I read the Extinction Rebellion book so you don't have to!

  • Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
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  • @MichiruEll
    @MichiruEll 5 років тому +152

    I think it's still valuable to take into account that non-violent protest can affect less privileged people disproportionately. People with unstable job situations are more likely to get fired for being late (even if they had a good excuse). People who need regular medical care. People who are physically unable to take public transportation due to disabilities. Blocking roads can cause harm, and I think it's worth acknowledging, even if you then decide that that harm is justified. Another thing is to have policies for your group to mitigate the potential harm. For example: only block roads that can be avoided somewhat easily, let ambulances through, have medical professionals on call in case there's an emergency within the blocked traffic, have water on hand,...
    As a (somewhat) disabled person, just because something is not violent to a healthy person, doesn't mean it's not violent to anyone.

    • @SamWest96
      @SamWest96 5 років тому +3

      This is interesting and definitely worth acknowledging

    • @jamesstephenson3305
      @jamesstephenson3305 5 років тому +8

      Definetly worth considering! From the actions I have seen/been on gotta say they are a mixed bag, with some targeting exactly the right people with as little distruption to those less privildged as possible...to canning town. Am hopeful that this concern has been listened to and 2020 should bring us some more of the good stuff.

    • @juxarope3385
      @juxarope3385 5 років тому +12

      In the 504 sit-ins by disabled activists in the US in the 70s the Black Panthers organized to support them physically with food. Protests should take solidarity for the varied people affected into account

    • @next_door_rigil3270
      @next_door_rigil3270 Рік тому

      Dont worry. Climate change will affect disproportionately much more poor people. And even kill many many more. Rich people not so much. So sorry for the inconvenience but they are not trying to save you, they are trying to save as many people as possible whether you agree or not.

  • @charlotteboys3337
    @charlotteboys3337 5 років тому +23

    Last Lent I pledged to do 40+ hours of climate activism. During that time I learnt a lot, and I'll try to do the same this year. But also my degree and grades really suffered, and even if I accept wholeheartedly that the climate crisis is more important, I know that getting this piece of paper will directly impact my future ability to pay for rent and food or give financial support to other individuals or organisations, all things which I need to continue doing more impactful climate activism in the future. I have no idea where the balance should lie, or how to hedge my time and hopes for the future between 'everything needs to completely change as soon as possible' and 'you probably still need some way of supporting yourself for the next 6 decades'.

    • @sophatt
      @sophatt Рік тому

      I'm 22 and in my final year of Undergrad. This resonates! x

    • @charlotteboys3337
      @charlotteboys3337 Рік тому +1

      @@sophatt Thanks for reminding me that this comment exists! Three years on, here's where I'm at and what I would tell my past self:
      I can recommend the book "A field guide to climate anxiety" by Sarah Jaquette Ray as a starting point to get out of the mindset I was in. I'm also currently part of a little Patreon group along Jess Mally's podcast Healthy Humans for Social Change where we talk about approaching social change and anti-racism work in a way which doesn't give in to despair/saviourism/martyrdom, which is really helping me be consistent in showing up, without getting overwhelmed. Look after yourself, good luck for your final year, know that the time will come when you have capacity (and you can think about what you want that to look like) even if that time is not now! ❤️

  • @silverbroom02
    @silverbroom02 5 років тому +22

    I actually didn’t know things were so imminently dire. The threat of dangerous weather and things is scary, but as someone with significant chronic illness, the most scary thing about where things seem to be going is that ableism and the discarding of disabled people by more privileged people might actually just get worse than it already is, despite all our efforts to change this. Somehow being destroyed by other people feels so much worse than being destroyed by nature.

  • @tashisalwayshere
    @tashisalwayshere 5 років тому +69

    "Business as usual will kill us all" this really got me, but in a good way maybe?

  • @FriendJamie
    @FriendJamie 5 років тому +24

    Literally every single person needs to watch this video. I have an incredible amount of respect for you Leena

  • @lemonlemonster
    @lemonlemonster 5 років тому +12

    I got my undergrad in sustainable development ten years ago and everything in this book sounded straight from my textbooks. Back then I always had to go into an explanation to everyone who asked what my major was as to what sustainability was - no one was talking about this and it felt so frustrating, like I was the weird one for freaking out about climate change. Now it's common knowledge and i have so many feelings. I'm SO glad it's getting the attention and energy it needs but sad we couldn't get everyone on board sooner.
    If you want more book recommendations: What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming by Per Epsen Stoknes talks about the psychology and grief around climate change. Making It by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen isn’t specifically about climate change but is a great book if you want actionable projects to transition areas of your life from consumer to producer. They also have a great blog with similar info and projects.

  • @meganhorridge6586
    @meganhorridge6586 5 років тому +37

    My vegan housemate brought this book to leave in our living room for communal use and it's been staring me in the face for 3 months. I started reading the first few essays this morning and now I'm probably going to be buying a copy for everyone I know. I agree that seeing a lot of older people getting involved makes me feel a lot better, since being just shy of 20, I'm not keen on being arrested and having that come up in every job interview I ever have. There's so much more I could be doing with regard to protest, and I'm so glad this book exists to show us how.

  • @sarahjoanne165
    @sarahjoanne165 5 років тому +63

    “You are so lucky to be believing”-oof, that hit me like a tonne of bricks
    Because I’ve been organising the youth climate strike at my university, I’ve had to think about the question ‘why should students/ faculty strike for the climate’ (for student media etc). It can be hard not to get frustrated with that question, because I don’t understand how anyone could be well-educated and not be panicking about the climate crisis. But it is so difficult even try to understand, let alone to allow yourself to feel that fear. It’s very strange to have grown up being taught about recycling, the greenhouse effect, walk to school instead of driving etc., and then to realise as an adult that the people who were teaching you these things clearly didn’t process it fully because they haven’t done enough to solve these problems. When I was in primary school I used to come home and tell my parents to switch off the lights, and I thought that would solve the problem. Now I come home and tell my parents to eat less meat, but I know that won’t solve the problem. The thing that scares me the most about all this is that it requires a genuine, radical consensus, and quickly. I’ve been thrusting this book into as many people’s hands as I can, because it fucking terrified me and I don’t know how we’ll ever solve this if people aren’t shocked and scared into radical action. I love this positive panic series, because it really encapsulates how I’ve been feeling too
    Please strike if you can this Friday

  • @claspring
    @claspring 5 років тому +16

    This reminded me of visiting one of the XR protests in London in October and hearing a girl in her early 20s share with a crowd that she's signed up to BirthStrike, the movement where people are pledging not to bear 'biological' kids until the powers that be commit to some serious transformation. It made me cry, as someone in mid 30s who's having to make decisions fast about whether to have kids- and frankly I'm cross that I should have to so carefully rationalise my urge to have children for the sake of observing decades of ignoring evidence, permitting billionaire playgrounds and vilifying Others while poorer parts of the planet are really starting to suffer the effects. But it's certainly not about our individual choices alone, or silver-bullets in the form of single movements, technologies, diets etc. A friend today sent me a card with a quote from Gary Younge, post-UK election but I think relevant here: 'Things look bleak. The propensite to despair is strong, but should not be indulged. Sing yourself up. Imagine a world in which you might thrive, for which there is no evidence. And then fight for it.' Incidentally, some books/films that changed my perspectives on this (and actually changed my life): Garbage Warrior (film), Stuffed and Starved by Raj Patel (about contradictions of our food system), Soil and Soul by Alistair McIntosh (delves into liberation theology, Scottish folklore and the role of poetry, transnational activism)...and Dark Mountain Press is putting out lots of interesting, urgent writing.

    • @emeliestromqvist3487
      @emeliestromqvist3487 4 роки тому +1

      I just want to go around quoting this whole comment to everyone i see until no one hasnt heard this ❣️

  • @VoxPopuli1235
    @VoxPopuli1235 5 років тому +3

    "nobody i gonna give me the 'go ahead', the nod the direct command. I have to rally myself into action and that is the hardest part" hit so so so hard! like transcribing something directly out of my head. Thankyou so much for that sentence! I feel like so many times all I do is wait for an oppurtunity for action like I would wait on an assignment when really action that contradicts authority can't come from authority itself and you just have to take the risk of acting on your own accord? so yeah.

  • @linnsansvinnsan
    @linnsansvinnsan 5 років тому +1

    I always try to watch these kinds of videos twice to really let it sink in but this one was very difficult to get through. I currently live in a very small town with an older and mostly upper middle class population, so there's not a lot of protests or anything like that here. There's a lot of conversations though and I feel like I learn a lot about the climate crisis constantly, both doing my own research and also just talking to people between the ages of 20-75+ at school, everyone with vastly different life experiences and ideas. And those conversations are great and sometimes mind blowing but I'm also so incredibly afraid that it stops at that for most people, conversations about what we should be doing or how we need to change without anyone actually going through with the changes. What you said about having to rally yourself to take action really resonated with me and I think that's something I will try to spread to people when having these conversations. It's so easy to just not think or not question when we're just going about our day, doing things in our regular lives, and that's what's really dangerous.

  • @Dyp100
    @Dyp100 5 років тому +19

    I feel like one of the largest issues of XR is how it's been discussed as organisation without specific political or economic stance. XR reliance on compiling with the law, generally pro-status quo, not questioning the root causes of ecological disaster has worked against them building a forward-progressing actionable ideology. I often feel like XR is seeking to make a compromise with the same government it's opposed to, but as putting XR on a terrorist watch list shows the government itself is unlikely to make compromises itself, especially, as the British state becomes increasingly fascist.
    We can't ignore the fact that ecological disaster is linked, specifically, with both capitalism and imperialism (for example, how the US military pollutes just as much as 140 countries. Figures are hard to find about the UK military, sorry I can't report that). While it's good they've made an effort to highlight the fact ecological collapse has been resisted by indigenous people, until XR come out and say that capitalism is perpetuating this cycle and can't be redeemed I feel like there's really limits to the organisation. The awareness that because capitalism requires constant and steady growth based on created demand feels key, and that sustainable needs-based economics can exist within socialist countries (as in the case Cuba's planned economy was found to be the most sustainable in the world by the SDI).
    It'd be really nice if organisations like XR were able to make lasting change, however until the core tenants of society are questioned within the western world, I think it'll have limited impact. It's frustrating, because I'm a pacifist. I don't want to hurt anyone, but I feel like methods such as a peaceful protests can only go so far (as the essay about the super rich shows, the powers-that-be are far more likely to protect themselves than change the government for anyone else benefits). I don't think there is an easy answer, because even now people are opposed to XR with the relatively mild actions they're taking, so other than education I'm not sure what we can do to help people in the immediate. I think it's good XR have made people aware of the fact climate change can't be ignored, and given people a sense of hope and momentum, I just hope that can keep evolving into something with more solid, evolving plan.

  • @najualb
    @najualb 4 роки тому

    this video not only made me purchase this book as soon as i got the chance, but also to come back and rewatch it adding all of your great points into my already underlined and scribbled and sticky note-d copy. thank you for all you do leena!

  • @stephanielake183
    @stephanielake183 5 років тому +6

    So good and so much to think about, thank you. I really like the parallel you draw between XR and the suffragettes (who we’re also perceived by many as terrorists in their time), bc Deeds Not Words. But I guess the key difference is that they were fighting for a single tangible outcome, whereas this feels so much messier and hard to pin down. It’s still worth fighting for of course, but it can feel so insurmountable.

    • @MathildaSvS
      @MathildaSvS 3 роки тому

      I would argue that the thing XR is fighting for isn't so intangible. They have 3 demands: 1. Tell the truth (government should speak much more clearly and honestly about what an emergency situation we're in and how poorly we're coping with it) 2. Act now (make radical changes to phase out fossil fuels and get to net zero by 2025 - personally think that goal is not achievable but whatever) 3. Set up citizens' assemblies to make policy decisions regarding climate change.

  • @Liurika
    @Liurika 4 роки тому

    Such an interesting video, thank you Leena. Your commentary at the end, encouraging us to talk to each other if we're feeling afraid or overwhelmed made me remember a dream (or nightmare?) I had a couple of months ago... It was the end of the world, something from space came down and wiped everyone like an atomic bomb, just as I beckoned my lover to come and hug me so we would die together... What I felt was surprising to me: acceptance, resignation, peace? I have a passion in me for improving things, I believe in making society better, making our species better (I'm vegan, for example, so I believe in a world that doesn't exploit and torture animals)... And still, when something is so big and feels so out of control, we might have to find that acceptance, that resignation and feel at peace with ourselves.
    Just my thoughts on it right now. Thank you for all the great videos, I always wish I had you as a close friend or have someone like you haha :) Happy new year by the way! Greetings from Spain

  • @NoFaceInTheCrowd
    @NoFaceInTheCrowd 5 років тому

    I don't even know how to start thanking you for informing people on this topic in such an effective way. You're doing all the hard work for people who don't want to spend a lot of time researching this subject, but are still interested. I'm recommending this series to all of my friends :)

  • @FelineFurKin
    @FelineFurKin 3 роки тому

    Phew, that last bit rang a bell. My family was mostly Polish and few left, happened to be tailors on both sides. Also a Hufflepuff and the website tried to tell me I'm Ravenclaw so undertones, good way to put it. I went to some XR stuff too in early 2019 and it was my immediate response to finding their talk online after Jack Harries was arrested, that's how I heard of them, I just had to do something. I can't walk long with backpain, anxiety makes it hard to approach people, but I hope to do more in the future. Learning how to grow our own food is one thing and I'm heartened by people behind the scenes taking the government to court, one member of that group also writes to the media a lot about their messaging, Jonathan Fuller, posts detailed info on Facebook especially on the Media Tell the Truth page. Randomly I've also just been window-shopping on IKEA and I recognise my favourite cubes behind you.

  • @najualb
    @najualb 5 років тому +3

    if i were to only watch one channel for the rest of my life, it would be yours. you’re doing IT !

  • @charleylouise3900
    @charleylouise3900 3 роки тому +1

    New subscriber here! I’m loving your book reviews. I would be really interested in a dive into the northern light series, and the two media adaptations made from it! Also book recommendations - Feral: rewilding the land, sea and human life is really good and empowering about what can be done in the uk

  • @jesstheghost61
    @jesstheghost61 5 років тому +6

    might have to give it another read. i read it last summer and didn't get much out of it - or at least not what i looked for when i picked it up. on a related note, would you want to - perhaps towards the end of the year? - be willing to make a video about your favourite books surrounding the climate crisis? i know you're currently looking for good non-fiction (or fiction! why not) reads surrounding the topic from various gumption club hangout spots and i'd love to hear what you've found. x

    • @leenanorms
      @leenanorms  5 років тому +1

      100% will definitely do that when I’ve read enough 🧡

  • @billie_the_birdie
    @billie_the_birdie 4 роки тому +1

    I want to leave a comment to help get this up still in the algorithm. But I have nothing to say. I just sat staring into the middle distance as this summary began to sink in. But the part about stripping back and preparing for a very different society resonated with me most. I've been flirting with minimalism, veganism, no buy years and microliving, and in that isntant I realised what I want from my life is to leave as little resource impact for others as possible. As a positive choice that I can make from my position of privilege

  • @BeKindCoco
    @BeKindCoco 5 років тому +1

    I knew so little about this book before and now I'm so excited to pick it up and start learning from all these great minds. We are lucky to be believing and to (hopefully) be part of the solution

  • @GhostsOfThings
    @GhostsOfThings 5 років тому +1

    I watched a video a while ago about rich people building bunkers in New Zealand and it made me so angry I wanted to scream.
    I feel like this whole thing on an emotional level is a see-saw of ups and downs, and constantly fighting to not give up. Continuing to work hard to reduce my waste, even after hearing about the tonnes of junk left behind at music festivals (tents?!?!). Committing to not buying things I don't need, even after watching a tedtalk about online shopping talking about how there are people now buying 25 pairs of shoes a year. Doing my best to eat plant-based and low-impact, even after seeing the sheer amount of meat many people eat, and the overwhelming amount of food waste.
    Spreading the word and donating when I can, since I cannot usually handle a large, loud group of people, even though so far my government has done the opposite of listen to us. Currently in my province the thing we are fighting is pipelines, and very currently it is standing in solidarity with Wet'suwet'en and their Land Defender Camps, and yet all the government is doing is blocking press and sending in the RCMP.
    But we all have to keep doing the best we each can right? Because the alternative is just giving up.

  • @Rhiun
    @Rhiun 4 роки тому +3

    I just bought the book - can't wait to read it!
    The way you talk about the book makes me think it should be a mandatory for everyone! Not just in schools, but for adults as well.

  • @MiloStewart
    @MiloStewart 5 років тому +1

    I love getting your synopses of these chapters since I probably wouldn't prioritize reading this book on my own (I'm a student and am already overwhelmed in readings about protest movements)! I wonder if there's a significant difference between US organizing strategies and those used in the UK. Movements that stop traffic anywhere organizers intentionally get arrested are very common in the US, and I'd argue that getting arrested and doing things to interrupt daily life is necessary to the success of strategic nonviolence. Both are ways to withdraw your consent from a system that you want to change. Also very interesting to hear what the Extinction rebellion wrote about engage the police. In many cases, movements have succeeded because they convinced the police or military to withdraw their support for a government. We can make it impossible for systems to function if we withdraw our support!

    • @claspring
      @claspring 5 років тому

      I'm definitely unconvinced by the approach towards policing, especially given the ramping up of repressive tactics since election. Another interesting element to this is the role of mainstream politics- while Corbyn's defeat in UK election represents the loss of some impressive thinking and policy planning around our GND, it feels that Bernie and US alternative media is better organised and perhaps has a better opportunity for change at that level. I often look to US movements for change that have combined creating alternatives with strategies for political change, such as Black Panther Party....connecting and mobilising....

  • @erintennant7690
    @erintennant7690 5 років тому

    This video hit me like a tonne of bricks! Your thought process seems to mirror mine in some way and watching you digest all the information and pass it on was really helpful. Thank you!!!

  • @locketgirl8500
    @locketgirl8500 5 років тому +8

    I'm studying Social Anthropology at uni (as an elective) and a series of lectures we had was about how anthropology matters in the age of the Anthropocene. It started off by presenting the idea that we need anthropologists to live amongst indigenous peoples to bear witness and give them a voice. However as the course progressed actually coming to realise that it's not enough for anthropologists to passively present the ideas of the people they are living with, but instead to stand in solidarity with them on issues of climate change that are affecting their communities like Pipelines and fracking etc. Seeing our environment as a living thing is something necessary in an age where we often view humans as having a right to own and use the land.

    • @claspring
      @claspring 5 років тому

      You might find Rosie Bold's work useful on ways that indigenous folk understand/experience/express climate change: www.ucl.ac.uk/anthropology/people/research-staff/rosalyn-bold

    • @AimingforEnigmatic
      @AimingforEnigmatic 5 років тому +1

      I also see value in "studying up". I can't explain it as well as I'd like right now but you can look it up :) The term comes from Laura Nader who suggested that anthropologist should also study e.g. corporations, the government and police... those in power and not just the oppressed

  • @fearghadecleirnichiannaigh3345
    @fearghadecleirnichiannaigh3345 5 років тому +38

    This video is brilliant and I’m going to go buy this book

  • @starlitreader
    @starlitreader 5 років тому +2

    one thing i am still working on that i would love a discussion of is how to talk to people about the urgency of climate action in a way that.. doesn’t put them off or bore them or annoy them heh. i’ve found that i can be pretty emotional and forceful when i bring up the topic and i’ve worked on not doing that but i still feel a bit like the conversation is out of place at times, or i don’t know how to make it effective enough to actually get my friends invested in climate action. also then there’s the issue of being a young person and how it often makes me too nervous to speak about this to adults in my life (other than my parents really). so yah, climate conversations would be nice to cover!!

    • @claspring
      @claspring 5 років тому +1

      Yep, definitely feeling the challenges of having non-judgemental conversations. I have friends who are like 'what the hell are you doing washing up under hot running water' to new housemates- and maybe sometimes scare tactics work, but a dogmatic/confrontational reaction can also just put people off (off you, off challenging their thinking/behaviour). Just moved to Alberta in Canada, a city where (tar sandy) Oil Is King- and oil money is everywhere including non-profit funding etc; and the government is funding propaganda videos to 'correct public ignorance about oil/gas'. SOOOO, whole new realms of conversational challenge- this video made me miss the UK!

    • @starlitreader
      @starlitreader 5 років тому +1

      Charlotte Spring i can imagine how frustrating that must be! i’m from australia, and the bushfire crisis has been an opening point of discussion for climate change but other than that... yeah not a conversation people tend towards. i feel you with the government propaganda - aus government is really a piece of work, but i think a lot of people are seeing through their lies/misinformation

  • @laurahussey8678
    @laurahussey8678 4 роки тому

    Just discovered this series and SO refreshing to see you going through similar thought processes as I have done! And the frustration!

  • @Autumn1988
    @Autumn1988 5 років тому +14

    I would love to get involved with activism and protesting but I can’t get arrested as I need a CRB for work and volunteering.
    I also have a mental health condition and get very overwhelmed and anxious in crowded spaces . I wish there was a scope for sideline protesting without shaming

    • @shangoshango2471
      @shangoshango2471 5 років тому +2

      Maybe meet up (online) with activists and just ask what you can do to support them without participating in a protest! Maybe make a few signs, snacks or write for them.

    • @bobsrussi598
      @bobsrussi598 5 років тому +5

      My experiences with XR have been very accomodating for mental health. They have a whole team of wellbeing staff whose job it is toake sure people are ok. I turned up having said I'd road block, but when I got overwhelmed and backed out I was only met with compassion and understanding. People like to tell a lot of tall stories about how exclusive XR is but id encourage you not to listen!

    • @lolsous
      @lolsous 5 років тому

      There are other ways of acting for change, you have to find your way. One way might be to reduce your climate impact and encouraging the people close to you, to do the same. Perhaps you can also be a positive influence in your workplace

    • @trafficcone94
      @trafficcone94 5 років тому +6

      I'm part of XR, and I promise the vast majority of activists (including myself) are in the same boat as you and do not want to get arrested for a whole variety of reasons, from careers to mental health etc. We also appreciate that protests themselves can be overwhelming and loud and that doesn't suit everyone. But every part of everyone is needed and valued, and there are always things that need doing behind the scenes, from admin work that's done from home, to painting a banner, to being a wellbeing rep that hands out biscuits and makes sure nobody is getting too cold. Anything you'd want to bring is appreciated, so maybe try contacting your local XR group or any other activist group you're interested in and see what they're up to - we'd love to have you!

  • @thebugbear
    @thebugbear 5 років тому +1

    I would love for someone to educate me on this but when Leena talked about indigenous people re-educating us on how to live with nature, it reminded me of learning that human arrival into an ecosystem has historically always greatly disrupted that ecosystem and led to multiple extinctions. I know that wouldn't be close to the scale on which we're disrupting the environment now but I do think "old nations living in harmony with nature" can be a stereotype and maybe we need to acknowledge that the standard way for humans to live is to disrupt nature and so we also need to examine why that is.

  • @Mimi-xi1bm
    @Mimi-xi1bm 5 років тому +2

    I genuinely think the climate crises has contributed to my bouts of mental health issues since I was a young teen. I have grown up knowing how bad the future is going to be and how people are doing fuck all to actually change that. Recycling doesn’t work when plastics shouldn’t existing on the scare they do.
    I’ve never really been able to imagine myself being older than 30, which is scary because I’m going to hot that at the end of the 2020s. And it turns out I was right because this decade is looking to be the one of the most crucial change and I just hope it changes in the right direction.

  • @EndlesslyDestructive
    @EndlesslyDestructive 5 років тому +15

    I’d be interested what you think about the online tools to measure your impact. I have tried these, but they seem to assume I live in a large city with more options available. It doesn’t ask why I don’t use trains, just assumes it is a choice, when in reality I and many people in the world live in places with no train systems, and instead I just feel judged for this. Because I live on an island, we don’t have a large transport system you need to have a car here, to travel to another state I have to catch a plane or ferry, eating vegan means getting vegan alternatives shipped in, instead of eating meat or eggs from a farm near me. How do you take the information to make the choices best for the environment you live in?

    • @Hollowtrees1
      @Hollowtrees1 5 років тому +1

      This is such a good question. I live in a rural(ish) area, and public transportation is not a viable option for me. I don’t have any shops to walk to either so a car is not a optional tool, but necessary. You make a great point about vegan eating vs opting for more local options on a whole. This is all stuff I think about as well.

    • @teenager240
      @teenager240 5 років тому +1

      I also think about the vegan vs local food dilemma, adding also the question of organic, which might come from far away. Right now, I try to eat as many seasonal foods, focus on vegetables, fruits and lentils, I don´t eat meat or drink milk, sometimes I eat local cheese, butter and yoghurt. Every time I buy a soy yoghurt (usually alpro) I think about whether this soy is trully better option (esp. considering I can buy a large local one in glass for the price of two soy ones in plastic which are probably imported). On the other hand, when I return the glass from the yoghurt as a true zero waste supporter, they need to wash it and drive it back, which means more usage of water and releasing gases. But the plastic, if recycled, also requires energy for that - yet recycling plastic is much easier and requires much less energy than recycling glass. This is a reason why some shops keep the plastic bags as a basic option because it is much easier to recycle plastic than paper (which becomes unusable after some point) and requires less water. So, what should I do? I do a combination, I try to reuse everything, regardless whether it´s made of paper, glass or plastic. And I don´t make myself feel bad anymore if I do get something in plastic (esp. if it is vegan or local).
      And considering cars, when i was younger, I thought I would never have a car. Why if it is simply a polluting machine and deteriorates in value right after one drives out of the shop. But now, after finshing my studies as a social worker I find out that many jobs in my field require me to have a driver´s licence. Oh, well, nothing is perfect.

    • @Hollowtrees1
      @Hollowtrees1 5 років тому

      Ola Krajewska indeed! Nothing is perfect. When I was younger I thought for certain that I’d never have a car. I thought I could rely on public transportation even though it’s horrible in the area I live in. But now I live more rurally, and I’m a caregiver for my disabled mother. I also have chronic illnesses myself. Living without a car is not an option.
      Eating seasonally is difficult bc I feel like winter lasts eight months here (it doesn’t truly, but our growing season is super short). We do have a big dairy cooperative here, and I try to buy local dairy as much as possible. I know that dairy is a problematic industry, but I’m curious how it compares to alternatives when it comes to waste and resource usage (for exactly almond growing takes a TON of water). There’s no perfect answer and there’s a lot of privilege that influences what is considered the “right” actions.

    • @teenager240
      @teenager240 5 років тому +1

      @@Hollowtrees1 Yeah, I mean the whole dilemma around plant milks alone! Almond needs a ton of water and makes bees more prone to diseases because of monocultures (oversimplifying of course), soy is just as problematic with monocultures and possibly unhealthy because of the estrogen-like compounds (again, writing from my own head, probably more complicated than that), in my area - possibly walnut milk a local option (not available because everyone loves almonds, I could try making my own - but walnuts are also not cheap exactly unless you have the tree for yourself), oat milk possibly the best but it usually feels a bit too thin for me. Another dilemma - make my own or buy? Buying expensive (plus all the questions around packaging), homemade gets bad quickly (I usually dont use it in time, I travel quite often, which demotivates me).

    • @Hollowtrees1
      @Hollowtrees1 5 років тому

      @@teenager240 it's definitely not a simple issue. I didn't know that about almonds! I used to drink it but unfortunately realized that it was causing a lot of my stomach grief. All nuts with the exception of peanuts are pretty expensive where I live, and oat milk always makes me feel super nauseous (I also have concerns about oats in general bc of the contamination from pesticides in cereal crops). There's no simple solution for all and each option certainly feels incredibly complex.

  • @mallee6436
    @mallee6436 5 років тому +3

    love, love, LOVE this review! Thank you Leana, this is such a great resource.

    • @leenanorms
      @leenanorms  5 років тому

      Yey glad it was helpful x

  • @spiddy9046
    @spiddy9046 2 роки тому

    I am currently reading this because of a sociology assignment I'm doing, thank you

  • @beccitatefitzjohn7804
    @beccitatefitzjohn7804 5 років тому

    Thank you for making this video! I am sending it to my parents who were picking at the XR Cambridge group. They aren't perfect, but nor is anyone else, and you have made that clear, digestible and actionable in this video

  • @beatrizramos5849
    @beatrizramos5849 5 років тому

    This is an amazing series! So informative and refreshing. Just joined the gumption club :) Thank you for doing what you do!!

  • @janemary2365
    @janemary2365 2 роки тому

    I am dyslexic and would find this difficult to read, Thank you for opening up in an easy to understand way extinction rebellion and climate change. I am grateful.

  • @LienVNDL
    @LienVNDL 5 років тому

    Oof this scared me a bit. I bought the book recently because you mentioned it, and now I really need to read it soon. Great video.

  • @jenniferchristian8115
    @jenniferchristian8115 5 років тому +1

    This is really interesting! I’ll be honest I don’t agree with a lot of ER, however this video made me understand them more and question lots of new points around solving this climate change. xx

  • @e.brewin9038
    @e.brewin9038 4 роки тому

    I'm loving this series and will definitely get this book! I also like The Ends of the World by Peter Brannon and The Ministry for the future by Kim Stanley Robinson. But I really came in here to let you know that in 1992 hardly anyone had email! Lol, if it wasn't in the paper or other press, we didn't know it. It's crazy how different it is now. Keep up the brilliant work!

    • @e.brewin9038
      @e.brewin9038 4 роки тому

      Another super helpful resource for processing the emotion in a way that keeps you moving forward is The Work That Reconnects by Joanna Macy. She's written a bunch of books that are good, especially Coming Back to Life, but best of all is a workshop. Transformational!

  • @isabelcarstensen1109
    @isabelcarstensen1109 5 років тому +2

    No one manages to sharpen my awareness of this issue and to make me want to take action as much as you do :)

  • @ShroomAndMoss
    @ShroomAndMoss 5 років тому

    We are not alone in this 💚 Thanks
    Real people are actually worried by this too (sometimes I feel like I'm the only one "who knows"and when I joined marches then I realise "oh. All these people do know as well."

  • @jwinkies3011
    @jwinkies3011 5 років тому

    This positive panic series is really helpful, keep it up! xxx

  • @zoewich6564
    @zoewich6564 3 роки тому

    just watched don’t look up and it got me back to my climate anxiety so turned to leena ofc but this video is lowkey stressing me out

  • @naomilb_95
    @naomilb_95 5 років тому

    Thank you for reading this for us 🙏🏻 this is an amazing way for people who wouldn’t read it to learn!

  • @thefrancophilereader8943
    @thefrancophilereader8943 5 років тому +9

    The problem I have with protest that blocks traffic is that those who who are effected the most are those who cannot afford to miss a day of work ie. the poor. I'm not a fan of that tactic.

    • @Kristina-fl4dn
      @Kristina-fl4dn 5 років тому +1

      Maybe the problem aren't the people who block the road but the fact that it is apparently cheaper to use a car instead of public transport or a bike where you live. I don't mean this to attack you. I know how it feels to live with little money.

    • @claspring
      @claspring 5 років тому

      The class (and race) dynamics of the XR movement, as Lena touched on, are perhaps the bit I'm most excited to see get reflected and acted upon. The case of the underground train stoppage during XR protest in October was ill thought-through, and definitely didn't help win over working people- you also have to demonstrate alternatives and I think that's what Green New Deal stuff is trying to think through...

    • @18becbec
      @18becbec 5 років тому

      @@Kristina-fl4dn Having lived in London for a long time, buses are a huge part of the public transit system - so very, very affected by blocking traffic! Also they're cheaper than the underground and trains, so even more likely to be the way poorer people are getting around the city. I know that's not the same in every city but just an example :)

  • @HelenBettyAnn
    @HelenBettyAnn 5 років тому

    Thanks for making this video, I have difficulty knowing what information to trust as people seem to catastrophise about global topics and it can be confusing and counterproductive for future activism when what they forecast doesn’t happen. Honestly I don’t know what to trust or where to start to find out what realistically is going on. I don’t know if I trust the book but I want to learn more. A lot of stories in mainstream media and on social media are blown out of proportion so I try and avoid it but I want to find out more a different way. I don’t know if we can trust everything the book says is going to happen, how can we cross reference it?

  • @nunyabusiness3738
    @nunyabusiness3738 4 роки тому

    My teacher straight up told us if we went on strike she'd get us kicked out. She also said that the climate was fine and hadn't changed since she was a kid. Oh and also that the uk was the country doing the lease damage. Doing the least damage is still damage.

  • @bloublabligloblu
    @bloublabligloblu 5 років тому

    I thought I wouldn't have to buy the book if I watched your video, now look at me... I just bought it, and I'm planning to study it and write down stuff like a NERD because it seems very much worth it! So outraged.

  • @amityfranks5862
    @amityfranks5862 4 роки тому

    this sounds corny but I'd like to send some love to you Leena :) You've inspired me to buy and read the book and do some good old learning about this important stuff.

  • @joshuageraldbutler8037
    @joshuageraldbutler8037 3 роки тому

    This is a year and a bit later, but I'd highly recommend reading Ministry for the future!

  • @emeraldchan7770
    @emeraldchan7770 4 роки тому

    Number 11 is so emotional. I’m crying rn 😭

  • @mia.jade.
    @mia.jade. 5 років тому

    relevant to the final note about the holocaust and belief: I saw the currently-UK-touring production of Cabaret last night; can't recommend enough for: thinking about things which are too big to compute; those who choose to stay vs leave vs fight.

  • @ashrichfield7135
    @ashrichfield7135 Рік тому

    the cycle of people being arrested at protests, being bailed out of jail, and then returning to protest does not actually change anything. people have been doing that in the us for years and it has changed nothing.

  • @xixeoxeno
    @xixeoxeno 5 років тому

    I’m going to buy this book. Thanks for your work.

  • @remedywithin
    @remedywithin 5 років тому

    Thank You! Love everything you put out... Wishing you the best. 😎

  • @elizabethb.3932
    @elizabethb.3932 3 роки тому

    Great video!

  • @kokoerdmann4416
    @kokoerdmann4416 4 роки тому

    Could you make a video about organisations that are using our money in a good way, where we can donate? because I really want to, but I dont know, where to donate

  • @tttooooni
    @tttooooni 5 років тому

    TBH that list of "terrorist organizations" was stupid and done irresponsibly. Ukraine's national coat of arms (the trident) got listed as a hate symbol alongside the swastika and other WP symbolism. It honestly feels like they got an intern to google "football hooligan tattoos" and put every symbol they found into that document.
    Anyway - great video as always, Leena! :) Thank you!

  • @LakminiW
    @LakminiW 5 років тому

    Hi Leena you may want to try losing earth which is quite short and more about the people in the climate change policy process in the 80s. I really enjoyed it and I’m a climate change novice I would say.

  • @ashrichfield7135
    @ashrichfield7135 Рік тому

    actually the research i have encountered suggests that nonviolent and violent protests are both needed to create lasting change. the violent protests (which include property damage and corporate sabotage, as well as other strategies that are more disruptive to capitalists but dont hurt innocents) generally have less public support than nonviolent protests, but they push more people to support the nonviolent movements, and drive more response from oppressors. it is naive and unrealistic to suggest that you can just ask capitalists nicely to stop polluting the earth, they will only care if their revenue is disrupted. also frankly, if its not disruptive to the people your protesting against, its not a protest, its just a gathering. the goal of direct action is to instigate change, which isnt going to come from people shouting in a park, cooperating with police, and going home.

  • @MaximumDull
    @MaximumDull 5 років тому

    Not sure if anyone has recommended this already, but perhaps you could reach out to UA-camr Holly Exley. She is an illustrator and member of Extinction Rebellion.

  • @1973InternationalKid
    @1973InternationalKid 5 років тому

    Thank you so much for talking about this book! 🙌 For anyone in the US, I'm reading "This Changes Everything" by Naomi Klein right now, and it is really giving me a foundation for how capitalism has manipulated our politics away from climate action; a solid read in this election year!

  • @niki3722
    @niki3722 5 років тому

    Why does this not have more views

  • @cestmoiiix
    @cestmoiiix 5 років тому

    What a great, informative video!

  • @d.rabbitwhite
    @d.rabbitwhite 5 років тому

    Activists being labeled as terrorists everywhere is a serious problem. This is an area to be addressed through public pressure on legislators. We need more law students studying animal rights law and environmental law. They aren't money makers. I also suggest looking at history of first unions in states, particularly in PNW. It ultimately broke down but studying why it broke down along with the numerous ways it was working is very enlightening.
    I think this critique is a good companion for this movement/book. from the article: "This piece is not an attack on XR. It is a call to do better based on critical engagement with the scientific data that XR’s strategists describe as the foundation for the movement’s approach, along with some of their public statements. It closes with four key, constructive recommendations. We cover a lot of ground, and some arguments are repeated in different ways. So if you want to get to grips with the social science on why XR strategy needs a serious upgrade, maybe grab a drink, sit down, and take out some time to digest this."

  • @ella5452
    @ella5452 4 роки тому

    I know this is beside the point , but that red chair is fire💕i want it 😊

  • @ellzyauthor
    @ellzyauthor 5 років тому

    It was not a good idea to watch this while winding down for the night. I do, however, have to read this book now.

  • @issyeynon627
    @issyeynon627 5 років тому

    This is so interesting, Leena! I am definitely going to pick up a copy. Have you read the Greta Thumberg book? Also I struggle to strike a balance ce between caring about XR and making conscious life style choices and prioritising my health enough in order to do my bit for the planet. Any tips?

  • @moonymilquetoast
    @moonymilquetoast 5 років тому

    thank you so much for this!

  • @clarabru7743
    @clarabru7743 4 роки тому

    I am not from the UK so i am shocked hearing that people who go on a protest are running the risk of getting arrested. I was not aware that this really happens in the UK. I mean, do you think someone might be arrested only for protesting (without using violence against others/things)?!

    • @daisieamelia
      @daisieamelia 4 роки тому +1

      It's rare in peaceful protests, especially ones which are organised as police and ambulances are often invited to help protect both the public and the protesters during the event.

    • @MathildaSvS
      @MathildaSvS 3 роки тому

      I know this comment is a year old but these are people who are actually trying to get arrested. How do they do that without being violent? Well, by using civil disobedience. This can be things like blocking a road, protesting somewhere you're not allowed to protest, picketing, sit-ins etc.

  • @archerbradshaw8057
    @archerbradshaw8057 5 років тому

    Was watching this instead of studying for my politics exam yesterday,,,, but then an essay came up I could use loads of data from this in 🤙🤙🤙

  • @BookNomming
    @BookNomming 5 років тому +1

    Have you heard of the UN climate change teacher qualification anyone can do?

  • @Bella-kr7bl
    @Bella-kr7bl 5 років тому

    love the video, just bought the book

  • @jessdenney8135
    @jessdenney8135 5 років тому +2

    Speaking of the podcast what up with the gumption club?!? Eh?

  • @danecobain
    @danecobain 5 років тому

    It's weird, I read this book last week!

  • @efoy_ivyhund6172
    @efoy_ivyhund6172 5 років тому

    Going to be a bit morbid now, if we don't survive this guys I'll have you know that that id wish id met you.
    Time to use my anxiety for good now I guess.

  • @GillianRice
    @GillianRice 4 роки тому

    Do you have a goodreads account?

  • @caitlinquinn79
    @caitlinquinn79 5 років тому

    I'm not sure if you follow Red Pepper magazine, but their review of the book and suggestions of other sources I find nuanced and helpful :)

    • @caitlinquinn79
      @caitlinquinn79 5 років тому

      This one is an open letter to ER from other climate activist groups and it suggests ideas of how to do things inclusively

  • @leetlliesl7120
    @leetlliesl7120 3 роки тому

    The status quo is not enough. Not. Enough.

  • @LoremIpsum1970
    @LoremIpsum1970 5 років тому

    If it makes you feel better about yourself, go for it! Will it make a difference, maybe. You can't fight self-interest, unfortunately. Did CND help towards nuclear disarmament? Probably not. After being told we could have only 4 minutes left at anytime during the 70-80s as a child ... anxiety ... nothing new there. Nice you pointed out the 85% btw.

  • @annainthefield
    @annainthefield 5 років тому

    Thank you thank you thank you!

  • @isabbygabbyorcrabby
    @isabbygabbyorcrabby 5 років тому +2

    Vulnerable children....you know the ones who can't leave this planet that we are slowly making less and less habitable 😂

  • @user-em3vg6ui4g
    @user-em3vg6ui4g 5 років тому

    This was amazing video. Scary but amazing

  • @wannadance783
    @wannadance783 5 років тому

    i’m Confused. If someone say is anti same gender marriage, they are said to be inciting violence even if they explicitly state they are pacifist and that they don’t support any physical abuse, but the argument is that they are, so does that argument not mean we can claim the group mentioned in the video are inciting it? And instead of throwing slurs, what is the difference in the two arguments used?

    • @wannadance783
      @wannadance783 5 років тому

      And I do not support any bullying, hate or cruelty on any minority. I am aware of the suicides, and what not. I am making the point however that the argument must apply or not. Also, there are People feeling suicidal due to being called slurs based on having views that are again totally non violent ugh as disagreeing with a law on marriage. I will probably be called a slur or alt right, but I don’t believe in countries, pro tax, pro immigration, so I dunno. Doesn’t seem alt right

    • @wannadance783
      @wannadance783 5 років тому

      Conservatives don’t agree with Me

    • @wannadance783
      @wannadance783 5 років тому

      And if You are in a same gender marriage again I am not trying to bully You, You DO matter, If I knew You I would be Your friend and listen to anything You had to say and be there, but I think that it is important that People are allowed to have an opinion on what is right and wrong if they don’t wilfully harm someone.

  • @JamieFaulkner7170
    @JamieFaulkner7170 5 років тому

    8 Minutes in I bought a copy

  • @kaimaikuldkepp3982
    @kaimaikuldkepp3982 5 років тому +2


  • @nojerama788
    @nojerama788 5 років тому +4

    I swear I listened to the rest of the video, but I am also a Hufflepuff with Ravenclaw undertones and I'm just happy to find someone like me 😂

    • @leenanorms
      @leenanorms  5 років тому +1

      Hahah I’m glad there’s more of us 💜

    • @annielawrence2067
      @annielawrence2067 5 років тому +1

      Me too 😂 on side note, I have this book but haven't picked it up yet but that's definitely changing as of tomorrow!

  • @gianlucaesposito676
    @gianlucaesposito676 3 роки тому


  • @emilys2126
    @emilys2126 5 років тому +1

    RE: The Guardian I can't financially support them until they sort out their rampant transphobia

    • @SamWest96
      @SamWest96 5 років тому

      Are they? I'll admit I don't read it frequently but could you give a few examples of this?

  • @kittynekocat
    @kittynekocat 5 років тому

    I love Japan but I find the environmental issues really disheartening living here in Japan because of the plastic and meat consumption here

  • @CraigSimmonds
    @CraigSimmonds 5 років тому +16


  • @rosalienmander9357
    @rosalienmander9357 5 років тому


  • @elizabethsacktor2818
    @elizabethsacktor2818 5 років тому

    It’s a great and quick read but Greta Thunberg’s book is fantastic. It’s filled with greats facts but it’s also super inspiring and hopeful!

  • @Plantlady70
    @Plantlady70 4 роки тому

    I love you.

  • @nancyvalenzuela5345
    @nancyvalenzuela5345 5 років тому

    Leena please like email me your notes. I would love to see them. Keep doing this!!!!

  • @fraz6354
    @fraz6354 5 років тому +4

    You remind me of Daisy Ridley

  • @lorethehobbit
    @lorethehobbit 5 років тому

    Ah yes, because vulnerable children are not at risk from northward spread of climate influenced disease, sea level rise and the increase of extreme weather events 🙄 As well as water shortages, food security issues and mass migration due to inhospitable climate conditions causing political instability. Business as usual, nothing to see here :/