I remember hearing Roloff on the radio years ago... the blessing of God was on his words, his ministry. He had no care for being worldly fashionable or popular with the downward bound crowd. Once again, this stands in contrast with the contemporary church.
He will actually be preaching on my church's internet radio station/iPhone app/android app---Canaan radio; on Thursday 7 am central time and will be repeated at 10 PM. John r rice is preaching today at those times.
I remember hearing Roloff on the radio years ago... the blessing of God was on his words, his ministry. He had no care for being worldly fashionable or popular with the downward bound crowd. Once again, this stands in contrast with the contemporary church.
He will actually be preaching on my church's internet radio station/iPhone app/android app---Canaan radio; on Thursday 7 am central time and will be repeated at 10 PM. John r rice is preaching today at those times.
click the link on my homepage, it should take you to our church website.
Brandon's PreachinTube
God bless you brother.
WOW!!!!! THANK YOU FOR POSTING!!!! My family were members of his church for YEARS!!!!
The Kellets... This is so AWESOME!!!