確かめてみると、この歌唱は「悲しき恋人たち」の頃ですね。最後のキメのポーズはその振付とそっくりで格好良いです。アイドル時代の絶頂期ですから、非の打ち所が無い素晴しいパフォーマンスです。原曲のマドンナのステージパフォーマンスはド派手であり、果たしてこの曲に相応しいのか、私は疑問が残りました。公式のビデオは良く出来ていると思うのですが。 If I check it out, this singing was around the time of "Kanashiki Koibito-tachi -Sad Lovers". The final pose is just like the choreography and looks good. It's her height of the idol era, so it's a wonderful performance with no flaws. Madonna's stage performance of the original song was flashy and gaudy, I wondered if it was suitable for this song. I think the official video is well done.
参考に、この日本語歌詞の英訳をしてみました。グーグル翻訳に頼った素人の訳なので、誤りや妙な点はお許し下さい。 For reference, I tried to translate this Japanese lyrics into English. This is an amateur translation relying on Google translation, so please forgive any mistakes or strange points. "A Boy Loves a Girl" / A distant dream, San Pedro / On the faraway sea /It's a green island / I can picture it if I close my eyes / To the wind, light and shade of trees / I want to go back, La Isla Bonita / The only clue to search / A faint memory, Your Spanish Lullaby / To me drying up / Let have a squall again / It was surely occurred last night / Green legend, "A boy loves a girl" / A distant dream, San Pedro / I can picture it if I close my eyes / Under the wind, light and shade of trees /they were trembling, La Isla Bonita / If I can return, there is only a clue / A faint memory, Your Spanish Lullaby / Ah-a Ah, Ah-a Ah, La Isla Bonita / Ah-a Ah, Ah-a Ah, La Isla Bonita / At the beginning of the lyrics, she sings "kaze to hikari to kokage no moto de - Under the wind, light and shade of trees", but in terms of meaning, "kaze to hikari to kokage no moto ni - To the wind, light and shade of trees" is correct as the lyrics are displayed. I think that the almost same lyrics after that can be "kaze to hikari to kokage no moto de - Under the wind, light, and shade of trees" is correct. When I checked, the singing of the record was the same as the lyrics, so it seems she was wrong. In addition, this is a shortened song for TV broadcasting, and the following lyrics are included in the lyrics of the record. "Falls in love, San Pedro / The girl, to a boy on the beach / Under the tanned bare skin / Hiding passionate feelings /"
役に立つかどうか分かりませんが、下の方のJONATAN JARAMILLO FERREIRAさんのコメントの返信に私の下手なローマ字と英訳の歌詞があります。 I don't know if it's useful or not, but there are my clumsy romaji and English translation lyrics in the reply to JONATAN JARAMILLO FERREIRA-san's comment below.
If I check it out, this singing was around the time of "Kanashiki Koibito-tachi -Sad Lovers". The final pose is just like the choreography and looks good. It's her height of the idol era, so it's a wonderful performance with no flaws. Madonna's stage performance of the original song was flashy and gaudy, I wondered if it was suitable for this song. I think the official video is well done.
El japones suena bien 😇😇
For reference, I tried to translate this Japanese lyrics into English. This is an amateur translation relying on Google translation, so please forgive any mistakes or strange points.
"A Boy Loves a Girl" / A distant dream, San Pedro / On the faraway sea /It's a green island / I can picture it if I close my eyes / To the wind, light and shade of trees / I want to go back, La Isla Bonita / The only clue to search / A faint memory, Your Spanish Lullaby / To me drying up / Let have a squall again / It was surely occurred last night / Green legend, "A boy loves a girl" / A distant dream, San Pedro / I can picture it if I close my eyes / Under the wind, light and shade of trees /they were trembling, La Isla Bonita / If I can return, there is only a clue / A faint memory, Your Spanish Lullaby / Ah-a Ah, Ah-a Ah, La Isla Bonita / Ah-a Ah, Ah-a Ah, La Isla Bonita /
At the beginning of the lyrics, she sings "kaze to hikari to kokage no moto de - Under the wind, light and shade of trees", but in terms of meaning, "kaze to hikari to kokage no moto ni - To the wind, light and shade of trees" is correct as the lyrics are displayed. I think that the almost same lyrics after that can be "kaze to hikari to kokage no moto de - Under the wind, light, and shade of trees" is correct. When I checked, the singing of the record was the same as the lyrics, so it seems she was wrong.
In addition, this is a shortened song for TV broadcasting, and the following lyrics are included in the lyrics of the record. "Falls in love, San Pedro / The girl, to a boy on the beach / Under the tanned bare skin / Hiding passionate feelings /"
Es verdad no se le dificulto decir la isla bonita
pero no dijo: dijo que te ama 🥲
役に立つかどうか分かりませんが、下の方のJONATAN JARAMILLO FERREIRAさんのコメントの返信に私の下手なローマ字と英訳の歌詞があります。 I don't know if it's useful or not, but there are my clumsy romaji and English translation lyrics in the reply to JONATAN JARAMILLO FERREIRA-san's comment below.
どういうことなのか分かりませんが、コメントが消えていましたので、英訳歌詞を再度載せました。 I don't know why, but the comment disappeared, so I posted the English translation lyrics again.