Monique Davis: atheists are dangerous

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Keith Olbermann explaining why bigot Monique Davis is the worst person in the world. Nothing much more is needed to be said here. She clearly and thoroughly showed how ignorant and prejudiced she is.
    Originally from One Good Move:


  • @ms9809
    @ms9809 14 років тому +1

    @coolguy98 "freedom of religion isn't freedom from religion" Umm...yes it is.

  • @morpheusxnyc
    @morpheusxnyc 13 років тому

    @ivlfounder - There are multiple, redundant, non-derivative sources for those quotes that are legion throughout the web all confirming the same quotes.
    Unless the only burden of prof that would satisfy you is to read it on a Fox News website or some Conservative Christian site, then first, you should concern yourself with the veracity OF the information, not the source.
    The MOST common debate tactic used by the religious is to attempt to attack the speaker, rather than refute the information.

  • @MorpheusOmikron
    @MorpheusOmikron 14 років тому

    Because even with free-will, Good is still Good, and Evil is still Evil. We were given free-will, so we could decide, and that our decisions would have meaning. We are rewarded for Good, solely because we didn't HAVE to do good. We are punished for Evil, solely because we didn't HAVE to do evil, we CHOSE it.
    And if you're asking why is there Good and Evil, it is because God has a mind, God has established perfect justice. He has established what is acceptable, and what is not.

  • @jerico641
    @jerico641 14 років тому

    Well, I know that he was very angry with Prejean, and I remember him saying some pretty stern things regarding her behavior; but I honestly don't remember anything sexist in his segment on her. Also, he believes (as I do) that this openly negative attitude toward gay marriage is hateful and bigoted, and he probably does have a short fuse when it comes to this subject. I also honestly haven't seen him contradict himself yet but yes, he does leave most of the confrontations to Chris Matthews.

  • @tctheunbeliever
    @tctheunbeliever 14 років тому

    I must have the gift of prophecy, cuz I just knew you'd say that.

  • @Bralidiroe
    @Bralidiroe 14 років тому

    * Leviticus 25:45-46 "Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, . . . and they shall be your possession . . . they shall be your bondmen forever."
    * Genesis 9:25 "And he [Noah] said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren."
    Here th bible clearly condones slavery..
    Now this is the same bible and god she's advocating black and that's a slap in the fucking face

  • @MorpheusOmikron
    @MorpheusOmikron 14 років тому

    Bad things exist because we, as free-willed beings, brought them into existence. God is omnipotent but even omnipotence cannot (force you to do something freely), as that is a logical fallacy. With free will, our choices gain meaning, we are not mere machines, we are free agents. God even calls us "gods" at one point in the bible due to this very facet of our being.

  • @PhilipTheBigOne
    @PhilipTheBigOne 7 років тому

    Not to defend her rant on the guy, but she did call him & apologise for her comments... The guy said that she told him she was upset after some kids were shot dead in Chicago & she lashed out on him, which she admitted was wrong & he accepted her apology...
    Not to defend these comments, they were ignorant & stupid... Let's just get the whole story, she did apologise to the guy (and KO reported it 2 days later)...

  • @Ni73sh4d3
    @Ni73sh4d3 13 років тому

    @mysterymediacorp The bible was used by the people who supported those ideas to convince the masses that its what god wanted. He was, metaphorically speaking, right in the thick of things. ^_^

  • @PattyMcqG
    @PattyMcqG 10 років тому

    It's a 50/50 shot. If Christians believe in a Being who can save them, spend Sunday hearing lectures from a fictional book, die thinking that they're going someplace nice and don't, they will just turn to dust none the wiser. But if atheists got it wrong... it's not gonna be good. And if there IS a HELL, I don't think you going to see a sign instructing you to Stop, Drop and Roll.

    • @gspendlove
      @gspendlove 10 років тому +1

      Pascal's Wager = complete horseshit.
      Because what if Xians are wrong and Hindus are right? What if they're wrong and Muslims are right? What if they're wrong and Scientologists are right? What if they're wrong and Zoroastrians are right? What if they're wrong and Mormons are right? What if they're wrong and Buddhists are right? What if they're wrong and the Ancient Egyptians were right? What if they're wrong and the Ancient Mayans were right? What if they're wrong and Raelians are right? What if they're wrong and the Heaven's Gate cultists were right? What if they're wrong and the Jews are right? What if they're wrong and Shintoists are right? What if they're wrong and the Thuggee cultists were right? dot dot dot dot.
      Suddenly that "50/50 shot" isn't so 50/50 anymore.

    • @PattyMcqG
      @PattyMcqG 10 років тому

      I'm going to try to explain it, so read each word and then if you don't get it, I'm wasting my time. You are so focused on trying to demean the Christian faith, you've missed the point Yes,. I'm a Christian, it's right for ME. t I don't have the pay grade to judge all the ones you mentioned or know the plan, but ALL the ones you mentioned DO BELIEVE IN SOMETHING. And most of those like Christianity have a two way system of good ending/bad ending, and most of the groups you mentioned, if they ARE wrong and there is nothing after death, each one of those you mentioned lived the life of hope, prayer, mediation or whatever, living their lives to reach that wonderful afterlife. An atheist believes in no god, deity, prayer and that death is the end, so if the Egypt, Moslems, Buddhist, Hindus, the McDonald church of Hamburgers or anyone who believes in a good/bad end to life is correct, the atheist is going to lose. I'm willing to adjust my 50/50 to 33/33/33, chance of Eternal Bliss/ Eternal Nothing/Eternal Suffering. I still wouldn't risk it, I'd rather go for Eternal Bliss and if it's Eternal Nothing I won't know anyway.

    • @gspendlove
      @gspendlove 10 років тому +1

      Patty McQueen Hey, you're the one who said "Christian" first, not me. And I was addressing Pascal's Wager, which was formulated within a Christian framework. I don't have anything against Christians, particularly; I hate all religions equally. But it so happens that in this country, the Christian faith is prevalent, and so a great portion of my rancor does focus on them. They are mostly the ones I see indoctrinating children, spreading lies and attempting to eliminate the separation of church and state (but only for their particular brand of nonsense, of course).
      Yes, those religions I mentioned all believe in something. But all of them also have rules and dogma (some much, much stricter than others, it is true) which must be followed to gain salvation. None of them say, "Just be good and kind and pray to whatever god you want, and our god will take you into our heaven." Not one. I'm betting that, if you're a Christian, you're not living the Muslim way. That automatically disqualifies you for Heaven IF THE MUSLIM WAY IS THE CORRECT WAY. So, it's not a 50/50 shot as you said in your very first sentence. And it's not 33/33/33, either. I reject the Wager because it's fundamentally dishonest and flawed. It's wrong, too, to assume that you have nothing to lose in this life by being a Christian, because if it's wrong you will have committed yourself to a false belief when you could have been enriching your life with the truth, and helping others to embrace rationality.
      And atheists do not believe in "no god." Atheists do not make the unfounded assertion that "there is no god." If you believe that, you've been misinformed. Rather, atheists are unable to believe in gods because there is no evidence for their existence; the same goes for Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, fairies, unicorns and dragons. I am a skeptic and an atheist. Show me a god and I'll believe in it. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Pascal's Wager ignores so many key points and issues that it cannot be taken seriously. I'm done. Bye and have a nice day. :)

    • @PattyMcqG
      @PattyMcqG 10 років тому

      gspendlove You are funny, no disrespect intended. I have enjoyed our discussion. You've proclaimed you are an atheist and I've proclaimed I'm a Christian, I will send good thoughts. I respect the decision you have made. Good life to you.

    • @SSDTV123
      @SSDTV123 10 років тому +2

      You seem to think that Christianity and Atheism are the only two choices. What if Islam is the correct religion? In that case, we are both going to roast in hell. What is Hindus are correct? What if the Ancient Romans were correct? That 50/50 just got broken down to 33/33/33 to 25/25/25/25 to 20/20/20/20/20, and so on and so forth.

  • @ivlfounder
    @ivlfounder 13 років тому

    Your fantasy is a fantasy not a fact.

  • @Dandramere
    @Dandramere 13 років тому

    @padraigomairtin Hypocrits.

  • @morpheusxnyc
    @morpheusxnyc 13 років тому

    @ivlfounder - Like any American President, Lincoln knew that in order to be president, he'd have to be a Christian, so for appearance's sake, he would have to put on the appearance and go through the motions.
    I was a biblical scholar/lecturer myself. I can pray like I'm on fire and use verbal flourishes that will bring tears to Christian eyes. But it's all just intellectual ability, prosaic eloquence and rhetorical ability with a touch of the theatrical. Lincoln was even better at it than me.

  • @tdrobar
    @tdrobar 13 років тому

    @AntEyeTheist lol thats funny cause im irish! i agree, but good men do bad all the time without the help of religion. i just think that its a little more complicated than religion is bad. i mean people, in my city, of my religion feed the hungry and health care to the sick and we have at least one homeless shelter. that doesnt sound so bad. but i agree people can use religion for bad as much for as good.

  • @DorakoftheHillPeople
    @DorakoftheHillPeople 14 років тому

    @MorpheusOmikron Obviously you're unaware of the Ugaritic texts. The book of Daniel is found in Canaanite mythology predating the biblical 'account' by several centuries. The text of Daniel is a near identical copy of Ugarit's Dan'l. In other words, the Hebrews 'borrowed' the story from a neighbouring culture - it certainly wasn't the first time they'd done this (ie Genesis, Deut, Proverbs, Psalms, etc). So, discussion of any supposed prophetic nuances seems a bit moot. Quite ridiculous really.

  • @MorpheusOmikron
    @MorpheusOmikron 14 років тому

    Well, first doesn't anything about Jesus being a warlord. At all. all. :\ So I don't even know where to're either lying, or referring to the wrong part of the book of daniel, which is talking about someone else.
    So I have a choice.
    I can labor with you for hours, correcting your mistakes until finally you reject the prophecy of daniel as impossible, even though it's been proven to be true, or I can...just not take you seriously.
    :\ Which one.

  • @tctheunbeliever
    @tctheunbeliever 14 років тому

    I assume you mean Daniel.
    Odd how the writer was able to get all the details, dialogue and everything, including Nebuchadnezzar's voice from the sky and psychotic break. I don't remember Jesus being a warlord. Did they prophesy anything that happened after the book was finalized? Aside from people getting smarter and fighting a lot and a lot of bad stuff happening, I mean.
    Sorry, I did use a biased source. It's called the Bible.

  • @MorpheusOmikron
    @MorpheusOmikron 14 років тому

    I have experienced God to be true in my own heart and life, and the bible makes it clear how to do the same for yourself. That is, how to experience God, and you can believe it, do it, and experience God as well. The only things stopping people are two things.
    a) Inability to go all the way, say they were devout Christians when they utterly failed to give their all to Him, and
    b) Inability to even give it a chance.
    In addition, thousands of fulfilled prophecies. Like Daniel.

  • @ivlfounder
    @ivlfounder 13 років тому

    "[Niagara] calls up the indefinite past. When Columbus first sought this continent--when Christ suffered on the cross--when Moses led Israel through the Red-Sea--nay, even, when Adam first came from the hand of his Maker--then as now, Niagara was roaring here."
    This is a real Lincoln quote.
    Unlike some people's.

  • @ivlfounder
    @ivlfounder 13 років тому

    No I'm saying I don't trust any quote list on the net who's author is so lazy he doesn't even bother to make sure all the quotes are real.
    Or do these authors know some of the quotes are fakes and think it's cool to continue promoting them?
    Either way they're pathetic.

  • @morpheusxnyc
    @morpheusxnyc 13 років тому

    @ivlfounder - Are you denying that those quotes are from Lincoln because they're on a site you don't like?
    Fine here are some neutral sites with the same quotes:

  • @tctheunbeliever
    @tctheunbeliever 14 років тому

    They really twist and turn on this free-will thing, don't they? And even after centuries of trying to explain away these things, the arguments still make no sense. And some people seem to think that the more counterintuitive and illogical an idea is, the more profound it must be.

  • @tctheunbeliever
    @tctheunbeliever 14 років тому

    Can you list a few of those thousands of fulfilled prophecies? Something that's already happened, something specific (not "in those times people will be fighting each other and a lot of bad stuff will happen"), and something that hasn't been obviously retro-fitted?

  • @johngeetar
    @johngeetar 14 років тому

    @GrowInChrist That's very Christ-like of you. For someone supposedly "growing" in Christ, you don't seem all to familiar with his philosophy. How exactly are you "growing" in Christ? Through bigotry and misrepresentation of another groups position?

  • @MorpheusOmikron
    @MorpheusOmikron 14 років тому

    Prophecy of danial, the prophecies about the Messiah's attributes, where he'd be born, etc.
    But look into the prophecy of Danial. From an unbiased source, please.

  • @padraigomairtin
    @padraigomairtin 14 років тому

    Bralidiroe makes a good point... Why do african-americans embrace the Bible and the Quran when both texts allow the ownership of human beings?

  • @ivlfounder
    @ivlfounder 13 років тому

    oh boo hoo the the mean old man started to swear and confirmed what I already suspected.

  • @ivlfounder
    @ivlfounder 13 років тому

    That quote does not come from a public statement but from his private writings.

  • @BoredErica
    @BoredErica 12 років тому

    Not necessarily true. Some are seriously deluded without a shadow of doubt yet are hateful.

  • @BigD1987
    @BigD1987 12 років тому

    Why did she have to be from Illinois and a Democrat? Ugh, A double-whammy of shame for me...

  • @MorpheusOmikron
    @MorpheusOmikron 14 років тому

    Huh. Yeah, you read it wrong....but I guess you would, wouldn't you...

  • @tdrobar
    @tdrobar 13 років тому

    @AntEyeTheist wouldnt good atheists respect the beliefs of the "good" people of faith?

  • @BlkSh33p
    @BlkSh33p 16 років тому

    No, to be described as a man in drag, you would have to be human first.

  • @ms9809
    @ms9809 14 років тому

    @coolguy98 I'm waiting...what do you have to say for yourself coolguy?

  • @ourhandsaretied
    @ourhandsaretied 14 років тому

    I think that was deliberate

  • @5jerry1
    @5jerry1 13 років тому

    If you listen without looking, he kind of sounds like Martin Mull.

  • @Ninjadelusion
    @Ninjadelusion 14 років тому

    olbermann is such a fool. He makes oreilly look like lincoln.

  • @thejjfrantsexperience5572
    @thejjfrantsexperience5572 7 років тому

    Don't people always claim that Olbermann doesn't put left wingers or Dems on this list? Well, on top of the times he put Obama as third, or himself, or named Katie Couric or Jeremiah Wright as the worst, here he is, naming a Democratic Representative, an elected member of that party, as the worst.

  • @billiefan2000
    @billiefan2000 16 років тому

    monique davis cant be worst person cause she is a democrat

  • @superkid12345
    @superkid12345 16 років тому

    Someone dig up Lincoln and nominate him for president

  • @dmfahey
    @dmfahey 15 років тому

    Lincoln was a deist with strong agnostic tendencies.

  • @jerico641
    @jerico641 14 років тому

    Just curious; why do you believe he deserves that?

  • @ivlfounder
    @ivlfounder 13 років тому

    Lincoln an atheist?
    LOL tell me another one.

  • @FeralCr
    @FeralCr 16 років тому

    Keith Olbermann = the man for being objective

  • @bakayurei
    @bakayurei 11 років тому

    most of us? you'd better check your numbers

  • @mosniper831
    @mosniper831 15 років тому

    Most of our founding fathers were deist.

  • @JuanchoMan
    @JuanchoMan 14 років тому

    @padraigomairtin Wow, good point O_O

  • @MorpheusOmikron
    @MorpheusOmikron 14 років тому

    Yes. I "win". Lol. XD

  • @vacuumbrand
    @vacuumbrand 13 років тому

    First amendment violation much?

  • @iAMsoBEAST1
    @iAMsoBEAST1 14 років тому

    Words are dangerous things lol

  • @timboslayer
    @timboslayer 15 років тому

    You mean "fondling fathers."

  • @pyroclasm32
    @pyroclasm32 16 років тому

    Fuck yes Lincoln, fuck yes!

  • @nicwhat4
    @nicwhat4 15 років тому

    wow this guy has no lips.

  • @marmosetmage
    @marmosetmage 15 років тому

    keith gets annoying

  • @MorpheusOmikron
    @MorpheusOmikron 14 років тому


  • @SuperZiggz
    @SuperZiggz 12 років тому

    amen sister!

  • @briandecree
    @briandecree 15 років тому

    5 stars!