Is this part you were in open all year I am planning to visit next summer and was planning on booking a lap around the track but I was wondering if these stories and places you went to are always open and do you have any tips on what to do there
Definitely try and book your lap around the track in advance as they are only open for what they call tourist drives and rides on certain days. I took the N taxi around and it was a blast. Best 99 euro I've ever spent and would totally do it again. Have a great trip!
Is this part you were in open all year I am planning to visit next summer and was planning on booking a lap around the track but I was wondering if these stories and places you went to are always open and do you have any tips on what to do there
Definitely try and book your lap around the track in advance as they are only open for what they call tourist drives and rides on certain days. I took the N taxi around and it was a blast. Best 99 euro I've ever spent and would totally do it again.
Have a great trip!