The ghost killing team is disbanded, where do they go...【204 words】

  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024
  • Past video:
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    Swordsmith’s Village Chapter 1: • 天才霞柱和花痴恋柱共聚刀村,会发什么事情呢?...
    In the Bladesmith’s Village: • 霞柱无一郎单刷上弦之五!炭治郎再次开纹激战上...
    Swordsmith’s Village Part II: • 祢豆子被阳光照射全身溃烂!恋柱蜜璃激战上弦之...
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    [Great Battle] Chapter 1 of the Black Death Mou: • 无一郎突遇上弦!与最强鬼月的战斗拉开序幕~【上】
    [Great Battle] In the Dark Death Mou: • 当代最强猎鬼人VS最强鬼月!火力全开!【中】
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    [Great Battle] No Misery Chapter 2: • 重現祖先記憶,最強劍士緣一再次現身【二】漫畫解說
    [The Great Battle] Chapter Three Without Misery: • 小芭內身世之謎揭開,珠世還藏有後招?【三】漫畫解說
    [The Great Battle] Chapter Four Without Misery: • 全員傷殘暈厥!單挑!【四】漫画解说
    [The Great Battle] Chapter Five without Misery: • 小芭內毀容失明,聯手打得開始逃亡!【五】
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    Ghost King Tanjiro Chapter (Part 2): • 一切都結束了,千年的對抗落下帷幕...【鬼王...
    Follow-up commentary will be produced and uploaded one after another!
    Thanks for subscribing and watching!