I’d be more than cautious of private credit now that everyone is promoting it . We are definitely late cycle and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the debt we own is acquired or refinanced. It was amazing getting 8-10 points in 22/23 but the easiest money is already made.
Fascinating conversation and depth of perspectives on credit.
I’d be more than cautious of private credit now that everyone is promoting it . We are definitely late cycle and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the debt we own is acquired or refinanced. It was amazing getting 8-10 points in 22/23 but the easiest money is already made.
Katie Koch is spot on about how many firms overlook covenants regarding the deployment of capital. An example is a good guy clause.
lol because it’s all run by people who look like you
Who is that Bob fella seems like a real stud
Not even a minute in and that lady badly wanted a job at Oaktree lol
Idell Crest
That catalyst took place in 2022 when you had a 25% melt down in your credit portfolio!
Turner Fort
"Private" money has a different hedge built into the new fascistic policies implied by public private partnerships.
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Wiza Junctions
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“Where are we in this credit cycle?” - stupid question