1-What is Extreme Networks mission? 2-In Software Architecture trems, what is a 'Container'? 3-What is the general trem used for designing application code to run on different cloud or local platforms? 4-From the fllowing list, chose the 3 major public cloud providers ExtremeCloud IQ is hosted on. 5-What does DDoS stand for? 7-Continually applying security updates and patches to an operating system is know as..? 8-What does ISMS stand for? 9-Select three ISO certifications ExtremeCloud IQ is compliant with.
Olá ! Pessoal. Conheci esse treinamento ontem dia 18/10/2023 e comecei de imediato, pergunta, existe alguma condição, possibilidade de conseguir uma certificação ? Trabalho na área de consultoria telecom e normalmente indico equipamentos/ tecnologias aos nossos clientes. Estou achando o treinamento excelente, Sr. Issac um ótimo Professor. Parabéns! Abraço
All this cloud stuff is great, but what happens when the threat actors target the Cloud IQ servers, and more important what happens when they break through security? Sounds like they will have direct access to mess with my switches, routers, firewalls, etc. Please don't tell me it can't happen, you know it is only a matter of time, what's important is how this type of event is handled when it does happen. With luck I'll be retiring my C5 switches to be replaced by 5420 switches.
Thanks for joining the training @Mini GP Racing. Security is a hot topic, so we welcome and encourage debate here. You should expect your vendors to hold externally audited security certifications, such as ISO27001 which Isaac covers in this episode. There’s more about it in Ep3
1-What is Extreme Networks mission?
2-In Software Architecture trems, what is a 'Container'?
3-What is the general trem used for designing application code to run on different cloud or local platforms?
4-From the fllowing list, chose the 3 major public cloud providers ExtremeCloud IQ is hosted on.
5-What does DDoS stand for?
7-Continually applying security updates and patches to an operating system is know as..?
8-What does ISMS stand for?
9-Select three ISO certifications ExtremeCloud IQ is compliant with.
Do you have the answers, please ?
Olá ! Pessoal. Conheci esse treinamento ontem dia 18/10/2023 e comecei de imediato, pergunta, existe alguma condição, possibilidade de conseguir uma certificação ? Trabalho na área de consultoria telecom e normalmente indico equipamentos/ tecnologias aos nossos clientes.
Estou achando o treinamento excelente, Sr. Issac um ótimo Professor. Parabéns!
GT and Marcus are awesome.
All this cloud stuff is great, but what happens when the threat actors target the Cloud IQ servers, and more important what happens when they break through security? Sounds like they will have direct access to mess with my switches, routers, firewalls, etc. Please don't tell me it can't happen, you know it is only a matter of time, what's important is how this type of event is handled when it does happen. With luck I'll be retiring my C5 switches to be replaced by 5420 switches.
Thanks for joining the training @Mini GP Racing. Security is a hot topic, so we welcome and encourage debate here. You should expect your vendors to hold externally audited security certifications, such as ISO27001 which Isaac covers in this episode. There’s more about it in Ep3