SICK OBSESSION PORTION: criminally obsessive + overwhelmingly me$$ed up for you (yandere NSFW)

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Hiii :3 lovelies
    hello my happy tingles army 🫶🏻
    this is really REALLY powerful 😭👏🏻 I'm not even kidding. this will psychologically me$$ them up, it can be t0xic, if you overuse. i have layered I don't even remember how many times. PLEASE use cautiously 😭🙏🏻‼️ this can be used on any gender (that's why I used 'they') and please be careful while using it, I'm not kidding. SO PLEASE PLEASE use with your caution 🩷 so yeah mwah 💋 enjoy🫶🏻LOVE YOU ALL 🫂❤
    for more read pinned comments 💗🌸
    ‼️DONT STEAL‼‼️
    about me 💞
    pronouns : she/her
    nationality: Indian
    age: 18
    my subliminals contain positive affirmations only,and include no God/universe affs, however some may contain binaural frequencies but if so,it'll be mentioned either in the title or description. i do not use witch craft in my subliminals.
    All subliminals are made and produced by me, this is purely original content. All subliminals contain affirmations under the audible sound, meaning the audio is 100% my own, edited by me. Every single video posted on this channel is written, produced, edited and created by me.
    donate me on this paypal account:
    (I do not own pictures, videos and music used in this sub. i edited the audio and video ;)
    made with love, anaetopia 💗 🦋


  • @Anaetopiasubliminals
    @Anaetopiasubliminals  Місяць тому +418

    Calm version:
    Yep took a while 😭🎀but here I am as promised, use this with caution this is REALLY POWERFUL
    bennies: They can't stop thinking about me, their obsession growing stronger every day, consuming their every thought and action. They genuinely care about my well-being, always going the extra mile to ensure that I am safe, healthy, and happy in every aspect of my life.Their affection for me is profound and sincere, reflected in their constant support and attentiveness to my needs and feelings. They are deeply invested in my happiness, taking the time to understand what brings me joy and making every effort to create a positive and loving environment for me.Their care for me is unconditional, showing in their willingness to listen, comfort, and be there for me no matter what challenges I face.
    They are dedicated to ensuring my comfort and security, their actions driven by a genuine desire to make sure I feel cherished and valued at all times.Their love manifests in thoughtful gestures and meaningful conversations, their commitment to our relationship evident in their constant effort to make me feel special. They take pride in supporting my goals and dreams, their genuine care driving them to be a steadfast partner who encourages and uplifts me. Their concern for my well-being is sincere, reflected in their careful attention to my needs and their readiness to offer help and reassurance whenever I need it.
    They show their care through consistent actions that prioritize my happiness, making sure that their love is expressed in ways that truly make a difference in my life. Their genuine affection is evident in their patience and understanding, always taking the time to address my concerns and make me feel heard and appreciated. They feel an intense need to protect and possess me, willing to do anything to keep me safe and close.
    They think about me constantly, their mind always revolving around the thought of being with me and making sure no one else can have me. Their devotion to me is unwavering, they would do anything to ensure my happiness and well-being, including protecting me from any threat. They are obsessed with every detail of my life, from my likes and dislikes to my daily routines, their need to know everything about me being their highest priority.
    They are always thinking about ways to surprise me and show their love, constantly planning little gestures to remind me how much I mean to them. Their possessiveness extends to every aspect of our relationship, they can't bear the thought of me being with anyone else and strive to keep me all to themselves. They cherish every moment spent with me, their happiness being directly tied to my presence and every interaction we share. They are intensely protective of me, their jealousy making them go to great lengths to ensure I am safe and secure from any potential harm.
    Their love for me is so profound that they are willing to go to extreme measures to keep me close, making sure that no one else can come between us. They are always eager to hear about my day, their concern for my well-being making them attentive and caring towards every detail of my life. They have an unbreakable desire to be with me, their commitment to our relationship driving them to be constantly present and supportive. They are willing to make sacrifices for my happiness, their dedication to ensuring I have everything I need reflecting their deep affection for me.
    Their obsession with me manifests in a constant need to be involved in my life, from knowing about my interests to being part of my daily activities. They are deeply invested in our relationship, their focus on maintaining our bond and ensuring we remain close driving their every action. Their feelings for me are so strong that they imagine our future together, their dreams and plans always centered around the idea of being with me forever. They find joy in doing things that make me happy, their love for me motivating them to go above and beyond to see me smile.
    *Check comments for more*

    • @Anaetopiasubliminals
      @Anaetopiasubliminals  Місяць тому +71

      They are driven mad by jealousy at the mere thought of anyone else being near me, their possessiveness knowing no bounds. Every breath they take is filled with thoughts of me, their heart racing with a mix of love and possessiveness. They crave to be with me every second of the day, their desire for my presence consuming their mind and soul.
      They feel an unbreakable bond with me, one that only grows deeper and more intense with each passing moment. The idea of losing me drives them to the brink of insanity, their fear of separation fueling their obsession.
      They love me with a fierce, unyielding passion that borders on madness, willing to do anything to keep me by their side. Their need to control and dominate me is overwhelming and undeniable, their desire to possess me absolute. Every time they see me, their heart races with a wild mix of love and possessiveness, their obsession growing stronger. They fantasize about me constantly, their wild thoughts driving them to the edge of sanity with a burning desire.
      They can't resist the urge to f#©k me, their hands itching to touch and feel every inch of my body no matter where or when. The sound of my voice makes them weak with lust, their need to hear me moan their name driving them crazy. They are obsessed with the taste of my skin and the smell of my scent, their desire for me overwhelming their senses. Their desire for me is so intense it borders on painful longing, their need to claim me as theirs consuming them. Every time we are alone, their mind races with all the things they want to do to me, their desire to dominate insatiable.
      They can't help but crave my body, needing to feel my skin against theirs, their passion and lust knowing no limits. The thought of anyone else touching me fills them with a burning rage and jealousy, their need to possess me absolute. Their desire to dominate me in bed is insatiable, their wild need to make me theirs driving them to the edge. They crave the taste of my lips, the feel of my body beneath theirs, their need to possess me overwhelming and undeniable. They are completely and utterly devoted to me, their eyes fixed solely on me. The very idea of being with anyone else makes them seethe with hatred.
      *Keep reading*

    • @Anaetopiasubliminals
      @Anaetopiasubliminals  Місяць тому +67

      I am constantly under their watchful eye, both online and in real life. Their obsession with me knows no bounds, driving them to monitor my every move. Day and night, they break into my space, driven by an uncontrollable need to take my personal belongings as keepsakes and leave their own items behind. Their protectiveness over me is insane, fueled by a fierce jealousy towards anyone I interact with, especially those of the gender I'm attracted to. Anyone who hurts or betrays me will face their wrath. They'll blackmail, manipulate, and exact revenge to ensure my safety and happiness.
      Their dark desires to monopolize me are overwhelming. They aim to make me theirs entirely, even if it means training me to love them the way they want. Skilled in violence, manipulation, and hacking, they will eliminate any obstacles in their way, ensuring that nothing and no one stands between us.
      My devices are constantly blown up with their messages, calls, and emails. Their need for interaction is relentless, as they desperately seek my attention. I receive soppy love letters and gifts from them regularly, each one a testament to their obsessive affection. They dote on me like royalty, spoiling me with care.
      Their craving for my attention is so intense that a lack of it drives them to frustration, causing them to act out in unexpected ways.
      They are fixated on claiming me as theirs, leaving love marks on my body to show their possession. Their desire for me is both intense and consuming.
      They will do anything to ensure my life is stable, from sending me money to taking me out of toxic environments. Their commitment to my well-being is absolute.Our relationship will be exactly as healthy or toxic as I desire. Regardless of the circumstances, they are confident in our bond and ready to take action. Their romantic and sexual feelings for me are deeply rooted and unbreakable. They will beg to be mine and for me to be theirs, eager to form an inseparable partnership.
      They will discard any current partners or potential suitors for me, caring only about our relationship. Their obsession with me is unhealthy but unwavering.
      Their possessiveness is dangerous, willing to hurt anyone who gets too close to me or flirts with me. They are fiercely territorial over me.
      They believe the world is full of threats and will do anything to protect and shelter me from harm. Their overprotectiveness is violent and extreme. Jealous of everyone in my life, they monitor my every interaction. Anyone who disrespects or threatens me will face their wrath. Their attachment to me is extreme, fueled by a terror of losing me. They will do anything to ensure I stay with them, their clinginess knowing no bounds.
      They wish to be so close to me that they fantasize about crawling inside my body. Their addiction to me is like a drug, one they want to overdose on. They devote themselves entirely to me, convinced we are destined to be together. They treasure me, seeing me as fragile, innocent, and utterly captivating. They put me on a pedestal, prioritizing me above all else. I am their deepest desire, their entire world revolving around me. Thinking about me constantly, they daydream and fantasize about our future together. Their need for me is as essential as air, their world incomplete without me.
      I captivate their attention entirely, and they are always available to me. They follow me on social media, message me constantly, and eagerly await my replies. They shower me with unique compliments, send heartfelt messages throughout the day, and write love letters that express their intense emotions. They check in on me regularly, asking about my day and flirting in ways that make me feel special and cherished. Ignoring everyone else, they focus solely on me. Their impatience for my replies leads to panic if I don't respond quickly, even showing up at my house if necessary.
      They want to know everything about me, creating digital and real-life shrines filled with items that remind them of me. Even if blocked, they'll make alternate accounts to keep watching me. Stalking me relentlessly, they break into my house, play with my hair while I sleep, and rock me when I'm restless. Their actions are driven by a belief that I'm too pure to be left alone. Spoiling me with everything I desire, they are financially stable and immune to overworking. They dote on me constantly, never leaving my side and dreaming of an eternal marriage.
      *Keep reading*

    • @Anaetopiasubliminals
      @Anaetopiasubliminals  Місяць тому +64

      They understand and listen to me, providing praise and reassurance even when I'm feeling down. Their care and comfort are unwavering, making me smile and laugh. Making decisions for me and implementing rules that they believe are best, they treat me in ways that align perfectly with my desires. Using affectionate nicknames, they exhibit traits and skills that make them fully compatible with me. They despise everyone else but never show any negativity towards me.
      Loneliness only exists when I'm away. They are healthy and immune to any dangers, ensuring they are always there to protect and support me. Arguments and fights are non-existent. Our relationship is free from conflict, filled only with their unwavering dedication and love. They crave my body with a desperation that borders on madness, unable to think of anything but f#©king me, their hands itching to explore every inch of my skin. Every time they see me, their desire to have me overwhelms them, their thoughts consumed by fantasies of bending me to their will and making me scream their name.
      They are obsessed with the taste of my lips, the feel of my skin, and the sound of my moans, driving them wild with lust every time we're together. Their need to mark me as theirs is insatiable, leaving bruises and love bites all over my body to show everyone I belong to them. They fantasize about tying me up and having their way with me, their control and dominance turning me into a quivering mess of desire. Their jealousy fuels their possessiveness, driving them to take me roughly and passionately to remind me who I belong to.
      They love the way I squirm and whimper under their touch, their obsession with my reactions making them crave more. They dream of hearing me beg for their touch, my desperate pleas only fueling their desire to tease and torment me until I'm at the edge of ecstasy. Their lust for me is so intense that they can't keep their hands off me, needing to feel my body against theirs every chance they get.
      They want to f#©k me so hard that I can't walk the next day, their obsession driving them to push my limits and leave me breathless and satisfied. They fantasize about taking me in every possible way, their mind racing with thoughts of all the ways they can make me moan and scream their name. Their desire to hear me cry out in pleasure is overwhelming, driving them to explore every part of my body with a relentless need to make me climax. They can't resist the urge to dominate me in bed, their control over me making them feel powerful and in control. Their obsession with my body leads them to worship every inch of me, their kisses and caresses driving me to the brink of insanity.
      They love the way I taste, their mouth exploring my most intimate places with a hunger that leaves me trembling with desire. They want to hear me scream their name as they take me, their possessiveness making them crave the sound of my pleasure. They can't get enough of the way I feel beneath them, their need to possess me driving them to f#©k me harder and deeper. Their desire to own me completely fuels their fantasies of making me theirs in every way possible, their lust knowing no bounds.
      They love to tease and torment me, their need to see me writhe and beg for their touch driving them to push me to my limits. They want to leave their mark on me, their possessiveness leading them to f#©k me with an intensity that leaves me breathless and satisfied. Their desire for me is so overpowering that they can't keep their hands off me, their need to possess me driving them to touch me at every opportunity.
      They fantasize about watching me sleep, their longing to be near me so great that they'll do anything to feel my warmth beside them. Their obsession drives them to imagine every detail of our intimate moments, their mind consumed with fantasies of claiming me in every possible way. They are addicted to my scent, craving to bury their face in my neck and breathe me in deeply, their need to be enveloped by me never fading.
      Their desire is so consuming that they dream of every moment spent with me as a personal, exclusive experience, their fantasies revolving around making me theirs in every sense. They are captivated by my every touch, their body reacting with uncontrollable need whenever I brush against them or caress them.They want to experience every part of me, their obsession making them crave the most intimate aspects of our connection, eager to explore and claim every inch of my body.
      Their fantasies revolve around making me beg for their touch, their need to dominate me and have me cry out in pleasure driving their every action. They become obsessed with every moan and sigh I make, their desire to hear me completely surrender to them fueling their relentless pursuit. Their jealousy and possessiveness manifest in a desire to control every aspect of our intimacy, making sure that no one else can ever touch or even think about me. They are driven by a need to make every intimate moment a declaration of their control, their fantasies filled with images of marking me as theirs forever.
      They crave the feeling of their body pressed tightly against mine, their obsession with our closeness making them long to be physically connected to me at all times. Their desire is so intense that they imagine every possible way to make me feel pleasure, their mind constantly inventing new ways to drive me wild. They dream of tying me down and taking me in every way possible, their fantasies about dominance and submission making them crave complete control over me.Their need to make me theirs is so strong that they imagine every intimate moment as a way to assert their ownership, their passion driving them to claim me repeatedly.

    • @drowningvibes6410
      @drowningvibes6410 Місяць тому +43


    • @idk-sr2lo
      @idk-sr2lo Місяць тому +17

      ​@@AnaetopiasubliminalsOH IM SO USING THIS

  • @anushka1144
    @anushka1144 28 днів тому +224

    "There's not a line in the world, that i wouldn't cross for you" - Joe Goldberg

  • @Persehoneyy
    @Persehoneyy Місяць тому +533

    GIRLLLL WHAT THE HELL DID YOU PUT IN THIS IT WORKED SO FASTT?? 😭😭 so storytime my bf wasn't really active today. He was busy and couldn't reply to my messages like he always did which kinda made me sad so I saw you posted this (the timing ✨) and I looped this and the non-yandere one like a couple of times and he bombarded my messages??! Like full blown texts of how much he loves me and that he was missing me so bad ?! 😭 It worked so fast honestly not surprised but I LOVE YOUUUUUU your subliminals are the BOMB 💣

    • @Anaetopiasubliminals
      @Anaetopiasubliminals  Місяць тому +18

      @@Persehoneyy OMG YES 😭💋

    • @Persehoneyy
      @Persehoneyy Місяць тому +7

      ​@@farooh20 Hmm I don't really believe in that stuff but thanks for the info, we are in a relationship for over 1.5 years so no worries lol

    • @rachellewis3272
      @rachellewis3272 24 дні тому +2

      No way babe! Love that

  • @ily5369
    @ily5369 Місяць тому +116

    Im blushing just by reading everyone’s feedback, thinking abt my non-existence love story 😛

  • @usernotfound19291
    @usernotfound19291 Місяць тому +130

    DUDEE this works i listend 4 times and he doulbe texted we were alr talking but he had attitude and seemed uninterested now hes spamming me and wante to hangout !!!

  • @farahsal3m
    @farahsal3m Місяць тому +208

    update: listened to this a few times like just an hour ago and he reposted a video saying “studying her TikTok reposts and everything about her to form myself into the perfect man for her” with the sound that goes like “im not a maybe, im the one” from the stalker show 😭 wallah im not lying this works like magic
    update again: OKAY I JUST READ THE BENEFITS AND IT MATCHES PERFECTLY “They are obsessed with every detail of my life, from my likes and dislikes to my daily routines, their need to know everything about me being their highest priority.” and many many more affirmations about stalking GIRL ILYSM

    • @Anaetopiasubliminals
      @Anaetopiasubliminals  Місяць тому +8


    • @farahsal3m
      @farahsal3m Місяць тому +5

      @@Anaetopiasubliminalsive been listening to this ever since it was uploaded and i swear I’ve gotten so much movement. tysm habibti i genuinely will listen everyday

    • @cuzimrare
      @cuzimrare Місяць тому

      I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Do you have any tips?

    • @magicwand728
      @magicwand728 14 днів тому

      ​@@Anaetopiasubliminals hey I have a paid request. Girl please drop your socials. Your insta id or anything.

  • @ruthmpande7500
    @ruthmpande7500 Місяць тому +128

    He texed after 8months of silence 🎉

  • @coffee_pigglet
    @coffee_pigglet Місяць тому +124

    I listened just once and my bf went from saying just ok whenever I told him I’m going somewhere to “where are you going??who are you going with???”
    This is crazy just 1 listen

    • @loveleekai
      @loveleekai 29 днів тому

      really ? did u do anything specific to make it work ?

    • @Roxyhottake
      @Roxyhottake 9 днів тому

      Oh is that why my bf ask me alot

  • @emmygolden6522
    @emmygolden6522 Місяць тому +87

    My boyfriend is usually like this but I guess let's make it 10x

  • @user-pf3mv7wl7e
    @user-pf3mv7wl7e Місяць тому +76

    Yes he is getting obsessed with me day by day omg I can't handle my happiness 😭 thanks for this amazing subliminal

  • @noticemesenpai5593
    @noticemesenpai5593 9 днів тому +14


    • @stumble_antonia
      @stumble_antonia День тому

      what results did u get

    • @noticemesenpai5593
      @noticemesenpai5593 День тому

      7 months ago me and the guy I was dating had a fight and he blocked me literally everywhere
      I listened to this video and the day after I noticed he had unblocked me from Instagram and watched my story
      It could be a coincidence but in case it's a weird coincidence
      And no, he hasn't text me yet

  • @srijanashrestha6366
    @srijanashrestha6366 Місяць тому +42

    My boy is already too damn obsessed but I need him to show more care about opinions 😭

  • @idk-sr2lo
    @idk-sr2lo Місяць тому +111

    ive been listening to your subs for i dont even know for how long and my bf just keep telling me how he wants to marry me 😭❤ and let me tell you HES SO OUT OF MY LEAGUE please keep going KWEEN

    • @LanPham-lf3xi
      @LanPham-lf3xi Місяць тому +3

      Can you link PLEASEE

    • @valentina-blossom
      @valentina-blossom Місяць тому +27

      No man is ever out of a woman's league tbh 😭

    • @Anaetopiasubliminals
      @Anaetopiasubliminals  Місяць тому +9


    • @idk-sr2lo
      @idk-sr2lo Місяць тому

      @@Anaetopiasubliminals ALL THANKS TO YOU 😭‼️

    • @idk-sr2lo
      @idk-sr2lo Місяць тому +2

      @@LanPham-lf3xi each and every sub honestly 😭‼️coz i use because of their song CHOICE 😂😭 the voice one, SEDUCTIVE one, the earlier series of NSFW series, and ofc beauty subs comes along the way

  • @shrekkkkkkkkk
    @shrekkkkkkkkk 23 дні тому +21


  • @BajateRaho_
    @BajateRaho_ 17 днів тому +71

    Listen girls......if you're obsessing over a person stop doing it..... literally stop!!!
    I've been mad over this person from this April I did everything and he just ignored me but I was sticking to my subliminals and just stopped thinking about him you know what I see him desperate now,his eyes searches me everywhere,he just can't withstand that I'm no more obsessed with him and there's lot more to come.... now I'm gonna enjoy this phase

  • @Niggaballs-w5p
    @Niggaballs-w5p Місяць тому +119

    He is terrified of losing a goddess like me, he is prioritising me now and giving me the full love and attention I deserve. Asé I'm so grateful
    he is incompelet without me
    he thinks anyone can get me so easily
    he wants me to stay in his life forever
    he never want to loose me
    he is always so touchy with me infront of everyone

  • @gunjanvyas9065
    @gunjanvyas9065 Місяць тому +39

    What the hell is in this audio mean? Heard it like 2 times and a person in no contact contacted me , i was wishing for it but ill thank this audio for that :) will keep listening and now im a loyal subscriber ❤

  • @nomnomnomnom-s2m
    @nomnomnomnom-s2m 25 днів тому +23

    I've been using this sub for like 4 days and omggg my bf is so clingy towards me like he's always like that but I'm just using this for fun
    he's texting all the time and so much more protective of me now
    and also takes me out on dates more often and rest are a little nsfw so I'd rather not share it but omg this works like MAGIC 😭😭😭

  • @thvvv1
    @thvvv1 Місяць тому +123

    he double texted 🥰

  • @GirassolViajante
    @GirassolViajante Місяць тому +55

    Omg!!! It really works, At the first listened to he invited me to stay for dinner with him, his father and out of my work time. I can't believe that, but he was working, so it was only dinner respectfully but we laughed a lot ❤❤

  • @drowningvibes6410
    @drowningvibes6410 Місяць тому +53


  • @jan-lr6sv
    @jan-lr6sv 28 днів тому +20

    currently blocked on everything after a bad breakup but i’ll update🤭
    - unblocked off of one platform!

    • @user-vp4ql3bh6d
      @user-vp4ql3bh6d 19 днів тому


    • @jan-lr6sv
      @jan-lr6sv 12 днів тому

      @user-vp4ql3bh6d he unblocked me off of tiktok two days ago

  • @verlieren__
    @verlieren__ 24 дні тому +17

    My boyfriend once said to me "There's no limit that i wouldn't cross for you" I literally folded

  • @ricekrispies1343
    @ricekrispies1343 Місяць тому +35

    Im calling it. He has me blocked but he will never block me again 💋 I am permanently unblocked and followed, his permanent obsession, he can’t go any days without thinking of me, he is submissive to all thoughts of me, he desires and wants me and cannot wait to come
    back to me. He isn’t stubborn, but wants to be with me.

  • @ek1288
    @ek1288 Місяць тому +57

    He keeps saying you’re just perfect to me, but today when he said“I like every cm of you 😍” I mean I already knew he likes me a lot, but after this omg I’m loving the attention. 🥰🥰

  • @chaos2232
    @chaos2232 10 днів тому +7


  • @Naked_toaster
    @Naked_toaster 25 днів тому +19


  • @Rose_ie.
    @Rose_ie. 20 днів тому +13

    It worked !!! Thank youuu❤❤❤

  • @itgirldoll
    @itgirldoll Місяць тому +44

    Please can you make a subliminal for long distance like to live with long distance partner, meet them more often, third party removal and evil eye remover (lucky, blessed, safe relationship)

    • @alexasalinas8676
      @alexasalinas8676 Місяць тому +4

      Pls yes I’m

    • @pupsie.s
      @pupsie.s Місяць тому +4


    • @xd-cj3vi
      @xd-cj3vi Місяць тому +3


    • @xd-cj3vi
      @xd-cj3vi Місяць тому +4

      Please if someone have this type ofdub send the link 😭

    • @itgirldoll
      @itgirldoll Місяць тому

      @@xd-cj3vi I just have links for third party removals

  • @drowningvibes6410
    @drowningvibes6410 Місяць тому +32


    • @Anaetopiasubliminals
      @Anaetopiasubliminals  Місяць тому +4

      @@drowningvibes6410 OMG THANKS 😭 IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU ALL STILL HAVEN'T GONE ANYWHERE 🥺💗 it warms my heart

  • @Ananyya.1111
    @Ananyya.1111 23 дні тому +27

    It's 9 months since we fought, he is enjoying his life with other girls, no one can ever love him like i did, i don't want him back, but i want him to understand wat he has lost.

    • @dexy7260
      @dexy7260 17 днів тому

      Forget him,who fuck his stupid ass,enjoy your life and God bless you🎉

    • @suhanashrestha8747
      @suhanashrestha8747 16 днів тому +3


  • @atikadenanlee914
    @atikadenanlee914 Місяць тому +13

    Putting this on loops. Fingers crossed.

  • @ft.someoneyk
    @ft.someoneyk Місяць тому +17

    gonna use this hehe ;) glad to see Indian submaker😭😭 proud of you bbg💕

  • @arushichauhan7646
    @arushichauhan7646 21 день тому +11

    I'm oxygen to him❤❤

  • @devduttsharma4208
    @devduttsharma4208 Місяць тому +20


  • @drowningvibes6410
    @drowningvibes6410 Місяць тому +28


  • @idk-sr2lo
    @idk-sr2lo Місяць тому +24

    omfg the aesthetics 😭🥰 im wheezing my gurl

  • @user-fv2di6uf7v
    @user-fv2di6uf7v Місяць тому +19

    We want more of this toxic series 🤚🏻👄

  • @hashtagRajosree
    @hashtagRajosree Місяць тому +13

    Just clicked and worked for me.. thank you so much ❤

  • @ryuumorisann
    @ryuumorisann 11 днів тому +6

    Last week i used this sub 2x and that same night I dreamed about him saying that >> I am only his and that he doesn't want to share me with anyone

    • @ryuumorisann
      @ryuumorisann 5 днів тому

      we are closer and he is calling me cute nicknames and being attentive to me, Saturday I went out with my friends to an event and when I came back I saw that he had sent me a video, it was a song, and the phrases were something like "you will not run away from me because I will lock you in the basement" and "I want you close to me", and I laughed and said "aww, so romantic" damn, should I be worried? lol
      and he said he would love to be kidnapped by me, brooo what's happening to this man

  • @GirassolViajante
    @GirassolViajante 19 днів тому +5

    So powerfull! Omg
    His father said to him: " what are u waiting for to kissing her? He's running away from me. Lol.

  • @kittenti
    @kittenti Місяць тому +11

    This is working on random guys on a app 😭 this guy asked if it was crazy that he wanted to kiss me and keeps going on 😭😭

  • @pratikshakhadka
    @pratikshakhadka 27 днів тому +5

    he looks me at so much confidence and m living my life w so much low self esteem and underconfidence .

  • @User_16923
    @User_16923 Місяць тому +35

    OKAY GUYS so i looped it in afternoon and then after half an hour he texted me and asked me about something related to exams he didn't talk to me in few days but today he texted by himself....
    Then again i listened this and he replied on my status💗

  • @alishakanbe
    @alishakanbe Місяць тому +16

    omg he literally asked for my insta login this is crazy

  • @notyours7779
    @notyours7779 Місяць тому +21

    Please make a clam very, the benefits are breathtaking!!! 😭❤

    • @Anaetopiasubliminals
      @Anaetopiasubliminals  Місяць тому +4

      @@notyours7779 I'll try 😤💗

    • @heartcrystals
      @heartcrystals Місяць тому +3

      ​@@Anaetopiasubliminals yess pls a calm ver would be amazing

    • @heykeke428
      @heykeke428 Місяць тому +1

      Please make a calm version so I can loop it when I’m asleep 🤞🤞

    • @dizcodj
      @dizcodj 26 днів тому

      ​@@AnaetopiasubliminalsPretty please mommy🥺♥️

  • @User_16923
    @User_16923 18 днів тому +4

    Pleaseeeeee girl make a subliminal on the topic of "sp wants to hangout wd you" or "hangouts wd you all the time"🥺💗

  • @hetisaleesha
    @hetisaleesha Місяць тому +10

    aye, the song>>>

  • @yourstrulyroxanne
    @yourstrulyroxanne Місяць тому +19

    i’m obsessed w this

  • @EmmyHaile
    @EmmyHaile Місяць тому +10

    The music and The affirmation 🔥. Imagine the results as well mmmm Thank you so much dear ILY

  • @Saniii_44
    @Saniii_44 Місяць тому +18


  • @M..nmoonm..n
    @M..nmoonm..n Місяць тому +11

    This scratches my brain

  • @xd-cj3vi
    @xd-cj3vi Місяць тому +8

    You should do a sub about bf have a lot of money, glow up, he give you princess treatment and is very tall 🙏🏻

  • @Demi-i8l
    @Demi-i8l Місяць тому +9

    It shall be done the universe manifest it ❤

  • @cherubbum_melq
    @cherubbum_melq 28 днів тому +5

    make a calm version i love this !!

  • @shelsypenalo8958
    @shelsypenalo8958 25 днів тому +3


  • @firefly5292
    @firefly5292 Місяць тому +11

    Calm version plzzz❤️

  • @devduttsharma4208
    @devduttsharma4208 Місяць тому +15

    these aesthetics are eveything istg never seen so much efforts

  • @Tasu_1526
    @Tasu_1526 Місяць тому +17

    want him to obsessed with me

  • @Artemisdianaphoebe
    @Artemisdianaphoebe Місяць тому +8

    So the guy i dated since 4 months suddenly deleted me from instagram and whatsapp without saying anything.. I listened to this 3 times, hope it will help.. I mean.. at least I deserved a closure because this really hurts. I really liked him and I thought he felt the same.. I really dont know what happened

    • @SeaStarTea
      @SeaStarTea 23 дні тому

      I’m sorry you went through that babe...hope you get your closure.

  • @sapphirehill3957
    @sapphirehill3957 Місяць тому +18

    I will update for everyone! Remind me❤

  • @geovaninhateclados9063
    @geovaninhateclados9063 28 днів тому +6

    Ele voltou para mim!

  • @ori566
    @ori566 Місяць тому +7

    I claim this energy 111 1111

  • @ArminGarcia-se2fg
    @ArminGarcia-se2fg 29 днів тому +7

    Omg the Best

  • @dollcherry999
    @dollcherry999 Місяць тому +9


  • @theneelamsingh620
    @theneelamsingh620 Місяць тому +6

    Thank you universe 🙏

  • @nenedingle6100
    @nenedingle6100 8 годин тому

    Thank You Daddy Universe ❤

  • @Kirby-p4w
    @Kirby-p4w 25 днів тому +3

    Chicos esto de verdad funcionaaa, al día siguiente que lo escuché, en la noche mis papás se dieron cuenta por medio de las cámaras de afuera de mi casa que estuvo un señor observandome desde la ventana de mi cuarto y se quedó ahí por un buen rato

  • @khaoulabenzitouni437
    @khaoulabenzitouni437 Місяць тому +6

    I claim it now and every day

  • @theoalara
    @theoalara Місяць тому +3

    Been trying to manifest a yandere for 3 years 🥲 hope fully this works ahHh

  • @user-fv2di6uf7v
    @user-fv2di6uf7v Місяць тому +6

    I love this sub 🫦

  • @ohbiteme
    @ohbiteme Місяць тому +6

    Please make calm version istgggg

  • @namutebiolivia4983
    @namutebiolivia4983 Місяць тому +3

    I claim it with positive energy

  • @babyblue6852
    @babyblue6852 Місяць тому +6

    Girlypop dangggg subscribed❤

  • @MackyBill_483
    @MackyBill_483 Місяць тому +2


  • @siritus6
    @siritus6 18 днів тому +2

    this works ❤

  • @Sunshine___506
    @Sunshine___506 Місяць тому +3

    Calm version pleaseee i wanna fall asleep on it

  • @darlingofnight_nyxie
    @darlingofnight_nyxie Місяць тому +1


  • @sunnylove3127
    @sunnylove3127 5 днів тому

    I GOT A TEXT AFTER BEING FRIENDZONED!!!! I asked him two days ago “you were fr about me being your hg, right?’’ He didn’t respond for TWO days. Listened to this a couple of times along with two other subs and just got a text message saying “no” IM DANCING WITH JOYYYYY

  • @preetipreeti-fk9cm
    @preetipreeti-fk9cm Місяць тому +2

    I strongly claim❤ thank u universe❤

  • @ayeshtica
    @ayeshtica 3 дні тому +1

    This works ❤

  • @haunting33
    @haunting33 Місяць тому +2

    Awwwwww thankyou for making my life ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @magicandflaws221
    @magicandflaws221 9 днів тому

    The vibe is sooooo damn romantic ❤️‍🔥

  • @peacemoon-y5i
    @peacemoon-y5i 18 днів тому +1

    Im going to use this starting today! I'll update when anything happens

  • @SeaStarTea
    @SeaStarTea 23 дні тому +1

    Gonna use this on all my crushes 😎 I’ll try to update too!

  • @user-yu2lz6hs9v
    @user-yu2lz6hs9v Місяць тому +5

    Heyy girlll❤ plz make one for body odour plz

  • @eniryswood4857
    @eniryswood4857 Місяць тому +4

    I’m trying it on my ex, we’re still talking, I want him back and obsessed

  • @arushichauhan7646
    @arushichauhan7646 6 днів тому +1

    Sam cannot live a minute without me
    He is love sick obsessed with me he is yandere for me
    He spoils me everyday with gifts, vacations, luxuries
    His home is my another home
    His family loves me
    Sam loves me more than his family and friends
    I'm literally oxygen to him
    He is attached to me as if I have casted a spell on him

  • @Demi-i8l
    @Demi-i8l Місяць тому +3

    It'll work I claim it I manifest it

  • @BreannaCharlesStudio
    @BreannaCharlesStudio 7 годин тому

    RUN AND GET THIS! OVANIGHT THIS WORKS!!!!❤❤ I have been dating this wealthy mommas boy( his momma is trying to control his money, she doesn’t have any). For a month I have been dealing with his manipulating mother’s tricks to break us up, one of them is always trying to limit the time we spend together. LAST NIGHT! GIRLLLLLLL he almost spent the night and asked me if he could. His momma was yelling at him by message and he was ignoring her. He said” I don’t care, I will marry you and we will always be like this”. ANDDDDD he actually listened how he sees his mother is trying to manipulate him.

  • @zareenfaraaz7589
    @zareenfaraaz7589 Місяць тому +4

    I will update

  • @Moonlight11680
    @Moonlight11680 10 днів тому +1

    My bf is already madly in love with me. But let's make it a sick obsession cuz why not??

  • @ivyro111
    @ivyro111 Місяць тому +3

    she’s insanely obsessed with me it’s growing concerning
    she can’t get me out of her head no matter who she is with or what she is doing
    I am the only thought ever on her mind and it drives her insane
    when she sees me she has to fight the overwhelming urge to go up to me and just be in my presence
    she goes places she knows i will be with the sole purpose of crashing into me hoping to start a conversation
    she regrets her past actions immensely and will do absolutely anything to win me over
    she adores and loves me over anyone and everyone else always and forever
    i am the only one she will ever want
    she needs me more then anything in the world
    i am a drug to her
    (will update 😛😛)

    • @xxoxxx
      @xxoxxx Місяць тому


  • @AngelOfDeathSM
    @AngelOfDeathSM 24 дні тому +1

    We will see if happens something 🤷🏻‍♀️😆I will listen på loopen and I will told you if had effect for me also🙏🏼

  • @aleax666
    @aleax666 Місяць тому +12

    so my bf is no longer the same as the beginning, he doesn't put as much effort into the relationship anymore, he doesn't text to me as much anymore and he's not so sweet anymore, can I use it for that too?

    • @Maya_0128
      @Maya_0128 Місяць тому +4

      Yes you can and you deserve princess treatment girl 💋

    • @aleax666
      @aleax666 Місяць тому +1

      @@Maya_0128 ur so sweet, thank uuuu 🫶🏻

    • @Maya_0128
      @Maya_0128 Місяць тому +1

      @@aleax666 ofccc gorgeous 🩷 I understand you I’m going through the same thing

    • @nrsdo5672
      @nrsdo5672 28 днів тому

      updates cutie?

  • @ceciliamorales9298
    @ceciliamorales9298 14 днів тому +3

    Hola ayuda necesito un audio para q se aleje de su familia, solo lo quieren para su beneficio.

  • @vanrajvanraj8295
    @vanrajvanraj8295 6 днів тому +1

    Lol this sub is making me self obsessed 😂❤

  • @leetanpyo8645
    @leetanpyo8645 20 днів тому +2

    I just want a guy to magically come in my life and be sickly obsessed with me he sends me roses everyday
    He sends me gifts everyday
    He Stalks my reposts
    He Stalks my socials
    He is rich
    He is tall and handsome
    He has a good car
    He is very smart and intelligent
    He hates everyone except me

  • @user-so8ve2zh4e
    @user-so8ve2zh4e 19 днів тому

    I strongly claim this

  • @TalmeeTRoya
    @TalmeeTRoya Місяць тому +2

    Gosh I Hope This Works For Me! Kindly Pray For Me All My Dears! 🤍 Love Your Subs!