I rarely say this but this is one of the best narrated and interesting shows I’ve watched. There was no repeating of information and the narrative was succinct. Well done. 😁🇦🇺👍🏻
It's stunning that even after the tons of "proof" people still don't want to believe. Danny The Digger is a good channel to see all the archeology of Israel.Dr. Barkai has so many fantastic discoveries. He's a real treasure of information
What proof? Trust and believe that I do want to believe. I desperately want to believe, but I needed up and actually read the Bible; therefore, it is impossible for an honest person to believe once they've made it their life's work to read the Bible and study ancient history. You said proof. What proof is that exactly?
If you have proof I'd truly appreciate hearing what it is, but that aside, how can you say you believe when God and the Bible itself tells us Jesus CANNOT be the messiah. To which I say, either the Bible is the word of God or it isn't. If it is then we must follow exactly as God commands and demands of us throughout its entirety. If the Bible isn't the word of God then none of the religion or its beliefs are relevant and the entire book should be dismissed except for nothing more than another version of Aesop's Fables. Correct? Either it is or it isn't.
@@phillipstroll7385 Even theological scholars accept that the bible is not in its original condition. Most of its stories come from other people. Noahs flood story goes all the way back to the start of the Sumerians. Back then it was enlil floosing the world ans the god Ea who made humanity telling the secret hero how to save humanity. If that story is so sinilar yet so different to the original. We can assume most of the other older stories in the bible are the same.
As a friend of Nerida and Calvin, I was introduced to your mission. I’ve seen several of your beautifully done and inspiring documentaries. Thanks for sharing your deep knowledge of archaeology and Christ with such magnificent productions! I love these investigations. Each one strengthens my faith. Chris Sarzen Atlanta
Amazing, Beautiful, and Heart-Warming to My Spirit and Mind.❤ Thank you So Very Much For Sharing This Excellent Information. God Bless You and Keep You.
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Numbers 6: 24-26
So interesting to have the Word of God from above, from below, and from the rocks which protected them.....I feel loved and blessed everyday as I pray and study His Holy Word.
It was such a beautiful documentary! I hope Gabriel can live a long time. I remember him recounting the story of the silver scrolls in the "Buried Secrets of the Bible" documentary. I hope that one day I get to see another discovery from the 1st Temple period! So beautiful! YAHUAH truly does love his people (Israelites)! 😭😭😭🥹
this was the first video i watched when i subbed about a year ago then i started season 1 of incredible journey and watch through till season 7 where i eagerly await the next episode each week keep up good work and may God bless you
Thank you for being such a loyal supporter of The Incredible Journey. We truly appreciate our viewers and it is our hope that you have been blessed by these programs. Thank you again
Mr.Barkay, in this "narrative" era we live in, for a jew to actually say he owes his l8fe to the red army and Josip Stalin is truly remarkable. You are a brave man.
Gabriel Barkay is a legend in his time. I saw Gabriel at the temple mount sifting project in the slope of the Mount of Olives. That was a fun day, sifting and finding mostly potery shards, but several Roman coins were found by other members of the tour group of which I was a part. Later that day we walked the whole length of Hezekiah's tunnel with the cold water running through it, it actually reached our hips at its deepest point. As hot as that day was, it was a refreshing way to end the touring for that day, and I bought a kudu shofar in the gift shop. I love eretz Yitzrael.
Born in 1944. He is not the young man he once was but he has achieved much more than most young men. He has our respect. Thank you for your feedback. May God bless you
An old testament blessing. Jesus said we are to take part in His suffering, take up our cross every day and crusefie our flesh on our cross every day to become more like Christ. To do this we need the power and grace and mercy of God, and in Christ be able to be transformed to live holy and Godly in Him that make us able and receive the blessing of His presence.
I don’t need scrolls or shrouds to believe in Jesus or the father or the Holy Spirit ,but its still confirming and great news ,especially for those ,who need all the proof they can get their hands and eyes on ,even then some will not believe ,tragic amen
If God wrote this prayer, as the commentary states, it would have been written as in first person context, ie. I bless you, etc, Being pedantic, this is written/spoken by a third person, ie May the Lord bless you, etc. When people make a statement like, "God wrote this prayer" when the quoted unchanged text clearly states that it is a blessing written and made by an intermediary at best, it opens the door for a whole flood of paraphrases purporting to espouse what God says or this or that, is the word of God .
Our Great God, Bless His Name, gave this to us to use, to pray, to pray over one another as a perfect blessing which is a perfect prayer request of one person over another person or people. So, although you are looking for correct sentences, you're missing the whole point. It's as though you are swallowing a camel but straining at at knat. It is actually a critical point of a blessing that one understands the what a blessing really is and just Who the Eternal Blessor really Is!!!
@@joantaylor468 I didn't miss the point, the whole and immediate point is that God didn’t write this, so the commentary is false. One of the ten commandment is Thou should not take my name in vain, this individual does exactly that, regardless of the content of his remark. You also should modify your words, they are ambiguous, if you are referring to the god that Jesus considered his heavenly father, show some respect and make it clear which god your blessing is directed. I would bet my life that Jesus never referred to his heavenly father with a generic title. The point I am making now, is that you people with your overindulgence in consumption of pietypie, set yourselves up with paraphrasing mantras, that lose their 'energy'. In other words, they are empty, they have no depth, they just sit on the page, and therefore have no effect, unless, of course it leaves you with a feeling of self satisfaction. Another form of overindulgence I suppose! BTW, ask yourself this, Are the Ten Commandments written/composed in the third person vernacular? Answer: No, "thou shalt" not do this or that.
@@joantaylor468 It is a nice prayer. Many sermons are wrapped up with its homogeny as the eyes glaze over, and church is let out. Like the Lord's prayer, it is barren, unless it comes from the heart. We all know the words.... Just saying them is meaningless. Blessings come from God, not from poetic babble of religious ceremony. Any blessing, or prayer, must be declared with genuine intent, on a personal level. It makes no difference how old it is.
We need biblical context. God instructs the Kohanim (priests, descendants of Aaron the High Priest, the Kohen Gadol) to chant this prayer, to bless the Jewish people -- the prayer is then affirmed by God ("... and I will bless them").
The full verse says. And Hashem said to Moses speak to Aaron and his sons and you shall nless the children of Israel. Saying ....the blessing. Only a few times does Hashem speak In first person.
What? It's not a Christian Bible to put a cross. It's a Jewish ✡ Bible. Christianity copied texts from Jews and all over the pagan religions and made their Bogus Bible. Mary's Gospel got expelled from the Bible and she is the favourite student or wife of Jesus. JESUS IS A JEW NOT A CHRISTIAN, JESUS NEVER NEW CHRISTIANITY. LEARN MORE. Here the author is talking about 4th BCE, ie before the birth of christ. The early, christianity didn't have cross as symbol of their religion.
John 3:16 NKJV For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
forward to 22:00. You’tre welcome. Lots of blather about use of the word yhwh found in various places. They also found the words from God to Moses in Mount Sinai. And that’s it.
Great human story.... even greater discovery... and a great point made about the reliability of the Biblical text. Thank you for taking us on this journey. A question arises: Which is the greater? The silver scroll found... or the inspired words it contains? Surely the words. (cf. Matt.23¹⁷-²²). The scroll contains the divine name 3 times. YHWH. But religious tradition and modern translations have "buried" the glorious name under the 'rubble' of tradition with the 4 letters "L O R D"... thousands of times. Why unearth a valuable scroll which reveals the divine name but then cover it again with religious tradition? If it is God's own dictated prayer, why modify and alter its wording? When we today read "LORD" in any version we should brush away the traditional "dust" and reverently read Jehovah (or Yahweh) as God intended.
Thank you Dr Barkay for confirming the truth that the Silver Scrolls which contain the Paleo Hebrew Tetragramaton or the 4 letter name of the elohim is Yod He Vav He or "YHVH" and not YHWH, YHUV, JHVH. Therefore, the names YaHWaH, YaHaWaH, YaHWeH, YeHoWaH, and JeHoVaH are very wrong names for they contain letter W and letter J.
In actuality, in ancient times, the Vav which you transliterated as a V was actually a Waw and was pronounced as a W. Or it was pronounced as one of the vowels that a W can be (OW or Ew). Ow as in bow and ew as in crew.
@@ispeakblessingsintoyourlif8683 Sir, your YaHaWaH is an erroneous name because accirding to Dr. Gabriel Barkay, the PALEO HEBREW tetragram is Yod He Vav He or YHVH
@@ispeakblessingsintoyourlif8683 Your YaHaWaH is also an erroneous for this 2 reasons: Firstly, according to Dr. Gabriel Barkay, the Paleo Hebrew tetragram is Yod He Vav He or YHVH, and not yhWh. Theres no letter "W" in yhVh but its letter V . Secondly, the HALF NAME in Psalms 68:4 is "YAH" and not YAHU, isnt it? Thirdly, the universal praising in Psalms 106:1,48 is "Hallelu YAH" and not "Hallelu YAHU", isnt it? Therefore, the exact vocalization should be "YaHVaH" meaning "the existing, ever living, eternal 0ne!"
I can actually see it all like I once was there. Even I can remember being there when Jesus lived. I remember given a choice to come to earth or stay in heaven. From the beginning he gave us choices. Now I am ready to go back home so I can tell Jesus all the suffering of the world, and all those who live in it Amen
Then why can we find a much older version of Noahs flood myth? The higheat Theological Scholars Accrot that the bible is not in its original condition. It has been re-written many times.
@@pneuma2260 it has been re written AND changed. This is purely fact. We knkw it contains many edited stories. The silver stone does nothing to change that
@@pneuma2260 ...? The oldest stories in the bible are rewritten stories from other cultures. The original mesopotamian version of the flood myth is a heroic tale. There is no creepy story about Noah being buttfucked by his own son like in the bible. Thats one of the oldest points of reference in the entire book and they bassically changed the entire moral of the story.
@@pneuma2260 well the tale is not from gilgamesh for a start. Thats just the earliest copy we have. In fact. Gilgamesh recieves the story from Noah himself. The original Noah had a different name. But was the hero who built the great arc under direction from the god who created humanity. This god denied the other gods who wanted to drown humanity. You can see why such a god would be worshipped as the one true god. Gilgamesh supposedly recieves the tale directly from the man it happened to. The builder of the arc. And the story is MANY TIMES older than the Noah variant of the story. Moses was born many thousands of years after Sumeria was allready an extinct civilization. Unless you are claiming that Noah would have lied to Gilgamesh. Which seems quite blasphemous. Im not asking anyone to abandon their faith. But to underatand that the origins of your Faith may be more complicated than we realise.
Makes me wonder if the earthquake that happened when Christ was crucified caused the rock to split and cover the depository…. Imagine if that was the reason…
It's not an evidence of the accuracy of the Bible as there are discrepancies between the modern Bible and dead sea scrolls. These short benediction was preserved without change.
If people want to scoff they will no matter the proofs, remember the scribes and Pharisee in Jesus’ day? No matter how many signs they saw they still desired “more signs?” It’s the same now
Scrolls mean shit if one is of a different paradigm. That’s why we know NOTHING but lies, because the OTHER paradigm is about planets and souls, about which we still know next to nothing!
The Hungarian Jews including these guy are Ashkenazim from Khazaria i.e. Turks who converted to Judaism in the 9th/10th century, nothing to do with the Israelite people! That guy should not be there on stolen Palestinian land.
Ajrwilde The New Testament documents Jews already living in Turkey/Asia in Century 1 (Acts 14:1, Acts 18:19). The Khazar Kingdom was circa Centuries 6 and 7.
Why the hedo we have to learn about someone's entire life story just because he found some cra in a burial chamber. Better yet ...HE isn't even the one who found it. He thought the chamber was empty and robbed long ago and then sent an kid who was annoying him to go in there and clean it up so they can take photos ...then that kid is the one who found the stuff. Where is that kid's story? Also funny how they call it Archeology ...But if someone else does it then it's called Grave Robbery.
Smooth walks does not mean wealthy. It could mean many children with nothing to do but smooth walks. It could mean the people who dug it were tomb diggers. It could mean the people who dug it were tool makers who could easily smooth the walls because they could easily resharpen tools. It could mean any number of things. Stop saying everything is noble or religious. Just stop.
For the same reason why many other ancient texts didn't make it into the bible. The content has to match the narrative, or we never would have heard about it at all. It is not enough to discover "truth" It has to be "Christian" truth - or it would be melted down and sold for scrap silver.
@@jeffmckinnon5842 you don't know what you are talking about. I doubt you even watched the video. Books that made it into the Bible made it because the have always been read by all Christians everywhere. Because books were copied by hand, which was time consuming and very expensive, scribes copied books for which there was a market. If a book didn't make it into the Bible, it is because people stopped reading them - they went out of print.
@@adamh5153 the discovery was already revealed in 1986 in the Chicago Tribune. That was the earliest reference I could find. I tried to paste the link to the article but UA-cam won't allow it for some reason. A simple Google search is AL that is required to find it though. In addition the discovery would already have been mentioned in Dr Gabriel's thesis, the subject of the excavation. But you are spot on. The blessing has been revealed 3000 years ago. Nothing new there. And even if this artifact was never discovered, it does not change what was written in the Bible or the message of the Bible. Some people become totally irrational because there is no archeological evidence in any shape or form to support their religious claims.
So the scroll had God’s personal name written three times…why did you then take His name out of the text, and substitute a title? You have your personal name on your tv show and on the cover of your DVD…How would you feel if someone put “man” on the cover instead of your identifying name? Wonder how God feels?
HVHY means Active Breath of LIFE are secured....... it is NOT a name of a entity or a God. The word "Shalom" is Not a greeting..... it means fluent Teachings are Set Apart. These people who said they knew Hebrew, they don't know what they are talking about.
Sir Sam, didnt you hear Dr Barkays testimony, that the PALEO HEBREW TETRAGRAM etched in the 2 Silver Scrolls dated 7th century BC contain in the Priestly Blessing of Num.6:24-26 is Yod He Vav He or YHVH? That is, the initial letter of the Hebrew "Vav" is "single V" and not "double UU" (W) nor "double VV." Why keep honoring the erroneous YHWH! Its very useless!
Sir Sam, according to Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz in his book "DNA: Pirates Of The Sacred Spiral," our DNA was stamped with Yod He Vav He or YHVH, and not YHWH. See page 5, copyright 2004, USA. He pronounced it YaHVaH and not YaHWaH. He further stated that YaHVaH means "to breath is to exist." Do you believe him? Yes, man is susciptible to err, but didnt you know that all the first hand ancient hebrew writers of the holy writs were ordinary human beings and not angels. Granting but not admitting that Dr Barkay erred for testifying that the PALEO tetragram is YHVH, do you think your YHWH was strictly transmitted to you personally by an angel? If it came from an angel, who was he as there are thousands of angels?
@@danilomillendez4343 I have found the name of YHWH carved into stone in the wilderness, engraved there in time out of mind, and it echoes Truth in my ruach. We can get caught up in semantics should we wish, but I love our Father with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and love you enough to say to you that what we know in part now we will understand in full anon. Yahusha comes quickly, and He is mighty to save!
@@samsimple6153 Sir, Where is now the wilderness stone? If you have it, screenshot it for me to verify if it was carve with the TRANSLITERATION of YHWH English letters, and/or, carve with the actual PALEO HEBREW CHARACTERS. Also, I notice youre using the name YAHUsha as the name of the Jewish Messiah (Heb.7:14). Pls screenshot ACTS 4:10-12 from your "official bible" for me to verify if theres really that SPELLING Y-A-H-U-S-H-A of the Son's name and let me see if that spelling of name can really save. Also, screenshot PSALMS 68:4 for me to clarify if the HALF NAME is "YAHU" and not YAH, so that the SHORT name YAHU will coincide with your YAHUsha, doesnt it? Since you believe that MAN may erred, be sure that the writer/s of your official bible was an ANGEL/s (Heb. "malakh/melakhim"). One more thing, what do you mean by that wilderness stone? Was it the 2nd set of two tablets stone carve by Moses in lieu of the first set damage one? (Deut.10:1-4). If it was not the one carve by Moses, then who did it? Just be sure again that the carver was an angel!
Yet, you're here. Good luck finding a text or a book with such consistency over 2000+ years. That's the only proof you'll have until the Day of Judgment.
I rarely say this but this is one of the best narrated and interesting shows I’ve watched. There was no repeating of information and the narrative was succinct. Well done. 😁🇦🇺👍🏻
Is it true…….that the silver scrolls (Num. 6:24-26) is the ONLY prayer God said directly to His people, in the whole Bible?
I love this scripture. So very beautiful and meaningful!
It's stunning that even after the tons of "proof" people still don't want to believe. Danny The Digger is a good channel to see all the archeology of Israel.Dr. Barkai has so many fantastic discoveries. He's a real treasure of information
True Wizzard of Paws, let us continue to push forward in faith.
What proof? Trust and believe that I do want to believe. I desperately want to believe, but I needed up and actually read the Bible; therefore, it is impossible for an honest person to believe once they've made it their life's work to read the Bible and study ancient history.
You said proof. What proof is that exactly?
If you have proof I'd truly appreciate hearing what it is, but that aside, how can you say you believe when God and the Bible itself tells us Jesus CANNOT be the messiah. To which I say, either the Bible is the word of God or it isn't. If it is then we must follow exactly as God commands and demands of us throughout its entirety. If the Bible isn't the word of God then none of the religion or its beliefs are relevant and the entire book should be dismissed except for nothing more than another version of Aesop's Fables. Correct? Either it is or it isn't.
Seeing they won't see and hearing yet they will not hear.
@@phillipstroll7385 Even theological scholars accept that the bible is not in its original condition.
Most of its stories come from other people. Noahs flood story goes all the way back to the start of the Sumerians. Back then it was enlil floosing the world ans the god Ea who made humanity telling the secret hero how to save humanity.
If that story is so sinilar yet so different to the original. We can assume most of the other older stories in the bible are the same.
As a friend of Nerida and Calvin, I was introduced to your mission. I’ve seen several of your beautifully done and inspiring documentaries. Thanks for sharing your deep knowledge of archaeology and Christ with such magnificent productions! I love these investigations. Each one strengthens my faith.
Chris Sarzen
Amazing, Beautiful, and Heart-Warming to My Spirit and Mind.❤ Thank you So Very Much For Sharing This Excellent Information. God Bless You and Keep You.
Thank you for the beautiful Biblical documentaries. Praise God I found your UA-cam channel. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you. Wonderful. Gabriel Barkay's personal touches brought tears to my eyes.
What an amazing blessing: both in words and as a find
A fascinating video of this discovery. It gave me goose bumps. 🙏 Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for watching Mailie :)
what a fabulous shabbat present. i so enjoyed this video. excellent presentation in every way.
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Numbers 6: 24-26
So interesting to have the Word of God from above, from below, and from the rocks which protected them.....I feel loved and blessed everyday as I pray and study His Holy Word.
So beautiful Praise God 👏 🙌 ❤️ 🙏 Thank-you Jesus and God bless you and yours and everyone watching..just beautiful 😍
It was such a beautiful documentary! I hope Gabriel can live a long time. I remember him recounting the story of the silver scrolls in the "Buried Secrets of the Bible" documentary.
I hope that one day I get to see another discovery from the 1st Temple period!
So beautiful! YAHUAH truly does love his people (Israelites)! 😭😭😭🥹
Thank you so much, I love seeing your productions.
Thank you for your kind words. We are humbled by the feedback yet motivated to do more. God bless you
this was the first video i watched when i subbed about a year ago then i started season 1 of incredible journey and watch through till season 7 where i eagerly await the next episode each week keep up good work and may God bless you
Thank you for being such a loyal supporter of The Incredible Journey. We truly appreciate our viewers and it is our hope that you have been blessed by these programs. Thank you again
Wonderful testimony of the enduring accuracy of God's Word and God's eternal presence
Wow beautifully narrated I have listened to three of these documentaries and I am not bored neither did I fast forward. Great work!
How we Love the Word of God ... what a beautiful miracle... Groete van Suid Afrika
Mr.Barkay, in this "narrative" era we live in, for a jew to actually say he owes his l8fe to the red army and Josip Stalin is truly remarkable. You are a brave man.
He speaks his truth. He also doesn’t deny Stalin’s many atrocities.
Fantastic finds.
What a truly beautiful and educational video. Thank you for this touching.❤
Beautiful. Blessings to all who see this. Christ is Lord.
Astounding! 😲 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😊 Thank you for sharing 😊
Gabriel Barkay is a legend in his time. I saw Gabriel at the temple mount sifting project in the slope of the Mount of Olives. That was a fun day, sifting and finding mostly potery shards, but several Roman coins were found by other members of the tour group of which I was a part. Later that day we walked the whole length of Hezekiah's tunnel with the cold water running through it, it actually reached our hips at its deepest point. As hot as that day was, it was a refreshing way to end the touring for that day, and I bought a kudu shofar in the gift shop. I love eretz Yitzrael.
That's called... "Let the Dead bury the Dead".
If you don't understand your "Glee" for man's things, then you have no idea why Jesus existed'.
Sounds like a wonderful day! I can understand why it would make you so happy, I’d feel the same if I had the chance to go there. God bless
So well put together. Many thanks
Thank you for your feedback. We are delighted you enjoyed the program :). God bless you
Beautiful 😍 Jerusalem 🥰😇🙏
Thank you so much..for this video.
I've never heard of this. You'd think it'd make the newspaper.
That was wonderful, beautiful. Thank you Jews ( and God) for taking care of the Word, preserving it for us today!
Amen. God bless you
I do not know if it is possible at all because of his health, but one day I would love to meet Dr. Barkay, it would be an honor. 🙏😊
Born in 1944. He is not the young man he once was but he has achieved much more than most young men. He has our respect. Thank you for your feedback. May God bless you
A really strung out tale, but very interesting just the same.
A wonderful documentary
Thank you for an informative video delivered in a pleasant manner. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
God bless you beloved brother
May Our Gracious Merciful Lord bless you abundantly with his heavenly blessing
Precious souls to the Lord
God bless
Thank You, for this lovely video. 💚 Thank You, God. 💚🙏💚
Glad you enjoyed it!
A wonderful story.
Awesome discovery 😁👍.
Where are my Muslim brothers who claim torati, zabur and injil to be corrupted? Bible is truly God's word. Be blessed.
God Bless You❤🙏🌹
An old testament blessing. Jesus said we are to take part in His suffering, take up our cross every day and crusefie our flesh on our cross every day to become more like Christ. To do this we need the power and grace and mercy of God, and in Christ be able to be transformed to live holy and Godly in Him that make us able and receive the blessing of His presence.
I don’t need scrolls or shrouds to believe in Jesus or the father or the Holy Spirit ,but its still confirming and great news ,especially for those ,who need all the proof they can get their hands and eyes on ,even then some will not believe ,tragic amen
God bless us all,
Thankyou for the good book
Merci Monique... c'est Sophie !
Awesome message
To even compare such accuracies'', suggest a failure of Faith, for one to believe that an odd should exist, suggests that God has no hold on man'.
If God wrote this prayer, as the commentary states, it would have been written as in first person context, ie. I bless you, etc,
Being pedantic, this is written/spoken by a third person, ie May the Lord bless you, etc.
When people make a statement like, "God wrote this prayer" when the quoted unchanged text clearly states that it is a blessing written and made by an intermediary at best, it opens the door for a whole flood of paraphrases purporting to espouse what God says or this or that, is the word of God .
Our Great God, Bless His Name, gave this to us to use, to pray, to pray over one another as a perfect blessing which is a perfect prayer request of one person over another person or people.
So, although you are looking for correct sentences, you're missing the whole point. It's as though you are swallowing a camel but straining at at knat.
It is actually a critical point of a blessing that one understands the what a blessing really is and just Who the Eternal Blessor really Is!!!
@@joantaylor468 I didn't miss the point, the whole and immediate point is that God didn’t write this, so the commentary is false.
One of the ten commandment is Thou should not take my name in vain, this individual does exactly that, regardless of the content of his remark.
You also should modify your words, they are ambiguous, if you are referring to the god that Jesus considered his heavenly father, show some respect and make it clear which god your blessing is directed. I would bet my life that Jesus never referred to his heavenly father with a generic title.
The point I am making now, is that you people with your overindulgence in consumption of pietypie, set yourselves up with paraphrasing mantras, that lose their 'energy'. In other words, they are empty, they have no depth, they just sit on the page, and therefore have no effect, unless, of course it leaves you with a feeling of self satisfaction. Another form of overindulgence I suppose!
BTW, ask yourself this, Are the Ten Commandments written/composed in the third person vernacular? Answer: No, "thou shalt" not do this or that.
@@joantaylor468 It is a nice prayer. Many sermons are wrapped up with its homogeny as the eyes glaze over, and church is let out. Like the Lord's prayer, it is barren, unless it comes from the heart. We all know the words....
Just saying them is meaningless. Blessings come from God, not from poetic babble of religious ceremony.
Any blessing, or prayer, must be declared with genuine intent, on a personal level. It makes no difference how old it is.
We need biblical context. God instructs the Kohanim (priests, descendants of Aaron the High Priest, the Kohen Gadol) to chant this prayer, to bless the Jewish people -- the prayer is then affirmed by God ("... and I will bless them").
The full verse says. And Hashem said to Moses speak to Aaron and his sons and you shall nless the children of Israel. Saying ....the blessing. Only a few times does Hashem speak In first person.
Amen praise God.
Amen 😇✝️❤️
What? It's not a Christian Bible to put a cross. It's a Jewish ✡ Bible. Christianity copied texts from Jews and all over the pagan religions and made their Bogus Bible. Mary's Gospel got expelled from the Bible and she is the favourite student or wife of Jesus. JESUS IS A JEW NOT A CHRISTIAN, JESUS NEVER NEW CHRISTIANITY. LEARN MORE. Here the author is talking about 4th BCE, ie before the birth of christ. The early, christianity didn't have cross as symbol of their religion.
John 3:16 NKJV
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
forward to 22:00. You’tre welcome. Lots of blather about use of the word yhwh found in various places. They also found the words from God to Moses in Mount Sinai. And that’s it.
Great human story.... even greater discovery... and a great point made about the reliability of the Biblical text. Thank you for taking us on this journey. A question arises: Which is the greater? The silver scroll found... or the inspired words it contains? Surely the words. (cf. Matt.23¹⁷-²²). The scroll contains the divine name 3 times. YHWH. But religious tradition and modern translations have "buried" the glorious name under the 'rubble' of tradition with the 4 letters
"L O R D"... thousands of times.
Why unearth a valuable scroll which reveals the divine name but then cover it again with religious tradition?
If it is God's own dictated prayer, why modify and alter its wording? When we today read "LORD" in any version we should brush away the traditional "dust" and reverently read Jehovah (or Yahweh)
as God intended.
Thank you Dr Barkay for confirming the truth that the Silver Scrolls which contain the Paleo Hebrew Tetragramaton or the 4 letter name of the elohim is Yod He Vav He or "YHVH" and not YHWH, YHUV, JHVH. Therefore, the names YaHWaH, YaHaWaH, YaHWeH, YeHoWaH, and JeHoVaH are very wrong names for they contain letter W and letter J.
Yes, a very important and historic discovery.
In actuality, in ancient times, the Vav which you transliterated as a V was actually a Waw and was pronounced as a W. Or it was pronounced as one of the vowels that a W can be (OW or Ew). Ow as in bow and ew as in crew.
I learned the Holy Name in Paleo-Hebrew is YAHAWAH (He exists) and not Yahweh, Yehovah or Jehovah.
@@ispeakblessingsintoyourlif8683 Sir, your YaHaWaH is an erroneous name because accirding to Dr. Gabriel Barkay, the PALEO HEBREW tetragram is Yod He Vav He or YHVH
@@ispeakblessingsintoyourlif8683 Your YaHaWaH is also an erroneous for this 2 reasons: Firstly, according to Dr. Gabriel Barkay, the Paleo Hebrew tetragram is Yod He Vav He or YHVH, and not yhWh. Theres no letter "W" in yhVh but its letter V . Secondly, the HALF NAME in Psalms 68:4 is "YAH" and not YAHU, isnt it? Thirdly, the universal praising in Psalms 106:1,48 is "Hallelu YAH" and not "Hallelu YAHU", isnt it? Therefore, the exact vocalization should be "YaHVaH" meaning "the existing, ever living, eternal 0ne!"
Well blessings on Nathan . Where are you now?
I can actually see it all like I once was there. Even I can remember being there when Jesus lived. I remember given a choice to come to earth or stay in heaven. From the beginning he gave us choices. Now I am ready to go back home so I can tell Jesus all the suffering of the world, and all those who live in it Amen
Numbers 6: 24-26
Only in Israel archeology is being so wonderfully made
great! PTL!
Wondering how much other evidence there is of writing on metal scrolls?
It shows that the Catholic Church did an excellent job creating the Bible in the year 382 by Saint Jerome... 😇🙏
Expedition Bible is another good choice for archeology finds in Israel.
Who is worthy to open the scrolls
Like that one :-)
@@TheIncredibleJourney thank you Jesus! He is Worthy Alone.
What has happened to Nathan??
Is he now an archeologist 🙏🏾
I am interested in archaeologists. I am keen to know what evidence they find abt ancient life
Narration is brutally slow, but interesting video, nonetheless! 👍
I agree 100% the bible is a precise true account of Gods word.
Then why can we find a much older version of Noahs flood myth?
The higheat Theological Scholars Accrot that the bible is not in its original condition. It has been re-written many times.
@@pneuma2260 it has been re written AND changed.
This is purely fact. We knkw it contains many edited stories. The silver stone does nothing to change that
@@pneuma2260 ...? The oldest stories in the bible are rewritten stories from other cultures.
The original mesopotamian version of the flood myth is a heroic tale. There is no creepy story about Noah being buttfucked by his own son like in the bible.
Thats one of the oldest points of reference in the entire book and they bassically changed the entire moral of the story.
@@pneuma2260 Im not really sure how anyone can read the flood tale from the epix of Gilgamesh and NOT realise what a shitty retelling the bible is.
@@pneuma2260 well the tale is not from gilgamesh for a start. Thats just the earliest copy we have. In fact. Gilgamesh recieves the story from Noah himself. The original Noah had a different name. But was the hero who built the great arc under direction from the god who created humanity.
This god denied the other gods who wanted to drown humanity. You can see why such a god would be worshipped as the one true god.
Gilgamesh supposedly recieves the tale directly from the man it happened to. The builder of the arc. And the story is MANY TIMES older than the Noah variant of the story.
Moses was born many thousands of years after Sumeria was allready an extinct civilization.
Unless you are claiming that Noah would have lied to Gilgamesh. Which seems quite blasphemous.
Im not asking anyone to abandon their faith. But to underatand that the origins of your Faith may be more complicated than we realise.
Makes me wonder if the earthquake that happened when Christ was crucified caused the rock to split and cover the depository…. Imagine if that was the reason…
Wait until the gold plates are revealed.
Mr Big Licks; What gold plates? Do you mean the ones found by Joseph Smith in 1823?
@@Roylamx that's right.
And to suggest God had only these few words from his mouth', is an abomination unto man'. For God wrote every word of the Book of Life'.
Yes, we can trust the accuracy of the Bible. It is the only inspired Word of God.
I would like to see someone perform facial recognition on those bones and come up with dna profiles.
It's not an evidence of the accuracy of the Bible as there are discrepancies between the modern Bible and dead sea scrolls. These short benediction was preserved without change.
Why there are discrepancies between Bibles, you can find out in a presentation of Walter Veith: Battle of the Bibles
Yashua was a storm God just like ball
God uses the foolish to confound the wise. Who says God doesn’t have a since of humor?!
If people want to scoff they will no matter the proofs, remember the scribes and Pharisee in Jesus’ day? No matter how many signs they saw they still desired “more signs?” It’s the same now
A piece fell from the ceiling? Yeah right! God hid it.
Scrolls mean shit if one is of a different paradigm. That’s why we know NOTHING but lies, because the OTHER paradigm is about planets and souls, about which we still know next to nothing!
The Hungarian Jews including these guy are Ashkenazim from Khazaria i.e. Turks who converted to Judaism in the 9th/10th century, nothing to do with the Israelite people! That guy should not be there on stolen Palestinian land.
The New Testament documents Jews already living in Turkey/Asia in Century 1 (Acts 14:1, Acts 18:19).
The Khazar Kingdom was circa Centuries 6 and 7.
truth is told
Why the hedo we have to learn about someone's entire life story just because he found some cra in a burial chamber. Better yet ...HE isn't even the one who found it. He thought the chamber was empty and robbed long ago and then sent an kid who was annoying him to go in there and clean it up so they can take photos ...then that kid is the one who found the stuff. Where is that kid's story?
Also funny how they call it Archeology ...But if someone else does it then it's called Grave Robbery.
actually the hebrew scriptures are very different to what is now known as the old testament
If you are of God', then be like God'.
Smooth walks does not mean wealthy. It could mean many children with nothing to do but smooth walks. It could mean the people who dug it were tomb diggers. It could mean the people who dug it were tool makers who could easily smooth the walls because they could easily resharpen tools. It could mean any number of things. Stop saying everything is noble or religious. Just stop.
Discovered in 1979, but why was only today[the year 2022] it was announced? Why not the discovery be made public? Too bad!
For the same reason why many other ancient texts didn't make it into the bible. The content has to match the narrative, or we never would have heard about it at all.
It is not enough to discover "truth"
It has to be "Christian" truth - or it would be melted down and sold for scrap silver.
@@jeffmckinnon5842 you don't know what you are talking about. I doubt you even watched the video. Books that made it into the Bible made it because the have always been read by all Christians everywhere. Because books were copied by hand, which was time consuming and very expensive, scribes copied books for which there was a market. If a book didn't make it into the Bible, it is because people stopped reading them - they went out of print.
This is the text we have in our Bible. Hes asking why this corroborating evidence from nearly 3000 years ago didn't make the news.
@@adamh5153 the discovery was already revealed in 1986 in the Chicago Tribune. That was the earliest reference I could find. I tried to paste the link to the article but UA-cam won't allow it for some reason. A simple Google search is AL that is required to find it though. In addition the discovery would already have been mentioned in Dr Gabriel's thesis, the subject of the excavation. But you are spot on. The blessing has been revealed 3000 years ago. Nothing new there. And even if this artifact was never discovered, it does not change what was written in the Bible or the message of the Bible. Some people become totally irrational because there is no archeological evidence in any shape or form to support their religious claims.
So the scroll had God’s personal name written three times…why did you then take His name out of the text, and substitute a title? You have your personal name on your tv show and on the cover of your DVD…How would you feel if someone put “man” on the cover instead of your identifying name? Wonder how God feels?
HVHY means Active Breath of LIFE are secured....... it is NOT a name of a entity or a God. The word "Shalom" is Not a greeting..... it means fluent Teachings are Set Apart. These people who said they knew Hebrew, they don't know what they are talking about.
Honor the name of YHWH that it might go well with you.
Sir Sam, didnt you hear Dr Barkays testimony, that the PALEO HEBREW TETRAGRAM etched in the 2 Silver Scrolls dated 7th century BC contain in the Priestly Blessing of Num.6:24-26 is Yod He Vav He or YHVH? That is, the initial letter of the Hebrew "Vav" is "single V" and not "double UU" (W) nor "double VV." Why keep honoring the erroneous YHWH! Its very useless!
@@danilomillendez4343 men err, Elohym does not. The name of YHWH may be found stamped all over our DNA.
Sir Sam, according to Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz in his book "DNA: Pirates Of The Sacred Spiral," our DNA was stamped with Yod He Vav He or YHVH, and not YHWH. See page 5, copyright 2004, USA. He pronounced it YaHVaH and not YaHWaH. He further stated that YaHVaH means "to breath is to exist." Do you believe him? Yes, man is susciptible to err, but didnt you know that all the first hand ancient hebrew writers of the holy writs were ordinary human beings and not angels. Granting but not admitting that Dr Barkay erred for testifying that the PALEO tetragram is YHVH, do you think your YHWH was strictly transmitted to you personally by an angel? If it came from an angel, who was he as there are thousands of angels?
@@danilomillendez4343 I have found the name of YHWH carved into stone in the wilderness, engraved there in time out of mind, and it echoes Truth in my ruach. We can get caught up in semantics should we wish, but I love our Father with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and love you enough to say to you that what we know in part now we will understand in full anon. Yahusha comes quickly, and He is mighty to save!
@@samsimple6153 Sir, Where is now the wilderness stone? If you have it, screenshot it for me to verify if it was carve with the TRANSLITERATION of YHWH English letters, and/or, carve with the actual PALEO HEBREW CHARACTERS. Also, I notice youre using the name YAHUsha as the name of the Jewish Messiah (Heb.7:14). Pls screenshot ACTS 4:10-12 from your "official bible" for me to verify if theres really that SPELLING Y-A-H-U-S-H-A of the Son's name and let me see if that spelling of name can really save. Also, screenshot PSALMS 68:4 for me to clarify if the HALF NAME is "YAHU" and not YAH, so that the SHORT name YAHU will coincide with your YAHUsha, doesnt it? Since you believe that MAN may erred, be sure that the writer/s of your official bible was an ANGEL/s (Heb. "malakh/melakhim"). One more thing, what do you mean by that wilderness stone? Was it the 2nd set of two tablets stone carve by Moses in lieu of the first set damage one? (Deut.10:1-4). If it was not the one carve by Moses, then who did it? Just be sure again that the carver was an angel!
Yet', if yee is to perpetrate such', says your Glee for man's world is better than God's.
No proof just assumptions as usual
And what are the assumptions, oh learned one?
@@stephanterblanche4597 Man made god nonsense
Yet, you're here. Good luck finding a text or a book with such consistency over 2000+ years. That's the only proof you'll have until the Day of Judgment.
@@Caution40404 You and l are here because of evolution, not some absurd supernatural nonsense
Ha, nooo. The bible today is fixed. Sooo. Not as 2000 years ago. God bless
I'm working and minimize this video for 15 minutes and as soon as I restore this vids I'm surprised the host is a male lololol.