Link To The Fatwa: Al Imam ibn Abdul Barr said: ولم يختلف العلماء أنّ العامّة عليها تقليد علمائها، وأنهم المرادون بقوله: {فَاسْأَلُواْ أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُون} [سورة الأنبياء:7]. There is no difference of opinion amongst the scholars that the general population (laymen) are required to do taqleed of the scholars, and that they are the ones intended by Allah's statement: "So ask the people of knowledge if you know not" [Al Anbiyaa': 7] [Jami' bayan al ilm wa fadhlihi 2/310]
As salaamu alaikum, Brother, can you please elaborate on how this ayah obliges an ordinary Muslim to make taqleed of a scholars opinion. The shaikh, may Allah have mercy upon him, mentioned that asking the person of knowledge neccesitates that the his saying is to be taken, does this ayah neccesitate that the saying, opinion or view of a person of knowledge be taken or something more specific?
@@theislamicschool9081 Wa Alaikum Assalam This Ayah is used as proof for saying, Taqleed is Wajib on the laymen in Furoo' Al Fiqh (rulings essentially, whatever you find in a Fiqhi text to be simple) If you ask a scholar, then you act upon his ruling and it is not for you to ask ten scholars, then look at the evidence then try to evaluate between them. Rather ask a scholar and act by the ruling he gives you
It’s a tricky concept to understand for many including the muqallideen and ghayr muqallideen. I understand from Sheykh’s words that it is necessary to differentiate the taqleed done by sahaba and the taqleed done by laymen of today in that they were by definition trustworthy, whereas many a’immah of today (not the shuyukh of ahl al ‘ilm) must clear the bar. May Allah make us able in ‘ilm.
Not really, that wasn't the point the Shaykh was trying to make in this video Although making Taqleed of the trustworthy Faqih is an important point to note as well
@@ZaynElAbideen Jazakallah wa khayran, could you elaborate how one must understand this barakallah feekum? Edit: Alhamdulillah it is now clear upon review.
In his book about differences between ulema he says that it’s not obligatory to ask the most trustworthy and knowledgeable rather it’s mustahhab, so which came first this opinion mentioned here or that one?
akhi wouldnt it be more befitting to translate taqleed as copying or something closer to that rather than blind following, because blind following has negative connotation, and taqleed is not always negative, but certainty can be be.
Our aim was to make sure people who misunderstand Taqleed and treat the word 'blind following' as a taboo understand exactly what the Shaykh is speaking about
Maybe some younger sahaba and tabiin did taqlid. Ah so this is soppose to answer the question how can i know who to do taqlid of if i am still learning, who you see to be on truth is perception, but Quran 33.70 says Allah guides the truthful, i think in Baqara it says those who fear Allah, Allah will teach them. I also think the criteria i mentioned earlier, like ahl sunna can convince ahl bida to do taqlid of ahl sunna over ahl bida imams because ahl sunna teach Aqida with proves and win out on that one. Quran 4.82. Recall some ppl are picky of taqlid as ahl bida Iie in name of taqlid. Salafis are to adapt a middIe path, Sh. Albani quoting the 4 mathhab imams when the Iearned should reject their fiq was wise.
Some Ahle hadees scholars in Sub continent are saying that taqleed is shirk. So I am a newly converted to islam before 3 months. So I am confused. And they are saying research your own. But I don't know how to do that. And I have to learn islam. But they are saying that taqleed will take you out ofthe fold of islam. So what should I do? I can't do my own research. I am confused.
No that is falsehood for sure bec Quran says ask the people of knowledge if you don't know. Then they might quote you verses like return to Allah and messenger if you differ but those are for the people of knowledge not a layman. Since layman's interepration lead to Deviance.(most of the time) And the madhaibs are well established and in written so it's best to follow that for a layman. This Madhiabs has roots from the companions of prophet(s.a.w). The tragedy here they will call it shirk but even Sahabas did that who were incapable of doing Ijthad they followed scholars of that time.
I think quite a bit of the ahle hadees just emotionally dislike madhahib because of the so called Hanafis (who are just Barelvis and Deobandis) in the subcontinent. That is definitely not an excuse, however, to make takfeer
No, the Aimmah used it to refer to Taqleed, ask the people of Knowledge if you know not Al Imam ibn Abdul Barr said: ولم يختلف العلماء أنّ العامّة عليها تقليد علمائها، وأنهم المرادون بقوله: {فَاسْأَلُواْ أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُون} [سورة الأنبياء:7]. There is no difference of opinion amongst the scholars that the general population (laymen) are **required to do taqleed of the scholars,** and that they are the ones intended by Allah's statement: "So ask the people of knowledge if you know not" [Al Anbiyaa': 7] [Jami' bayan al ilm wa fadhlihi 2/310]
Wa ʿAlaykum As-salām Wa-Raḥmatu-llāhi Wa-Barakātuh As far as I know the mu'tamad of Hanafis, Shafi'is and Hanbalis is that they must he made up. The Malikiyyah, I am not sure about.
You are corrupting his message by puting bracket (blind following). He simple said ask the scholar who is near the truth, who preaches the quran and sunnah. Not shirk biddah and way against sunnah.
Taqleed literally means blind following And the Shaykh is aware of this, he explains and says so explicitly right in this video (following someone without looking at the evidence) I recommend re watching it carefully instead of making false claims about what the Shaykh was saying
@@ZaynElAbideen Jazak Allahu Khayr. If the mujtahid doesn't get a sin if they get the wrong answer, how about the muqallid that follows them while they have the wrong answer?
What is your opinion if i blind follow any alim then i ask him about anything regarding Shariah then he said to me that thing which i after know that it is against any hadith of prophet peace be opon him should i blind follow the alim
You can't evaluate whether it is against the evidence, so it's an impossible hypothesis. You might feel and think it is against the evidence, but a layman's logic is not used to derive rulings
@@ZaynElAbideen okay so your thought is that Allah has sent that Shariah which is difficult for a layman to understand.. And there will be difficulty in some evidence to evaluate them but not all the evidences
@@rasibbashir1998 Allah has sent a Shariah which is not understood by personal logic and whims, you need to learn and have knowledge. And if you don't have knowledge, then you ask the people of knowledge as Allah has ordered us to do. I don't understand the latter part of your question
@@saadsaif-vt7lu They don't have to be, the Muqallid when he makes Taqleed does not believe the scholar he is following is infallible or is absolutely correct He's only following a valid position which is based on evidence because he lacks the ability to evaluate between two opinions based on evidence and interpretation of it
So please tell me whose taqleed did Abú bákr, Umar, Uthmaan or Ali (RAnhum wa ajmaeen) did or whose madhab did they follow... Even I ll follow the one whom these 4 companions did. Imam Ahmad said: Do not follow me, and do not follow Maalik or Thawri or al-Awzaa‘i. Learn from the sources from which they learned. He also said: It is a sign of a person’s lack of understanding that he follows others in religious matters. [I‘laam al-Muwaqqi‘een ‘an Rabb al-‘Alaameen (2/139)].
Ahmad was talking to his students Here's what he said for the general populace قال أحمد رحمه اللَّه في رواية أبي الحارث: لا يجوز الاختيار إلا لرجل عالم بالكتاب والسنة ممن إذا ورد عليه أمر نظر الأمور وشبهها بالكتاب والسنة. [العدة ٣/ ١١٣٦، المسودة ٢/ ٦٤٣] Imam Ahmad said: It is not permissible to choose [between opinions] except for a person who is an *Alim of the Qur'an and Sunnah*, that when a matter arises, he is someone who looks into the matters and likens them to the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Abu Bakr, Umar, they were people of knowledge, they didn't need to do Taqleed. Taqleed is made by those who aren't able to perform Ijtihad like you and me Following a Madhab is not obligatory, blind following in general is, whether that's a local scholar or a Madhab, doesn't matter, and some of the companions did have their own Madhab, with students that followed them. Ibn Masood, Ibn Abbas, Zayd Ibn Thabit had their Madhaib which were followed.
Also, the companions took knowledge from the Prophet ﷺ, he taught them. We are not from them, nor is the Prophet ﷺ present to teach us. **What is present are the Madhaib, all of them go back to the companions, who took from the Prophet ﷺ, which is why if one wants to understand Fiqh as per the Manhaj of the Salaf, he must return to the Madhaib**
Why is this a revelation for you?? Are you a muta3ssib? You should have followed the shiekhs stance on following a specific madhab.. Or are u allowed to do Ta3assub of a madhab even though it clearly goes against the haqq when the layman finds out? I'm not sure your angle what you are trying to achieve by using our shiekhs comments.. There is a difference between : 1: Muta3ssib 2: Muqallid 3: Muttabi3 The first one is blame worthy and it seems like you are trying to promote that via a backdoor...
I don't have to follow the Shaykh's stance on following a Madhab Since his opinion is not the one supported by Ijma and other scholars agree with me such as Saleh Al Fawzan. Also even the Shaykh in some of his videos advises sticking to one Madhab for the beginner, to learn its Usul and principles. It is obligatory for a layman to make Taqleed, whether of a Madhab or a scholar in Furoo', issues of Khilaf. They are not clear which is why there is a Khilaf, a jahil merely assuming a matter is clear because of his Jahl makes no difference to that fact. A layman can't treat Fiqh as child's play, and he 'finds out' out of nowhere, perhaps while he does not even know Arabic, that a Fiqhi ruling is weak and so on, rather he has to learn, there's a brilliant statement by Shaykh Al Islam on the claim that a Muqallid can do such a thing. قل ابن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى في المجموع الفتاوى: 'مَنْ كَانَ مُقَلِّدًا لَزِمَ حُكْمَ التَّقْلِيدِ؛ فَلَمْ يُرَجِّحْ؛ وَلَمْ يُزَيِّفْ؛ وَلَمْ يُصَوِّبْ؛ وَلَمْ يُخَطِّئْ.' Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy upon him) said: **”Whoever is a Muqallid; abides by the ruling of taqleed, he does not do Tarjeeh of one opinion over another (declare one opinion stronger than another), nor does he declare (other views) as false, nor does he label any opinion as correct, nor does he label any as mistaken”** As for your assumptions about my intent, I can't stop you from them, but I merely translate. Perhaps you don't understand what Tassub and Taqleed are in the first place. بارك الله فيكم
Link To The Fatwa:
Al Imam ibn Abdul Barr said:
ولم يختلف العلماء أنّ العامّة عليها تقليد علمائها، وأنهم المرادون بقوله: {فَاسْأَلُواْ أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُون} [سورة الأنبياء:7].
There is no difference of opinion amongst the scholars that the general population (laymen) are required to do taqleed of the scholars, and that they are the ones intended by Allah's statement: "So ask the people of knowledge if you know not" [Al Anbiyaa': 7]
[Jami' bayan al ilm wa fadhlihi 2/310]
As salaamu alaikum,
Brother, can you please elaborate on how this ayah obliges an ordinary Muslim to make taqleed of a scholars opinion.
The shaikh, may Allah have mercy upon him, mentioned that asking the person of knowledge neccesitates that the his saying is to be taken, does this ayah neccesitate that the saying, opinion or view of a person of knowledge be taken or something more specific?
Wa Alaikum Assalam
This Ayah is used as proof for saying, Taqleed is Wajib on the laymen in Furoo' Al Fiqh (rulings essentially, whatever you find in a Fiqhi text to be simple)
If you ask a scholar, then you act upon his ruling and it is not for you to ask ten scholars, then look at the evidence then try to evaluate between them.
Rather ask a scholar and act by the ruling he gives you
Not to mention, this understanding of the scholars for this Ayah has an Ijma
There's no arguing against it.
I'm glad i found your channel. May Allah reward you for this
Jzkl khayrah brother Zaynel Abideen. It is very relevant and powerful when you hear such a topic from Arab scholars. It makes a huge difference.
Masha Allah what an explanation
may allah bless you my brother❤
Very beneficial vudeo
Dawah growing 💓
1 minute silence for the pseudo salafis or so called ahle hadis 😂😂😂
This is issue of Pakistan and India only brother
I am Deobandi but Ummah need unity now the are ghair muqalid we are muqalid but both of us are muslim
It’s a tricky concept to understand for many including the muqallideen and ghayr muqallideen. I understand from Sheykh’s words that it is necessary to differentiate the taqleed done by sahaba and the taqleed done by laymen of today in that they were by definition trustworthy, whereas many a’immah of today (not the shuyukh of ahl al ‘ilm) must clear the bar. May Allah make us able in ‘ilm.
Not really, that wasn't the point the Shaykh was trying to make in this video
Although making Taqleed of the trustworthy Faqih is an important point to note as well
@@ZaynElAbideen Jazakallah wa khayran, could you elaborate how one must understand this barakallah feekum?
Edit: Alhamdulillah it is now clear upon review.
Wa iyyak
Ahle Sunnh Haq 4 Madhab
In his book about differences between ulema he says that it’s not obligatory to ask the most trustworthy and knowledgeable rather it’s mustahhab, so which came first this opinion mentioned here or that one?
No idea
Assalaamualikum wa rahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh brothers 🙂
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
I want ask questions to sheikh husam alhumaydah
How i can ask
akhi wouldnt it be more befitting to translate taqleed as copying or something closer to that rather than blind following, because blind following has negative connotation, and taqleed is not always negative, but certainty can be be.
Our aim was to make sure people who misunderstand Taqleed and treat the word 'blind following' as a taboo understand exactly what the Shaykh is speaking about
I want to learn hanafi mazhab from scholar who is upon salfi aqeeda .iam from kashmir
Maybe some younger sahaba and tabiin did taqlid.
Ah so this is soppose to answer the question how can i know who to do taqlid of if i am still learning, who you see to be on truth is perception, but Quran 33.70 says Allah guides the truthful, i think in Baqara it says those who fear Allah, Allah will teach them.
I also think the criteria i mentioned earlier, like ahl sunna can convince ahl bida to do taqlid of ahl sunna over ahl bida imams because ahl sunna teach Aqida with proves and win out on that one.
Quran 4.82.
Recall some ppl are picky of taqlid as ahl bida Iie in name of taqlid. Salafis are to adapt a middIe path, Sh. Albani quoting the 4 mathhab imams when the Iearned should reject their fiq was wise.
Some Ahle hadees scholars in Sub continent are saying that taqleed is shirk. So I am a newly converted to islam before 3 months. So I am confused. And they are saying research your own. But I don't know how to do that. And I have to learn islam. But they are saying that taqleed will take you out ofthe fold of islam. So what should I do? I can't do my own research. I am confused.
Ignore these takfiris
No that is falsehood for sure bec Quran says ask the people of knowledge if you don't know.
Then they might quote you verses like return to Allah and messenger if you differ but those are for the people of knowledge not a layman. Since layman's interepration lead to Deviance.(most of the time)
And the madhaibs are well established and in written so it's best to follow that for a layman.
This Madhiabs has roots from the companions of prophet(s.a.w).
The tragedy here they will call it shirk but even Sahabas did that who were incapable of doing Ijthad they followed scholars of that time.
brother what is your whatsapp we can talk there.?
I think quite a bit of the ahle hadees just emotionally dislike madhahib because of the so called Hanafis (who are just Barelvis and Deobandis) in the subcontinent. That is definitely not an excuse, however, to make takfeer
Who says it's shrik? May Allah bless your journey.
How is following the ayah the shaykh quoted reffering to taqlid? Rather would it not be accept the khabr of a thiqqah?
No, the Aimmah used it to refer to Taqleed, ask the people of Knowledge if you know not
Al Imam ibn Abdul Barr said:
ولم يختلف العلماء أنّ العامّة عليها تقليد علمائها، وأنهم المرادون بقوله: {فَاسْأَلُواْ أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُون} [سورة الأنبياء:7].
There is no difference of opinion amongst the scholars that the general population (laymen) are **required to do taqleed of the scholars,** and that they are the ones intended by Allah's statement: "So ask the people of knowledge if you know not" [Al Anbiyaa': 7]
[Jami' bayan al ilm wa fadhlihi 2/310]
Assalamualaikum, do you know the ruling on making up missed prayers in the Madhab?
Wa ʿAlaykum As-salām Wa-Raḥmatu-llāhi Wa-Barakātuh
As far as I know the mu'tamad of Hanafis, Shafi'is and Hanbalis is that they must he made up.
The Malikiyyah, I am not sure about.
@@expertfinisher6574 who are you akhi
@@Abu_Hafs i am expert finisher
@@expertfinisher6574 i don't know you akhi
Mu'tamad meaning?
You are corrupting his message by puting bracket (blind following). He simple said ask the scholar who is near the truth, who preaches the quran and sunnah. Not shirk biddah and way against sunnah.
Taqleed literally means blind following
And the Shaykh is aware of this, he explains and says so explicitly right in this video (following someone without looking at the evidence)
I recommend re watching it carefully instead of making false claims about what the Shaykh was saying
@@ZaynElAbideenno it doesn't mean that it means to immitate not to blindly follow someone it mean to immitate someone it could be blind could be not
Asalam Aleikum brother.
Can you work on removing the adds?
Saajid lipham who is also salafi i believe has a good video on it.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Shall look into it
@@ZaynElAbideen Jazak Allahu Khayr.
If the mujtahid doesn't get a sin if they get the wrong answer, how about the muqallid that follows them while they have the wrong answer?
Proud hanafi
Ghuraba ahle hadees ✅
What is your opinion if i blind follow any alim then i ask him about anything regarding Shariah then he said to me that thing which i after know that it is against any hadith of prophet peace be opon him should i blind follow the alim
You can't evaluate whether it is against the evidence, so it's an impossible hypothesis.
You might feel and think it is against the evidence, but a layman's logic is not used to derive rulings
@@ZaynElAbideen okay so your thought is that Allah has sent that Shariah which is difficult for a layman to understand..
And there will be difficulty in some evidence to evaluate them but not all the evidences
Allah has sent a Shariah which is not understood by personal logic and whims, you need to learn and have knowledge.
And if you don't have knowledge, then you ask the people of knowledge as Allah has ordered us to do.
I don't understand the latter part of your question
@@ZaynElAbideenscholars are not infallible. Sometimes hanafis leave the opinion of abu hanifa and so on.
They don't have to be, the Muqallid when he makes Taqleed does not believe the scholar he is following is infallible or is absolutely correct
He's only following a valid position which is based on evidence because he lacks the ability to evaluate between two opinions based on evidence and interpretation of it
Using out of context. I can see you push towards madhahib and people will start separating saying “you are maliki, i’m hanafi”
So please tell me whose taqleed did Abú bákr, Umar, Uthmaan or Ali (RAnhum wa ajmaeen) did or whose madhab did they follow... Even I ll follow the one whom these 4 companions did.
Imam Ahmad said: Do not follow me, and do not follow Maalik or Thawri or al-Awzaa‘i. Learn from the sources from which they learned. He also said: It is a sign of a person’s lack of understanding that he follows others in religious matters.
[I‘laam al-Muwaqqi‘een ‘an Rabb al-‘Alaameen (2/139)].
Ahmad was talking to his students
Here's what he said for the general populace
قال أحمد رحمه اللَّه في رواية أبي الحارث: لا يجوز الاختيار إلا لرجل عالم بالكتاب والسنة ممن إذا ورد عليه أمر نظر الأمور وشبهها بالكتاب والسنة.
[العدة ٣/ ١١٣٦، المسودة ٢/ ٦٤٣]
Imam Ahmad said:
It is not permissible to choose [between opinions] except for a person who is an *Alim of the Qur'an and Sunnah*, that when a matter arises, he is someone who looks into the matters and likens them to the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Abu Bakr, Umar, they were people of knowledge, they didn't need to do Taqleed.
Taqleed is made by those who aren't able to perform Ijtihad like you and me
Following a Madhab is not obligatory, blind following in general is, whether that's a local scholar or a Madhab, doesn't matter, and some of the companions did have their own Madhab, with students that followed them.
Ibn Masood, Ibn Abbas, Zayd Ibn Thabit had their Madhaib which were followed.
Also, the companions took knowledge from the Prophet ﷺ, he taught them.
We are not from them, nor is the Prophet ﷺ present to teach us.
**What is present are the Madhaib, all of them go back to the companions, who took from the Prophet ﷺ, which is why if one wants to understand Fiqh as per the Manhaj of the Salaf, he must return to the Madhaib**
@@ZaynElAbideenwhat about something as simple as a hanafi who wants to do raf’ al yadayn in salah? Or move their finger in tashahud
They make Taqleed
Why is this a revelation for you?? Are you a muta3ssib?
You should have followed the shiekhs stance on following a specific madhab.. Or are u allowed to do Ta3assub of a madhab even though it clearly goes against the haqq when the layman finds out?
I'm not sure your angle what you are trying to achieve by using our shiekhs comments..
There is a difference between :
1: Muta3ssib
2: Muqallid
3: Muttabi3
The first one is blame worthy and it seems like you are trying to promote that via a backdoor...
I don't have to follow the Shaykh's stance on following a Madhab
Since his opinion is not the one supported by Ijma and other scholars agree with me such as Saleh Al Fawzan.
Also even the Shaykh in some of his videos advises sticking to one Madhab for the beginner, to learn its Usul and principles.
It is obligatory for a layman to make Taqleed, whether of a Madhab or a scholar in Furoo', issues of Khilaf.
They are not clear which is why there is a Khilaf, a jahil merely assuming a matter is clear because of his Jahl makes no difference to that fact.
A layman can't treat Fiqh as child's play, and he 'finds out' out of nowhere, perhaps while he does not even know Arabic, that a Fiqhi ruling is weak and so on, rather he has to learn, there's a brilliant statement by Shaykh Al Islam on the claim that a Muqallid can do such a thing.
قل ابن تيمية رحمه الله تعالى في المجموع الفتاوى: 'مَنْ كَانَ مُقَلِّدًا لَزِمَ حُكْمَ التَّقْلِيدِ؛ فَلَمْ يُرَجِّحْ؛ وَلَمْ يُزَيِّفْ؛ وَلَمْ يُصَوِّبْ؛ وَلَمْ يُخَطِّئْ.'
Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy upon him) said: **”Whoever is a Muqallid; abides by the ruling of taqleed, he does not do Tarjeeh of one opinion over another (declare one opinion stronger than another), nor does he declare (other views) as false, nor does he label any opinion as correct, nor does he label any as mistaken”**
As for your assumptions about my intent, I can't stop you from them, but I merely translate. Perhaps you don't understand what Tassub and Taqleed are in the first place.
بارك الله فيكم
What I wrote above should be enough In Sha Allah, I probably won't be replying anymore.
جزاك الله خيرا
Assalamualaikum brother... Can i get your any contact via whatsapp or social media
Wa Alaikum Assalam
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته