How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
@@ledjiOfficial How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
Toute ma force dans mes dominants, dominants C'est en graillant des faux rappeurs qu'j'm'alimente J'souris bêtement quand j'sais qu'il y a de l'argent qui rentre Pour le khaliss, on peut devenir très méchants Tu peux voir le M de Babydis sur nos fronts J'ai toujours été au fond Aujourd'hui, j'passe devant gorille dominant, on va devenir très méchan Vis la cité pour de vrai Tards-pé à lhotel quand personne nous effraie Aujourd'hui, tu fais le chaud, bastos dans la cabeza, tu finis givré Y a un plan ffe-bi, j'y vais Pour les Bongo, j'suis très motivé J'aime trop ce jeu, j'veux pas m'arrêter, j'veux plus franchir la ligne d'arrivée J'arrive dans l'pe-ra comme un tsunami, tous vos rappeurs, j'vais les faire chavirer Tu veux d'la bonne, tiens cadeau dans l'allée, on t'fournit quantité et qualité Juste en sentant l'odeur d'la ppe-fra, tous les clickos s’mettent à saliver Arrête-moi tes balivernes Tu vois des flingues, t'es pas il perd
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
Oe c est chaud la Oe c est mouvementée Oe c est chaud la Oe c est gatee Oe c est chaud le soir C est pour ca que des fois je rentrer tard Pour la moula jserais a bibi Ton boula t fou jserais pas ton cherie Il maimer plus que je surenchéris Tradition aditionnelle Des gens que j aime pas j en est a la pelle Avec moi jserais comme un gun Jme reconnais quand je regarde top gun Ho bebe ho bebe dit moi qui est la fou Du stade Jss au vélodrome Jfume la frappe qui me calme
Hi , no , free means it is free only for non monetization on UA-cam . To publish on UA-cam with monetization and on streaming platforms you have to purchase a license on
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
Koy bi duble daha koy Sar bir tane daha sar Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar Falanlar filanlar Sal beni bi sal sal Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar [verse 2 : Uzi242] Üzülme canım denk geliriz yine Ver numaranı diyip biz sizi ararız Belki bir kaç beden büyük geliriz Size uymuyorsa erkenden kaçarız Koşdur kurtardın paçanı Bize dert değil kinden başarı Bana gel seni her şekil taşırım Para biter tabii her şeyin aşırı Gitceksem hız 180 Hissettiririm hissetsem Sus ben bilirim her dilden Söz konuşucam hep kalbimden Takvimime bakım dönücem Ama sessiz ol görmesin yengen Bina girişini halledelim ilk Sonra komşular olmasın engel Renkler bozuk ekran Bitti resmen kızım valla billa Esmer ya da sarışın Fark ederse inan ki Kuran çarpsın Renkler bozuk ekran Bitti resmen kızım valla billa Esmer ya da sarışın Fark ederse inan ki Kuran çarpsın
0:24 Қолыңды белге қойып биле (х4) Қол белде биле биле(х4) Бір Қол белде Бір қолда виски кола Бұл жоллллы болады бәрі норма Шайқалып барам сыртқа болама Жоқпа Құйып биге шақырма бауырым тыңда Дем алсын іштегі жында Тікұшақ ұстап ұшып барам Барға қолым созам Көтеріп алып қызам Нихуевый биде движь сызам
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank Lending money with the family If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one. It could be a family member or a friend you trust. We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains: The amount of the money loan The repayment terms This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later. To know This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000 E mail:
Koşturuyoz koşturuyoz Çoşturuyoz çosturuyoz Boş duruyoz boş duruyoz İşleri çözüyoz çözüyoz Harbi kafam iyi Bu gece parti Gel oyna fati Sar tekrar bari İstiyorum ati Çözemedim Matematiği Giderim ileri Gelemem geri Derler bana serseri Tanır beni alem diyorlar Çaça piço mahalli Lakaplarım çok kanki Canki her gece pompi Komik çalışmazsa kombi Ak47 kafaya mermi yedi Dedi dedi dedi dedi Büyükler dimi dimi Piyasa bok gibi gibi Aq bayağa düşük dimi dimi Kimi kimi kimi kimi Bu sistemin amk Kaçıyom kaçıyom buluyom buluyom Oluyom oluyom duruyom duruyom Fenna kafa buluyom (kafa buluyom)
Koy bi duble daha koy Sar bir tane daha sar Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar Falanlar filanlar Sal beni bi sal sal Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar [verse 2 : Uzi242] Üzülme canım denk geliriz yine Ver numaranı diyip biz sizi ararız Belki bir kaç beden büyük geliriz Size uymuyorsa erkenden kaçarız Koşdur kurtardın paçanı Bize dert değil kinden başarı Bana gel seni her şekil taşırım Para biter tabii her şeyin aşırı Gitceksem hız 180 Hissettiririm hissetsem Sus ben bilirim her dilden Söz konuşucam hep kalbimden Takvimime bakım dönücem Ama sessiz ol görmesin yengen Bina girişini halledelim ilk Sonra komşular olmasın engel Renkler bozuk ekran Bitti resmen kızım valla billa Esmer ya da sarışın Fark ederse inan ki Kuran çarpsın Renkler bozuk ekran Bitti resmen kızım valla billa Esmer ya da sarışın Fark ederse inan ki Kuran çarpsın
● 📥Free download (With tag)💰Buy Beat (Without tag ! ) •••→
● 🔥 Go 3000 Subs ! 👉 👈
i like it👏🏻
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
@@ledjiOfficial How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
This goes haaaaaard man! Nice work on the drums 🔥🔥🔥
Sascha Djamal thanks bro 🙏
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Uuuu c'est chaud broo 🔊🔊🔊💥💣💣
D.i.n BEATS ღ merci frérot !
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Boooooooooooom bruv feel proud being African right about now 💯💯💯💯💣💣💣💣💣💣💣💣
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Crazy Melody with fire drums🔥🔥
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
J’adore le béat
your vibe is unique man! fye stuff 🙏
soulblade95 🙏😉 thanks
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Realy Nice Job Bro! The drums are amazing! 🔥🔥🔥
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾 Merci Lewo 👏🏾❤️
Lewo t'es un tueur en prod 🔥☄🔥☄🔥
Saksafon 💥💥
Olaaaaaa un 100k qui s'annonce, très lourde
kony ala prod ahah merci gars 🙏🙏
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Respect 👍
رونغ وي بوي
افخم من نزل عليه،🙈😍
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Insane !
Ça c’est pro 🦸♂️ Gg
Merci !!
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Tobias whell méssié vraiment BORCKKKK
C du lourd encore plus lewo Beats
Merci c un plaisir pour moi du courage pour d'autres instrumental 💯
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Damn this is crazyyy 🔥🔥🔥
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Du lourd ,🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💃🕺🕺
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Fire bro!!!
@@Lewobeats Left a sub! support us back if you want :)
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Tou fek zanmitay map diw anatem ou pa vle wem map diw anatem wap tann echouem map diw nanatem Bondye avem anyen pou pa pé
Lo mejor 🔥🔥🔥
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
@@joanesmoreau5171 stu
c'est le feu💥💥💥💥 🔥🔥🔥🔥
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Beaucoup bien💪🐉
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
super instru, je me suis permis de la piquer pour faire un remix dessus! quand c'est fini je la partage et je mets ton nom en description.
Déjà fait bro
Good Sound! Regards! 👋
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
+1 abonné et le kiffe sur toute la prod 🤘🤝☠
Awesome 🔥
thanks !!
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Toute ma force dans mes dominants, dominants
C'est en graillant des faux rappeurs qu'j'm'alimente
J'souris bêtement quand j'sais qu'il y a de l'argent qui rentre
Pour le khaliss, on peut devenir très méchants
Tu peux voir le M de Babydis sur nos fronts
J'ai toujours été au fond
Aujourd'hui, j'passe devant gorille dominant, on va devenir très méchan
Vis la cité pour de vrai
Tards-pé à lhotel quand personne nous effraie
Aujourd'hui, tu fais le chaud, bastos dans la cabeza, tu finis givré
Y a un plan ffe-bi, j'y vais
Pour les Bongo, j'suis très motivé
J'aime trop ce jeu, j'veux pas m'arrêter, j'veux plus franchir la ligne d'arrivée
J'arrive dans l'pe-ra comme un tsunami, tous vos rappeurs, j'vais les faire chavirer
Tu veux d'la bonne, tiens cadeau dans l'allée, on t'fournit quantité et qualité
Juste en sentant l'odeur d'la ppe-fra, tous les clickos s’mettent à saliver
Arrête-moi tes balivernes
Tu vois des flingues, t'es pas il perd
Ça va bosh ?
Where did u take tha kick from , so clean fam
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Oe c est chaud la
Oe c est mouvementée
Oe c est chaud la
Oe c est gatee
Oe c est chaud le soir
C est pour ca que des fois je rentrer tard
Pour la moula jserais a bibi
Ton boula t fou jserais pas ton cherie
Il maimer plus que je surenchéris
Tradition aditionnelle
Des gens que j aime pas j en est a la pelle
Avec moi jserais comme un gun
Jme reconnais quand je regarde top gun
Ho bebe ho bebe dit moi qui est la fou
Du stade
Jss au vélodrome
Jfume la frappe qui me calme
Hei Lewo, Free means i can use this song for anything as long i give you credit ? Thanks for the answer
Hi , no , free means it is free only for non monetization on UA-cam .
To publish on UA-cam with monetization and on streaming platforms you have to purchase a license on
Yo, top l'instru merci ! 🔥🔥🔥
En train de faire un son dessus, j'achète si ce qu'on a fait est réussi ! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Super , merci du compliment 😉🙏
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Koy bi duble daha koy
Sar bir tane daha sar
Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar
Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar
Falanlar filanlar
Sal beni bi sal sal
Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar
Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar
[verse 2 : Uzi242]
Üzülme canım denk geliriz yine
Ver numaranı diyip biz sizi ararız
Belki bir kaç beden büyük geliriz
Size uymuyorsa erkenden kaçarız
Koşdur kurtardın paçanı
Bize dert değil kinden başarı
Bana gel seni her şekil taşırım
Para biter tabii her şeyin aşırı
Gitceksem hız 180
Hissettiririm hissetsem
Sus ben bilirim her dilden
Söz konuşucam hep kalbimden
Takvimime bakım dönücem
Ama sessiz ol görmesin yengen
Bina girişini halledelim ilk
Sonra komşular olmasın engel
Renkler bozuk ekran
Bitti resmen kızım valla billa
Esmer ya da sarışın
Fark ederse inan ki Kuran çarpsın
Renkler bozuk ekran
Bitti resmen kızım valla billa
Esmer ya da sarışın
Fark ederse inan ki Kuran çarpsın
0:24 Қолыңды белге қойып биле (х4)
Қол белде биле биле(х4)
Бір Қол белде
Бір қолда виски кола
Бұл жоллллы болады бәрі норма
Шайқалып барам сыртқа болама
Құйып биге шақырма бауырым тыңда
Дем алсын іштегі жында
Тікұшақ ұстап ұшып барам
Барға қолым созам
Көтеріп алып қызам
Нихуевый биде движь сызам
Does it have copyright??
On faisait un truc de danse en musique dans mon école ta une meuffe elle a mis cette musiques a fond 😂😭😭
LIKENprops! Ahah j’adore faut reprendre ça après le confinement je comptes sur toi
@@Lewobeats tkt pas bro bientôt je vais venir avec une enceinte moi
yooooooow this hot says @bamusiqglobal
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Michou va posé sur l instru jai vu dans sa story insta
Lewo , j ai ecrit un texte dessus sur la fête, je rentre en studio bientôt pour ça
Comment tu arrivé a piqué sa?
FLP en vente ? please
Je bosses pas sur FL
Lewo tu bosse sur quoi ? J’adore t’ont taffe, je cherche une mélodie Moombahton pour un beat
Merci frérot, cubase 😉
Beatkaan kii soomaha Ani Waan Aroosaya 😂😂
Can I use this beat brh??
Yes ,
Comment tu fais tes visuels frère ?
Remix at 0.75
Devito ?
Bro may I use this beat?
Nice one!!! Hook?
How to get loaned money without going through a bank
Lending money with the family
If you just need a little cash to deal with the unexpected or make it through a tough end of the month, the easiest solution is to take a loan from a loved one.
It could be a family member or a friend you trust.
We advise you to make this loan between individuals in the rules, that is to say with a writing that explains:
The amount of the money loan
The repayment terms
This recognition of debt will allow you to avoid any problems later.
To know
This writing is mandatory in France for a credit between individuals from € 760 to € 10,000,000
E mail:
Mon pote ? Je peux poser sur la ?
Votre nom serai sur mon music bien sur ?
Un des proches de michou (ou lui même )va faire un son sur se beat
Ha ouais jure
@@Peckker Wai il avait poster sur sa story insta
Haaaa okkkk
1 i 8 refren 1 i 47 refren 2 i 17 refren 2 i 48 refren
Koşturuyoz koşturuyoz
Çoşturuyoz çosturuyoz
Boş duruyoz boş duruyoz
İşleri çözüyoz çözüyoz
Harbi kafam iyi
Bu gece parti
Gel oyna fati
Sar tekrar bari
İstiyorum ati
Giderim ileri
Gelemem geri
Derler bana serseri
Tanır beni alem diyorlar
Çaça piço mahalli
Lakaplarım çok kanki
Canki her gece pompi
Komik çalışmazsa kombi
Ak47 kafaya mermi yedi
Dedi dedi dedi dedi
Büyükler dimi dimi
Piyasa bok gibi gibi
Aq bayağa düşük dimi dimi
Kimi kimi kimi kimi
Bu sistemin amk
Kaçıyom kaçıyom buluyom buluyom
Oluyom oluyom duruyom duruyom
Fenna kafa buluyom (kafa buluyom)
@@joanesmoreau5171 instagram
يلعن ابليسك 🤣
طير سالفه من راسي
Koy bi duble daha koy
Sar bir tane daha sar
Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar
Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar
Falanlar filanlar
Sal beni bi sal sal
Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar
Çok güzelsin ama yengen kızar
[verse 2 : Uzi242]
Üzülme canım denk geliriz yine
Ver numaranı diyip biz sizi ararız
Belki bir kaç beden büyük geliriz
Size uymuyorsa erkenden kaçarız
Koşdur kurtardın paçanı
Bize dert değil kinden başarı
Bana gel seni her şekil taşırım
Para biter tabii her şeyin aşırı
Gitceksem hız 180
Hissettiririm hissetsem
Sus ben bilirim her dilden
Söz konuşucam hep kalbimden
Takvimime bakım dönücem
Ama sessiz ol görmesin yengen
Bina girişini halledelim ilk
Sonra komşular olmasın engel
Renkler bozuk ekran
Bitti resmen kızım valla billa
Esmer ya da sarışın
Fark ederse inan ki Kuran çarpsın
Renkler bozuk ekran
Bitti resmen kızım valla billa
Esmer ya da sarışın
Fark ederse inan ki Kuran çarpsın
Sen söz yazma boşver ya
@@neo7016 onun değil zaten aga tuhan diye bi rapçinin