Julia’s game play is to kill off towns’ members and then keeps saying she’s a bad civilian. Nikki’s game play is to accuse everyone and when accused she’s just so surprised like how dare you. Lol.
@Leon its annoying because her gameplay only works with idiots, it wouldnt with the old cast, which is why antoine sniffed her out. hes not dumb like julia+pat. also sean and pat being ultra fidgety and suspicious seeming ruins the game too, their team will never win. i miss the old cast with good tactics and guile
I guess anything to do with mystery and drama is his thing which mafia provides...that's why his channel is full of geeky stuff and writing which I'd recommend anyone to check out tbh
Lmao when Tiff was disappointed of the role re-do because she got Serial Killer, I knew she would be given back Serial Killer again or luck would make her Serial Killer again haha
I feel really bad for Antoine lol. I feel like he embodies the truly best way to play mafia, and he uses the most logic out of anyone in the group, but everyone always jumps on him for using logic, so he gets destroyed as a result
When people dont do basic numbers in deceptive games it triggers me.. if that many people are voting someone out, by deduction, that person is being voted out by at least one mafia member
That's what happens when you're too good at a game. Everyone is suspicious of any of your game plays lol. Same thing that happened to Joe in Mafia. Most the time no one believed him cause played so many different ways, even when he used great logic people were still suspicious.
My takes: Tiff was cute and bold and was cool to see Pat is currently the most entertaining for me when it comes to mafia Antoine was mad and usually that puts me off, but it was entertaining. He didn't ruined the mood even when he was pissed. It still made the video nice to watch
This comment includes MAJOR spoilers for the above Mafia game. * * * * All right... I felt this one needed some major commentary. I shall take you through my play-by-play of this crazy game. Oh! First, the reason the roles revealed + roles hidden were combined is because Tiff chose not to look at the night phase during her deadbox. Going forward, it'll go back to what we've done before with the split videos. 4:45 - It wasn't clear but I thought it was Nikki because she was less confident in her "energy" play that she did in the first round (when Brandon messed up and thought he was Mafia). 6:39 - I was looking for a "specific statement" from her but I was looking for a specific confidence in her words that wasn't there early on. AND GAD DAMMIT! I should have stuck with my gut. 8:56 - I should have used that against Nikki. Because if she were civilian she would have understood the fishing I was doing by being so aggresive from the jump. But the whole town was already calling me out for picking at Nikki so I was forced to back off. Obviously, in retrospect, I shouldn't have. 9:11 - Ya see! I can't even play out my intuitions without earing a target on my back. Grumpy Antoine is grumpy. But that's fair I guess, I just need to do a better job of adapting to the group at hand. This particular group was a bit more passive so I needed to play a more passive game. The aggro stuff works better with the OGs, I think (especially when you've got a Joe & Bart with their antics outshining me). 9:55 - Grilling is my favorite thing to do to pull out Mafia. Sometimes me simply saying a name isn't just to make a direct accusation, it's to gather a reaction. 11:33 - I really needed Josh to be alive. Granted, he might have vouched for me in the following round and then everyone would have just thought we were Mafia together, so that would've been no good either. Plus, it's Josh. It's hard to believe him sometimes. 11:49 - Obvious heal to myself. For the past, what, three games, I was killed off first. 15:54 - Literally just a brain fart. Can't believe that really lost legitimate trust with the town. If they really thought that was me trying to be Mafia that's a real dumb move. 16:24 - In response to Nelson... it really depends on who's making the kill. Nikki admits she killed Tiff because she knew the longer Tiff remained in the game the more likely Tiff would sniff her out. So my line of thought wasn't off-base. It's obviously not 100% but I always feel it's a good place to at start a discussion... 16:45 - Nikki does that a lot when she's Mafia... jump on small stuff like that. I even tried to bring that up when she wasn't on board with me trying to figure out who killed Tiff. Because when we are civilians together we often talk that sort of thing out. But I'm guessing she wanted to steer clear from that line of conversation because the bread crumbs would lead back to her. 17:56 - It don't think Nelson's idea was weak. He was actually half-right. Nikki was forced to spell out Tiff's name because she was right next to her but for some reason Nelson turned his logic to the blue couch. 19:22 - The lock-in on Sean was because he was looking so nervous and he wouldn't maintain eye-contact with me. 23:05 - It's really crazy to me that I didn't earn trust after this testimony. 23:29 - I've tried. It doesn't really work. I can't go 100% as bad guy because I have too much information on what the truth is. And when I know the truth, when I know someone isn't actually Mafia it's hard for me to go ham. I need to do a better job of cloaking my Mafia gameplay when I am. 23:56 - Antoine, you're gut is telling you Nikki again! Why you deny your gut! It really really got to me that Nikki wasn't understanding my logic. Should have been a dead giveaway for me (and it was subconciously) but I didn't follow through all the way. 24:16 - Last time I called out Nikki as a Mafia it was from jump so for her to say that... ugh, there were so many signs, Antoine! 24:45 - Brandon was a very logical player. I know Nikki killed him out of spite from the Ninja game but if he stayed in that might have been the additional ally I needed for the following round. 24:49 - HUGE turning point. This is one of the things I like most about Mafia (and Secret Hitler)... the voting. Like Steve said, it's important to look at where votes are going and from who. After both of our defenses I felt like me and Sean were safe but I was still willing to vote Sean off based on a hunch but when I saw those hands shoot up from Pat and Michael I had to second guess myself because Mafia team would want to kill off an innocent. 24:51 - And a very subtle move from Michael... right when I brought up my point his hand went right back down. I wasn't looking at him so I didn't pick it up (which is one of the benefits of have a camera angle on everyone as an audience member. You can see so much more than what the cast can see). 25:43 - That indecisiveness from Nikki is so telling in retrospect. She even contradicts herself later and says that she's "trigger happy" yet she obstained from voting me off when she said she "wanted to." My guess is she was hoping more hands would have gone up for me early on but since Julia did it very late there was no need. Brandon tried to call her out for it too (dammit, Brandon, you died too soon). 27:19 - Just one off (coulda saved Brandon). I don't know why I trusted Julia out of everyone. 28:41 - My mistake! Totally forgot that General Iroh from Legend of Korra was Zuko's GRANDSON, not his son (I love you Dante but they should not have used your voice for that character... it was way too distracting). 29:44 - I did some major meta gaming on this one. This was the moment I KNEW I could trust Julia. No one else seemed to notice it but Brandon picked up her card instead of his (which was by his right foot). And Julia specifically told him not to pull it but he did anyway, confirming that Julia was 100% a civilian. Also, Mafia are usually very protective of where they put their cards. What I've noticed is civilians will put it anywhere, whereas a Mafia, or Cop, or Nurse will keep it close to them at all times. 31:26 - Aaaaaaaaand... Julia signs my death certificate. 31:53 - This is the third time I've had eyes for Nikki and for some reason I always go back on it. 32:26 - Very good point, Julia. That was a great way of pulling out Nikki but you lumped me in with her and must have thought Nikki was protecting me as her Mafia partner on the chopping block. 33:07 - And my fourth piece on Nikki! WHY IN THE HECK DID I NOT STICK TO MY GUNS!? 34:10 - I really was mind-fucked on this one. If Nikki hadn't said anything against me I would have just gone for Michael and Pat. But since she came at me weird I thought she was Mafia and clearly there couldn't be three Mafia... (strike #5 and I still didn't really go after her). 34:22 - THAT VOICE CRACK. I was so ready to find something that would separate Michael from just the whole "he voted quickly on Sean" thing. And that was it. It wasn't a normal crack, it was a nervous crack. I would have 100% campaigned against him had he been put on chopping block but since everyone put Pat on instead I couldn't and my argument against Pat wasn't as strong (plus, he wasn't Mafia at all). And the fact that Michael gave me that deadpan stare at 34:49 had me 100 on him FOR SURE.
35:36 - The reason I specifically made the thinkpot comment is because I was thinking back on the game where Joe and I went at it. In that game we had both agreed that we didn't trust Julia but our conflict with each other was greater than our outside suspisions. What I wanted to do in this moment was see if we could all agree with something. Had I gotten through to Julia I think we both could have gone after Nikki (which we had similiar views on). I didn't have anyone to agree with me on Michael. And I was fine staying away from Pat but I was forced to go against him because he was the only choice I had with that final chopping block. 36:36 - Julia is what really got me killed. Had she put her trust in me (because at this point I knew I could trust her) I think we could have turned the game around. And going forward with the whole heart to heart thing I did... I knew I'd always use something like that in the game (though I thought it'd be with Steve) but I also knew I could only use that card ONCE. And it hurt so bad that I was being totally and utterly honest and was slapped down. 36:41 - It sucks because for me it's so obvious that if so many hands go up it means there's a Mafia(s) among the ranks. But to an outsider who doesn't know that I'm not Mafia, it may even seem like it's me and Sean who are teaming together. It sucks. That's why I knew I had to do what I did with Julia and just protect myself at night. I also think the reason I was super aggresive is because I had the doctor card and I would be chill the next night. But the issue with that mentality is that doctor cards don't do shit during the day. And I was too caught up in my defense and being all offended because I really did think I would win Julia over. When I thought about revealing it, it was too late. Because in the original rules of Mafia, one is not supposed to speak about evidence outside of the chopping block (though I know in the past players have revealed themselves during voting and this is JK and rules don't really matter... but I'm a stickler for rules god dammit). 36:52 - Pure desperation. I wasn't 100 on Pat like I was 100 on Michael but since he was the only other one on the block with me... not much to do. 37:52 - I get where that perception comes up because I'm loud but my true accusations were not that widespread during this round. I did have a slight thought on Sean in that first round but after his testimony he was good to me and I didn't bring him up again as a serious accusations (I just did that little bit of fishing on him early on). During this specific round I was only locked in on Michael, Pat, and Nikki. I said nothing against Nelson, I put full faith in Julia, and Sean was cleared up for me. In fact, even Pat was off my radar until the chopping block forced my hand against him. So really it was Michael as a primary and then Nikki as a subconcious secondary that I just wouldn't let myself go all in on despite me always going back to her several times in the game. But if it was my choice it would have been Michael out first and then who knows what would have happened beyond that. I'd like to think I would have pressured Nikki but I really can't say. It all depends on the hypothetical gameplay. 38:29 - The other part of this strategy is that I was hoping she would keep her hand down during the voting... because if the votes were split and we went to night again I was fine with that outcome. 39:41 - That's the specific moment I wanted to say I was doctor but then "By-The-Rules Antoine" was like nope. I think I even remember one of you commenters saying something against Steve or someone else for coming out as doctor last minute when, yes, that is against the rules, technically. Also, it's incredible to me how Brandon was the only one to see that my desperation was a legitimate one. And honestly if I saw someone playing like that I would see it was genuine. Like that time Joe got voted out during Halloween and got really serious about his innocence... I wouldn't have voted him out (except I was Mafia in that game so I was glad everyone wanted him out, lol). And if Steve were there I think he would have also recognized the honesty in my words but who knows. I just didn't have enough allies. 40:05 - And this is when I legit was done with town. 40:28 - But I wasn't accusing you, Nikki! I was actively accusing Michael at the end. But I know where she's coming from... when your on Mafia team and someone calls out your name that accusation rings loud. But I had been off of Nikki from the middle of that specific round, especially after the Michael voice crack. 43:46 - To me it should be very telling that someone like Nikki isn't talking right away. If she were a real civilian she'd be angry that she's about to lose but she's waaaaaay too calm. I'm surprised no one really jumped on her except Julia. I don't know what it is she does that gains people's trust but she's actually the Mafia role quite, quite often. 44:27 - Nikki subtly trying to get people to think Julia is Mafia... 46:27 - Michael is doing a great job playing neutral here and that's what got them the win. There weren't a lot of strong personalities or opinions in the last round so that was definitely the right play. No need to have too many eyes on you. 48:56 - E Z win for Mafia when the WHOLE town has to be unaniomous on their voting when they've disagreed the entire match.
I appreciate your talking points because I'm known for doing that but from what I'm reading so far (referring to when the time comes up) is that Mafia won this game because it's like you're explaining why you messed up lol -could be wrong-
I noticed that Nikkis tactic is to constantly try to break down your points as your telling it. Once you say one point she doesnt let you finish until she breaks it down quickly to immediately discredit you. She does that when you're trying to defend yourself or when shes targeting you. They should pick up on that. Thats how she usually takes charge. Plus after antoine was gone the last person she couldnt manipulate was gone and the rest was easy.
It’s obvious when Nikki is good or bad, when she’s bad she plants a seed as to who mafia is and then backs off so she can’t be blamed and she isn’t aggressive in her accusations. When she’s good she is extremely aggressive and stubborn in her picks but she deflects as much as she can after she’s wrong, like she always picks Steve no matter what he does and town falls for her BS. I think if they’re aware of her “tells” they should never trust her because her intuition sucks, no matter if she’s innocent or not. Clearly she’s a smart person, but her intuition causes her to overthink and make inaccurate accusations as a civilian. I feel like the worst civilian is Nikki.
@@AllanDanjaExactly this, town did a horrible job observing people. Throughout the game you can see Nikki all happy and smiling, that's because she is winning! In no situation would a civilian be smiling because they've been losing badly.
Not only that, why kill him? It's OBVIOUS he was the only one desperately trying to get the Mafia. But instead they kill him because he's acting 'odd'? WTF kind of sense does that make?
Them all ganging up on my boi Antoine at around 56:00 got me so mad. Why can’t some peeps like genuinely realize they were wrong. Like I really appreciated Julia acknowledging she shoulda realized. But mostly everyone was critiquing Antoine’s gameplay. The thing is these players don’t know Antoine as a mafia player well enough to realize how different he plays and his whole language when he is civilian. Antoine is definitely such an amazing player oml
ye someone that is so obviously contradicting themselves should be pointed out as mafia (nikki) but for some reason all the civilians didn't notice and it's frustrating to watch
She also played the idk whats going on card very late in the game. She wasn't blatant like juila would have been, but it should have been easy enough to see through. She's litterrally waving her arms around trying to act like she doesn't know anything. I thought it was pretty obvious to when she was attacking julia, everytime julia made a valid point, she was quick to agree with her. At one point she was litterrally sitting there not really listening to instantly say yes to whatever she was going to say.
Antoine plays this game the best that anyone could tbh. The trick is to ALWAYS play the EXACT SAME WAY every single time so that when you, eventually, become Mafia in a future game people won't be alarmed as much because they will just think, "Oh well he/she always plays like this so he/she could be anything" No one can pick up on anything weird if you just act the same way every time.
She was better than the other civillians (Pat, Nelson, Sean) because she was targeting Nikki. The other civillians voted out Antoine too you know, it wasn't just Julia.
I feel like in every game lately everyone just kinda lets Nikki get away with everything. She's a really good player and impressive in her gameplay however, it feels like, for the most part, the other players aren't standing up to her to make the games interesting.
I think it's pretty noticeable when Nikki and Michael are mafia. Nikki is usually serious and wary, but she spent this whole game laughing about everyone. And Michael is usually pulling an Ant and throwing himself under the bus or making himself look suspicious. Michael and Nikki literally turned into their polar opposites during mafia 😂😂
Yeah Nikki was obvious. Michael wasn’t really suspicious to me to until the last two rounds, especially the last one. When he had the voice crack, I started to suspect him and when he said he was going to vote for whoever Julia was, I knew it was him.
Leoissxc Yes exactly. Also, whenever they post a Mafia episode, I go on a Mafia rewatch binge afterwards and it should have been obvious Michael was Mafia as well. In other episodes, he doesn’t speak often, but when he does, he is very set on a person and makes sure he vocalizes his opinion on them. Often times he is wrong and then is killed off by the town for that reason as well as having his typical excuse of “I’m a bad civilian. To prove my stance a civilian, I am willing to die for this town, but don’t actually kill me because I’m not Mafia”. Here, he wasn’t blaming anyone. He was way more quiet than usual which isn’t always the best reason to point blame at someone especially since this group is very passive, but in this case, it was true.
Imagine a game where Bart, joe and Antoine are all mafia- would be the greatest game or it would be too obvious since they’re all good- lol either way fun game to watch
Yup pat and Nelson suck.._ like really bad. Pat is more shy than Julia so he is useless in these types of games and Nelson ALWAYS seems to kill off his team when hes on the towns team
Antoine got the Steve treatment. I was half expecting Antoine to scream "I'm fighting for my f--king life! y'all killing me with this s--t"" lmao Also, lol at Brandon being on the set for like a minute and calling Nikki smug
I wish Steve had played this one! Antoine would have 100% turned to Steve over Julia to ask for his trust. Anyway. Antoine has to adapt to the group of people he plays with. He has a very high level of play compared to the others who are simply too passive. Civilians in this group play to prove their innocence over finding the actual mafia. The thing about Mafia is that, yes, the meta game changes, but individual behavior doesn’t change very quickly. A person (Antoine) in this case may understand his own behavior in hindsight, but in real-time it’s often different. He actually has one of the easiest tell’s of which role he is. - Passionate Antoine who speaks in pathos is CIVILIAN - Calculated Antoine who speaks in ethos is MAFIA (Did I even use pathos/ethos right? Lmao) Now, Nikki (the only other power-player in this game) has more subtle tells. I doubt that I can satisfyingly put them into text. Speaking of which - Geo used to play a lot like Nikki imo. It would be fun seeing her in a Mafia comeback sometime.
Yes geo like nikki was a super aggressive and confident player in mafia so it made her a strong player and always made the game really interesting. I find it funny that geo used to get a lot of hate in the comments but now all the comments are saying how they miss her. Nikki always gets a lot of hate in the comments for her intensity but she’s the one that always makes the game entertaining and competitive!
@@aznstefani Geo was bad in the beginning but really good later on, Nikki only looks good because of the people shes playing with. She never steamrolled the old crew like this. even Josh looks like a good player next to Pat and Julia
@@dn3772 Honestly theres never a video where Josh doesnt name the mafia in this one he named Micheal right off the bat after being killed so Josh defineitly is up there past julia, Pat, and Tiff.
@@pomerianan yea honestly i think josh is one of the best mafia players on JK now including OGs, because you have OGs like joe that can't pick mafia out anymore. and josh 80% of the time can pick mafia out
Jacob Kallon I felt she was suspicious the whole game with her smile and movements except when she would actually make comments then I thought it wasn't her. But I was going back and forth on her.
It's funny that they voted for Antoine because he was all over the place. Being all over the place is not a mafia trait. Mafia members normally hop on a bandwagon or focus their suspicions.
That’s cause I hit her dead in the chest and I was aiming for her legs. I felt bad too because when i got close to her she had tears in her eyes and I could tell she was legit apologetic.
I do want to point out that Antoine reacted very similarly to how Steve reacted when in that one recent game Nikki pointed out something that Steve apparently did that was sketchy and Steve started to get really pissed off and she said she wasn't sure, but she and Tiff kept saying he was doing all of his tells or something, and it turned out that he was obviously nurse and Nikki was unapologetic. My point, you may ask? People in the comments were saying that Steve overreacted and that he was wrong for getting so pissed, but nobody's saying anything about the hat thing, and honestly, that's not fair to Steve because in both of these cases, it was honestly really frustrating on their ends, but Steve got picked on for "overreacting" and getting pissed. Just saying, I'm not trying to say that Antoine was also overreacting, like I feel like that was justified, but that was just really unfair for people to get on Steve's back for the same thing.
When Brandon said "Nikki seems smug" in the Deadbox, I was so happy someone called it out- granted, her rationale is often legitimate but sometimes it comes off wrong. It was kind of hard for me to watch this video because of it, but I get that it may also be a game tactic.
I have an irrational hunch that it’s more-so due to social hierarchy than anything. It feels like the girls (Well, at least Julia & Tiff) almost sees Nikki as an alpha. They want her approval and being on her side is more comfortable than being against her. I’m very likely over-thinking it, but it’s just a little hypothesis based on very little. 😅
Past gameplay, duh. She even said something to the effect of except there was 1x when they were on opposite sides and she trusted Nikki, but Nikki deceived her.
Nikki’s game play as Mafia has gotten weaker or we have caught on to her game play. I played the roles hidden version for a little and I could tell she was Mafia, then I stoped playing roles hidden and she was Mafia💀
Spencer Adams I usually know it’s Nikki as mafia when her reasoning is illogical or when she brushes off good reasoning (like Antoine’s in this game). Like, civilian Nikki would not do that. 🤔But in the last game as civilian, she did accuse Steve out based on nothing. Lol
ny93 this is true. Nikki makes a strong civilian because she’s more driven to find the mafia. When she’s mafia she’s just deflecting blame and making non logical statements.
I don’t get how Nikki gets away with her gameplay she’s literally so sus like all the time. And when the cast do catch on they always second guess except Steve.
it's cuz the second someone says they think Nikki's sus and tries to give details on why, Nikki interrupts and says something to prove that whatever the person said is wrong. she's good at discrediting people who has the slightest suspicion on her. i love her for it but, im also at a disbelief that none of the casts points this out.
SoulG i feel the same way usually but I played roles hidden this time and I just thought she was playing dumb when she was going after Antoine cuz she is usually so aggressive when she plays civilian and she was this game. I figured it out by 20 mins in but roles hidden totally changed my perspective
@@Quantum314 antoine doesn't manipulate people. he uses logic... if Byron was around and was one the same side with Antoine they would win on the team their in
SoulG I feel like it’s because she’s built a wall to make herself look really deceptive and smart. People fell for it and now they doubt themselves instead of her.
lol Damn does Tiff have a never ending vendetta on Josh or something? In any game that she has a role that kills (mafia, coup, etc), josh is likely is going down first lol.
@Albert C Probably because Antoine lost alot of Trust after that Josh Nurse Gambit. Nikki due to her High Charisma doesn't lose as much trust after being Mafia and winninG MUCH more often than literally anyone else. I think only the Fans see her for the Snake she really is.
It will be fun to watch "One Night Ultimate Werewolf" played by Joe, Bart, Geo, Antoine, Byron, Nikki, and Steve. They're all good with logic and great at deceiving people. 😊
Ideas for roles Idea 1: Swapper This role works for the town and can swap two peoples locations....its hard to expain so think of it like this....Nikki is mafia and decides to kill Josh.....now steve is the Swapper and can swap the location of two players....he can swap joshs location for someone else so now the mafia target whoever swapped with josh instead. Idea 2: The rebel This player is part of the town however works with the mafia....they win with the mafia but dont wake up with them kindve like hitler in "secret hitler". This would be intresting cause they would have to try and find out whos mafia and work with them. Idea 3: Veteran This role is intresting.....Essentially this characters backstory is that they survived a past mafia game moving in to a new one....they just want to survive and only win if they are alive at the end of the game regardless of whether the mafia or townspeople win.
Idk how they haven't picked up on Nikki's gameplay. Everytime she's mafia she's chill and overconfident. When she's civilian there's a hint of caution. The last couple mafias where she's mafia its so obvious lol (and yeah I watch them in hidden role first).
Scrolled through the comments real quick and didn't see anything about it. Just wanted to say thanks for listening to us and showing the post-game discussion!
When Nikki is Mafia she always gets anxious and always says “but idk” after stating her observations about people and when she’s civilian she’s always 100% sure and doesn’t say idk.
Maybe you could make the serial killer unkillable at night and so only mafia would then know who they tried to kill and will have to work towards getting them out without revealing themselves. While also avoiding Bart and Tiff situations
I don’t know what’s funnier the fact that josh high fives tiff after being killed from her or pats comments or Antoine’s emotional breakdown 😂 but overall this was a good game
Michael is one of a kind. He’s suspected and vilified when he’s innocent but when he’s actually guilty, he flies under the radar. Michael may actually be in the mafia.
Yoooooooo! At this point in time, Nelson just died, and I'm actually in love with Pat BAHAHAHAH idc if he's mafia or not, everything he says is so savage!!!
Sean: Pat: I decided to kill sean from the beginning of the game Sean: Pat: I hate Sean. Antoine: Pat: *mickey mouse voice* oooo you're mafia, no i'm mafia Julia: Pat: that's a nice smile you got there. Julia: Pat: that's not how a steamer works. Sean: sorry to reference a previous game- Pat: NO. I haven't even finished the video but SWITCH HIS MIC UP HE HAD A LOT OF SIDE COMMENTS I COULDN'T CATCH 😭😂
I love how Brandon just knew who was earnest like it really shows how twisted people’s perspectives get the more they play this game cuz everyone has those gut feelings but then psych themselves out. People really just gotta listen in close like obvi Antoine was not mafia oml
Antoine you the MVP, 6mins in already snuffed out Nikki as mafia. Tiff shuts down a lot of valid arguments , Nelsons theory at 17:38 was on point. Tiff calls it a weak explanation(17:57) but Nikki did exactly that (10:48). Another time is when Sean explains why he isnt mafia (21:46). Josh in the following scene points out why shes wrong. Nikki has very obvious tells(said from an avid jkp watcher), she will belittle logic and proper reasoning, and bring up pointless facts to sound logical. Very strong player, only Antoine can really see through her. Congrats to nikki and michael, they played perfectly, the others have to step up their game !
MsDragonSoup in her IG comments. If you go on reddit they have screenshots of long paragraphs Nikki already deleted. It’s kinda sad. She even mentioned she was depressed for awhile. She left JK a month ago but we will see videos she is in cuz it’s stockpiled.
I literally love Nelson he called the out the Mafia and I feel that he has redeemed himself for the whole vigilante thing. But Pat is also MVP for all the jokes he cracked.
Antoine is a fkn psychic!!!! This dude said Nikki was the killer then pointed to Tiff and said serial killer all in the first mins of the first round, how we gonna just let that slide 😂😂
16:14 - Nikki: " He's being very aggressive and wrong" Sounds like someone from a previous mafia game that kept accusing someone and ended up killing the poor man for moving his hand..
MAFIA IS LOVE. I hope there are talks about a mafia marathon in the near future ( starring: Original Crew//Favorite guests appearances//Couples//all girl//all boy//ETC)
damn so little strategy in this one there were only a couple of big points of conflict for an hour long video. I feel like there were way to many reserved people in this round. and all the decent players got killed early.
When Nelson said “if you stare at Michael long enough he’ll look guilty” 😂😂😂
said the greatest vigilante of all time. thats probably what he thinks of everyone 😂
It's true though 😂
@@christopherv656 that shit was tooo fuckin funny lmao
And if you paid attention Michael cracked under pressure and laughed 😏 but we shrugged it off cause he laughs a lot.
I never realized how much I wanted Josh in these until he died in the first round...
SoftBlanket like everyone always says, Josh makes JK.
If josh was there he would sniff out mafia EZ
He did a great job last time he played cop
@@officialasim6772 I completely agree. The game would have turned out differently had Josh not been killed by Tiff.
Julia’s game play is to kill off towns’ members and then keeps saying she’s a bad civilian. Nikki’s game play is to accuse everyone and when accused she’s just so surprised like how dare you. Lol.
Luma A. accuracy on point 💯 lmfao
Leon ummm?
@Leon its annoying because her gameplay only works with idiots, it wouldnt with the old cast, which is why antoine sniffed her out. hes not dumb like julia+pat. also sean and pat being ultra fidgety and suspicious seeming ruins the game too, their team will never win. i miss the old cast with good tactics and guile
If nikki isn't dead within the first two rounds there's a problem
Antoine's passion for the game is respectable
He's just awesome at games in my opinion
I guess anything to do with mystery and drama is his thing which mafia provides...that's why his channel is full of geeky stuff and writing which I'd recommend anyone to check out tbh
And julia carelessness fucked the game, “opise i’m a bad civilian, whatever” don’t play then if you don’t want to
What? Antoine was giving me fucking anxiety. Should've killed him wayyy earlier.
BH he figured out the mafia almost immediately, he had Nikki, pat, and micheal. If they didn’t kill him or blame him, the town would’ve won.
Omg that was so cute of Brandon thinking he was mafia because he read the back of the card 😂😂
Its cute when he does it but when Josh did it he got bullied for months.
He pulled a josh
@@killazz13 lmfao :(
This is why JK hardly ever invites newbies to Mafia
I guess it wasn’t explained which side to look minor mistake, to me.
Lmao when Tiff was disappointed of the role re-do because she got Serial Killer, I knew she would be given back Serial Killer again or luck would make her Serial Killer again haha
26:09 tiff is the cutest playing along with us
yea it was kind of obvious they would give her the serial killer again lol
I feel really bad for Antoine lol. I feel like he embodies the truly best way to play mafia, and he uses the most logic out of anyone in the group, but everyone always jumps on him for using logic, so he gets destroyed as a result
When people dont do basic numbers in deceptive games it triggers me.. if that many people are voting someone out, by deduction, that person is being voted out by at least one mafia member
That's what happens when you're too good at a game. Everyone is suspicious of any of your game plays lol. Same thing that happened to Joe in Mafia. Most the time no one believed him cause played so many different ways, even when he used great logic people were still suspicious.
Boyder6 he could be Mafia and using false good logic to go against the civilians. You never really know for sure
A Turns omg this 10000% when everyone questioned Antoine saying mafia is happy with them all voting I was eyerolling so hard
Thanks for keeping in the card mixup! Such a innocent mistake but funny af.
I like your username 😂
yeh its quality content doing that i agree
My takes:
Tiff was cute and bold and was cool to see
Pat is currently the most entertaining for me when it comes to mafia
Antoine was mad and usually that puts me off, but it was entertaining. He didn't ruined the mood even when he was pissed. It still made the video nice to watch
This comment includes MAJOR spoilers for the above Mafia game.
All right... I felt this one needed some major commentary. I shall take you through my play-by-play of this crazy game.
Oh! First, the reason the roles revealed + roles hidden were combined is because Tiff chose not to look at the night phase during her deadbox. Going forward, it'll go back to what we've done before with the split videos.
4:45 - It wasn't clear but I thought it was Nikki because she was less confident in her "energy" play that she did in the first round (when Brandon messed up and thought he was Mafia).
6:39 - I was looking for a "specific statement" from her but I was looking for a specific confidence in her words that wasn't there early on. AND GAD DAMMIT! I should have stuck with my gut.
8:56 - I should have used that against Nikki. Because if she were civilian she would have understood the fishing I was doing by being so aggresive from the jump. But the whole town was already calling me out for picking at Nikki so I was forced to back off. Obviously, in retrospect, I shouldn't have.
9:11 - Ya see! I can't even play out my intuitions without earing a target on my back. Grumpy Antoine is grumpy. But that's fair I guess, I just need to do a better job of adapting to the group at hand. This particular group was a bit more passive so I needed to play a more passive game. The aggro stuff works better with the OGs, I think (especially when you've got a Joe & Bart with their antics outshining me).
9:55 - Grilling is my favorite thing to do to pull out Mafia. Sometimes me simply saying a name isn't just to make a direct accusation, it's to gather a reaction.
11:33 - I really needed Josh to be alive. Granted, he might have vouched for me in the following round and then everyone would have just thought we were Mafia together, so that would've been no good either. Plus, it's Josh. It's hard to believe him sometimes.
11:49 - Obvious heal to myself. For the past, what, three games, I was killed off first.
15:54 - Literally just a brain fart. Can't believe that really lost legitimate trust with the town. If they really thought that was me trying to be Mafia that's a real dumb move.
16:24 - In response to Nelson... it really depends on who's making the kill. Nikki admits she killed Tiff because she knew the longer Tiff remained in the game the more likely Tiff would sniff her out. So my line of thought wasn't off-base. It's obviously not 100% but I always feel it's a good place to at start a discussion...
16:45 - Nikki does that a lot when she's Mafia... jump on small stuff like that. I even tried to bring that up when she wasn't on board with me trying to figure out who killed Tiff. Because when we are civilians together we often talk that sort of thing out. But I'm guessing she wanted to steer clear from that line of conversation because the bread crumbs would lead back to her.
17:56 - It don't think Nelson's idea was weak. He was actually half-right. Nikki was forced to spell out Tiff's name because she was right next to her but for some reason Nelson turned his logic to the blue couch.
19:22 - The lock-in on Sean was because he was looking so nervous and he wouldn't maintain eye-contact with me.
23:05 - It's really crazy to me that I didn't earn trust after this testimony.
23:29 - I've tried. It doesn't really work. I can't go 100% as bad guy because I have too much information on what the truth is. And when I know the truth, when I know someone isn't actually Mafia it's hard for me to go ham. I need to do a better job of cloaking my Mafia gameplay when I am.
23:56 - Antoine, you're gut is telling you Nikki again! Why you deny your gut! It really really got to me that Nikki wasn't understanding my logic. Should have been a dead giveaway for me (and it was subconciously) but I didn't follow through all the way.
24:16 - Last time I called out Nikki as a Mafia it was from jump so for her to say that... ugh, there were so many signs, Antoine!
24:45 - Brandon was a very logical player. I know Nikki killed him out of spite from the Ninja game but if he stayed in that might have been the additional ally I needed for the following round.
24:49 - HUGE turning point. This is one of the things I like most about Mafia (and Secret Hitler)... the voting. Like Steve said, it's important to look at where votes are going and from who. After both of our defenses I felt like me and Sean were safe but I was still willing to vote Sean off based on a hunch but when I saw those hands shoot up from Pat and Michael I had to second guess myself because Mafia team would want to kill off an innocent.
24:51 - And a very subtle move from Michael... right when I brought up my point his hand went right back down. I wasn't looking at him so I didn't pick it up (which is one of the benefits of have a camera angle on everyone as an audience member. You can see so much more than what the cast can see).
25:43 - That indecisiveness from Nikki is so telling in retrospect. She even contradicts herself later and says that she's "trigger happy" yet she obstained from voting me off when she said she "wanted to." My guess is she was hoping more hands would have gone up for me early on but since Julia did it very late there was no need. Brandon tried to call her out for it too (dammit, Brandon, you died too soon).
27:19 - Just one off (coulda saved Brandon). I don't know why I trusted Julia out of everyone.
28:41 - My mistake! Totally forgot that General Iroh from Legend of Korra was Zuko's GRANDSON, not his son (I love you Dante but they should not have used your voice for that character... it was way too distracting).
29:44 - I did some major meta gaming on this one. This was the moment I KNEW I could trust Julia. No one else seemed to notice it but Brandon picked up her card instead of his (which was by his right foot). And Julia specifically told him not to pull it but he did anyway, confirming that Julia was 100% a civilian. Also, Mafia are usually very protective of where they put their cards. What I've noticed is civilians will put it anywhere, whereas a Mafia, or Cop, or Nurse will keep it close to them at all times.
31:26 - Aaaaaaaaand... Julia signs my death certificate.
31:53 - This is the third time I've had eyes for Nikki and for some reason I always go back on it.
32:26 - Very good point, Julia. That was a great way of pulling out Nikki but you lumped me in with her and must have thought Nikki was protecting me as her Mafia partner on the chopping block.
33:07 - And my fourth piece on Nikki! WHY IN THE HECK DID I NOT STICK TO MY GUNS!?
34:10 - I really was mind-fucked on this one. If Nikki hadn't said anything against me I would have just gone for Michael and Pat. But since she came at me weird I thought she was Mafia and clearly there couldn't be three Mafia... (strike #5 and I still didn't really go after her).
34:22 - THAT VOICE CRACK. I was so ready to find something that would separate Michael from just the whole "he voted quickly on Sean" thing. And that was it. It wasn't a normal crack, it was a nervous crack. I would have 100% campaigned against him had he been put on chopping block but since everyone put Pat on instead I couldn't and my argument against Pat wasn't as strong (plus, he wasn't Mafia at all). And the fact that Michael gave me that deadpan stare at 34:49 had me 100 on him FOR SURE.
35:36 - The reason I specifically made the thinkpot comment is because I was thinking back on the game where Joe and I went at it. In that game we had both agreed that we didn't trust Julia but our conflict with each other was greater than our outside suspisions. What I wanted to do in this moment was see if we could all agree with something. Had I gotten through to Julia I think we both could have gone after Nikki (which we had similiar views on). I didn't have anyone to agree with me on Michael. And I was fine staying away from Pat but I was forced to go against him because he was the only choice I had with that final chopping block.
36:36 - Julia is what really got me killed. Had she put her trust in me (because at this point I knew I could trust her) I think we could have turned the game around. And going forward with the whole heart to heart thing I did... I knew I'd always use something like that in the game (though I thought it'd be with Steve) but I also knew I could only use that card ONCE. And it hurt so bad that I was being totally and utterly honest and was slapped down.
36:41 - It sucks because for me it's so obvious that if so many hands go up it means there's a Mafia(s) among the ranks. But to an outsider who doesn't know that I'm not Mafia, it may even seem like it's me and Sean who are teaming together. It sucks. That's why I knew I had to do what I did with Julia and just protect myself at night. I also think the reason I was super aggresive is because I had the doctor card and I would be chill the next night. But the issue with that mentality is that doctor cards don't do shit during the day. And I was too caught up in my defense and being all offended because I really did think I would win Julia over. When I thought about revealing it, it was too late. Because in the original rules of Mafia, one is not supposed to speak about evidence outside of the chopping block (though I know in the past players have revealed themselves during voting and this is JK and rules don't really matter... but I'm a stickler for rules god dammit).
36:52 - Pure desperation. I wasn't 100 on Pat like I was 100 on Michael but since he was the only other one on the block with me... not much to do.
37:52 - I get where that perception comes up because I'm loud but my true accusations were not that widespread during this round. I did have a slight thought on Sean in that first round but after his testimony he was good to me and I didn't bring him up again as a serious accusations (I just did that little bit of fishing on him early on). During this specific round I was only locked in on Michael, Pat, and Nikki. I said nothing against Nelson, I put full faith in Julia, and Sean was cleared up for me. In fact, even Pat was off my radar until the chopping block forced my hand against him. So really it was Michael as a primary and then Nikki as a subconcious secondary that I just wouldn't let myself go all in on despite me always going back to her several times in the game. But if it was my choice it would have been Michael out first and then who knows what would have happened beyond that. I'd like to think I would have pressured Nikki but I really can't say. It all depends on the hypothetical gameplay.
38:29 - The other part of this strategy is that I was hoping she would keep her hand down during the voting... because if the votes were split and we went to night again I was fine with that outcome.
39:41 - That's the specific moment I wanted to say I was doctor but then "By-The-Rules Antoine" was like nope. I think I even remember one of you commenters saying something against Steve or someone else for coming out as doctor last minute when, yes, that is against the rules, technically. Also, it's incredible to me how Brandon was the only one to see that my desperation was a legitimate one. And honestly if I saw someone playing like that I would see it was genuine. Like that time Joe got voted out during Halloween and got really serious about his innocence... I wouldn't have voted him out (except I was Mafia in that game so I was glad everyone wanted him out, lol). And if Steve were there I think he would have also recognized the honesty in my words but who knows. I just didn't have enough allies.
40:05 - And this is when I legit was done with town.
40:28 - But I wasn't accusing you, Nikki! I was actively accusing Michael at the end. But I know where she's coming from... when your on Mafia team and someone calls out your name that accusation rings loud. But I had been off of Nikki from the middle of that specific round, especially after the Michael voice crack.
43:46 - To me it should be very telling that someone like Nikki isn't talking right away. If she were a real civilian she'd be angry that she's about to lose but she's waaaaaay too calm. I'm surprised no one really jumped on her except Julia. I don't know what it is she does that gains people's trust but she's actually the Mafia role quite, quite often.
44:27 - Nikki subtly trying to get people to think Julia is Mafia...
46:27 - Michael is doing a great job playing neutral here and that's what got them the win. There weren't a lot of strong personalities or opinions in the last round so that was definitely the right play. No need to have too many eyes on you.
48:56 - E Z win for Mafia when the WHOLE town has to be unaniomous on their voting when they've disagreed the entire match.
Boi, you should just make a video essay on Mafia
Patreon exclusive 😜
I appreciate your talking points because I'm known for doing that but from what I'm reading so far (referring to when the time comes up) is that Mafia won this game because it's like you're explaining why you messed up lol -could be wrong-
39:43 This moment had me howlin 😭😭😭
Poor Bchoi, that job must be like herding squirrels on crack sometimes 😂😂
Hes like that tired dad that is trying really hard not to yell
😂 this is a very good comparison
BChoi doesn't get enough love 😔
omg hahahaha
Inner Bchoi's feelings at 33:23
I noticed that Nikkis tactic is to constantly try to break down your points as your telling it. Once you say one point she doesnt let you finish until she breaks it down quickly to immediately discredit you. She does that when you're trying to defend yourself or when shes targeting you. They should pick up on that. Thats how she usually takes charge.
Plus after antoine was gone the last person she couldnt manipulate was gone and the rest was easy.
Another tell is her mood changes when she thinks she's winning. 44:16 is when Julia should have started to suspect her
It’s obvious when Nikki is good or bad, when she’s bad she plants a seed as to who mafia is and then backs off so she can’t be blamed and she isn’t aggressive in her accusations. When she’s good she is extremely aggressive and stubborn in her picks but she deflects as much as she can after she’s wrong, like she always picks Steve no matter what he does and town falls for her BS. I think if they’re aware of her “tells” they should never trust her because her intuition sucks, no matter if she’s innocent or not. Clearly she’s a smart person, but her intuition causes her to overthink and make inaccurate accusations as a civilian. I feel like the worst civilian is Nikki.
Pretty much any argument against wifey right there
@@AllanDanjaExactly this, town did a horrible job observing people. Throughout the game you can see Nikki all happy and smiling, that's because she is winning! In no situation would a civilian be smiling because they've been losing badly.
Well, shes not in jkp anymore unfortunately so they wont be needing to pick up on that.
I love Nikki, but it really frustrates me how no one stands up to her or has picked up on her defense mechanisms during mafia
Her play style honestly reminds me of Geo's.
@@leomes6480 True. aggressive when she is a non role and innocent and deflective when playing a mafia role.
how are you frustrated by people playing board games.
People are so afraid to challenge Nikki. Cmon ya'll. And once again, nice legs Michael.
i know right its hard to watch especially seeing Julia not sticking to her intuitions because shes afraid to challenge Nikki.
True. niki is good at playing the victim
True. Nikki pretty much had this in the bag with Pat and Nelson on the other side. They'd never challenge her. Lol
Once Nikki got everyone against Antoine, it was over.
IT is ruining the game. She said antoine and sean were both mafia and she voted for neither of them? lmao and no one realized she was bad after that?
After town killed Antione I knew the town lost. He was the only one using his head and observation skills
Literally 90% of his reasoning was because Michael’s voice broke
he was the only one there strong enough to go at Nikki, everyone else is intimidated by her
@@dngrouscrgo and who was mafia?
That was the most frustrating game to watch... I feel Antoines frustration. He was the only one playing with sense.
Not only that, why kill him? It's OBVIOUS he was the only one desperately trying to get the Mafia. But instead they kill him because he's acting 'odd'? WTF kind of sense does that make?
It was like watching Joe playing. He needed to lose his shit more.
Them all ganging up on my boi Antoine at around 56:00 got me so mad. Why can’t some peeps like genuinely realize they were wrong. Like I really appreciated Julia acknowledging she shoulda realized. But mostly everyone was critiquing Antoine’s gameplay. The thing is these players don’t know Antoine as a mafia player well enough to realize how different he plays and his whole language when he is civilian. Antoine is definitely such an amazing player oml
Karma I dis a fucking gree
Karma no jk lmao I agree I agree
David Gonzalez hahahahahaha
They weren't ganging up just explaining their thought process. Even though its wrong i would still like to hear why they thought it.
Glen Coco tru for sure it was just so loud and accusatory i was loling. I love hearing the thought process I just feel Antoine’s frustration.
the sequence where Antoine tried to convince Julia felt like a high school boy confessing his feelings to his crush. lololol❤️
It felt like some of the cast were bored and didn't care to find the mafia. After Josh and Brandon died, it was really Antoine vs. 6.
Theres to many people in this game that aren't even trying. They need to stop putting them in Mafia games.
@@xdarkknightx09 completely agree Pat for one offers nothing
I wanna see a mafia game with real detectives and interrogators
Edit: & maybe body language experts
Ooooohhhh and with a real serial killer to!!!
Maybe not that...
@@terrancesilvermistbenjamin9864 dont forget real mobsters like goodfellas.
ARosa09 bro I was thinkin the same shiii😹
like how nikki was saying antoine was accusing from the beginning but she does that all the time lol
Michelle Solis that’s what u do when u r mafia
ye someone that is so obviously contradicting themselves should be pointed out as mafia (nikki) but for some reason all the civilians didn't notice and it's frustrating to watch
@@kirawasadiver betas
I mean that's a good play by her nothing wrong with it... everybody else not being able to pick that up is another story lol
GunnerJay that’s what I meant lol everyone knows she does that off the gate but no one picked up on it
Nikki is obviously mafia, the way she interrupts everyone during their defense.
she always does that when she's mafia.
She also played the idk whats going on card very late in the game. She wasn't blatant like juila would have been, but it should have been easy enough to see through. She's litterrally waving her arms around trying to act like she doesn't know anything.
I thought it was pretty obvious to when she was attacking julia, everytime julia made a valid point, she was quick to agree with her. At one point she was litterrally sitting there not really listening to instantly say yes to whatever she was going to say.
Antoine plays this game the best that anyone could tbh. The trick is to ALWAYS play the EXACT SAME WAY every single time so that when you, eventually, become Mafia in a future game people won't be alarmed as much because they will just think, "Oh well he/she always plays like this so he/she could be anything" No one can pick up on anything weird if you just act the same way every time.
Julia is NEVER the go to person for important decisions, literally the worst lol
That's why mafia always keeps her alive
Spencer Adams she’s as dumb as a rock
She was better than the other civillians (Pat, Nelson, Sean) because she was targeting Nikki. The other civillians voted out Antoine too you know, it wasn't just Julia.
@@cole7726 yeah but she was the hardest on ant the whole game and you cannot deny that if we watched the same video
@@P-B-A-N It was 10 months ago...I don't remember.
I feel like in every game lately everyone just kinda lets Nikki get away with everything. She's a really good player and impressive in her gameplay however, it feels like, for the most part, the other players aren't standing up to her to make the games interesting.
F'real! If I'm mafia, first person I'm killing is Nikki, if she isn't mafia already. If I'm cop, first person I'm checking is Nikki.
I wanted to like your comment but it has 69 likes
They know if they call Nikki out or even try to point something about her play, she will complain about it and make things awkward again lol...
completely agree. Only Antoine was strong enough to go at her, everyone else was intimidated by her
@@michael43567 Julia was on her more than Antoine was this game
I think it's pretty noticeable when Nikki and Michael are mafia. Nikki is usually serious and wary, but she spent this whole game laughing about everyone. And Michael is usually pulling an Ant and throwing himself under the bus or making himself look suspicious. Michael and Nikki literally turned into their polar opposites during mafia 😂😂
Yeah Nikki was obvious. Michael wasn’t really suspicious to me to until the last two rounds, especially the last one. When he had the voice crack, I started to suspect him and when he said he was going to vote for whoever Julia was, I knew it was him.
yes i can't believe they haven't picked up on nikki's laughing as the most obvious of the tells
@@gabthang8 yepppp a civilian would NEVER say 'ill vote whoever you vote' when it's such high stakes at the end
Leoissxc Yes exactly. Also, whenever they post a Mafia episode, I go on a Mafia rewatch binge afterwards and it should have been obvious Michael was Mafia as well. In other episodes, he doesn’t speak often, but when he does, he is very set on a person and makes sure he vocalizes his opinion on them. Often times he is wrong and then is killed off by the town for that reason as well as having his typical excuse of “I’m a bad civilian. To prove my stance a civilian, I am willing to die for this town, but don’t actually kill me because I’m not Mafia”. Here, he wasn’t blaming anyone. He was way more quiet than usual which isn’t always the best reason to point blame at someone especially since this group is very passive, but in this case, it was true.
Imagine a game where Bart, joe and Antoine are all mafia- would be the greatest game or it would be too obvious since they’re all good- lol either way fun game to watch
Nikki has to be detective then and Tiff nurse! I'd pay to see that!!
@@Astroshuu for real
@@Astroshuu Gina as the nurse tho*
oh my God, I hope they see this. Y E S
@@Astroshuu OMG that would be the ultimate game!
Why don’t they ever fucken listen to Antoine!!!! Honestly, I feel Niki’s tells are super obvious, and someone should’ve listened to Antoine.
If they listened to antoine, they would've killed just about everyone in the game lmao
holy eff. antoine's commentaries should be a series. LOL AMAZING ANALYZATION.
brandon: idk....i don't wanna start... pointing at people....no evidence....
hoolia: we're on a timer
brandon: pat you're weird.
I'm always weird
As soon as Antoine and Josh went out, I knew Mafia won lol. No offence but the other good player was already mafia so the town was doomed
Balkarn Gill honestly pat and Nelson made it unexciting in my opinion, all love tho
If Nikki isn't dead within the first few rounds that should be a HUGE red flag. Dumb
Yup pat and Nelson suck.._ like really bad. Pat is more shy than Julia so he is useless in these types of games and Nelson ALWAYS seems to kill off his team when hes on the towns team
Antoine got the Steve treatment. I was half expecting Antoine to scream "I'm fighting for my f--king life! y'all killing me with this s--t"" lmao
Also, lol at Brandon being on the set for like a minute and calling Nikki smug
They should do a mvp mafia game and it be: Bart, Geo, Joe, Antione, Nicki, Steve, and Josh.
Arika Arika yes and bryon!
and byron
Starring Nelson as the vigilante
They need Julia's boyfriend he was MVP when he played
I wish Steve had played this one! Antoine would have 100% turned to Steve over Julia to ask for his trust.
Anyway. Antoine has to adapt to the group of people he plays with. He has a very high level of play compared to the others who are simply too passive.
Civilians in this group play to prove their innocence over finding the actual mafia.
The thing about Mafia is that, yes, the meta game changes, but individual behavior doesn’t change very quickly. A person (Antoine) in this case may understand his own behavior in hindsight, but in real-time it’s often different. He actually has one of the easiest tell’s of which role he is.
- Passionate Antoine who speaks in pathos is CIVILIAN
- Calculated Antoine who speaks in ethos is MAFIA
(Did I even use pathos/ethos right? Lmao)
Now, Nikki (the only other power-player in this game) has more subtle tells. I doubt that I can satisfyingly put them into text.
Speaking of which - Geo used to play a lot like Nikki imo. It would be fun seeing her in a Mafia comeback sometime.
Holy shit that’s spot on!
Yes geo like nikki was a super aggressive and confident player in mafia so it made her a strong player and always made the game really interesting. I find it funny that geo used to get a lot of hate in the comments but now all the comments are saying how they miss her. Nikki always gets a lot of hate in the comments for her intensity but she’s the one that always makes the game entertaining and competitive!
@@aznstefani Geo was bad in the beginning but really good later on, Nikki only looks good because of the people shes playing with. She never steamrolled the old crew like this. even Josh looks like a good player next to Pat and Julia
@@dn3772 Honestly theres never a video where Josh doesnt name the mafia in this one he named Micheal right off the bat after being killed so Josh defineitly is up there past julia, Pat, and Tiff.
@@pomerianan yea honestly i think josh is one of the best mafia players on JK now including OGs, because you have OGs like joe that can't pick mafia out anymore. and josh 80% of the time can pick mafia out
Julia is the least suspicious and still Josh in the deadbox "I think its julia"
Jacob Kallon I felt she was suspicious the whole game with her smile and movements except when she would actually make comments then I thought it wasn't her. But I was going back and forth on her.
ikr he's so obsessed
No he knew the mafia but he was trying to throw the guest off
C'mon Julia instead of observing for mafia you cowered into the sofa and closed your eyes half the time 😭
It's funny that they voted for Antoine because he was all over the place. Being all over the place is not a mafia trait. Mafia members normally hop on a bandwagon or focus their suspicions.
Its incredible how no one ever suspects nikki. Not hating, just statin facts
You spelled stupidity* wrong
antoine and julia did suspected nikki but the town just never actually put her on the chopping block
I love how Antoine went from totally raging to completely apologetic real quick, when he threw his hat at Julia at the end. 😂
That’s cause I hit her dead in the chest and I was aiming for her legs. I felt bad too because when i got close to her she had tears in her eyes and I could tell she was legit apologetic.
@@AntoineBandele Respect, man. Respect.
I do want to point out that Antoine reacted very similarly to how Steve reacted when in that one recent game Nikki pointed out something that Steve apparently did that was sketchy and Steve started to get really pissed off and she said she wasn't sure, but she and Tiff kept saying he was doing all of his tells or something, and it turned out that he was obviously nurse and Nikki was unapologetic. My point, you may ask? People in the comments were saying that Steve overreacted and that he was wrong for getting so pissed, but nobody's saying anything about the hat thing, and honestly, that's not fair to Steve because in both of these cases, it was honestly really frustrating on their ends, but Steve got picked on for "overreacting" and getting pissed. Just saying, I'm not trying to say that Antoine was also overreacting, like I feel like that was justified, but that was just really unfair for people to get on Steve's back for the same thing.
When Brandon said "Nikki seems smug" in the Deadbox, I was so happy someone called it out- granted, her rationale is often legitimate but sometimes it comes off wrong. It was kind of hard for me to watch this video because of it, but I get that it may also be a game tactic.
51:11 always typically assuming nikki is on your side because why? the whole reasoning just showcase poor deduction skills.
I have an irrational hunch that it’s more-so due to social hierarchy than anything.
It feels like the girls (Well, at least Julia & Tiff) almost sees Nikki as an alpha. They want her approval and being on her side is more comfortable than being against her.
I’m very likely over-thinking it, but it’s just a little hypothesis based on very little. 😅
Nah I think ur both spot on. I cringed Julia’s statement. It’s a logic game, not mean girls
Past gameplay, duh. She even said something to the effect of except there was 1x when they were on opposite sides and she trusted Nikki, but Nikki deceived her.
@Albert C lmao
@Albert C 😂
Nikki’s game play as Mafia has gotten weaker or we have caught on to her game play. I played the roles hidden version for a little and I could tell she was Mafia, then I stoped playing roles hidden and she was Mafia💀
Spencer Adams I usually know it’s Nikki as mafia when her reasoning is illogical or when she brushes off good reasoning (like Antoine’s in this game). Like, civilian Nikki would not do that. 🤔But in the last game as civilian, she did accuse Steve out based on nothing. Lol
Spencer Adams definitely not gotten weaker, she killed it with the manipulation this game and is one of the strongest players in this game!
ny93 this is true. Nikki makes a strong civilian because she’s more driven to find the mafia. When she’s mafia she’s just deflecting blame and making non logical statements.
@@busboy8887 its not hard to manipulate julia and pat
@@busboy8887 she's playing against weak players except antoine and he was on her asss
I feel like Antoine's gameplay is on higher level compare with these people. He supposed to play with Bart, Joe, Geo, Steve and Byron.
I don’t get how Nikki gets away with her gameplay she’s literally so sus like all the time. And when the cast do catch on they always second guess except Steve.
Cause she's a good player. Her and Antonie are very good at manipulating people and swaying them in their favor.
it's cuz the second someone says they think Nikki's sus and tries to give details on why, Nikki interrupts and says something to prove that whatever the person said is wrong. she's good at discrediting people who has the slightest suspicion on her. i love her for it but, im also at a disbelief that none of the casts points this out.
SoulG i feel the same way usually but I played roles hidden this time and I just thought she was playing dumb when she was going after Antoine cuz she is usually so aggressive when she plays civilian and she was this game. I figured it out by 20 mins in but roles hidden totally changed my perspective
@@Quantum314 antoine doesn't manipulate people. he uses logic... if Byron was around and was one the same side with Antoine they would win on the team their in
I feel like it’s because she’s built a wall to make herself look really deceptive and smart. People fell for it and now they doubt themselves instead of her.
I've noticed that every game Tiff and Josh play together in a game. she kills Josh. Like this is a reoccurring theme ive noticed. idk tho
Can anyone imagine JKP without Josh?
He's the Best!
We can't.
_How dare yooooooou even say such a thing!_ 😢😩😂
I love Nicki but I will always be on Antiones teams, cause he’s MVP obviously
lol Damn does Tiff have a never ending vendetta on Josh or something? In any game that she has a role that kills (mafia, coup, etc), josh is likely is going down first lol.
She hates josh watch the Jenga game they did back in the day
Shes just terrible at the game. If you realize it seems like she cant function properly when the pressures on her.
Casey isn’t there so she had to hang up on someone lol
@nick Who knows She wants to fit in.
@@danyarsalar8184 which one
Julia's immediately knew she messed up when she saw Michael wasn't voting with her against Nikki
Priceless reaction
@Albert C Probably because Antoine lost alot of Trust after that Josh Nurse Gambit. Nikki due to her High Charisma doesn't lose as much trust after being Mafia and winninG MUCH more often than literally anyone else.
I think only the Fans see her for the Snake she really is.
It will be fun to watch "One Night Ultimate Werewolf" played by Joe, Bart, Geo, Antoine, Byron, Nikki, and Steve. They're all good with logic and great at deceiving people. 😊
Nelson: "It's just like Michael. If you stare at him long enough you'll think he's guilty!" Lmao
bchoi: Nelson EVERYONES favorite townsmen
Just wait for the big end of year one they always do yearly
Ideas for roles
Idea 1: Swapper
This role works for the town and can swap two peoples locations....its hard to expain so think of it like this....Nikki is mafia and decides to kill Josh.....now steve is the Swapper and can swap the location of two players....he can swap joshs location for someone else so now the mafia target whoever swapped with josh instead.
Idea 2: The rebel
This player is part of the town however works with the mafia....they win with the mafia but dont wake up with them kindve like hitler in "secret hitler". This would be intresting cause they would have to try and find out whos mafia and work with them.
Idea 3: Veteran
This role is intresting.....Essentially this characters backstory is that they survived a past mafia game moving in to a new one....they just want to survive and only win if they are alive at the end of the game regardless of whether the mafia or townspeople win.
Im down for more roles. Completely take out regular civilians. No town has just civilians with no roles.
Love the swapper idea
@@tissuestv9011 me as well image if the swapper gets lucky and swaps the mafia and the person that was supposed to die
"I already decided that I wanted to kill him since the begining of the game"🤣🤣🤣SAVAGE
Honestly I really miss Bart, joe and geo in mafia they are like level s mafia players
And because they were gone for so long Josh became better then them
Idk how they haven't picked up on Nikki's gameplay. Everytime she's mafia she's chill and overconfident. When she's civilian there's a hint of caution. The last couple mafias where she's mafia its so obvious lol (and yeah I watch them in hidden role first).
Steve is definitely mafia I have a vibe
kek dashy 😂😂😂
Lame 😒
how tf do you think this joke is still funny?
"You not really watching mafia if you watching roles revealed"
Real brave coming from the deadbox 😹😹
She’s covering her eyes and ears during thr reveal
I like how they all admit everyone is really suspicious but then they made fun of Antoine for Accusing most of them.
Scrolled through the comments real quick and didn't see anything about it. Just wanted to say thanks for listening to us and showing the post-game discussion!
When Nikki is Mafia she always gets anxious and always says “but idk” after stating her observations about people and when she’s civilian she’s always 100% sure and doesn’t say idk.
I gave up on the town when Antwon died lol. I feel for him because I’ve been in that position before.
Bchoi’s so over this 😂
His little 🖕
And when he just went townnn go to sleeppp 😂😂
Poor boi
Brandon already pin pointed the mafia and killer in the beginning. F-ING IMPRESSIVE.
Maybe you could make the serial killer unkillable at night and so only mafia would then know who they tried to kill and will have to work towards getting them out without revealing themselves. While also avoiding Bart and Tiff situations
I love this!
Yeah as SK is so weak in this format as it has no protection at all they are all in their all alone
I don’t know what’s funnier the fact that josh high fives tiff after being killed from her or pats comments or Antoine’s emotional breakdown 😂 but overall this was a good game
When intelligent players aren't playing...wow this was painful. Antonie is the only smart one.
Exactly. I hated how Pat just threw the game at the end for me reason. They could've easily won the game then if Pat didn't waste his vote
That's not a nice thing to say, imagine them reading this comment, i don't think you would say that in real life to them.
chaimae they 100% wouldn’t say it in real life lmao
Everytime the teacher turns their back 47:41
This is the worst Nikki played as the Mafia role in a while. I don’t know how they didn’t sniff her out in like the second or third round.
Mafia legs? Are you serious? 🤣🤣🤣 I almost died laughing
Did Nikki really ask Antoine if she wanted to accuse anyone right away? e.e
The hypocrisy...
Antoine the only mafia player that knows how to play.
BChoi moderating is the best! :D
And I wanna see Geo back in Mafia. And where's Bart at for this video? D:
OMG what Michael did there.. HAHAHA
The only detective or civilian we needed in this game was Joe. I wanna if he could figure out if Nikki and Michael were mafia
yondaime297 I don’t know where Bart is but Geo’s no longer on JK Party as she wants to spend more time with Taika.
Yeah I miss Bart and Gio and Joe and Steve in it.
What happen to Byron?
James Smith I don’t know
If you close your eyes, you can hear Prince Zuko from the Avatar 😌
Michael is one of a kind. He’s suspected and vilified when he’s innocent but when he’s actually guilty, he flies under the radar. Michael may actually be in the mafia.
I wish there were Mafia stats, every players kills, saves, games won/lost,
Cool idea actually! Somebody without a life, quick, get on it!
"Thats not a troll answer, no one takes me seriously" Pat's 1-liners are fuckin hilarious
Antoine is my kind of guy. very articulate and also a huge nerd (LoK, book 1) lmfaooo. "im only high half of the time"
37:22 "I already wanted to kill sean since the beginning of the game" - Pat lololol
Antoine reminded me of that one time Joe got rekt by Jess and was triggered when he got killed for fishing out. R.I.P Antoine bruh
that's what I said. Same thing happened to Steve with Nikki
31:33 "Nikki seems a little smug"
That's just Nikki bro lmao
No one:
Julia: plays mafia for several years
Julia: "I aM a BAd CiVilIaN
Yoooooooo! At this point in time, Nelson just died, and I'm actually in love with Pat BAHAHAHAH idc if he's mafia or not, everything he says is so savage!!!
Pat: I decided to kill sean from the beginning of the game
Pat: I hate Sean.
Pat: *mickey mouse voice* oooo you're mafia, no i'm mafia
Pat: that's a nice smile you got there.
Pat: that's not how a steamer works.
Sean: sorry to reference a previous game-
Pat: NO.
I haven't even finished the video but SWITCH HIS MIC UP HE HAD A LOT OF SIDE COMMENTS I COULDN'T CATCH 😭😂
Pat just being Pat this game had me cracking UPPPPP “I made a decision at the start of the game to kill Sean” Hahahaha ded
I love how Brandon just knew who was earnest like it really shows how twisted people’s perspectives get the more they play this game cuz everyone has those gut feelings but then psych themselves out. People really just gotta listen in close like obvi Antoine was not mafia oml
Antoine you the MVP, 6mins in already snuffed out Nikki as mafia.
Tiff shuts down a lot of valid arguments , Nelsons theory at 17:38 was on point. Tiff calls it a weak explanation(17:57) but Nikki did exactly that (10:48). Another time is when Sean explains why he isnt mafia (21:46). Josh in the following scene points out why shes wrong.
Nikki has very obvious tells(said from an avid jkp watcher), she will belittle logic and proper reasoning, and bring up pointless facts to sound logical. Very strong player, only Antoine can really see through her. Congrats to nikki and michael, they played perfectly, the others have to step up their game !
Nikki is too over powered, she needs the serial killer card next game so we can see her be on her own team😂
This may/may not be her last game cuz she quit
@@sonalia.8251 where did she say she quit?
Sonali A. When did she say she quit ?
MsDragonSoup in her IG comments. If you go on reddit they have screenshots of long paragraphs Nikki already deleted. It’s kinda sad. She even mentioned she was depressed for awhile. She left JK a month ago but we will see videos she is in cuz it’s stockpiled.
@@sonalia.8251 damn I wasn't her biggest fan on jkp but the comments really took it far
I literally love Nelson he called the out the Mafia and I feel that he has redeemed himself for the whole vigilante thing. But Pat is also MVP for all the jokes he cracked.
Wow yall
Tiff just wanted to play serial killer...
I felt really bad! I really wanted to see how she would do 😥
When she cracked up laughing because Josh high fived her after she killed him, that was so cute😂
Antoine is a fkn psychic!!!! This dude said Nikki was the killer then pointed to Tiff and said serial killer all in the first mins of the first round, how we gonna just let that slide 😂😂
16:14 - Nikki: " He's being very aggressive and wrong"
Sounds like someone from a previous mafia game that kept accusing someone and ended up killing the poor man for moving his hand..
Angry/frustrated Antoine is THE FUNNIEST THING, cause he is such a chill, smart guy and seen this side of him CRACK ME UP, CAN'T STOP LAUGHING
Which walk out was the best, Steve or Antoine?
Steve cause it was actuallyfrustrating cause Nikki always accuses him, but Antoine's is better cause it was basically him vs. 5 trash people + Nikki.
Pat: “no.....no” 😂😂 idk why I find this so funny
MAFIA IS LOVE. I hope there are talks about a mafia marathon in the near future ( starring: Original Crew//Favorite guests appearances//Couples//all girl//all boy//ETC)
One gender game would be funny. Especially for the girls. Let it be a free for all instead of clinging onto someone’s balls.
Antoine is such a good player. I love how analytical he is. It's almost like in anime. LMAO
If he was a cop, every JK Mafia game would be so quick.
Holy shit the prince Zuko voice suddenly hit me right before Brandon died and all my childhood memories flooded back
pls keep joe and bart for mafia this ep made me fall asleep patt and nelson zzzzz
damn so little strategy in this one there were only a couple of big points of conflict for an hour long video. I feel like there were way to many reserved people in this round. and all the decent players got killed early.
Julia’s go to line “I’m a terrible civilian”.