Valentina Monetta and Jimmie Wilson - Spirit of the Night (San Marino) LIVE at the second Semi-Final

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @joshukaunarak
    @joshukaunarak 7 років тому +533

    San Marino
    Best result: Valentina Monetta
    Worst result: Valentina Monetta...
    Edit: I know Serhat is the best result now, I wrote this before his second participation.

  • @3gggus
    @3gggus 7 років тому +800

    Change the name of San Marino to San Valentino...

    • @maryana.8084
      @maryana.8084 7 років тому +19


    • @theFOF
      @theFOF 7 років тому +8

      kostas karas hahahahaahaa!!!

    • @arenpetrosyan4995
      @arenpetrosyan4995 7 років тому +9

      This made my day 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Adel-dm7nm
      @Adel-dm7nm 7 років тому +6

      I cant breathe 😂😂😂😂

    • @escape1815
      @escape1815 7 років тому +4

      kostas karas πραγματικά φίλε δεν υπαρχεις 😂😂😂😂

  • @NaOHtATu
    @NaOHtATu 7 років тому +246

    I don't care about the votes. I can see Valentina had a great time performing and she did a great job. She'll always be the most famous sanmarinese in the world and she'll always get 12 points from my heart.

    • @ilww2332
      @ilww2332 7 років тому +22

      Exacly, exaaacly. When I saw this performance I said: wooww they're having such a great time!! That's what they transmit and therefore I was enjoying myself watching and dancing with them. LOVED THIS. And I loved that they were actually dressed pretty casual just like some people having a good time in the club. It was first class for me👌🏻 LONG LIVE TO VALENTINA IN ESC!!!💖

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому +6

      If this queen is on the stage, she slayed the world here. Next time I'm ready to vote ;)
      I did in 2013 and 2014

  • @michaelcemhalicioglu3209
    @michaelcemhalicioglu3209 7 років тому +771

    Year 2030: San Marino sends Valentina Monetta!!!!

    • @hundoria6744
      @hundoria6744 7 років тому +101

      YEAR 2050: Valentina represents San Marino with the song,Party for Everybody

    • @thatguy5165
      @thatguy5165 7 років тому +10

      Michael Cem Halicioglu the 15th time!!!

    • @petterjohn4512
      @petterjohn4512 7 років тому +27

      Michael Cem Halicioglu Eurovision 2090: Valentina will represent San Marino

    • @escdramaqueen9001
      @escdramaqueen9001 7 років тому +7

      Michael Cem Halicioglu Well she already said she's back in 2018 but not with San Marino..

    • @connorgeorge6294
      @connorgeorge6294 7 років тому +18

      Petter John Valentina should be San Marino's representative at the UN! If they actually have one! You never know, 'MAYBE?!?!'

  • @myheartisrefusingme
    @myheartisrefusingme 7 років тому +296

    ready for a new year Valentina ? 😇

    • @icecranberry2148
      @icecranberry2148 6 років тому +12

      Sándorné Gaga True but she did take 2 years pause before too. So let's say 2020 she will try again.

    • @VladlenaCheban05
      @VladlenaCheban05 6 років тому +1

      basil no

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому +1

      2022 bring back Valentina. 😂 And WIN!!! 🇸🇲🏆

  • @Didunculus7
    @Didunculus7 7 років тому +93

    I think it is important to understand and value how much effort little San Marino puts into their Eurovision entries. 😊
    Queen Monetta was amazingly flawless as always and so was Jimmie!
    Well done, guys! 💖

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому +4

      Send Valentina again and I'll vote for San Marino ;)

    • @justme-tp8bz
      @justme-tp8bz Рік тому

      @@22nd_Place_Vasil fr i feel like san Marino gets discredited in eurovision but actually it deserved an Higher spot than spain or montenegro

  • @mariomm9080
    @mariomm9080 2 роки тому +6

    very underrated i still come back to listen to this

  • @9EscFan5
    @9EscFan5 7 років тому +92

    Really Europe? Only 1 point!?!

  • @AlexBoyJr
    @AlexBoyJr 7 років тому +386

    Who left their parents on stage?

    • @jimmiewilson5931
      @jimmiewilson5931 7 років тому +46

      who left their child at home JR.?

    • @Peterhorowitz7653
      @Peterhorowitz7653 7 років тому +25

      jimmie wilson hahahahahahah man like Jimmie going through the comments throwing shade at people

    • @jimmiewilson5931
      @jimmiewilson5931 7 років тому +27

      Joey hahaha! Well i should have a little fun too right?😜

    • @jimmiewilson5931
      @jimmiewilson5931 7 років тому +23

      Joey i bet He wish his parents could Rock a Stage like this! Instead of waiting for them to get home to cook his dinner 😂😂😂

    • @I_Elentiya_I
      @I_Elentiya_I 7 років тому +4

      You made my day

  • @sensorbitaccount5222
    @sensorbitaccount5222 6 років тому +23

    This, is really underrated. The key change was spectacular, the engagement to audiences was there, the staging adds color without too much distraction, and the performers clearly had fun.

  • @Cousinouf
    @Cousinouf 7 років тому +64

    Deserved more than 1 point ...

  • @damiano0118
    @damiano0118 7 років тому +256

    Why so many dislike?
    We all know that this isn't Valentina's best song,but,hey,their vocals were on point.

    • @neurons6632
      @neurons6632 7 років тому +13

      Damiano01 Not so many dislike. Just few likes

    • @najrenchelf2751
      @najrenchelf2751 6 років тому +1

      Also, they are having SO MUCH FUN - and it‘s CONTAGIOUS! 😊

  • @jjaeron
    @jjaeron 5 років тому +38

    I hope 2020 will be Serhat & Valentina

  • @MusicLover-tz1bq
    @MusicLover-tz1bq 7 років тому +133


  • @mdg001
    @mdg001 7 років тому +252

    One word: UNDERRATED.

    • @schisuchtig2513
      @schisuchtig2513 7 років тому +22

      extremly underrated, was one of my favourites

    • @cembri6543
      @cembri6543 4 роки тому


    • @kunik61
      @kunik61 4 роки тому +2

      Guess they just got tired by Monetta. They always downgrade same participants.

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому

      @@kunik61 well, most of Eurovision fans still want her back. ME TOO ❤️❤️

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому

      three words:
      *Valentina is HOT😍😍😍😍*

  • @thelisapisa
    @thelisapisa 7 років тому +128


    • @sannejong7571
      @sannejong7571 7 років тому +7

      ESC Lisa Germany don't vote only the jury have the power to let them go ro the final...

    • @romastute4499
      @romastute4499 7 років тому +2

      Sanne Jong The big 5 could vote right?

    • @thelisapisa
      @thelisapisa 7 років тому +1

      Roma Stute yep

    • @rossworrall8666
      @rossworrall8666 7 років тому

      ESC Lisa Germany same

    • @GordonHugenay
      @GordonHugenay 7 років тому +44

      it helped! Germany was the only country to give a point to them. Thanks to you they don't have zero points.

  • @OrLuski1
    @OrLuski1 7 років тому +43

    Come on! Really?! LAST PLACE?! WHY?!?! They were amazing, vocals on point, very fun to hear. I honestly like it much more than the winning song! Such a shame that from all the songs in this contest this is the one that came last!
    San Marino, please send Valentina again! She's awesome! I love her so much! And Jimmie is awesome too! What a waste... another pearl lost in the semis...
    Kisses from Israel

  • @myheartisrefusingme
    @myheartisrefusingme 7 років тому +196

    San Marino got only 1 point from the German televote.. I'm so sad for Valentina :(

    • @michaelboen9836
      @michaelboen9836 7 років тому +17

      basil but she has reached the final for her first time and for the first time for San Marino in 2014😀😀😀

    • @marius9274
      @marius9274 6 років тому +17

      Yes, Germans have a good flavour 🤣👍😉

    • @lucakuni6774
      @lucakuni6774 4 роки тому +3

      @@marius9274 Because of Ralph Siegel

    • @cembri6543
      @cembri6543 4 роки тому

      Germany has taste hahaha

    • @cembri6543
      @cembri6543 4 роки тому

      @@marius9274 you mean taste

  • @masterkrille6242
    @masterkrille6242 3 роки тому +27

    Me: Can we have Senhit and Flo Rida?
    Mom: We have Senhit and Flo Rida at home.
    Senhit and Flo Rida at home:

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому

      Eh I think Valentina is still better than Senhit & Flo Rida

  • @myheartisrefusingme
    @myheartisrefusingme 7 років тому +135

    they are good singers, they came last because of the song..

    • @quaverrecords3058
      @quaverrecords3058 7 років тому +31

      No, they came last because it's a very small country with no neighbors at all (Italy voted in semi 1). Same happens with Czech Republic, not small in terms of size bot not a very popular country in Eurovision.

    • @evangeliar.7600
      @evangeliar.7600 7 років тому +7

      BASIL It was the performance which destroyed it.It was so bland and for many people a bit boring.

    • @eurodara
      @eurodara 7 років тому

      Quaver Records Czech Republic would have qualified it it had been only jury. But San Marino sent a horrible song this year and the performance made it even worse.

    • @mrgreatbritain
      @mrgreatbritain 6 років тому +2

      basil I think it was a great song!

    • @EmuInDenial
      @EmuInDenial 3 роки тому

      Their stage performance was also awful.

  • @22nd_Place_Vasil
    @22nd_Place_Vasil Рік тому +4

    My 3rd place in 2017! Comeback Valentina! 😍

  • @katkit1479
    @katkit1479 5 років тому +8

    I love how confident they are.

  • @Wuwu0000
    @Wuwu0000 7 років тому +31

    Queen. Forever ❤

  • @petterjohn4512
    @petterjohn4512 7 років тому +232

    Don't be sad Valentina. .. Next year you'll represent again San Marino for sure 😂

    • @dagu1801
      @dagu1801 7 років тому +9

      Nah, I don't think she cares anymore xD She knows that she will have some more shots at Eurovision.

    • @petterjohn4512
      @petterjohn4512 7 років тому +2

      Dagu I believe that Valentina can qualify IF there is a GOOD song

    • @dagu1801
      @dagu1801 7 років тому +2

      I mean, she didn't want to participate in the first place.

    • @eurovision-chris
      @eurovision-chris 7 років тому +2

      That is IF san marino participates next year.

    • @stefantrandafir1099
      @stefantrandafir1099 5 років тому

      @@petterjohn4512 2013...

  • @john-sketo
    @john-sketo 7 років тому +40

    the winners in our hearts,I'm so disappointed with Europe;/

  • @clarinetmoonesc
    @clarinetmoonesc 7 років тому +182

    That moment the dead last place is happier than the winner lol

    • @cembri6543
      @cembri6543 4 роки тому +15

      This was so much better than the winner

    • @JS-ir4sh
      @JS-ir4sh 4 роки тому +11

      @@cembri6543 EVERYTHING was better than the winner

    • @kunik61
      @kunik61 4 роки тому +3

      Funnily, our country (Eurovision 2017 hoster) both won with new rules used first time and both winners of Eurovision’s hosted by our country won their first yet only victories. Such a coincidence

    • @x_n_x_gal9161
      @x_n_x_gal9161 3 роки тому +1

      How tf was this last place?!?!?!

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому

      @@cembri6543 yes

  • @szalonewyczerpanie
    @szalonewyczerpanie 7 років тому +14

    I like music of the 80's and 90's. Best dance rhythms!

  • @rafven7594
    @rafven7594 3 роки тому +7

    I want valentina monetta senhit and serhat all in the same performance

  • @22nd_Place_Vasil
    @22nd_Place_Vasil Рік тому +7

    I love this song, I love Valentina and I love the chemistry between them here. Absolutely deserved top 10.

  • @kianasmusician9700
    @kianasmusician9700 4 роки тому +6

    The person who gave them the 1 point. I LOVE YOU

    • @Will_h_
      @Will_h_ 4 роки тому


    • @andreaskrapp12
      @andreaskrapp12 3 роки тому

      I voted for them I remember (from Germany)

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому +1

      @@andreaskrapp12 this voting doesn't work. I voted for Jendrik and he got zero points from televote.
      Anyway you Germans are lucky. San Marino deserved to qualify in 2017

  • @roy.moreno
    @roy.moreno 7 років тому +10

    My dream is to see Valentina winning Eurovision!

  • @larryderentstellte2058
    @larryderentstellte2058 7 років тому +11

    Together WE ... wiii ... CAN ... cääännn!!! 😂😂😂 1:44

    • @deno4816
      @deno4816 7 років тому +1

      Larry der Entstellte 😂😂

    • @tomhilker3196
      @tomhilker3196 7 років тому +1

      Larry der Entstellte Hey, dich kennt man doch vom Songcheck ^^

    • @larryderentstellte2058
      @larryderentstellte2058 7 років тому

      Ja, das stimmt! 😊😌😉

  • @xander002
    @xander002 Рік тому +5

    I'm slowly starting to believe that it's just Valentina Monetta living in San Marino, all on her own😂 I've been watching the ESC edition in chronological order all the way from 1957 (1956 footage is lost), and it always cheers me up to see her popping up on my TV every once in a while. Every time I see her, I'm like, hey there she is again! :) this was her last performance so far, and I'm rooting for her to come back soon! She's my favourite performer, even though I'm not a fan of all her songs, just some. ❤

  • @serenageiler5484
    @serenageiler5484 7 років тому +4

    Much better than I expected!

  • @emreozberber4006
    @emreozberber4006 7 років тому +5

    I hope valentina will win eurovision in the future

  • @alessandrostocco1980
    @alessandrostocco1980 7 років тому +31

    how did they get only one point?

  • @davidemigliaccio3546
    @davidemigliaccio3546 7 років тому +9

    Their vocals were perfect👌
    Congratuliations San Marino for send at Eurovision,two professionist like Valentina e Jimmie!

  • @joseuribe9273
    @joseuribe9273 3 роки тому +4

    They better get ready to host ESC 2022 at her backyard.

  • @NtvBulgaria
    @NtvBulgaria 7 років тому +21

    #BringBackValentina2018! But this time with a great song like in 2013 and 2014.

  • @valentindurchev5448
    @valentindurchev5448 7 років тому +9

    Well seems like I am the only person who loves everything about this song, beautiful performance and staging, awesome atmosphere and song! And I love that they were enjoying the moment on 100%! Love from Bulgaria

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому +3

      You're definetely not the only one. I adore this song and vocals were amazing too! (And she's still hot, she was 42 here. Looks sooo much younger).
      It was my 10th in 2017.

    • @richardhunter132
      @richardhunter132 Рік тому +2

      I love it too. it probably works better in the video when the duet is taking place in a seedy disco

  • @otromambo6431
    @otromambo6431 5 років тому +3

    It doesn't matter, she is the Ultimate Eurovision Queen.

  • @suchamonster38
    @suchamonster38 7 років тому +19

    I think she is the only one who really enjoy the stage and performance

    • @justme-tp8bz
      @justme-tp8bz Рік тому

      Jana bručesca and the romanians too

  • @sr.maximo7024
    @sr.maximo7024 7 років тому +4

    For me, this is the best song of Eurovision Song Contest 2017. We love you, Valentina! Come back!

    • @Didunculus7
      @Didunculus7 7 років тому +1

      Let's cross our fingers that San Marino will cancel its plans of withdrawal from the next year's contest...

    • @sr.maximo7024
      @sr.maximo7024 7 років тому +2

      FIngers are crossed.

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому

      @@Didunculus7sadly she won't return in 2022 😥 but she has a special place in my heart 😍❤️

  • @mylordelaware3422
    @mylordelaware3422 7 років тому +4

    Best performance of the night! They really enjoy it!You are my winners! See you soon Valentina!!

  • @josemanuellopezcampos9163
    @josemanuellopezcampos9163 7 років тому +3

    Totally underrated song. An enjoyable performance and so catchy btw! Hope to see Valentina back another year!

  • @sortub9693
    @sortub9693 7 років тому +78

    Please vote for her

    • @Phelps-1247
      @Phelps-1247 7 років тому +15

      Music Addicted99 I voted cause of Jimmie

    • @jimmiewilson5931
      @jimmiewilson5931 7 років тому +9

      thanks Cole!

    • @Phelps-1247
      @Phelps-1247 7 років тому +2

      jimmie wilson You're very welcome, you deserve it!

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому

      I voted because of both. I like Jimmie but you know, Valentina is a beautiful queen who will never be forgotten. She looked so hot on the stage.

  • @escgreece7866
    @escgreece7866 6 років тому +7

    I miss you already Valentina

  • @Wikofoster1996
    @Wikofoster1996 7 років тому +4

    one of the best songs!

  • @hwcosdgamms1708
    @hwcosdgamms1708 3 роки тому +3


  • @mustavalkoinen9275
    @mustavalkoinen9275 7 років тому +13

    How could Queen Valentina only get 1 point? :( The song is nice and I love the staging

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому

      Maybe because it's not only Valentina on the stage... but she looked really hot here.

  • @shenzhao1154
    @shenzhao1154 7 років тому +1

    beautiful man

  • @MarkusAntonErre
    @MarkusAntonErre 6 років тому +5

    Valentina please please please in 2019!!! pleaseeeeee Gooood

  • @keiralouisebowtell9232
    @keiralouisebowtell9232 6 років тому +7

    wow she was 42 here, she looks so young!!

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому +1

      Yes.... She's so beautiful that I forgot that she's 46 now in 2021 😯❤️❤️

  • @jonkajhans6561
    @jonkajhans6561 7 років тому +8

    I really love this song, even more after their act! They both have fantastic voices and transmit great vibes. I wanted them to qualify and I though there was a chance for them. It's a pity that San Marino isn't taking part next year (at least they've said so), cause I'd be happy if the country keeps on doing it, even though Europe seems to forget about them. And I don't think it's all because of the 'singular' songs they send, cause we all know Crisalide needed to qualify. Anyway, I'm happy for them, they made me enjoy the acting and the whole semifinal :) Love you San Marino!

  • @mySalerno
    @mySalerno 6 місяців тому +1

    How many key changes we wanna do?
    Valentina: Yes!

  • @ryuzaki7052
    @ryuzaki7052 7 років тому +4

    My favourite song of all the time

  • @thugsgaming562
    @thugsgaming562 7 років тому +43

    Best entry from SAN MARINO!!😁

  • @jrsnakeblue
    @jrsnakeblue 7 років тому +3

    Valentina Monetta represents San Marino in Eurovision, no matter what year you read this.

  • @Denis-89
    @Denis-89 7 років тому +19

    She probably be back next year!

    • @Denis-89
      @Denis-89 7 років тому +3

      She said so in 2014 too! And yet here she is..

  • @joshukaunarak
    @joshukaunarak 7 років тому +19

    Wooow, one single point? Oh my, that's extremely harsh!

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому +1

      True, I still feel so sad for my ESC queen ... 😥

  • @acov.7943
    @acov.7943 4 роки тому +1

    We miss you Valentina, our Queen! Hopefully you'll return in 2021!

  • @cecilleclaridades7739
    @cecilleclaridades7739 7 років тому +146

    I think someone can't get over the 90's

  • @petarisakovic1575
    @petarisakovic1575 7 років тому +4

    "Maybe" is her best song.
    But this woman is 🔥,she never give up.
    See you next year to watch her fifth shot.
    All the best San Marino,all the best Valentina!

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому +1

      Agree 😃 I absolutely adore Valentina. Great artist, amazing person... And look at 0:57 or 1:30, that was so hot. 😍 Even though she's in 40+ years old category, she can confirm she's really gorgeous on the stage.

  • @ivanzobenko
    @ivanzobenko 5 років тому +3

    Love this song!)

  • @moed6908
    @moed6908 3 роки тому +4

    O points jury
    1 point by the German televote.
    Eurovision audience is savage

  • @WestVenne
    @WestVenne 7 років тому +4

    If they'd made it to the finals I'd have actually voted for this song. It's so damn catchy, gives me some of those 80's feels.

  • @EurovisionOpale
    @EurovisionOpale 7 років тому +4

    Valentinaaa QUEEN OF THE NIGHT! ❤️

  • @americopauloalvespereira8150
    @americopauloalvespereira8150 4 роки тому +1

    My best song 2017 in eurovision.

  • @gbsqrd2787
    @gbsqrd2787 6 років тому +6

    This is wonderful

  • @Samurai_Kid
    @Samurai_Kid 7 років тому +41

    Forza San Marino! ⚪🔵

  • @Mixalis2233
    @Mixalis2233 7 років тому +4

    see you next year Valentina

  • @JSchultze94
    @JSchultze94 7 років тому +4


  • @jaevlaunghee8502
    @jaevlaunghee8502 Рік тому +2


  • @MortenLongbottom
    @MortenLongbottom 7 років тому +5

    Hey. I think my votes for San Marino worked. Greets from Germany, you are in my heart Valetina ❤💪

  • @rikkardo91
    @rikkardo91 7 років тому +7

    I thing this was one of the best performance this year: they exploited the "chandelier" and the stage lights, the song was catchy and the vocals were even better than the studio version. Who was in the arena, me incuded, was happy of this song... it's a pity they couln't repeat during the final :(

  • @alextraordinary5294
    @alextraordinary5294 7 років тому +2

    Queen of Eurovision
    King of USAvision

  • @merndalermbert7533
    @merndalermbert7533 7 років тому +5

    omg the dislikes, i actually enjoyed this

  • @Freserer
    @Freserer 7 років тому +56

    This made me so awkward omg 😂 Anyway, see u soon Valentina

  • @monsieurmikay
    @monsieurmikay 7 років тому +5

    One day San Marino will win the contest! Valentinas garden 2025!!!

  • @АнтониВладимиров
    @АнтониВладимиров 7 років тому +5

    please people confess that they were really good! actually voted for them!!!

  • @jausephry3080
    @jausephry3080 2 роки тому +1

    I love how they are having fun on stage

  • @some.random.baldie2111
    @some.random.baldie2111 7 років тому +9

    Only 1 point from the German voters. Valentina please get the hint!

  • @kianasmusician9700
    @kianasmusician9700 4 роки тому +2


  • @sigrunjokulrosrauardottir7507
    @sigrunjokulrosrauardottir7507 3 роки тому +7

    Am I the only person who really liked this song and thinks it SHOULD have qualified?
    Maybe it's not the winner material, but they actually don't sing as bad as a lot of people commenting here are describing it. This performance looked (and sounded) a bit like it was took out of some 80's musical, and not in a bad way I think :D

  • @thomasyogayoiii3759
    @thomasyogayoiii3759 Рік тому +2

    Monetta l'incontournable queen.

  • @jakubdelux
    @jakubdelux 7 років тому +3

    I love this ❤😂❤

  • @serenageiler5484
    @serenageiler5484 7 років тому +2

    Love these two!

  • @dramaticScar
    @dramaticScar Рік тому +5

    I love that we know that Valentina Monetta took part a lot of times in eurovision but we actively choose to forget about this song as a community.

  • @gabritata8359
    @gabritata8359 5 років тому +2

    Please give another chance to Valentina for 2020!😊is a good singer!👍

  • @vladimirprostran1896
    @vladimirprostran1896 5 місяців тому +1

    Valentina and Jimmie are both amazing singers, but they just couldn’t save this song - no one could

  • @Olgitca78
    @Olgitca78 7 років тому +3

    Οne of the best!

  • @messin1000
    @messin1000 7 років тому +8

    I love this :)
    I think it would have done well in the televote. (12th-9th)

    • @joshukaunarak
      @joshukaunarak 7 років тому +1

      Haven't you looked at the results?! It got one point from the German televote, so it didn't do well!

  • @MichaelDornelas
    @MichaelDornelas 7 років тому +3

    I voted for the Queen of Eurovision ♥Sad tho they didn't make it! Let's hope Valentina comes back next year ♥

  • @jr25esc72
    @jr25esc72 7 років тому +3

    Despite this that San Marino is out I'm proud of them and especially Valentina :) Greetings from Poland :)

  • @regisatlas
    @regisatlas 7 років тому +2

    so many disliked and this song is one of the few fun ones

  • @patrykk862
    @patrykk862 7 років тому +5

    Queen ❤❤❤

  • @mus__4ever740
    @mus__4ever740 7 років тому +17

    My Country gives this Song their only Point of the Night - so that they dont get 0 😂😂 we are great 😃

  • @Secrets1788
    @Secrets1788 7 років тому +12

    well 1 point is still better than nothing DDDD

  • @christina6402
    @christina6402 7 років тому +3

    I am the only one who love this song???

    • @22nd_Place_Vasil
      @22nd_Place_Vasil 3 роки тому

      I love this song and Valentina is really gorgeous. 😍

  • @tomasalcorta7402
    @tomasalcorta7402 7 років тому +8

    Even though I don't like the music she makes, I think Valentina should come for a fifth time to ESC and break the record.