7. Lux Aeterna (Requiem, John Rutter) - 政大校友合唱團

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • 7. Lux Aeterna
    From Requiem, by John Rutter
    NCCU Alumni Chorus
    Conductor: Cheng-pu Paul Chang
    Accompanist: Lipatti Chen
    Soprano soloist: Annabel Hsu


  • @jcliao2434
    @jcliao2434  Рік тому

    第七樂章 Lux Aeterna 永恆之光 女高音 / 徐瑞璘 領主曲(Communion) 為安魂曲中慣常出現的篇章,可稱為永恆之光。 開頭女高音獨唱以純潔的歌聲詠讚,彷彿天使告訴人們,逝者已經從勞苦中 得到安息;合唱而後加入詠讚的行列,鋼琴的交替持續音如同光影交錯與流 動。第二段拍號轉變為三拍,合唱由女高音齊唱引領而出,採用了葛利果聖 歌之曲調,純潔安詳;各聲部漸次加入,堆疊出豐滿而不斷變化的和聲聲響。 最後曲子回到第一樂章的主題,象徵賜給他們永恆的安息,讓永恆的光芒照耀他們

  • @jcliao2434
    @jcliao2434  Рік тому

    I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me,
    Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord,
    For they rest from their labors; even so saith the Spirit.
    Lux aeterna luceat eis Domine:
    Light eternal shine upon them, Lord, we pray:
    cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius es.
    With saints and angels ever dwelling,
    for thy mercy’s sake, may they rest in pius.
    Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine:
    Grant them rest eternal, Lord our God,
    We pray to thee:
    Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
    And light perpetual shine on them for ever.
    English text from the Burial Service (slightly altered)
    Latin text, Missa pro defunctis
    English translations by John Rutter