survived because or labeled on a mosiac tile map, Crusader Era map shows it labeled as Zoar or Bela. The rest of the Four cities on the Plain and its green,lush Watered landscape was wiped out.
Which publisher cut those parts out of St. Catherine's Dialogue?
My question also
They purged it from the stigmatist?
Sodom and Gomorrah and the 5 cities of the plain that were at the dead sea area is what got wiped out.
What is the name of the book? Thank you so much!
John McHatton
It’s called “The Stigmatists” by TAN
The Benedict Option was great.
The Five Cities of the Plains - well known to Egypt and others as a rich region, middlemen on trade from the east….
Here in Bendigo, Australia, the local Catholic Secondary School has gay club !
That’s so disappointing. I hope those souls find the truth and repent.
I stopped watching certain TV shows which had previously been entertaining as they had become LGBT propaganda. Also even a religious radio show I used to listen to on radio became so LGBT focused that I gave it up.I still listen to the religious news radio show on Sundays but even there LGBT issues come up too often, with the pro-LGBT view given precedence.
Which book by Anne Catherine Emmerich are we talking about here? I'd like to learn more. Thanks!
They were talking about St Catherine of Sienna.
Her biography -
@@whiteknight-templarnunc1042 In the first few seconds of this video clip, the host refers specifically to Anne Catherine Emmerich and her book. Later, they also talk about St. Catherine of Sienna.
@@UniquelyMary Amazon has several books by Emmerich herself. Are you referring to "The Life and Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich" by K.E. Schmoger, which comes in 2 volumes?
The Dialogue of St. Catherine Of Siena
Minute 5:35
He mistakes love for Lust.
you can love everyone, your brother, your dead grandma, your dog, your best friend.
Lust is if you decide to use your flesh.
Lust is an ability of every primitive beeing.
Love is not Lust... great mistake
No. Same sex marriages did happen in the late Roman Empire. Juvenal speaks about that, describes even how the men were dressed. However, never ever was it any idea, imagination or mention of changing sex. The Ecclesiastes repeats: nihil novi sub sole. Yet this has been recently disproved and it is tragic.
It was rampant in the Roman empire.
@@whiteknight-templarnunc1042 No. Only in the late part of the Roman Empire, during the decadence.
Yes. Now we are "smarter" than the silly Romans or the "primitive" Aztecs. Let's go Brandon!
@@paulfaigl8329 No. We are not smarter. But in between there happened a huge revolution called Christianity. And that has marked the world forever.
@@marysylvie2012I believe he was being sarcastic.
Demons are repulsed by all bodily sins.
Revelations what was lost will be found. The seventh seal is cracked. The four horsemen are riding.
Evil intimidated by sin? Ahhhh. Hard to believe. Fleeing from Mary? Yes. Michal Archangel? Yes. True Cross? Yes. I think they'd stoke those "flames."
This is foolishness to say spirits run from gay things. When Satanist and evil people say that is the quickest way to summon evil spirits. I myself had been tormented by evil spirits because they put gay thoughts in my head and I fell into that sin. And I seen them and suffered much because I was still trying to follow God even though I was giving in to these strong temptations. And that was the only time I ever seen or dealt with evil spirits. But God delivered me from the temptation and I don't have those thoughts now. It's a terrible thing to be influenced by evil spirits. But one thing it did do is make my faith stronger 💪 because I should be in hell but Jesus saved me. 🙏 and that knowledge that God is real and the demons are real too. Can never be shaken. And the gratitude I feel towards my God is so much. I love God for everything. For anyone who has been experiencing this. It's not you. You can always tell when something is you. Because you will want it 100% of the time. But evil thoughts put in your mind come and go. You just keep praying and asking God to help you overcome it.🙏 you will It's not something that goes away without a fight though. It will take time. But if you want to be free God will take it away. Trust Him. They run at the name of Jesus Christ 🙏 🙌 don't let them lie to you and tell you that this is your desire. It's the evil spirits. They delight in what God hates.
God the father and Jesus are the same person.
God is One Being and Three Divine Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I kinda do believe that there is more than one god in this world, one that leads people like you astray. If god is supposed to be all loving why persecute gays if they’re born that way.
this is why there are so many denominations bc why is god condoning murder and hatred.
I think the gnostics are right, that Yahweh is the Demiurge. He is not the one above all. Though that supreme entity exists, the entity that controls our beliefs like this is a malevolent god.
Who are you talking about? Why don’t you write her name in the title or description?
St Catherine’s of Siena - because adding her name to the title makes the title too clunky and no one clicks on the video - trust me - I’ve learned from experience
I don't know about that.
That sounds like a seriously homophobic human characteristic..not of a demon
I love listening to exorcist priests talk about their experiences and their advice. When they talk about homosexuality.......they don't mention that demons can't see the act. Maybe I just didn't hear that part.
Has he talked about this stuff with any exorcist priest? Id like to know
S3xual sins, not just homosexuality, are condemned by God and He calls us to repentance if we have engaged in them. No Christian, should support sexual sins, nor accuse others of being homophobic, because they would also be accusing God of it; however, they would be wrong.
Amen ✝️☦️❤️🔥
I'm calling BS on this one. If it's so bad, how come it's not in the 10 commandments. How come Jesus never spoke about it while on Earth, and instead healed the slave of the centurion, who in that time would have been expected to perform homosexual acts on his master. And what 5 cities, you can't even answer that one question which is central to what you're talking about. And yet He left a multitude of cities where it was practiced still standing. If you hate, you're not with God, and you have misunderstood His message completely.
Ok what about hermaphroditism. Or people that are born with two organs. Does God ban these individuals who are born with these conditions considering that they didn't have a choice when their fetus developed abnormally!? Should they not be able to or be denied sex due to genetic abnormality!? Should healthy one gender people marry is procreate with them!? Should they alter their bodies to fit society or religious experience or expectations. I do think to do harm to your body just because you are born with hermaphroditic parts. Does more harm than good. You simply have to accept your Body. And not take it like from whatever others say because then others would be encouraging harmful physical mutilation which may prove more harmful than beneficial.
However we were born…..we were told to be “born again” by the Lord. So matter what is happening with the physical body at birth, the Lord judges the heart in death. It’s how we live not what body parts we have. We must have relationship with Him
@mumbles215 Yep and this talks about a relationship with an entity beyond our physical body. Regardless of what body that we have been born with.
it's not "excerpted" out of the book, it's a fabrication and not part of the original text do your research
it's about Jesus only. All your saints and blah blah is ridiculous . how dare you people discuss anything but Jesus Christ. .
People make God out to be reactionary sensitive crybaby wimp
grow up
God is extremely uptight, and not particularly loving. I'll pass.
When the CEO of the Universe gives the ultimate best advice to silly, ungrateful humans like us, it can only come from an unfathomable love.
Međugorje is unnatural apparition or lie.
It's also astoundingly boring ... same messages for decades. Nothing new, nothing enlightening.
@@TommyTune-m6p If Medjugorje taught something new it would be dismissed.
I believe in Medjugorje.
I cant believe you people know how to comment on youtube videos....some hip old folks!
Instead of creating fan-boy content from these stale dark-age superstitions, start with some good fiction, like Asimov's Foundation. These superstitions you covet have way too much ambiguity, the stories are weak, and the main character, "God" has all the same character flaws as the idiot humans who follow him.
God exists out of time. It was wrong then as much as it is now. Truth IS God. Truth IS timeless. When will 2+2 not be 4?
Did you know that there are people who acted on their ho.osexual just but repented and are in Purgatory? Maybe even in happen, like the good thief?