ترنيمة انا لستَ الا غريبا هنا

  • Опубліковано 27 гру 2024


  • @jackzalin8554
    @jackzalin8554 Рік тому +19

    تراتيل الميسحية عندما يسمعها الإنسان يرتاح نفسينا وروحيا ويكون إنسان سالم لا يعتدي على بشر ولا حتى على حيوان. تدل على قيم المسيح مخلصنا.. الموت ليسى إلا إنتقال إلى الحياة الأبدية في ملكوت السماء التي ورثها الرب يسوع المسيح لنا..

  • @RanaRana-jm1fs
    @RanaRana-jm1fs 3 роки тому +10

    الله يرحم جميع الموتة و نحن الاحياء ايضا🙏🏻
    يا يسوع حنن قلوبنا القاسية على اعداءنا و حبايبنا 🙏🏻 يايسوع نور عقولنا و قلوبنا المظلمة 🙏🏻
    اشكرك يا يسوع على رحمتك و عطاياك 🙏🏻

  • @basimgaggi7708
    @basimgaggi7708 4 місяці тому +1

    لما اسمع الصلاة عيوني تدمع هذي الترتيل مفضله عندي 🙏🙏🙏

  • @muntahaibrahim8601
    @muntahaibrahim8601 3 роки тому +9

    نعم نحن غرباء ووطننا ليس،هنا .
    بل مع الذي،فدانا ،فيارب اجعلنا مستحقين ان نكون معك

  • @justinvictor8412
    @justinvictor8412 6 років тому +48

    انا من دولة جنوب السودان نلت البركة من خلال هذا الترنيم ليبارككم من غني نعمته. امين

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

    • @magidalsabti9687
      @magidalsabti9687 3 роки тому

      مبروك لك نلت البركة أمين يارب 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹

    • @JasmineJazz69
      @JasmineJazz69 2 роки тому

      الرب يباركك انت وأهل بيتك
      الرب يقوي ويكون معك في كل أيام حياتك . المجد لاسمك يارب

    • @HananWadea-p6p
      @HananWadea-p6p Рік тому

      مبارك وعظيم اسمك يارب

    • @elena.t3251
      @elena.t3251 Рік тому

      God bless you and your family 🙏🏼✝️

  • @PolinaAnna
    @PolinaAnna Рік тому +2

    مبارك وعظيم الرب يسوع خلصنا من الظلمات الي نورك السماوي إلهي القدؤس الرحمة الهية هاليلويا هاليلويا هاليلويا 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻

  • @fadiwaid73
    @fadiwaid73 5 років тому +16

    نعم انا لست الا غريبا هنا فان السماء موطني
    هذه الحياة الارضية سوف نعيش فيها فترة قصيرة جدا ويجب علينا ان نكون مستعدين كل حين لاننا لا نعرف متى سوف ياتي ابن الانسان في مجيئه الثاةي الذي سيقيم به لالمؤمنون الى قيامة الحياة الاابدية والخاطئون الى قيامة الدينونة الي يتم البكاء وصرير الاسنان
    اتمنا انكم تكونون مستعدين كل حين وان تاكلوا وتشربوا جسد ودم ربنا يسوع المسيح امين

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @tawfiekjabbor4108
    @tawfiekjabbor4108 2 роки тому +1

    ترنيمة رائعة. اصح ان نقول سأُلبس (مفعول لأجله) وليس سألبس .. لأن كل ما نحصل عليه بالنعمة وليس بقوانا المجد للرب يسوع

  • @nadanana7366
    @nadanana7366 5 років тому +10

    شفتوا كيف يحيي ويعلم الروح لحالو يكمل عمله بالنفس لمن يسمع يسعى او ينال قوه ولمسه من يسوع

  • @7URA97
    @7URA97 Рік тому +1

    يارب المسيح يقبل فيني لان احبب هذا الدين وتعاليمه❤ واحترامي لجميع الديانات

  • @michealishak406
    @michealishak406 6 років тому +25

    أشكر كل من يضع هذه الترانيم الروحية أتمنى أن تضعوا صلاة الاشحيم مقسمة حسب الأوقات الفرضية لنصليها

    • @عاشقةالانمي-غ6ص
      @عاشقةالانمي-غ6ص 4 роки тому +2

      @alhamdleallah2 روح طير انت ودينك تمام؟

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому +1

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

    • @wardesaliba9311
      @wardesaliba9311 Рік тому


  • @fadiakopar3747
    @fadiakopar3747 4 роки тому +10

    لما اسمع هاي الصلاة، قلبي يرتاح.

    • @عاشقةالانمي-غ6ص
      @عاشقةالانمي-غ6ص 4 роки тому +1

      @alhamdleallah2 شبيك حاشر روحك بالمسيحيين خليك بدينك

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

    • @عاشقةالانمي-غ6ص
      @عاشقةالانمي-غ6ص 2 роки тому +1

      @@Anonymous-nt7vc اخي غلط تكول اله الاسلام الوهمي لان الإله مالهم هو الله ماعلينا بيهم احنا بس غلط تكول اله وهمي!

  • @nadianissan8989
    @nadianissan8989 5 років тому +22

    هذه ترنيمة كانت امي تقولها كل مرة لله يرحمك يا امي انتي دايما في بال

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому +2

    يا ربي امنحي كل شخص ارحم كل شخص واقع في ضيق

  • @redbutterflybutterfly637
    @redbutterflybutterfly637 7 років тому +16

    داءما اتاثر بهذه وابكي لانها تعكس حالتنا لاننا غرباء في هذه الدنيا الفانية

    • @yousefgaro216
      @yousefgaro216 7 років тому

      red butterfly butterfly

    • @naseemgasgoos1554
      @naseemgasgoos1554 7 років тому +1

      red butterfly butterfly روووعه هاليلوووويا

  • @jaleelbhnlm8880
    @jaleelbhnlm8880 8 років тому +32

    حينما نسمع هاذي ال تراميم الروحة ترتاح الروح وا ال فكر وا ال مشاعر الروحية شكر وتقدير الى من يهتمون بهاذه المواضيـع المهمة جدا سلام ونعمة الرب معكم

  • @nadanana7366
    @nadanana7366 5 років тому +5

    امين يلي بيفهم عالروح سبحان الله الروح تكلم الروح لا يوجد اجمل واصدق عامل ان ينتشر النور والروح عكل سكان الكون نامل من الرب هذا باراده وطيبة خاطر لترحل الشياطين وتضعف بعالمنا تصبح السماء عارضنا ت كان اراد يسوع ليعود

  • @leilamalke9819
    @leilamalke9819 2 роки тому +2

    عندما اسمع هذه الترنيمه ربي يزدن تعلقا أكثر ويارب العالمين سريعا اذهب الى موطني الحقيقي والله يحمي الي رتل هذه الترتيله وكل انسان فاضل نطق باسم الاب والابن امين يارب العالمين

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому +1

    نشكرك يا رب كل نعمه بحياتنا دائما نقول يا الله يا الله

  • @marinadanial1159
    @marinadanial1159 6 років тому +20

    نعم ياربي انا لست الا غريبا هنا آمين كريالايسون كرستياليسون

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @doodalajrab8044
    @doodalajrab8044 8 років тому +9

    عاشت الايادي والرب يسوع يحفظكم

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому +1

    يا يسوع احنا تعبنا كل الاحزان

  • @nadanana7366
    @nadanana7366 5 років тому +7

    امين يارب متى تحيي عالمنا ويصبح دارك هنا وفينا ومعنا نحن ببراءه نحبك نكلمك ونشتاق اليك لان لشخصك كنا نحيا ونتابع هالحياة بنورك متى تنهي حزن الكون والبشريه ارحمنا بيتهمونا عطول لاجل اسمك ارحمنا وارحمهم يارب وكما بكلمك المرنم صوتك يكلم جميع البشر اشكرك لم تتركني بيوم كنت عالي المقام بنفسي رغم كلشيء لكن مشياتك ارادت تضيء بيوم للكون يارب تبقى انت اشطر واخبر مني لم اتهرب لكن كنت فاهمه لا يعجب البشر صوتك وكلامك متلي ومتل كلمن يقصدك ويسعى ليحيا لك ومعك

  • @salamalajrab3877
    @salamalajrab3877 8 років тому +10

    الرب يسوع يحفظكم وكلش رؤؤعة

  • @lamyaalaim234
    @lamyaalaim234 6 років тому +7

    تشعر أنك قريبا من موطنك فعلا راحة للنفوس والروح ++شكرا جزيلا لكم ربي يبارك فيكم ياناسنا الطيبين

  • @sargonabraham3477
    @sargonabraham3477 2 роки тому +1

    لان ليس لنا هنا مدينة باقية بل نطلب العتيدة . عبرانيين 13: 14 . فدار العلى موطني .. الرب يباركك

  • @jieidiekidjw4815
    @jieidiekidjw4815 4 роки тому +4

    هللويا للرب في السماء والأرض الى دهر الداهربن امين

  • @gloryjajjawi8647
    @gloryjajjawi8647 7 років тому +8

    ترتيلة في الصميم ..الرب يباركك ويحفظ صوتك وينقي ذهنك ويحيطك بنعمته لتسبيح اسمه المبارك االعظيم

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @lindabarsom5886
    @lindabarsom5886 5 років тому +7

    ترنيمه جميله جدا ربنا يباركن كمان و كمان

    • @sakaryabasim6380
      @sakaryabasim6380 3 роки тому +1

      انت شدخلك على هاي الصفحة خليك بدينك الي يحب الدم وقتل وماعليك بينا

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @sleimanyoussef2225
    @sleimanyoussef2225 5 років тому +6

    الرب يسوع يحفظكم

  • @sameers3946
    @sameers3946 3 роки тому +1

    آمين يارب يسوع المسيح استجب صلواتنا 🙏🙏🙏

  • @yosefgapr20
    @yosefgapr20 8 років тому +73

    أنا لستُ إلاّ غريبًا هنا فإنّ السما موطني
    أرى الأرضَ ليست سوى بلقع فدارُ العلى موطني
    أرى الحزنَ والخوفَ حولي هنا فدارُ العلى موطني
    لذلك أشتاقُ أن أرتقي سريعًا إلى موطني
    ألا إنني سائحٌ قاصدٌ ديارَ السما موطني
    فلابدّ أن تنتهي غربتي وأمضي إلى موطني
    هناكَ أمام المخلصِ في ديار السما موطني
    سَأُلْبَسُ إكليلَ مجدٍ بهي وأفرحُ في موطني
    هناكَ أُمتعُ نفسي بمَن هداني إلى موطني
    وَيفرحُ قلبي بأهل التقى إلى الدهر في موطني

    • @talaat_sh_jazrawijazrawi7580
      @talaat_sh_jazrawijazrawi7580 5 років тому +1

      yosef gabr نسخ الرابط

    • @sistermerrygerges4509
      @sistermerrygerges4509 4 роки тому +2


    • @CristyanCristyan-fd9oq
      @CristyanCristyan-fd9oq 2 місяці тому +1

      هذه ترنيما احس انا غريبا فيها هو انا فعلا في موطن اخر ليس بلدي احس انا غريب وكانسان نحس نحن غرباء نحس بالمسيح هو معانا وانه ليس ئلا حياتنا غريبة كيف هو خلقنا وكيف نتحوك ونعيش بنفسه ودمه حركاتنا بداخلنا نتحرك كل هذا اعجوبا الحركة الحياة الرؤحيا الله السماء رؤحيا حركتها من حركت البشريا كلها ونحن زئلون منها مانعرف ساعا واهمشيئ نعمل شيئ لاخرتنا والرب يظهر علين كشرؤق الشمس تحت الارض القبر هو ياتي ورفعنا برؤحه القدوس وأعضاء كلها تبرعا بها الإنسان الأرض في وقت الصلئب كي يمل واحمالنا مشاكلنا وينسيئنا كل شيئ نفعله كي لا نرجع عليها كل هذه اعجوبا منه
      صليبا كي تقوا الأرض تكون قويافوقها وتحتها الانهار الرب ليمتع حياته فيها عندما يتحمل كل أعباء البشر لا يعلم ولا يعرف من ياتي ئليهيفي صلاة ليبدئل ثوبهو صلاتكم زيدو صلاتكم ليبدئل ثوبه بكل للحظا ويدخل رحمته هاليلويا هاليلويا حبيليئلاهي وخالقي حبيبي حبيبي ليس حب مثل الشاب وبنت لا انه حب ئلاهي كي يخلصنا من ظلمات الحياة ال نوره السماوي ليس لدينا سيواك انتا مشيئتنا وحياتنا ودمك دمنا برؤحك الفردوس

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому +1

    امين يارب يارب يارب يارب يارب يارب ❤❤❤❤❤يارب

  • @laurettekarkenny6906
    @laurettekarkenny6906 6 років тому +8

    What a beautiful song to.praise God and want to be in heaven where really it is the faithful.home AMEN

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @sleimanyoussif6211
    @sleimanyoussif6211 3 роки тому +4

    مبارك اسم الرب له كل المجد 🙏

  • @berjhadidian9790
    @berjhadidian9790 4 роки тому +3

    و الروح و العروس يقولان تعال....تعال يا رب....و لا تبطئ....ما في أحلا من الحياة معك.

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @linaamso5172
    @linaamso5172 Рік тому

    الله يرحم جميع الأموات
    هو انتقال إلى السماء
    لما اسمع هل الأنشودة أشعر ب اننا ضيوف في هذه الدنيا الفانية وأشعر براحة نفسية لهذا الأنشودة الرائعة

  • @هلاابواسكندر
    @هلاابواسكندر 4 роки тому +4

    الرب يرحم جميع امواتنا

  • @mdkassis
    @mdkassis 6 років тому +8

    من أجمل التراتيل

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @hanyhabib492
    @hanyhabib492 3 роки тому +2

    جميله جدا ربنا معاك إلى الأمام ربنا يدوم محبتك وميحرمنيش من حضرتك ابدا

  • @bernipfeffer6481
    @bernipfeffer6481 7 місяців тому +2

    Love Jesus you are my everything 👏👏👏👏💕💕💕💕💋💋💋💋💋

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому +1

    امين يارب يارب يارب يارب يارب يارب يارب يارب يارب يارب ❤❤❤❤ يارب يارب ❤❤❤ يارب يارب ❤❤

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому +1

    كل اثنين جولف في القلب صافي

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому +1

    سبحان ربي هو اللي يسوي اجوب

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому +1

    امين يارب يارب يارب ياربي يارب ربي يحفظكم

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому +1

    امين امين امين امين امين امين امين امين امين ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤امين امين امين

  • @jaklinzako7973
    @jaklinzako7973 2 роки тому +1

    هذه كل الحقيقة نكون مستعدين باسم يسوع

  • @nadanana7366
    @nadanana7366 5 років тому +4

    بكل حال هكذا نقول ما بقى بفهم شي لكن حرمتونا نصلي ونكون عاده وع طبيعتنا عايشين عاد فهمي اتكلم ولكن تبقى المسؤوليه ل يلي بعقلن وفاهمين وساكتين شرحت كلشيء بعقلي لحل كلشيء معوده صرت بعرف يسوع بيعتني فينا مهما غدرت بنا الحياة والسنين والبشر سيبقى الله معين ولم يترك احد اذا باعداؤ فكر وبعتن خبر

  • @sal3ambasmagi175
    @sal3ambasmagi175 6 років тому +12

    يرحم امواتكم ...🏥

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @marnissimusic4080
    @marnissimusic4080 4 роки тому +3

    روووووعه ... حقا لسنا الا غرباء ...

  • @alimaro4109
    @alimaro4109 3 роки тому +2

    انا مسلم ومع ذلك احب سماعها 🥰

    • @batnawi
      @batnawi Рік тому +1

      ادخل للمسيحيه

  • @nuraceylan5448
    @nuraceylan5448 4 роки тому +6


  • @linanaem6610
    @linanaem6610 Рік тому +1

    السما للينا والارتفاع والنجاحات

  • @fhfdfgjdyuug9287
    @fhfdfgjdyuug9287 7 років тому +8

    انا لست الا غريبا هنا فان السما موطني
    يارب يارب سامحنا على اخطاءنا

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @nourelias2608
    @nourelias2608 6 років тому +12

    ربنا يرعاكم رووووعة وشكرا🙏🙏

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому +1

    امين امين امين امين يارب ربي ربي ربي ❤❤❤❤

  • @magidalsabti9687
    @magidalsabti9687 3 роки тому +2

    مبارك اسم الرب له كل المجد 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @يارب-ل3د8خ
    @يارب-ل3د8خ 4 роки тому +3

    فلابد ان تنتهي غربتي وامضي الى موطني

  • @linanaem6610
    @linanaem6610 Рік тому +1

    انا لست الا غريبا هنا فدار العلى والارتفاع السماوي موطني

  • @JullietDavid
    @JullietDavid 4 роки тому +5

    ننتظر اللقاء في بيت الاب السماوي. وهناك نراه وننسى كل الالم

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @rahilklisanli3531
    @rahilklisanli3531 Рік тому +1

    يارب احفظنا برعياتك 🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️

  • @magdimikhail940
    @magdimikhail940 8 років тому +7

    رائعة جداااااااااااااااااا

  • @أممشتاقالهنودي
    @أممشتاقالهنودي 3 роки тому +1

    الله يرحم جميع موتانا يا رب واخص منهم ابني الشهيد وزوجي العزير

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому

    امين امين يارب يارب ❤❤❤❤

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому

    امين يارب يارب يارب

  • @MJGAME1
    @MJGAME1 2 роки тому +1

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (وما خلقت الجن والأنس الا ليعبدون)

    • @batnawi
      @batnawi Рік тому +1


  • @ماريالطقسبطرس
    @ماريالطقسبطرس 9 місяців тому

    المجد لك يارب السماء

  • @luaymnani3317
    @luaymnani3317 7 років тому +4

    راااااائع جدا

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому

    امين يارب يارب ربي

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому

    هو الرب المخلص

  • @ميشيلوانيسمراد

    ترنيمة رائعه . ميشيل مراد

  • @sleimanyoussif8255
    @sleimanyoussif8255 4 роки тому +2

    امين 🙏

    • @sleimanyoussif6211
      @sleimanyoussif6211 3 роки тому +1

      نشكر ربنا على نعمته و فدائه لأجلي وأجلك. ابني روح اقرأ الكتاب المقدس انت عايش في الظلام ربنا ينور عقلك المريض

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @Jggghg
    @Jggghg 2 роки тому

    امين يارب استجب لنا

  • @merrygerges8040
    @merrygerges8040 4 роки тому +1

    يغني لساني بأقوالك، لأن كل وصاياك عدل. (مز ١١٩ : ١٧٢)✝️📖✝️🙏✌️💙

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @نورابنتالملك
    @نورابنتالملك 6 років тому +3

    الرب يحفظكم

    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @malakmelki7608
    @malakmelki7608 Рік тому +1


  • @malakmelki7608
    @malakmelki7608 Рік тому


  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому

    محبه وفرح❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @saharbayoodh583
    @saharbayoodh583 Рік тому

    انا لست غريبا هنا فدار العلا موطني

  • @mayajosef7155
    @mayajosef7155 3 роки тому

    ترنيمة كتي حلوة والرب يباركك

  • @yilcil4429
    @yilcil4429 3 роки тому

    Allahim sen hep kalbimdesin ✝️🤲💖🌟

  • @ماريالطقسبطرس
    @ماريالطقسبطرس 7 місяців тому

    نشكرك يارب على كل شئ مبارك للجميع

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому

    الله شكرا ربي ربي

  • @hanyhabib492
    @hanyhabib492 3 роки тому

    احلا لايك واحلا مشاهد

  • @linanaem6610
    @linanaem6610 22 дні тому

    لابد أن تنتهي غربتي وامريكا إلى موطني

  • @CristyanCristyan-fd9oq
    @CristyanCristyan-fd9oq 9 місяців тому

    Amen Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💔💔💝

  • @magdimikhail940
    @magdimikhail940 8 років тому +4

    اشكرك جدااااااااااا

  • @Yostina-
    @Yostina- Рік тому

    جميلة ❤🥰

  • @كرستوفسلام
    @كرستوفسلام 4 роки тому

    الله يرحمها امي كانت تسمعها

  • @martinlamie7808
    @martinlamie7808 2 роки тому

    رائعة 🙏

  • @marymharbi5891
    @marymharbi5891 3 роки тому +2


  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому

    والامن والسلام اليكم

  • @sarmadmakho1636
    @sarmadmakho1636 9 місяців тому

    امين امين امين امين 😂❤

  • @anadan646
    @anadan646 2 роки тому +1


  • @reanreanreanrean327
    @reanreanreanrean327 4 роки тому +1


  • @hhkolplpli2899
    @hhkolplpli2899 4 роки тому +1


    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.

  • @saboruzgarogragi6670
    @saboruzgarogragi6670 3 роки тому


  • @bay_tersmessi
    @bay_tersmessi 3 роки тому

    Harika bir ilahi

  • @khalilosta9300
    @khalilosta9300 Місяць тому

    المقدمة الموسيقية المحدثة لا تتناسب مع كلمات الترنيمة ويعاد تسجيلها بدون الطبول

  • @reanreanreanrean327
    @reanreanreanrean327 4 роки тому +1


    • @ibatan7243
      @ibatan7243 3 роки тому

      -How come the word: “Tawheed” does not exist in yr quran?
      -How come quran uses the 3rd person pronoun 'He' in almost every time alla talks to people?
      If the quran is written by alla then he must use the 1st pronoun and say 'I' and not 'He'.
      -How come quran elevated muhammad to the level of alla? for example, obey alla and his apostle...listen to alla and his apostle...respect alla and his apostle etc...? isn't obeying alla enough?
      why do we have to obey 'his apostle' in addition to obey alla? are they partners?
      unless your profit...oops I meant prophet, is making his own commandments without the approval of alla? thus quran is not the word of alla.
      -How come on 4 different occasions alla revealed 4 ayats that matched 100% the wishes of khalifa umar bin-alkhattab? is umar also a prophet? or maybe alla did not have the great ideas of umar when he prepared the preserved tablets of quran, so he added the 4 verses later, when umar asked for them.
      -How come alla did not add the accents 'fatha, dammeh, kasra, fathatayn, dammatayn, kasratayn, Hammzah, alef mad, shaddeh, dots (tanquitt) etc... when he downloaded yr quran with jibril? did not he realize, with his stupid brain, that muslims will be confused without these necessary accents/vowels so he made hajjaj ben-yusuf to do it by himself without any, earthly or heavenly, approval or revelation?
      -How come you say that prophets do not sin while muhammad asked and was granted forgiveness on his past/future sins? If he's sinless then he must not ask for forgiveness.
      -How come muhammad says: I don't know what will happen to me or to you but only... if alla will include me in his tremendous mercy? how come you follow a prophet who does not know his destiny?
      -How come alla in quran swears by the stars, the sun, the moon, the sky, the clouds, the winds, the trees, the sea, etc... 1) alla is not supposed to swear at all because he only says the absolute truth, so -how come he is swearing? 2) when someone swears that he's saying the truth, he swears by something extremely valuable/precious for him...swearing by the Earth, winds, sea, rain, sun, etc... is like I am swearing to you by my stapler, desk, computer, paper-clip, etc..., would yous believe me if I swear to you by such items?
      -How come alla promised in yr quran to preserve yr quran and surat ‘al-rajem’ is lost and surat ‘irdaa alkabeer’ was eaten by Dajen (a goat)? Couldn’t alla fulfill his promise and keep these two ayats? How come aisha confirms that one third of sura al-ahzab was lost?
      -How come qutum does not know who the Holy Spirit is?
      -How come he did not know exactly how many persons were 'ashab alkahf'?
      If quran is the word of alla, then he must know the answers instead of embarrassing himself and qutum by guessing.At the end of the verse it says only alla knows. He does not know if he does then he would have told his favourite prophet.
      -How come qutum ordered you to kiss the black-stone as he kissed it himself too, so did kalifa umar and ali. Isn't kissing a stone is like kissing a statue(idolatery)?
      -How come the black-stone is capable to absorb the sins of the muslims who kissed/padded it? isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? doesn't allah refuse to share any of his attributes with anyone?
      This is shirk.
      -How come a shahid (muslim martyr) can forgive the sins of 70 people of his own family? Isn't forgiveness an attribute of alla alone? This is shirk.
      -How come if I kill a lizard (Dhaber or Abu-breiss) from the first hit I get forty of my sins forgiven? isn't what qutum told you in his hadith? is a lizard-killing capable to forgive muslims sins when we kill it from 1st hit? obviously such abu-breiss is a partner with alla.-This is shirk.
      -How come muhammad, just before his death, cursed both the Jews and the Christians because they build their churches/synagogues on the graves of their prophets. Few years later, muslims built the ‘masjed alnabawi’ in Madina on the grave of Muhammad?

      When your house is built by glass do not cast stones on other peoples' houses.