How To Bring Characters Back To Life. ( And How To NOT )

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheMaskedMan
    @TheMaskedMan  3 місяці тому +113

    Shameless self plug. My manga is on mangadex. Thank you all for your patience:

    • @PokeBlox21
      @PokeBlox21 3 місяці тому +3

      Yeah I was gonna ask how Devoro was coming along. Thanks for your shameless plug bro

    • @Coolgamer..
      @Coolgamer.. 3 місяці тому +2

      When a character dies, I prefer them to stay dead but if the author established a way to bring back a character before the moment of their death then it's not bad writing even though I don't like it.

    • @sageemerald7685
      @sageemerald7685 3 місяці тому

      Read Fireforce
      Enen Shouboutai

    • @Black_Dragon_Official_Channel
      @Black_Dragon_Official_Channel 3 місяці тому

      Do you have discord?

    • @chickenoodle3397
      @chickenoodle3397 3 місяці тому

      Could you read Centuria, it looks to be inspired by Berserk and is emotionally compelling and really well drawn. It currently has 22 chapters, although you've might've already read it

  • @slemanssurchi7250
    @slemanssurchi7250 3 місяці тому +847

    He finally caught up with jjk

    • @vermagupta5432
      @vermagupta5432 3 місяці тому +38

      he still 6 chapter behind

    • @slemanssurchi7250
      @slemanssurchi7250 3 місяці тому +13

      @@vermagupta5432 I mean there just six and he can caught up right now👍🏻

    • @Dark_Mastermc
      @Dark_Mastermc 3 місяці тому +51

      In the beginning I thought he was going to talk about Nobara

    • @blackmanwithcomputer
      @blackmanwithcomputer 3 місяці тому +27

      ​@@Dark_Mastermche might, because that's literally a worse version of the Byakuya situation.

    • @KOFNY
      @KOFNY 3 місяці тому +9

      Nah look at the description this was made a few months ago

  • @NotInUse752
    @NotInUse752 3 місяці тому +967

    constantly killing off characters ≠ good writing
    deaths should have meaning and purpose not just be simple shock value

    • @luffys_
      @luffys_ 3 місяці тому +34

      That is why i would argue that byakua's revival was not bad, seriously what purpose did it have except bringing the stakes higher , it could have possibly damged the narrrative a little and honestly him being alive added a lot more value

    • @RogueStand
      @RogueStand 3 місяці тому +84

      But on the other hand putting characters in where they should die or they actually die and then you find it’s a fake out or they survive is ridiculous

    • @luffys_
      @luffys_ 3 місяці тому +28

      @@RogueStand always been a rule in anime don't believe what's shown in screen until a character sonfirms it. In byakua's case it more like kubo exaggerated it to have more impact but if you look at byakua's character it truly wasn't the right moment for him to die nor i think kubo planned to

    • @tayojones9460
      @tayojones9460 3 місяці тому +3

      @luffys_ His death would have fmotivated the cast! When is death actually acceptable and when is it not because frankly I am bloody sick of death being taken lightly in stories!!!!@ especially stupid shonen stories!!!@@

    • @kauanjos3199
      @kauanjos3199 3 місяці тому +36

      Depends on the series, almost every death in real life doesn't have a purpose or meaning behind it, people just die. If you're doing a more grounded story killing characters is not bad since it can achieve your message to the audience

  • @N_DAnimationEnthusiast
    @N_DAnimationEnthusiast 3 місяці тому +396

    It’s so ironic that you decided to do a video covering this subject considering what just happened in Jjk.

    • @sidecharacter3193
      @sidecharacter3193 3 місяці тому +43

      I’d say that was handled pretty well tho
      They said that there was a chance they could bring her back
      Then the todo chapters told us that they were keeping information from yuji even at critical moments

    • @sephikong8323
      @sephikong8323 3 місяці тому +13

      There was WAY more than enough hints throughout the series and we knew that due to resonance Yuji was kept in the dark about the plan otherwise Sukuna would be informed as well (and I REALLY don't think this term was chosen randomly either).
      This exact scenario was so well foreshadowed in fact that I was clamoring for months that she was coming back and using her technique on either the last finger or of the arms that Sukuna lost during the fight

    • @Jahito_EBT
      @Jahito_EBT 3 місяці тому +33

      ​@@sidecharacter3193*it was NOT done wellm too manyy coincidendes make it feel like a deus ex machina, and ther4s only 4 episodes left*

    • @vasquez1735
      @vasquez1735 3 місяці тому +7

      @@Jahito_EBT it is left so vague on her fate the entire time post Shibuya it is never directly said she is dead not once. Anytime she is mentioned we just get a sad face from the character and they continue to move on this was on the plate the entire time. THIS IS SHONEN GUYS UNLESS THEY GET THE NANAMI TREATMENT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

    • @Jahito_EBT
      @Jahito_EBT 3 місяці тому +30

      @@vasquez1735 *Left vague and literally not mentioned for 100 chapters, except that one line, theres no foreshadowing, and for some reason, she wakes up on the exact date Gojo picked, 30 minutes before she uses her attack. 30 MINUTES. What if she attacked during gojo vs sukuna, what if she attacked during yuji + yuta vs sukuna. Why ddint we get any hints or foreshadowing during the culling games? Even a page of just a singular nail covered in cursed energy would be enough. But no, none of that, THAT is why it feels like a deus ex machina.*

  • @SamTheGumMan117
    @SamTheGumMan117 3 місяці тому +241

    I think how death is done in Undead Unluck is done well, and in World Trigger, it's cool how the author has circumvented it so far. But man, that first death you talked about with Jiraiya hits me so damn hard still 😢

    • @tyrelljackson5532
      @tyrelljackson5532 3 місяці тому +18

      Love how you mentioned world trigger.

    • @IsseiSekai
      @IsseiSekai 3 місяці тому +21

      Love how you mentioned Undead Unluck.

    • @bruhwtf2662
      @bruhwtf2662 3 місяці тому +18

      Love how you mentioned Undead Unluck and World Trigger.

    • @D.KlWA-aG
      @D.KlWA-aG 3 місяці тому +10

      Man world trigger is real damn good

    • @SamTheGumMan117
      @SamTheGumMan117 3 місяці тому +1

      @@D.KlWA-aG Right

  • @Thats-Akumetsu
    @Thats-Akumetsu 3 місяці тому +166

    I'm just thinking of the new JJK chapter leak 😂

    • @ngubod16
      @ngubod16 3 місяці тому +16

      Honestly, I thought this video was in response to that. Then he got to the Yuta part and I was like oh, never mind.

    • @LiterallyMe91
      @LiterallyMe91 3 місяці тому

      ​@@ngubod16just cause he published the video rn doesn't mean he wrote or recorded at the same time. I also think he's not someone fiending for the leaks and reads jjk at his pace which is overall a very good attitude

    • @jessedv5915
      @jessedv5915 3 місяці тому

      @@LiterallyMe91 What he missed would have made this video better, a lot of people will think its cause of the recent event so the video performance will suffer due to him not being cought up but he could still make another video

  • @aryanisverycool
    @aryanisverycool Місяць тому +5

    ngl a series which handles death really well is jojo's, and araki isn't afraid to kill anyone, even his protagonist, and all the deaths have meaning, like how in stardust crusaders certain characters sacrificed themselves in order to give jotaro a fighting chance against dio's power

  • @gamefreak2050
    @gamefreak2050 3 місяці тому +354

    I think bringing back Itachi was done perfectly- added closure and more emotion than I expected.

    • @midwestbox
      @midwestbox 3 місяці тому +41

      It definitely helps that it was a permanent deal but only a temporary one. Same with Minato.

    • @Jonathan-tw4xm
      @Jonathan-tw4xm 3 місяці тому +12

      I think that him not returning was bad.
      It would be better if he didn't meet sasuke, but he returned a message that stopped sasuke from continuing his rogue ways.

    • @yahialkxd439
      @yahialkxd439 3 місяці тому +3

      Itachi is not a good character to begin with

    • @akasakasad6271
      @akasakasad6271 3 місяці тому

      he didn’t need to tbh

    • @orpheemulemo8053
      @orpheemulemo8053 3 місяці тому +5

      ​@@akasakasad6271his closure with Sasuke. Sasuke understanding itachis goals and love

  • @alanviniciuswanderleytavar4399
    @alanviniciuswanderleytavar4399 3 місяці тому +45

    It's because toryama was maniac genius, that never planned things and procrastinated for the entire week and still managed to make a entire chapter in 2 days on the weekend and the story still work despite everything

    • @lightingthief4482
      @lightingthief4482 2 місяці тому +8

      Gotta give some of that credit to the editor that he was working with

  • @yourpalal4596
    @yourpalal4596 3 місяці тому +13

    I didn't get very far in JJK BUT I do remember one death that left a strong impact on me (and a lot of fans) was Junpei Yoshino. It was less about his potential as a sorcerer, and more about the emotional connection he forged with Itadori in such a short time. The anime did a really good job with this by including him in the opening credits... and then subtly showing Itadori in tears in the OP in the episode after his death.
    When thinking about Junpei, it's less about "I wish I could have seen him fighting alongside Itadori and the other students" and more "I wish he could have gone to the movies with Itadori".

  • @monkegaming3903
    @monkegaming3903 2 місяці тому +3

    I think jjba does character deaths the best because it rarely brings the characters back and if they die, they die in a really respectfull and honorable way

  • @epicanime009
    @epicanime009 3 місяці тому +63

    In the promised neverland defense i think norman's revival worked caise the way they handled his "death" was already vague. My beef came on how his character was executed after that

    • @strangesword4524
      @strangesword4524 2 місяці тому

      I agree. Everything in Norman's plan made perfect sense, but everything falls flat after Norman's plan.
      Unless it's the anime season 2. Which doesn't exist.

  • @Muncher5574
    @Muncher5574 3 місяці тому +140

    When it come to one piece the problem isn’t “bringing a character back” it’s the fact that it just seems like no one in the series can die if that makes sense. For example the complete bullshit oda pulled with how kinemon getting cut in half and somehow still surviving simply because of his encounter with law. Things like that is why I can’t feel tension when it comes to stakes in the story.

    • @tayojones9460
      @tayojones9460 3 місяці тому +10

      I guess you missed the deaths in Wano and Egghead

    • @faith4657
      @faith4657 3 місяці тому +32

      ​@@tayojones9460 it felt less cause not many major characters died. You telling me a weakened kinomon survived a full hit from kaido.

    • @Gutsstanboy997
      @Gutsstanboy997 3 місяці тому +32

      ​@@tayojones9460 dawg, I didn't even realise Ashura was dead until we saw his grave...

    • @webeefhere
      @webeefhere 3 місяці тому +2

      2 major character died and 1 got her arm sliced. Kinemon was the 2nd father to Momo so as much as we hate it he cant die. Momo wont function if Kinemon died and Oda manage to pull that with a lit bit of bs. Even the CP0 survived an angered Kaido full blow while an injured Izo defeated 2 on her own so its pretty justifiable if you look on how Oda manage the powerscaling.

    • @Radiolonestar
      @Radiolonestar 3 місяці тому +10

      @@webeefhere Are you talking bout Izo and Ashura? cause calling them major characters is a huge stretch

  • @Vanier742
    @Vanier742 3 місяці тому +150

    I can't watch this due to JJK spoilers, but MAN as soon as I saw it I thought about the absolute cop out that was Kuwabara AND Genkai's fake deaths in Yu Yu Hakusho's Dark Tournament.

    • @blackmanwithcomputer
      @blackmanwithcomputer 3 місяці тому +22

      At least it was done almost immediately. Rather than the bullshit JJK just did.

    • @Vanier742
      @Vanier742 3 місяці тому +3

      @@blackmanwithcomputer I can’t wait to find out in JJK when I catch up haha

    • @gintuner4371
      @gintuner4371 3 місяці тому +25

      Kuwabaras fakeout was purposefully done and i always liked how it shows kuwabara understanding yusuke’s inner workings and making a sacrifice, while also showing toguro isnt a completely heartless bastard. i will give you genkai tho, that was unnecessary.

    • @ash2crimson968
      @ash2crimson968 3 місяці тому +2

      ​@@blackmanwithcomputerWhat did JJK do? I don't mind spoilers.

    • @thesouphour8426
      @thesouphour8426 3 місяці тому +4

      super super super jjk spoilers
      nobara is alive

  • @milosradmilac8911
    @milosradmilac8911 3 місяці тому +109

    I don't think that Gojo 'revival' counts as a revival. It's Yuta using Gojo's body... so it's Yuta we are looking at not Gojo. He still acts very much like Yuta, is not effective as Gojo either, and as consequence he looses his original abilities. It could've been handled better and given more of a reason WHY it had to. happen, but I do not see an issue there. He'll be in Gojo's body AT LEAST. His body is gone.
    The Nobara situation... well. On one hand it was never mentioned she died, never addressed so it does give a window for her to come back, but it was... very veeeeeeery sudden. Should've been a bit better handled. I am OK with her coming back tho.

    • @thanurs
      @thanurs 3 місяці тому +19

      Agreed. Gojo didn’t come “back to life” his body was being used by Yuta, so I don’t think that section should’ve been in the video.
      And I also agree with your Nobara take. I’m glad she came back to help the protagonists but a lot of people are mad that she came back 5 chapters before the end. I guess when Gege said he was “done with her character” he meant he was done developing her, so he had to write her in late 🤷‍♂️

    • @ExrialHD
      @ExrialHD 3 місяці тому +17

      @@thanurs JJK is one of the series that actually needs a sequel. I need more megumi and nobara. Yuji char arc was great though for JJK

    • @Malcolmlyndem
      @Malcolmlyndem 3 місяці тому +2

      I also don't get that part of the video. If this video was made to speak about revival of character why not speak bout nobara instead of focusing on gojo when his soul is still dead and his body is just being puppetered.
      I don't think yuta using gojos body is a major plot point in the long run of the story.

    • @hatezomm
      @hatezomm 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Malcolmlyndemmaybe he didn’t speak about it because the leaks are brand new and videos take a bit to make?

    • @Malcolmlyndem
      @Malcolmlyndem 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@hatezomm True I guess. But the point still stands that gojos "revival" is not really the best argument for good or bad dead character revivals.

  • @rinoakirova1548
    @rinoakirova1548 2 місяці тому +2

    The thing with Ace's death is... We barely saw him until he died despite how important he was (ironically he got more screentime and retroactive characterization in flashbacks after Marineford), and he *was* revived, albeit with a different name - Of course, I'm talking about Sabo. We knew nothing about this third brother until Ace was already dead (like literally not even a name drop), and he was introduced to the story immediately after the summit war, as if to replace the hole left by Ace, even more literally when Sabo acquires the Mera Mera no Mi later on.

  • @rando5744
    @rando5744 3 місяці тому +59

    So far the TYBW anime has given byakuya more to do since his revival.
    He had his moment with rukia vs as nodt and he bodied some fodder sternritters.
    Hopefully there is more

    • @platinumg150
      @platinumg150 3 місяці тому +3

      Both of those moments were in the manga tho

    • @rando5744
      @rando5744 3 місяці тому +2

      @@platinumg150 it showed him fight the fodder sternritters*
      My bad

  • @pRopaaNS
    @pRopaaNS 3 місяці тому +23

    Byakuya's moments mentoring Rukia when fighting As Nodt, that to me redeemed his survival. Though also the implications that hell chapter bought, it made his survival make more sense with the claim that characters with higher grade of spiritual pressure are unable to pass on fully.

  • @Lord_Leech
    @Lord_Leech 3 місяці тому +6

    Using death in a series is a great way to make a moment mean more and having the death have meaning. An example is Piccolo's sacrifice to save Gohan in DBZ. This sacrifice had weight behind it and had a meaningful death. THis method can be used where the death/sacrifice did nothing but was meaningful in its use an example of this is Vegeta sacrificing himself to kill Buu which ended up doing nothing or Pedro sacrificing himself to buy time in One piece. The use of a death is more important than bringing a character back from death.

  • @MasterChef1957
    @MasterChef1957 3 місяці тому +64

    0:17 So... who's gonna tell him?

    • @Navarein
      @Navarein 3 місяці тому


    • @melmanredmane7594
      @melmanredmane7594 3 місяці тому

      I don't get this comment and reply

    • @Navarein
      @Navarein 3 місяці тому +1

      @@melmanredmane7594the girl in the photo (nobara) is actually alive

  • @MayoTheNnaise
    @MayoTheNnaise 3 місяці тому +8

    Kakashis revival was peak!!!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️

  • @sweet-nessu
    @sweet-nessu 3 місяці тому +54

    Jjk spoilers:
    Honestly Im just so neutral on nobara’s comeback in the recent chapter. She was one of my favorite characters, but at the same time I kind of liked how her death was handled. Her being brought back seems very abrupt, but to be fair it’s not like the possibility of that was ever snuffed. Then, you also have gege calling back to how gojo kept yuji’s revival a secret from the rest of the cast all the way back in the school exam arc which I think is dope. I guess the main problem is just that it’s been so long since she “died”, and she’s coming back at the end of the series so just by nature of that it feels kind of cheap. Can’t deny that Im happy she’s back though so oh well.

    • @luceafarul5740
      @luceafarul5740 3 місяці тому +36

      The problem with nobara isn't that she survived, is that there isn't any reasonable way to explain how she survived.
      - we knew from the beginning that idle transfiguration is unhealable. You'd expect her coming back to be due to the cast finding a way to undo it, but they didn't, nobara is still missing a part of her head
      - the transfiguration itself killed nobara. When nitta arrived to her, he said that she has no pulse and breath. That means that the only thing the cast can do to her is to constantly keep her on life support. You'd expect there to be a trigger that wakes her up, but apparently she just randomly woke up in the middle of the fight with no explanation.
      Perhaps gege will bring some explanations in the coming chapters. However, it currently doesn't make any sense and is pure fanservice

    • @Dark_Mastermc
      @Dark_Mastermc 3 місяці тому +13

      It was just too late

    • @animeproblem1070
      @animeproblem1070 3 місяці тому +2

      ​@@luceafarul5740i think the problem was we didn't get to see her comatose we knew she was just no confirmation of her life or death which made it hard to know whether she would end up dying off screen or not

    • @bj_cat103
      @bj_cat103 3 місяці тому +5

      it was expected for me, she was never stated dead aside from what Yuji thought (and he is not a reliable narrator)and having her come back so Sukuna is defeated by 3 Gojo students seems like a good conclusion

    • @faith4657
      @faith4657 3 місяці тому +5

      ​@luceafarul5740 idle transfiguration isn't unhealable. You just need to understand the soul, and you're good. That doesn't mean there wouldn't be damage. My only problem is the timing, but so far, I'm Gucci.

  • @blackskullknight9062
    @blackskullknight9062 3 місяці тому +1

    5:30 Since we are talking about JJK situation first with YuGo
    The Gojo we know for the Majority of the Series is dead and gone because of his send off chapter and the method of his return is more akin to Goku black as in someone else is using his body and the CT of Kenjaku still has mystery into it that might do something or not (4 chapters to either figure this out or scrap it)
    Also, since this was before Yuji vs Sukuna then we may as well get an analyses for Sukuna and Yuji fully since recent events.
    7:46 Ah The Emperor one of the best character in star wars randomly becoming the Final Villian of the New trilogy with no set up or expectation of him being alive after everything. But hey look at Kotor 2 level of lightning that he can shoot now on the entire fleet with his (Totally not Starforge from Kotor 1 tm) and was killed again by Ben Emo son Awesome.

  • @tayojones9460
    @tayojones9460 3 місяці тому +6

    One Piece has always had an issue with death. Most meaningful deaths take place in flashbacks. For the most part, Oda refuses to kill off characters in the present time-line with the exception of Ace. Now to be fair, Oda has been killing off a few characters during the Wano and Egghead arc but knowing Oda he might reveal that one of these characters is still alive. He has done it before.

  • @devinkonquer3334
    @devinkonquer3334 3 місяці тому +4

    I love ideas and concepts in jjk but that's it, in my opinion it's the best example of why execution is so important it misses every time and has grossly not lived up to it's potential

  • @GondoMan21
    @GondoMan21 3 місяці тому +4

    the disclaimer just made like 80% of people not able to watch this video bro

  • @hellxsco
    @hellxsco 3 місяці тому +2

    goku with kenjaku's stitches is crazy

  • @isok5221
    @isok5221 3 місяці тому +44

    Mitsborn its a novel, but has the best way to revive a character

    • @mix-jk3ys
      @mix-jk3ys 3 місяці тому +2

      I read stormlight archive soon reading it it has character revive ? Huh I will check it later

    • @carlosdanielcalderonmontoy3723
      @carlosdanielcalderonmontoy3723 3 місяці тому +4

      I read the whole trilogy, but I don't remember, who was revived?
      On the other hand, I think the BEST character resurrection happened in Claymore, if you know you know, I don't want to spoil.

    • @dracopo8862
      @dracopo8862 3 місяці тому +3

      @@carlosdanielcalderonmontoy3723 I only read the first trilogy but I think they're talking about
      either Marsh or the fake Kelsier

  • @dyelahn1392
    @dyelahn1392 3 місяці тому +2


  • @martinsimone7259
    @martinsimone7259 3 місяці тому +42

    The "Byakuya was brought back because of the fans death threats to Kubo" is bs
    It's one of those claims that people make out of nowhere, it's just an assumption and a dumb one since after Byakuya's "death" he continues to serve his purpose in the war and in the story in general (Rukia's character), it's not as if he was brought back just to please some fans

    • @fantomquest6330
      @fantomquest6330 3 місяці тому +12

      I completely agree with you. I don't understand where people get this assumption from. Probably, everyone is used to the fact that if the author brings someone back, then the fans pressured him/her. But I think more that Kubo did not intend to kill Byakuya, since he played his role further as you said.

    • @luffys_
      @luffys_ 3 місяці тому +7

      ​@@fantomquest6330yes, also the statement is kind of flawed since the timelines of those death threats and chapters don't add up

    • @Bootleg_Sasuke
      @Bootleg_Sasuke 3 місяці тому +1

      He also plays a sweet role in the WDkALY light novel.

    • @Justanormalperson777
      @Justanormalperson777 3 місяці тому +2

      ​@@fantomquest6330the bleach fanbase is way better than aot

  • @perogun
    @perogun 3 місяці тому +1

    i think dorohedoro handles character deaths pretty well. while there are very powerful healing techniques, which can save someone from being decapitated or cut in half, there are also limitations and personal grudges from the characters that prevent them from being used all the time

  • @chespinpoggers1337
    @chespinpoggers1337 2 місяці тому +1

    I think Sammy.Bunting really wants an updated top 100 anime/manga list

  • @dadudeman3165
    @dadudeman3165 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for the disclaimer, I’ll be back in 5-10 business days

  • @Fukskullemoji
    @Fukskullemoji 3 місяці тому +1

    I great example of bringing a villian back is dio in part 3 part 1 we didn’t rlly know if he died but in part 3 turns out he stole Jonathan’s body and survived in a coffin at the bottom of the ocean

  • @nope12425
    @nope12425 3 місяці тому +4

    5:41 the edit is crazy

  • @dracodawa6870
    @dracodawa6870 3 місяці тому +1

    I think Gantz was a great example of properly doing death and revives to serve the plot. In fact it perfectly ties in on the concept of the story where constantly reviving someone makes death and sacrifice less meaningful.

  • @JAY_X1
    @JAY_X1 3 місяці тому +1

    Perfect timing for this video

  • @GamerGod353
    @GamerGod353 3 місяці тому

    final fantasy 14's y'shtola sacrifice that she has done *twice* and still manages to come back. Alot of people were very unhappy with it and a VERY good example of reviving a character, it also caused a huge divide in the fanbase for it's time. It ain't manga related but it is the first thing that comes to mind that I remember so much when it comes to a character "dying" and then coming back with some specific reason.

  • @seekertosecrets
    @seekertosecrets 3 місяці тому +2

    8:40 Yeah, that was a clusterfuck. That entire trilogy was a clusterfuck.

  • @fluffcake
    @fluffcake 3 місяці тому +1

    Goku coming back even when Gohan was supposed to take over the main story is still a good idea imo lol

  • @josuamattathil1036
    @josuamattathil1036 3 місяці тому

    I remember like a year ago you said you were enjoying Fate/Stay Night and Heaven's Feel and briefly mentioned Kirei Kotomine.
    The visual novel had a remaster on Steam recently that's a lot more nrwbie friendly and the translations are much better than the fan translation. I think it's something to enjoy for downtime.

  • @DabouldGaming
    @DabouldGaming 3 місяці тому +1

    avdol in jjba was a pretty good comeback

  • @zirotsero6951
    @zirotsero6951 3 місяці тому +3

    That time Yuta took over Goku’s body and can only use it 5 mins at a time

  • @Fry_TY
    @Fry_TY 3 місяці тому +8

    I personally didn't really appreciate the use of time travel in OPM to bring Genos and the other heroes back to life, while I love the use of time travel in fiction. After the fight that Saitama and Garrow offered us, seeing a conclusion like this leaves me feeling a little like I saw it all for nothing.

    • @travisburger2819
      @travisburger2819 3 місяці тому +4

      I think the web comic does this better. Read if you want to know more but be warned this is long.
      If I'm not wrong this is completely different in the web comic and manga. I really hate the manga's conclusion to Saitama vs Garou because in the web comic Garou just beats down the heroes and no one can stand up to him then Saitama just completely outclasses him. Everytime Garou gets outclassed he changes his tatics against Saitama but each time Saitama just easily over powers him, like Garou tries to outmatch his strength but that fails then he tries to outspeed Saitama and it fails and so on and so forth.
      All this eventually culminates in Garou realizing he hit a wall and can't beat Saitama so he gives up and resigns himself to death at Saitama's hands. Before he is put down though he asks Saitama why he chose to be a hero and Saitama answers that he chose to be a hero for fun and Garou lashes out and rejects that answer. Garou says that there's no way that his life long dream of being the ultimate evil could be stopped by someone who's just playing hero and Saitama refutes him saying that the reason Garou can't beat him is because Garou isn't serious about being a villain.
      Saitama tells Garou that even though he is playing hero he still gives it his all, he's serious while Garou halfasses being a villain who can't even kill heroes. Saitama also points out that Garou constantly saves a kid who was being bullied and tells Garou that he gave up on being a hero because he found it too hard and instead decided to play the villain. Bang eventually gets up and tells Saitama to spare Garou while Amai Mask encites the other heroes and tells Saitama to kill him and the kid Garou saves tries to stick up for and protect him, ultimately Saitama tells them to shut since he beat Garou he gets to decide his fate and he asks Garou what he wants to do. Garou ends up running away and the next time he's seen he's in his human form doing waterfall training showing that he has gone back to being a human may potentially come back as a hero.
      Garou's true goal as surmised through his backstory is that as a kid when playing monsters and heroes the popular kids got to play heroes and the unpopular ones were always designated as monsters. He never found this fair and wanted to play hero but if he were to go against the popular kids he'd be ostracized and beaten up. Garou ultimately decides that in order for there to be a fair world where everyone can play the hero there needs to be an ultimate evil, a one true evil that no one, humans and monsters alike, can stand against then everyone would have to work together to take him down. Garou would play the ultimate evil and beat the heroes and monsters but never kill them so that they could get stronger and come to challenge him again, he would effectively force everyone to unite under one banner to face the common threat of the ultimate evil. In a twisted way Garou tried to be a hero and bring about world peace by playing the villain and Saitama points this out. Garou realizes that even though he gave up on trying to be a hero that there are still those who never gave up on him, see the good in him, and that he had kinda already become a hero even of it was just for one little kid.

    • @Fry_TY
      @Fry_TY 3 місяці тому +1

      @@travisburger2819 Oh I see, it is the same as the manga without the Time Travelling part. I would have prefer something like this, thank you for the summary

    • @travisburger2819
      @travisburger2819 3 місяці тому +3

      @@Fry_TY Yeah I just prefer them keeping it more grounded there rather than taking it to space and time traveling. It all just felt unnecessary and to me kinda takes away from the message just to be more of a shonen power fantasy. I really hope the anime adapts the web comic version of the fight rather manga version. I just feel the manga became the very thing that OPM was supposed to parody.

    • @natalimoina
      @natalimoina 3 місяці тому

      ​@@travisburger2819Yeah, the manga just dissapoints me endlessly now. Webcomic is the only way to go.

    • @thezucclord-3738
      @thezucclord-3738 3 місяці тому

      Yeah no, bad take. The fight itself was absolutely phenomenal and it doesn't even really matter that it happened. We're probably not gonna see anything to do with time travel again because the story nor the author seem like they would rely on a cop out like time travel. I think it was just Murata giving us some fan service as compared to the web comic. Instead of Saitama just completely outclassing him as is, he gave him power beyond what this point in the story needs, and then takes it away and no one even remembers what happened. In the story it was insignificant, it wasn't a cop out, it was just for fun.

  • @naaga7932
    @naaga7932 3 місяці тому +2

    On regards with jjk, with its ending so close instead of arguing every chapter release we as fans who have stuck with it all this time should be excited and just wait for the series to end before we start being critical. As of now it is a little questionable but there is enough chapters left for most plot points to be nicely completed

  • @konstantinosmoschos1050
    @konstantinosmoschos1050 3 місяці тому +1

    Byakuyia's death in the manga uped the stakes a lot for me, it was very emotional and gave foundation for the growth of both Renji and Rukia. Both did evolve at the end, but i think Renji would have his moment of finally surpassing his captain,as he promised, and become the squad's captain. There is still the possibility of him dieing under his own terms in the fight with Gerald, if it altered. Though it would be kinda weird and it goes to show that fans can create big problems sometimes

  • @zed-up
    @zed-up 3 місяці тому +4

    Yuta in Gojo's body really felt a waste of time because in the end you can cut out his whole screen time and it wouldn't make a damn difference, aside from few scratches to Sukuna.

    • @DarkAuraLord
      @DarkAuraLord 3 місяці тому +2

      You can cut out his whole screen time and it wouldn't make a damn difference? What are you talking about, Yuji would literally be dead to Shrine if it hadn't been for Yuta overtaking Gojo's body and clashing domains with him. He also weakened him with a Hollow Purple, even if it didn't pack the same power as when Gojo used it. The Yuta slander is just out of control, my lord. Just say you don't like the character. 🤦‍♂

    • @stormmaster676
      @stormmaster676 3 місяці тому +4

      @@DarkAuraLord literally every fight post gojo is useless. the only purpose all the side character fights w sukuna served was weakening him more than gojo already did. gege could have just written sukuna to be weak enough for yuji to take him from the start. its all boring filler and as long as yuji is still alive we always knew that no other character would win their fights against sukuna in the first place, so theres really no suspense or question as to whether yuta is gonna win or not.

    • @zed-up
      @zed-up 3 місяці тому

      @@DarkAuraLord Yuji was going get Malovent Shrined just before Nobara's comeback. Gege could've just brought back Nobara instead at that time. How much weakened he got? He was still able to use technique and TANKED Jacobs Ladder. So much exposition to justify bringing Gojo's dead body during a fight to barely have any impact to the story is a total waste of time. And I've nothing against Yuta. I liked his fight in Sendai Colony and his first fight with Sukuna. But this Yujo thing just felt desperate

    • @DarkAuraLord
      @DarkAuraLord 3 місяці тому +2

      @@zed-up "gege could've done this, gege could've done that" my man, you have to engage with the story and criticize it on it's own terms. criticizing something for what the author could've done is a completely hollow criticism. It would be like if I complained that my toaster isn't a blender, instead of complaining that it sucks at making toast.
      They are fighting the final boss of the manga. The boogey man. Jujutsu Satan. There is narrative merit in showing just how much of an effort it takes to finally slay the beast, and THAT is the entire point of having so many characters appear and aid in taking him down. Acting as if all of these characters' appearances and aid to the battle is pointless is completely disregarding the intent of the story being told.
      Your criticisms of Yuta are much the same. There is a point to having him take over Gojo's body, and it was to show a certain level of growth and empathy from him as a character, while simultaneously answering the question Geto asked to Gojo all the way back in Hidden Inventory when they parted ways. Whether or not you feel that character moment was executed well or not is a completely different discussion.

    • @zed-up
      @zed-up 3 місяці тому

      @@DarkAuraLord Ok. So my point is that it was executed terribly. I'd be fine with it if it had some big impact, but there's none. And that's make the whole thing feels hollow. It also didn't give Yuta some groundbreaking depth you are latching onto. It was just "I'm gonna become a monster to defeat a monster" which is trope done to death in any other media. Its execution was messy too and done very late with barely any hint or buil up. If I think a plot point is useless, then I'm gonna say it. It's a valid criticism.

  • @markusliu2769
    @markusliu2769 3 місяці тому +22

    Aot did it perfectly with armins revival, by establishing the syringe beforehand and creating an emotional conflict with the choice between armin and erwin

    • @G12DG12D-jy6ym
      @G12DG12D-jy6ym 3 місяці тому +9

      Ong though Reiner's plot armor was crazy he had a whole transfer conscience ability in the return of shiganshina arc which was never touched again later on

    • @MrMetaVal
      @MrMetaVal 3 місяці тому

      mm, I don't know about that. I think if it was done for any other anime people would probably say that it was bullshit since Armin was literally burned to a crisp and fell from like 60 meters. I can't deny that it was emotional, though it wasn't realistic and consistent, it was far better executed than Jean and Connie getting reverted back to humans at the end when we all thought that they were gone for good, mainly after their emotional discussion.

    • @307nishchay8
      @307nishchay8 3 місяці тому

      ​@@MrMetaValtrue. I hate how everyone reverted back to humans in the end

  • @Strong_the_Panda
    @Strong_the_Panda 3 місяці тому +1

    I'm surprised you didn't mention omniscient readers viewpoint. A main aspect about the story is Kim Dokja can come back to life, first through the "King of no Killing" and then through the "eight lives" stigma thing. However with the recent chapters in the manwha, idk how it's going to play out. I am reading the web novel, but I'm not there yet.
    Another story is the ending of Domestic Girlfriend. I won't go into spoilers unless asked to, but it wasn't necessary the "bringing the character to back to life" that was bad, but it needed to be done to have a fulfilling ending, especially with the direction the author took.

  • @g.f8342
    @g.f8342 2 місяці тому +1

    The vid is good, but, what is the name of the music used in 8:20 and 13:13? It sounds WAY too familiar,but i can't remember
    (Still supporting the channel with comment)

    • @___WARLOCK___
      @___WARLOCK___ День тому

      999 OST - 'Digital Root'

    • @g.f8342
      @g.f8342 День тому +1

      Omg how could I forget this.
      Thank you so much!!! Suprised you found this comment two months later!!!

    • @___WARLOCK___
      @___WARLOCK___ День тому

      This was one of the top comments before
      999's OST is very distinct from most, so it is immediately recognisable for me
      Keep vibing!!!

  • @shreshthrai6326
    @shreshthrai6326 3 місяці тому +7

    GRRM does resurrection so well

  • @strayorion2031
    @strayorion2031 3 місяці тому +1

    While I agree that yuta's "sacrfice" can be undermided by the fact that he just survived, I do believe that the speech of yuta isn't so towards his sacrifice, but about taking on the mantle of "the strongest" and the burden that it comes with it, gojo took on that role and the loneliness it brought his entire life, yet we never see the cast acknowledge the burden that is placed on gojo's shoulders... until yuta is faced with the decision of risking his life to win (remeber risking you life to win and winning by using your life?) once he became the de facto strongest sorcerer after gojo's death, that's when he ask "why does gojo has to carry the burden of being a monster alone?" and which gojo masterfully (masterfully as gege masterfully writes I mean) answer by looking back at geto, and the monster he became to at least try to reach for his ideals, gojo now becomes a monster for his ideals too, to protect the next generation, and THEN yuta once he becomes the strongest also becomes a monster by taking over gojo's body to protect the ones he loves, it is a statement on the burden that is placed on the strong in the world of jujutsu kaisen, not about the sacrifice of yuta's life, but the fact that the moment he becomes "the strongest" he is also forced into becoming a monster, and that no one else in the main cast is able to understand that, at the very end, gojo died misunderstood and yuta and maybe yuuji was the only one who could understand the tragedy of the life of gojo, and it's just another layer on the already tragic history of him and I really like it.

  • @swinzy0
    @swinzy0 3 місяці тому +1

    Crazy how JJK revived Geto masterfully and Nobara terribly

  • @Calvansbagoftricks
    @Calvansbagoftricks 3 місяці тому

    In Discs of Jistoa I as a writer use Necromancy for that. And the Draugr aren't just mindless zombies. They retain their intelligence from life. Unless the cause of death lead to the destruction of the head. Then they really are mindless. lol
    That said I also have healing magic being so powerful that it can even close up old scars. But if the one being healed is say cursed. it doesn't work quite as well.
    The Novel will be out Next year sometime. Look forward to it.
    It's also going to end up a Manga and a Videogame in Due time.

  • @RedLogicYT
    @RedLogicYT 3 місяці тому

    Good video dude!

  • @justaway6901
    @justaway6901 3 місяці тому +4

    Just fake the death noob. 2 Ez

  • @onlyaladd569
    @onlyaladd569 3 місяці тому

    A western series I think does the whole "Bring back character" trope decently well is Gotham (I'm currently on season 3)... mainly because they are very rarely the character they started out as. Only two characters get brought back while retaining their original identity yet both still work because:
    (Spoilers below)
    Fish Mooney - While Fish retains her original identity, that's the point. The purpose of Indian Hill was to resurrect the dead with their memories intact. Fish was the first success. Not only that, but her character was changed significantly, and she even opens the door for Penguin to have some serious character development. Fish is one of my least favorite characters, but her revival really worked for the series.
    Jerome - Jerome was killed off too quickly, and bringing him back led to some of the best scenes in Season 3. He's a fan favorite for a reason.

  • @meepmeep8035
    @meepmeep8035 3 місяці тому +4

    I've usually already read or just don't care about the series that he spoils so I ignored the spoiler warning like usual and just got spoiled for One Piece 💀

  • @Mustache99
    @Mustache99 3 місяці тому

    10:59 wich was dismessed since if you know the hand sign for edotensei you can free yourself and keep the reincarnated body, how madara knew it and not tobirama who made it was stupid, and it's very easy to perform you have to know the hand sign and hell you can even try and guess it by trying a body, the dna of someone you want to bring back and it doesn't even consume chacra

  • @307nishchay8
    @307nishchay8 3 місяці тому

    Toji's return in Shibuya was just perfect

  • @spacepillow
    @spacepillow 3 місяці тому

    Just found your channel, would love to hear you comment on JJK more, either as it's ongoing or when it finishes. I've had a pretty good time with it but my belief has been suspended a bit too much as of late. Feels like a**pull after a**pull.

  • @FirstLast-wk3kc
    @FirstLast-wk3kc 3 місяці тому

    I like how Casca is brought back.
    Granted, she wasn't literally dead... But she was dead, there're no other words worthy

  • @M.W.2
    @M.W.2 3 місяці тому +21

    One piece made a huge blunder with the fake Kin'emon dead, he got split in half by an emperor attacka nd survied, disgusting

  • @tobikurashiki5800
    @tobikurashiki5800 3 місяці тому

    Loving the 999 OST usage.

  • @notimportant0000
    @notimportant0000 3 місяці тому +18

    Talking about Naruto and not mentioning Gaara's revival is crazy, perfect ending ending to that arc and the culmination of 2 character's development up to that point.

    • @skdkdn9142
      @skdkdn9142 3 місяці тому +5

      Yh probs the best example of bringing back a character from the dead done right the development and conclusion for granny chiyo character was perfect and the emotional weight of gaara comin back was perfect as well tht was such a good arc most underrated arc in Naruto for sure

    • @meh.96
      @meh.96 3 місяці тому

      It kinda follow the Edo Tensei rule, that you need sacrifice to bring back the dead. Granny Chiyo exchange his life for Gaara, so it makes sense in universe.

  • @corneliusbinklefredickbear9936
    @corneliusbinklefredickbear9936 3 місяці тому +2

    While I agree on how Byakuya should have died i think the moment he and Rukia have that moment is cool and nice

  • @DrJackShelton
    @DrJackShelton 3 місяці тому +2

    I can understand bringing back Byakuya… I hear he didn’t originally intend to bring him back but the guy got a Lot of Deaththreats for it… & then he got death threats for bringing him back of course : D
    People sure are touchy about their fictional characters they like & How they die, right?!

  • @foxtaco
    @foxtaco 2 місяці тому

    The whole Fukube friend situation left me a bit puzzled in between the 20th and 21st century boys..not really a revival per say but still puzzling

  • @Rhenkei
    @Rhenkei 3 місяці тому +6

    6:24 Kenjaku should've been that transition after Sukuna's death. Gojo's death would mark the turning point for the protags, a moment where its truly do or die, sadly even this was handled tastelessly with the pointless gauntlet Sukuna went through. Sukuna's death would mark a change in the history of sorcerers, finally getting rid of a curse that plagued them in the past and now, ultimately reconnecting the story's random cog theme for sorcerers, satisfying a part of Yuji's character. Worst thing, this point that all these secret plans were put in place because "we can't let Sukuna know!" "we can't have Yuji waver!" It's a sour cop out, plans which build up, while being brushed off due to a binding vow or because Sukuna's just that guy. Gege hasn't figured out how to kill Sukuna in a memorable and spectacular way.

  • @Eske666
    @Eske666 3 місяці тому +37

    I saw the title immediately Novara came to mind

    • @notearthman794
      @notearthman794 3 місяці тому +6


    • @ayomri1914
      @ayomri1914 3 місяці тому +10

      Novara? That's an Italian soccer team

    • @Jdoggdavis
      @Jdoggdavis 3 місяці тому +2

      Her death was completely up in the air and was only talked about when wuji thought about her but there’s a lot happening in the background he doesn’t know about so it makes sense he mourned her

    • @DarkAuraLord
      @DarkAuraLord 3 місяці тому +4

      @@Jdoggdavis I don't disagree, but you have to admit that it kind of undermines the entire emotional death scene complete with backstory flashback that we got before she got her metaphorical ankles broken by Mahito. It's not enough to sour me on the entire story though, and I was hype when she returned. It's a trade off I'm willing to take and I think that overall it makes the story more fun and engaging.

    • @faith4657
      @faith4657 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@DarkAuraLord I don't think it ruins it cause yuji was still given hope about her.

  • @nerdcorner2680
    @nerdcorner2680 3 місяці тому +8

    The formula is pretty simple, only bring back characters who still have a lot left to accomplish, in a way where a perminant change still takes place. Yuta is sliced in half, comes back stuck in Gojo’s body (presumably) forever while fufilling all the themes of becoming a monster to take over Gojo’s spot. Itachi dies and comes back as a clearly temperary zombie and gets a true goodbye to Sasuke. Just bringing back Palpatine or Goku just because with no reprocussions is bad (buu arc goku was actually slightly internesting having a time limit)

  • @AlbertNA-o1m
    @AlbertNA-o1m 5 днів тому

    there are cycles in Naruto. Cycles of hate and love, life and death, etc.. The series constantly takes these cycles and shows how different approaches to them have different effects, as can be seen by the numerous parallels in it. It's all the Buddhist undertones of it. I give lenience to the fact that Might Guy was saved since Naruto, both part of the cycles but still attempting to effect change (as was shown in the Land of Waves's conclusion during his resolution at the graves of Haku and Zabuza), had finally blossomed into a great hero from the goofy, prankster kid he was and could end cycles (in this case the Eight Inner Gates sacrifice) with the power he had gained from his convicition to change the world and remain true to himself. It isn't that the cycles are inevitable, it's that they're progressive within Naruto (as was seen in the resolution of the show with Naruto and Sasuke as incarnates of Ashura and Indra), meaning that with the correct approach and conviction one can achieve a new path (like how Neji died as his father did, becoming free in his death and ending the practices of the Hyuga clan from that point on as it was already changing with Neji himself acting within the clan thanks consequently to his father's death).

  • @Gibo3173
    @Gibo3173 3 місяці тому +1

    I think hands down the absolute worst example of bringing back a character from the dead not mentioned in this video is the manga Edens Zero, where in the final arc of the series Hiro Mashima decided it would be hilarious to basically undo everyone's character development from EVERYTHING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED UP UNTIL THAT POINT for the sake of a dimension hopping plot that's very not well elaborated on at all. This includes bringing back a foster mother android character who died saving a village from monsters stirred up by actual mother of the foster kid who abandoned said kid and deceived said foster mom into being a slave while being a rich heartless diva, leading to a cool as hell moment later on where the kid tells the Diva mom to stay out of her life forever, and realizing that the Android foster mom was her true mother the whole time. That sounds pretty well written from an emotional standpoint right?
    Yeah no, that's all completely undone for the sake of Jangling keys in the South Pole (Because nobody bought Edens Zero) They even have a moment where the Diva mom apologizes to the kid for abandoning them because fuck you lmao

  • @joaqpalma9830
    @joaqpalma9830 3 місяці тому

    Speaking of characters coming back to life. Have you read Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, I believe it tackles bringing back characters well. The novel has more examples of it but the manhwa has some.

  • @shindig9000
    @shindig9000 3 місяці тому

    I'd like to see what your cooking with JJK in another video 👀

  • @Camizuchi
    @Camizuchi 3 місяці тому +1

    I actually thought the way TPN brought back Norman was pretty good, we learned of the exisrence of where Norman was being located via Adam, then saw Norman alive, and then we find out he's william minerva. Don't get me wqrong TPN has its problems but I thought the way Norman was brought back was really satisfying.

  • @cruiser332
    @cruiser332 3 місяці тому

    This video aged like fine wine and cheese in a matter of days.

  • @kilagraa
    @kilagraa 3 місяці тому

    Newest jjk leaks was such a cop out

  • @stemratex
    @stemratex 3 місяці тому +5

    I wonder if the scripting for this video was made before or after the JJK chapter 267 leaks 😅

    • @TheMaskedMan
      @TheMaskedMan  3 місяці тому +20

      This vid was made almost two months ago. Was waiting for the right moment

    • @animeproblem1070
      @animeproblem1070 3 місяці тому +2

      ​@@TheMaskedManNobara was a weird case because we knew she was comatose we just never got to see her mahito didn't actually kill her we had than confirmed so all we were left with is she's in a coma who knows if she's gonna live then never showing her again until she wakes up it was a confusing way to do that
      I hope the anime fixes it by giving us a scene of her in hospital it'd help so much

    • @orpheemulemo8053
      @orpheemulemo8053 3 місяці тому

      ​@@animeproblem1070 The author said in an interview that he planned nobara and Nanami to depart from the story and he put her picture next to dead people in yujis flash back
      Also you can't take a person out by blowing half of their face next to their brain then you don't even hint at them until fifty chapters like ahh she's just a plot device

    • @animeproblem1070
      @animeproblem1070 3 місяці тому +2

      @@orpheemulemo8053 I'm saying it was a bad way for her to return but not at all unexpected and interviews mean nothing if it isn't actually in the story
      Also we literally had confirmation that she was alive just on life support after mahito blew up part of her head

    • @orpheemulemo8053
      @orpheemulemo8053 3 місяці тому +1

      @@animeproblem1070 when did we get coma confirmation exactly

  • @chosencode5881
    @chosencode5881 3 місяці тому

    banger great video

  • @rogersmith9535
    @rogersmith9535 3 місяці тому

    The timing of this given the new JJK chapter...

  • @princemannic
    @princemannic 3 місяці тому

    great timing

  • @herospeedy3174
    @herospeedy3174 2 місяці тому

    gon escaping the consequences of his actions because of a character that literally grants wishes. he wasnt dead but it was a bruh moment.

  • @VoidCatNull
    @VoidCatNull 3 місяці тому

    I don't see how most people thought the jjk characters were going to be dead when one of the characters was literally grabbing everyone that was hurt and then bringing them back to the medic?

  • @gilgamesh_max
    @gilgamesh_max 2 місяці тому

    Ace is impposible to bring back, after all his mera mera no me was appeared again, the only way is if Moria revive his body with some good shadow

  • @defeatingasandwich_onlymak9967
    @defeatingasandwich_onlymak9967 2 місяці тому

    Yeah, it was really shocking when Go/ku returned with stitches on his head
    it was even more shocking when he said "HAR HAR HAR HAR".. truly, gege is a master writer

  • @Raidon484
    @Raidon484 3 місяці тому +1

    The thing is, those deaths in jjk weren't really fakeouts... Nobara was never confirmed dead, iirc they even said ij the chapter she got injured in that there might be a chance for her. And Gojo? How is that a fakeout? He is dead. It's just Yuta using his corpse. That's not a revival, not a fakeout, it's the copy-ability-character using an abilty he copied from the opponent he just beat up. An opponent that can control corpses (more or less). It's in no way a revival!

  • @Dhips.
    @Dhips. 3 місяці тому +6

    I love the pain arc, and I would hate for Kakashi to die like that, but it really bothered me everyone just came back. At least they still had to rebuild the village and the impact crater is till there.

  • @antonrueda1044
    @antonrueda1044 3 місяці тому

    3:46 No other Black Clover moment has pissed me off more than this.

  • @therealnav214
    @therealnav214 3 місяці тому +1

    Pell was brought back because his death from a bomb was so close to 9/11. It happened too close to it so Oda's editors decided to change his death and bring him back.

    • @natalimoina
      @natalimoina 3 місяці тому +1

      That's just fandom cope

    • @therealnav214
      @therealnav214 3 місяці тому +1

      @@natalimoina No it's literally official from the SBS lol. Of course, if you even know what that means since all it seems like you know is to say dumb shit.

    • @cblin1978
      @cblin1978 2 місяці тому

      @@therealnav214 proof?

  • @Ramsey276one
    @Ramsey276one 3 місяці тому

    Thumbnail: Thanks for the JJK reminder
    Dome powerscalwr is going to DISTORT
    Nobara: NAILED that... Oh, stop flipping Tails, *Nclair!!*

  • @grant1245
    @grant1245 3 місяці тому

    Bro spit so much, I'm covered in fax

  • @kaienglish271
    @kaienglish271 3 місяці тому

    Ik people don’t like DB deaths but to me most deaths add to the characters later. As the video said Krillin’s second death lead to SSJ. Vegeta’s death completed his character arc but he must redeem his last actions so he comes back.

  • @yorhamixta9528
    @yorhamixta9528 3 місяці тому +17

    My thing is, if a character dies and can be brought back by the most justifiable means then why not just keep them alive?

    • @densegunial3674
      @densegunial3674 3 місяці тому +3

      Cheap thrills for the sake of writing a story.

    • @skdkdn9142
      @skdkdn9142 3 місяці тому

      Gives the character that are affected by the death development tht they wouldn’t of got if the character tht died stayed alive

    • @natalimoina
      @natalimoina 3 місяці тому

      It can have important pupose occasionally. Usually just cheap, badly done shock value though.

  • @WakaDior
    @WakaDior 2 місяці тому

    You should read fire force if you haven’t. They did the bringing characters back shtick at the end of the manga and I think it’s done really well in the narrative

  • @filippo6447
    @filippo6447 3 місяці тому +1

    Great video, but I disagree about Norman in The Promised Neverland. He never actually died, and in his last panel before he gets removed from the story he does have a surprised expression in seeing something (that the audience does not see) which hints at there being more than just his death.

  • @sdsfee
    @sdsfee 3 місяці тому

    if kenjaku got what he had in the thumbnail HE WOULDNT EVEN NEED A MERGER

  • @joaogabrielsilvadarosa9734
    @joaogabrielsilvadarosa9734 3 місяці тому

    Hey, masked man. Could you make a "review" on the manga Ragna Crimson? I've only found small channels talking about it and, although most of them are saying positive things about it, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

  • @_Silly
    @_Silly 3 місяці тому


  • @beefydonut6977
    @beefydonut6977 3 місяці тому

    Darth Maul is literally the only/ best character to be brought back in star wars, cos to be fair there are people IRL that are nuggets, so maul surviving in a futuristic tech type of setting makes more sense cos we know with our tech that it would be even if that chance may be abysmal