  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @arensa
    @arensa 7 років тому +411

    I got a little emotional at the end when Jon said thanks to Benni and Janni, it just felt like a amazing moment. It almost feels like i have been living with these people for more then a year now and i am looking forward to every vlog just to make my day again.
    Jon, Janni and Benni i love the things you guys do and please keep on making these beautiful vlogs♥

    • @lifeofalex8521
      @lifeofalex8521 7 років тому +2

      ARENSA I've been watching for the two years Jon started officially vloging so it feels like being a family

    • @fadablayne
      @fadablayne 7 років тому +2

      Brought tears to my eyes... the love is real

    • @flaw7860
      @flaw7860 7 років тому

      Wow dude, what an amazing answer, I couldn't put it in any better way shape or form!! :)

  • @prefirejerry
    @prefirejerry 7 років тому +708

    Monaco is lit, helicopters are lit, their birthdays are lit, their boat trips and everydayholiday vlogs are lit, is this enough to prove that their life is lit af?

    • @JonOlsson
      @JonOlsson  7 років тому +112

      LOL! haha I guess its not that bad when you look at it that way! Work hard, play harder! Going on hour nr 10 of e mails on a Saturday right now, but soon time to work out!

    • @prefirejerry
      @prefirejerry 7 років тому +10

      Jon Olsson Work hard, play harder....that made my day

    • @minoniu
      @minoniu 7 років тому +4

      The thing I got wrong was that I was playing at work. It takes something to have a motivation like yours. Well 10 years to 35, Challenge Accepted !
      Happy Birthday btw !

    • @joelmorgan7485
      @joelmorgan7485 7 років тому +8

      At 1:47 the boat is actually lit

    • @CenturyVox
      @CenturyVox 7 років тому +3

      Prefire - CSGO & More! Only the editing is more lit

  • @Sk8tersss
    @Sk8tersss 7 років тому +103

    It took that man 2 years to get over a hangover. That most have been an hell of a party.

    • @cinemenico
      @cinemenico 7 років тому +31

      He wears the scar as a reminder. :P

  • @liammoodyfilms
    @liammoodyfilms 7 років тому +2

    Jon & Janni's relationship truly is so amazing and gives me hope one day that I will find the right person too. Happy Birthday Jon.

  • @tillyxadina6974
    @tillyxadina6974 7 років тому +2944

    JON, put a ring on it

    • @abbysmith5911
      @abbysmith5911 7 років тому +95

      or I will

    • @jonteeklof
      @jonteeklof 7 років тому +34

      tilly x adina a camo ring

    • @snezanax
      @snezanax 7 років тому +2

      tilly x adina i dont get what he is waiting for, maybe untill the new house is done

    • @JonOlsson
      @JonOlsson  7 років тому +697

      How am I supposed to make a worthy proposal if this was her way of celebration a birthday? Hahaha Need to figure out some seriously mega creative Overkill plans to stand out on that now! 😂😂😂

    • @Orken1
      @Orken1 7 років тому +38

      Jon Olsson Jon, you should have been in on this surprise with Ben and pretend/act surprised and in the end reveal your masterplan surprise to Janni and propose 😉 Next time 😁

  • @seamoonsees
    @seamoonsees 7 років тому +3

    May this new birthday year bring you many blessings Jon!!..and at around 8:39..you are very Welcome Beni!!!..( I posted a comment about this on Vlog 66 'Janni wins everything! 'I got a couple of hundred thumbs up on it,so, I am not the only one..enjoy life is all I can say!!)I was so happy to see the love shown you by Janni and your friends on your birthday!

  • @Michel-zp2fw
    @Michel-zp2fw 7 років тому +11

    yes yes yessss, finally part two! can't wait to see what it all is! was waiting for it alllllll freaking day! XD

  • @BroxStyle
    @BroxStyle 7 років тому +3

    What an incredible birthday, guys if you love someone try to make it happy everyday. Im 27 and I haven't had a bithday in 20 years, hope someday someone will love me the same way. Best wishes for all .

  • @GranzDesign
    @GranzDesign 7 років тому +20

    You guys did more stuff in one day than I've done in a year!

  • @delightfulpoints3875
    @delightfulpoints3875 7 років тому +2

    This is how you do Birthday Celebration! Janni, this was brilliant not only for Jon but for the viewers too. Genius!!! Bennie, thank you for a great video.

  • @kkkarkalooox
    @kkkarkalooox 7 років тому +21

    "Jon's never been this nervous over a glas of champagne" xD

  • @creamoreTV
    @creamoreTV 7 років тому

    You 3 are soooo awesome... love the video... thanks to Benny... and Janni... and Happy Birthday to Jon...! - You delivered the Joy...! with Love...!

  • @MultiFilipinha
    @MultiFilipinha 7 років тому +4

    Amaziing. Good job Janni!

  • @toilergspot8397
    @toilergspot8397 7 років тому +1

    Janni you are 1 in a million! So much effort wow. I wish you two a happy and productive future together!

  • @gringopapi6985
    @gringopapi6985 7 років тому +41

    Jon has the best channel on the internet. Casey is second

  • @vinnibou4584
    @vinnibou4584 7 років тому +2

    Happy birthday Jon. That was a very interesting and special. Congrats to Benni and Janni,for organizing all. .

  • @snezanax
    @snezanax 7 років тому +3

    janni is sooo much fun i love her

  • @slkonnaris8477
    @slkonnaris8477 7 років тому

    Beautiful!! What a joy to share your birthday experience with you. I didn't want it to end! Jon it was so so good to see you relaxing. You deserve it and of course it gives you renewed energy so it's a win win. Thank you so much for sharing your special day:)

  • @kkkarkalooox
    @kkkarkalooox 7 років тому +131

    Been waiting infront of the computer for 24 hours now for this! xD

    • @CallieMasters5000
      @CallieMasters5000 7 років тому +3

      I predicted it was going to be Cannes. The normal range for the HeliAir charter flights are: Nice airport, Cannes, Italian Riviera, yachts, & ski resorts.

  • @maryhelen1011
    @maryhelen1011 7 років тому

    Janni great job on a spectacular birthday for Jon! Time to purpose to Janni in an amazing way Jon! Lots of love to all of you!

  • @realitymediaconcepts443
    @realitymediaconcepts443 7 років тому +17

    imagine if there was a little bed on the floor for benji when they opened the hotel door! lmao

  • @dangreen7645
    @dangreen7645 7 років тому

    What amazing birthday, from the people you surround yourself with to the numerous surprises.

  • @im1ik94
    @im1ik94 7 років тому +8

    Yes I like Jons attitude towards life so much, that's why I comeback this channel basically.
    Congrats and #35rocks !!

  • @marcelo6394
    @marcelo6394 7 років тому +2

    I think all these surprises are enough to prove how special Jon is to Janni. Happy birthday (late, sorry) Jon! I think you're going to have a lot of work to give back to those surprises on Janni's birthday ...

  • @joehew1641
    @joehew1641 7 років тому +26

    Janni is so beautiful❤️❤️

  • @toddwynn9582
    @toddwynn9582 7 років тому

    Happy B-Day Jon
    You deserve all you have achieved!
    Thanks Janni and Benjamin!!!

  • @metnilsson4157
    @metnilsson4157 7 років тому +526

    Alla från Sverige🙋🏼🙋🏼

  • @marisoljackson2369
    @marisoljackson2369 7 років тому

    Happy birthday Jon! You are blessed. May all your wishes come true!

  • @gardnordseth9224
    @gardnordseth9224 7 років тому +59

    whats happening with the girls in the background here? 7:11

    • @CallieMasters5000
      @CallieMasters5000 7 років тому +28

      They're riding on the exercise bikes in the water. There are more bikes on the right, behind the woman in the red bikini. Either that or they're having fits.

    • @markiereid369
      @markiereid369 7 років тому +4

      It is a gym in the pool. One is using bike, the other is using the one where you can pull something. Treadmill can also be put there but not the electric ones ofcourse.

    • @bordowy
      @bordowy 7 років тому

      Matrix fault ;)

  • @kevinparks5220
    @kevinparks5220 7 років тому

    Happy birthday Jon, you guys are awsome and an inspiration to those of us who are trying to better our lives... Have a great birthday weekend bud...

  • @rebi3867
    @rebi3867 7 років тому +3

    Can't wait for Jon to propose to Janni!!!

  • @sarahpachuau7648
    @sarahpachuau7648 7 років тому

    Smiled through the entire time! Jon had that clueless sheepish smile and Janni seemed satisfied for what she did 😀 love you guys 💙💙

  • @THEbroomeStylisH
    @THEbroomeStylisH 7 років тому +227

    No way the dinner was the last thing. I'm sure Janni had a masterplan going back to the room at night also ;)

    • @JonOlsson
      @JonOlsson  7 років тому +272

      Daniel Broomé That you guys will never know...😉🤣

    • @azlifmohamed8804
      @azlifmohamed8804 7 років тому

      Watching from Maldives Jon. Happy bday :)

    • @dayella3113
      @dayella3113 7 років тому +2

      Jon Olsson lol it is obvious 🤣🤣

    • @richard_dxb1745
      @richard_dxb1745 7 років тому +7


    • @charliefm826
      @charliefm826 7 років тому +16

      Video in two weeks: Janni is pregnant!

  • @SHineWhon
    @SHineWhon 7 років тому

    I really like how close you and janni have come, it feels like you guys are family already

  • @paulopadilla6280
    @paulopadilla6280 7 років тому +40

    20:26 it seems that the dude is planning to change his girl with the one that looks like Janni. lol

  • @HeyItsCoates
    @HeyItsCoates 7 років тому

    These vlogs enrich every one of my weeks, many thanks Jon! Love laughing along with you guys.

  • @Hpvybes
    @Hpvybes 7 років тому +21

    I walked around blind folded with headphones and I ended up in the hospital

  • @dainiustrepekunas381
    @dainiustrepekunas381 7 років тому

    Amazing! So fun and exciting to watch! Happy birthday Jon!!!

  • @cyanide893
    @cyanide893 7 років тому +85

    Last surprise was in room later on....

    • @CallieMasters5000
      @CallieMasters5000 7 років тому +10

      You think there might be some sex happening in Room 403?

    • @byonar
      @byonar 7 років тому +8

      Callie Masters Threesome sure it is

  • @verenahmann
    @verenahmann 7 років тому

    Janni and Benni you are awesome!! Had so much fun watching!

  • @sandervandeputte2553
    @sandervandeputte2553 7 років тому +6

    1:45 casual yacht on fire B-roll

  • @northernlife231
    @northernlife231 7 років тому

    Happy Birthday man!!! I love watching you guys and listening to your music picks for your Vlogs! Don't worry about the drink Jon.....you deserve it!

  • @fofofofo3076
    @fofofofo3076 7 років тому +32

    i wish m'y birthday was like this !

    • @TonyCarrollPassion4Motorsport
      @TonyCarrollPassion4Motorsport 7 років тому

      yea Fuck I usual am lucky with Two cardS""""" tell ya haha 26th but hey that was Brilliant right #

    • @7evensabre
      @7evensabre 7 років тому +6

      Jon teaches us that the whole point is to enjoy our unique experiences, work hard and be positive. What you want may already be in front of you??? The more hard work you put in, is the more you get back my friend :)

    • @nteiznt
      @nteiznt 7 років тому +1

      Usually, the more hard work you put in, the more someone else becomes rich. You need to be smart, focused, lucky and 99% start with a good background and a safety net (family / money) to make it happen. Don't just make people believe that hard work will get them anywhere good.

  • @look_son
    @look_son 7 років тому

    Guys, that was extremely good celebration of a birthday. And it is a pleasure for us, being a part of it! Tnx for couple of ideas.

  • @manuelh4296
    @manuelh4296 7 років тому +3

    When you want to go to spot big yachts you need to go to Sophia Antipolis when I was on Holiday there I saw some massive mega yachts!!! Greetings from Munich (Germany). Like that he is going to see it😉

    • @pa659
      @pa659 7 років тому +1

      They are usually docked at the Antibes port

  • @garygreely5578
    @garygreely5578 7 років тому

    Happy Birthday. What imagination and love put into the surprise for you.

  • @andreolesen3432
    @andreolesen3432 7 років тому +12

    Janni and Benni
    That was sick!!!!

  • @antonkvisuals
    @antonkvisuals 7 років тому

    I REALLY enjoyed these part one and part two episodes ALOT! :) Was so nice to see Jon didn't know what was going on. Nice job Janni and Benni. This made me smile.

  • @itsdan3851
    @itsdan3851 7 років тому +39

    Dang Jon you need to that bling bling on your girlfriends hand!!! I can't wait till you hit 1 million and I'm here can't even get 1 k 😂

    • @daniels7913
      @daniels7913 7 років тому

      DAN CAYEN 😂 so true

    • @7evensabre
      @7evensabre 7 років тому

      Nah you got it fam don't worry :)

  • @kamojii
    @kamojii 7 років тому

    I got chills watching this. So well put together

  • @espn0o
    @espn0o 7 років тому +3

    HATERS! Stop with the Janni and Benni stuff!

  • @TheIslandAttitude
    @TheIslandAttitude 7 років тому

    Happy birthday Jon! What an amazing team and birthday experience...

  • @eliasjohansson2915
    @eliasjohansson2915 7 років тому +12

    Let's just take a moment and appreciate my comment

  • @Phoenixace76
    @Phoenixace76 7 років тому

    Excellent work Benjamin and Janni and Jon looked like he really did enjoy all of the suspense and surprise, this was really creative spreading it throughout the day. I really suck at birthdays as my poor wife will be able to confirm but this has provided some much needed inspiration. unfortunately she has just had her birthday but that means I have a year to think of something special. Thank you and love the Vlogs.

  • @rufukillagaming7774
    @rufukillagaming7774 7 років тому +4


  • @rolo_061
    @rolo_061 7 років тому +1

    This vlog is the reason why i follow him and his channel! just JOY everywhere

  • @georgesalmeron1179
    @georgesalmeron1179 7 років тому +6

    who else noticed the girls in the back dancing lmao 7:27

  • @emilioa7241
    @emilioa7241 7 років тому

    Congratulations Jon! Keep up the GREAT vlogging and thank you for helping me enjoy Monaco and Marbella even though I've never been there.

  • @zarkar3169
    @zarkar3169 7 років тому +3

    Brabus 550 Adventure 4x4^2

  • @annavictoria29
    @annavictoria29 7 років тому +1

    Thanks for everything jon , janni and benni

  • @casperlarsson5728
    @casperlarsson5728 7 років тому +9

    Kommer ni från Sverige

    • @huzz5978
      @huzz5978 7 років тому +2

      pyro worlds ja de gör dom :)

    • @TheJohanBjorkman
      @TheJohanBjorkman 7 років тому +1

      Nä etiopien :)

    • @carl4385
      @carl4385 7 років тому +1

      pyro worlds nä de kommer från Uganda

  • @amandastenberg6988
    @amandastenberg6988 7 років тому

    What a beautiful birthday ❤️ I love how Benny creates magic with the camera, so good!

  • @brandonmbugua
    @brandonmbugua 7 років тому +4

    and later that night... They smashed

  • @justcallmeryy
    @justcallmeryy 7 років тому

    You guys are my favorite vlog family! Happy Birthday Jon!

  • @isakstorvoll7886
    @isakstorvoll7886 7 років тому +4

    Jon is going to smash tonight

  • @ssseeee5116
    @ssseeee5116 7 років тому

    I think that it is worthy to note that their life is amazing because of the type of people they are. So considerate and loving of each other, and that's why their vlogs are fun. Their relationship is 100x better than many other drama relationships on UA-cam. Moral of the story: find yourself someone who really loves you and you'll enjoy :)

  • @awosa8549
    @awosa8549 7 років тому +21

    These two vlogs were AMAZING, I love you guys! :D pssst I also have a channel called awosa, follow ;)

  • @mzak7333
    @mzak7333 7 років тому

    Your videos has always been inspiring regardless what you do be the hikes, doing burnouts, skiing and the reason they are amaZing is you.. You are an honest and hardworking person and it shows..... Cheers and keep up the good work.

  • @chimaera41
    @chimaera41 7 років тому +7

    Isn't it actually the most depressing channel ever.. ?
    Who else always feel like their own life is shit after watching the videos (even if it's not)
    The superficiality and apparences game is a fucked up game, you never win it, there is always better, bigger, stronger, more beautiful.

  • @inspire_greatness7464
    @inspire_greatness7464 7 років тому

    Happy Birthday Jon!!!!! Enjoy life to the fullest!!!!

  • @RickC1Thirty7
    @RickC1Thirty7 7 років тому +3

    I want a girlfriend like Janni.😍

  • @James-be7cz
    @James-be7cz 7 років тому

    Definitely realised how much I've missed watching Jons Vlogs, so much motivation comes from his vlogs and inspires me to work. Love what you said about alcohol and it definitely slows down my productivity massively and ultimately making me depressed because I'm not getting anything done!

  • @zappep
    @zappep 7 років тому +14

    Now go Skydiving with Marcus ;)

  • @GabrielTemirov
    @GabrielTemirov 7 років тому +1

    Great vlog part 2! Jon you have great friends and a special woman next to you. I'm sure you appreciate this. Lovely day and great scenario. Keep it up with more quality vlogs.

  • @ThomasPyttel
    @ThomasPyttel 7 років тому +486

    Definitely a great day but I feel like Benni should have left for a bit and let Jon enjoy his Janni all on their own a little bit 🙂👍🏼

    • @AmandaA-yl7ry
      @AmandaA-yl7ry 7 років тому +63

      Thomas Pyttel he didn't eat dinner with them? :)

    • @ThomasPyttel
      @ThomasPyttel 7 років тому +1

      Amanda A I don't know? 🤔

    • @jackieneale5424
      @jackieneale5424 7 років тому +94

      he didn't sleep over at resort

    • @ThomasPyttel
      @ThomasPyttel 7 років тому +7

      Broken BackStitcher What I mean is that Benni is with them every single day so it might have been a nice gift to give them some time for themselves 🙂 And this is not because I don't like Benni!!

    • @CallieMasters5000
      @CallieMasters5000 7 років тому +66

      I think there are many days when Benni is not there. Think about it: the vlog is every other day, but the vlog is never more than one day long, so that's an off-day with no filming.

  • @militroncone
    @militroncone 7 років тому

    The birthday surprise was AWESOME!!! Congrats Janni for the idea! Also Benni the edit is great!!!!

  • @Mradde1337
    @Mradde1337 7 років тому +59


  • @JBingra
    @JBingra 7 років тому

    Awesome job, Janni and Benni! Looks like they ratcheted it up a notch, Jon. Another great video from Team Overkill!

  • @JustinBE
    @JustinBE 7 років тому +84

    Jon, you should try to not say 'like' so much, like so Jon can see! :)

    • @janetlinn9570
      @janetlinn9570 7 років тому +4

      It's irritating to hear "like" so much. Bad habit of speaking

    • @JustinBE
      @JustinBE 7 років тому +1

      Tory L Ikr, you have to learn not to say it from the beginning because it's hard to get rid of. Actually a lot of american teens speak like this nowadays, it's annoying if you start noticing it.

    • @streetknows
      @streetknows 7 років тому +2

      yeah but I noticed that its very hard for ppl that aren't born in a english speaking country (except ireland lmao). I myself use it waaay too much

    • @JustinBE
      @JustinBE 7 років тому +3

      Yannick I'm from belgium don't really catch myself saying it. I guess it's an other way of saying 'uuhmmm'.

    • @jackieneale5424
      @jackieneale5424 7 років тому +1

      I don't even notice it ,American

  • @davidfurlan2159
    @davidfurlan2159 7 років тому

    So nice, that birthday vlog was epic.
    Happy birthday to you Jon

  • @elomnusk7656
    @elomnusk7656 7 років тому +4

    Sub 10k club?

  • @tatianas7178
    @tatianas7178 7 років тому

    Happy bday Jon ! We are so happy to see you happy

  • @a69polo
    @a69polo 7 років тому

    This was awesome and I really enjoyed the ride. Happy Birthday Jon!!!

  • @pachahk6632
    @pachahk6632 7 років тому

    This is one of the greatest vlogs hahahha!!! Jon is like a little kid not knowing what is going on :)) really really funny to watch!!! Congrats Benny and Janni

  • @mode1337
    @mode1337 7 років тому

    Happy birthday a few days later!
    It's nice to see the love the two of you have.

  • @phynx2006
    @phynx2006 7 років тому

    Happy Birthday Jon and great job Janni and Benny, in my opinion it was a well executed surprise with a little fun and sun, perfect. Chao

    @HUIDELA 7 років тому +1

    Happy B-Day Jon! Greetings from Finland.

  • @triplethreatyes
    @triplethreatyes 7 років тому

    Fantastic birthday plans Janni and Beni! Happy Birthday Jon 🎂 from your Vancouver, Canada fans! Ciaoooooo 👋🏼

  • @jshepherd
    @jshepherd 7 років тому

    You guys never seize to amaze! THANK YOU for making every second day the best one!!

  • @LaMusiqueLibre
    @LaMusiqueLibre 7 років тому

    Bravo Janni et Benjamin, ces deux derniers vlogs étaient magnifiques. Merci de nous avoir partagé ce moment.

  • @vonrunner
    @vonrunner 7 років тому

    Happy birthday Jon! And Benny you KILLED this edit!!

  • @NickolasKusha
    @NickolasKusha 7 років тому

    You know how to make story! That's why I love you guys

    @HYPNOSCO 7 років тому

    happy birthday Jon. Great edit Benny, stellar job!

  • @cannashiva9719
    @cannashiva9719 7 років тому

    god bless you guys what a great group of people! keep up the great work and may the universe continue to bless you continuously you deserve it!!!

  • @Revangelistautube
    @Revangelistautube 7 років тому

    The best episodes so far this year maybe? Great Job Janni and Benni...

  • @samirachami1298
    @samirachami1298 7 років тому

    Loved it!! Well done Janni and Benni

  • @Fre3flyOfficial
    @Fre3flyOfficial 7 років тому +2

    What an awesome birthday! 😁

  • @adamberggreneckerth5708
    @adamberggreneckerth5708 7 років тому

    Sick! Love the way this ended and had a red line all over the parts. Benni super work!! Fun to see the true force of love between Jon and Janni to. Som vi säger på svenska Jon 35 är nya 25. Cheers.

  • @JeanB98
    @JeanB98 7 років тому +1

    one word : FANTASTICO as always !!!

  • @Vokr01
    @Vokr01 7 років тому

    Happy Birthday Jon! And good luck for all :) Thanks for videos you are makeing!