Is it correct to say that the other reasons could be:-1- the banks are hording currency assuming that the opening of forex trading shops would make completion stiff and create scarcity. 2- And the minimum gap b/n official and parallel market discouraged forex account depositors who had been selling the dollar at exorbitant rate has reduced their gain tremendously and stagnated the disbursement
Can owners of black market business engage in a non bank FX exchange bureaus and operate with low spread and supply the fiat currencies with demand and supply rate and if these happens what are the implications for everything? Can a single bank buy and supply FX let's say buy dollar at 133 birr and sell with only 1 birr margin while the black is at 1$=135 birr could this bank get a better return than it's competetitor and perform better overall for the economy?
Thanks. Though I don't remember the time i saw & touched dollar, I'm always eager to hear your professional analysis. Respectfully.
Great insight
Hello game. As always with high expectation . Thanks
ባልበሰለ አንጎል የበሰል ፕሪንስፕል ለመጠቀም ከባድ ነው --- የኢትዮጵያ ችግር ይህ ነው --- አብዛኛው ህዝብ including the so called "educated" are raw !!!!!
መንግስት የባንኩን ስርዓዕት ለምን አልወሰደም? አብረው እየሰሩ ይሆንን?
በርታ ገሜ! ቆንጆ የፋይናስ መረጃ ነው የምትስጠን ሌላው አንተ እንዳልከው ብሔራዊ ባንክ በባንኮቹ ላይ ቁጥጥር ያድርግ ወይም ሌላ ቱልስ ይፈልግ፣ መንግስትም (ገንዘብ ሚ/ር) አንድ ለነጋዴው ማህበረስብ የስጠውን የፍራንኮ ቫሉታ ዕድልን የመተማመኛ ግልፅ ህግ ካላስቀመጠ ይህንን ዕድል ለመጠቀም በተለይም በጉምሩክ በኩል በአብዛኛውን ነጋዴዎች ሥጋት አለባቸው
Tes I enterested.
Dollar egaga Ale Ayasasebe
ገሜ ምርጡ የእሮብና እሀድ ፕሮግራሞችህን በጉጉት ነው የምጠብቀው
የሀገሪቱንገበያ እያቀጣጠለው ያለው የመግስትባንክ ዋናቀዳሚ በሞኖፖል ዝርፊያየያዘው ሲቀጥል ባለስልጣንም በቢዝነሱዋናሸቃይናቸው ብቻያሳዝናል
ስማኝማ ዶራል ይቀንስ ይሆን መልስል ሀገር እዳልከው ፈራሁ እዳያጠፍቡኝ
Is it correct to say that the other reasons could be:-1- the banks are hording currency assuming that the opening of forex trading shops would make completion stiff and create scarcity. 2- And the minimum gap b/n official and parallel market discouraged forex account depositors who had been selling the dollar at exorbitant rate has reduced their gain tremendously and stagnated the disbursement
Can owners of black market business engage in a non bank FX exchange bureaus and operate with low spread and supply the fiat currencies with demand and supply rate and if these happens what are the implications for everything?
Can a single bank buy and supply FX let's say buy dollar at 133 birr and sell with only 1 birr margin while the black is at 1$=135 birr could this bank get a better return than it's competetitor and perform better overall for the economy?
Dear i dont think like that, hoaring fcy . No as such remitance and or fcy purchsings are making by the banks.
Pls Mr Geme i advice you not to talk about what do not understand.
ዶላር @535 እንደሚገባ ከዚያም @800 ደርሶ @1200 እንደሚሆን ክላወክ ሰለ ንግድም ስለ ገንዘብም የማውራት ብቃት የለህም።
እየወደቀ ያለን ዛፍ ደግፈህ የምታቆየው ለ_____________ቀናት ነው።