Romans 16:1-24 God's Hall of Fame - 4/8/24

  • Опубліковано 7 сер 2024
  • God’s Hall of Fame
    Romans chapter 16 has such a long list of names, that it would be very easy to skip over this chapter, thinking it unimportant, after all, Paul is merely writing some final greetings before closing his letter to the Roman church. But Romans 16 has much more to teach us than first meets the eye!
    Firstly, it shows us the personal nature of the church. Paul had not been to Rome, yet he clearly knew many of the church members there, citing them by name, commending each person specifically.
    For example, Prisca and Aquila were fellow workers, risking their very lives for Paul, Mary was considered a hard worker, Adronica and Junia were Paul’s kinsmen and fellow prisoners, and Rufus’ mother was like a mother to Paul. Immediately we see that the church was made up of personal relationships rather than merely business-like model in teaching and organization. Even the renown missionary Paul had strong personal relationships with many of the members.
    Secondly, Paul warns the church to be aware of, and to avoid, those who cause division in the church by their teaching of false doctrine. (17-19) Paul says that these people cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to sound teaching.
    By way of flattery and smooth talking these false teachers deceive the hearts of the naïve with their selfish motives. Paul makes an appeal to the church to recognize such trouble makers and to avoid them.
    In order to recognize false teaching, it’s essential for any church members anywhere to know sound doctrine. This way we are able to test everything we hear to see if it aligns with the teaching of the Bible.
    Lastly, after taking verses 1-24 as a whole, and zooming in on Paul’s appeal in verses 17-19, I have zoomed in even further on verse 20 where we find assurance of the ultimate victory in Christ.
    Although we are being transformed day by day, being sanctified, not yet perfected, and living in a world with struggles and pain and grief. Satan and his schemes will soon be crushed under our feet by the God of peace through the finished work of Christ on the cross!
    Christ’s ultimate victory is the very heart of the gospel. Paul’s letter comes full circle, God’s children have assurance of salvation, having been declared righteous through faith. God is faithful to His promises.
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