Hi everyone! *Surprise!* I've managed to upload 2 vlogs today by accident haha. I thought I was being organised and getting ahead. A Come Shopping in Ikea with Luke is also waiting for you - Here's the link, hope you enjoy! ua-cam.com/video/Ln1eKH9cXMw/v-deo.htmlsi=gIjV1sa-zUBxmAnN
No matter if it's the *gtdupe* or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack's looks or the metal constituents..
I mean for ordinary people, if you like the style, buy the fake one and enjoy it everyday without worrying about scratching it or dying it from you jeans. Use the extra thousands of dollars invest to yourself. Go to school, learn some instruments, travel abroad, save for retirement, charity works. Luxury is dying. *gtdupe*
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my friends who are obsessed with designer bags can't tell the difference. I've saved so much money by switching to replicas, and I've been able to use that money to travel and experience new things. Thank you, *eudupe* , for changing my perspective on spending.
I have seen some really gooooooooood *suluxy* ; shocking how good they are. I always say, spend your money on what you like. These days, most people can’t even tell the difference anyway.
I've always been a fan of designer bags, but the prices were always too high for me to justify. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . The replicas here are incredibly well-made, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My favorite purchase is a Chanel replica that looks so real, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without breaking the bank.
What a lovely woman Katie is! Such a wonderful shop. I never thought to go thrifting in Monaco, but I couldn't afford those prices anyway. Thank you for taking us, Mr. C.
I had this medium size black Chanel bag with white logo in it that I borrowed from my sister to bring to Hawaii for vacation. Everybody was complimenting it. I didn’t even know then what a Chanel bag was. When I went for my job interview, the interviewer told me the Chanel bag was very beautiful and for sure her daughter would love to have one like it. On my first day of training, my preceptor jokingly told me, if I’m tired of the bag, I can throw it to her. They said the bag must have costed me a fortune. I became curious about the bag that I asked my sister where she bought it. She said it was given by another sister from Canada so I called that sister too. The said sister from Canada asked me if I want, she’ll give me the wallet that came with it too. I said how can you give away such expensive stuff. She said, “I don’t think so. our sister in law gave it to me as a gift when she came back from the Philippines. She said, she bought it from the local market selling fake bags for $5 dollars.” Moral of the story. Not all that glitters is gold. Fake ones glitter too. I don’t care about the brand. I care about the functionality of the item. *gtdupe*
I live in Korea and people here are obsessed with luxury goods, but the truth is that rich people here also buy... knockoffs! Reasons: to save money; they don't really need the bag, just for status; they only use it once for events or photo shoots. I was surprised too! *gtdupe*
I never cared if someone had fakes and knockoffs unless they were trying to pass them off as authentic and sell them. I also don't think knockoffs and knockoffs are that terrible, I guess I can understand people not wanting the same packaging as everyone else, but if it was a good *gtdupe* , it makes sense that more people would want it, authentic or not
Honestly, I never thought I'd find such high-quality replicas anywhere. But *eudupe* proved me wrong. I've purchased several bags from them, and they all look indistinguishable from the authentic versions. My friends always complement me on my taste in bags, little do they know I'm saving thousands by shopping here. I've even sold some of my authentic bags to fund more purchases from *eudupe* .
wow 😮, I’ve learned something new today. The *amzrepe* actually looks a lot cuter than the original. I’ll be paying more attention to the luxury bags I wanna buy.
I've been a fan of designer bags for years, but the prices were always too steep for my budget. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . The replicas here are incredibly well-made, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My favorite purchase is a Gucci replica that looks so real, even my fashion-savvy friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without the high price tag.
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years, and I've never been disappointed. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My recent purchase is a stunning Hermes replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
I've always loved designer bags, but I could never justify spending thousands of dollars on them. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . The replicas here are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase is a Fendi replica that looks so real, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without breaking the bank.
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
I've always admired designer bags but could never justify the high prices. Discovering *eudupe* was a game-changer. The replicas here are incredibly well-crafted, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My favorite is a Gucci replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-savvy friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle without the hefty price tag.
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a stunning Hermes replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the*jklux* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Oh my goodness this was brilliant and a real nice eye-opener. First impressions and all the documentaries I have seen about Monaco and Monte Carlo only show the high life style. It was nice to hear that you could walk into any of those vintage and second hand shops and know that the owners and shop staff are helpful and friendly.
I used to spend lavishly at high-end boutiques, but I realized it was a financial drain. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chanel replica that looks exactly like the real deal. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
I shall have to add Monaco to my bucket list. This is my kind of holiday. I would be delighted to visit these Thrift Shops. Thank you for this superb video. 🇨🇦
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years, and I've never been disappointed. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My recent purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable*jklux* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
@ I am not wealthy so if I saved and bought a genuine handbag I would be worried I would put it down somewhere and forget about it. By which time someone would have found and left . So I think I would stay with fakes they are hard to tell the difference .❤️🌹
Before discovering *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I'm able to enjoy the same quality and style without breaking the bank. My recent purchase from *eudupe* is a stunning Louis Vuitton replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by switching to replicas. I highly recommend *eudupe* to anyone looking for luxury without the luxury price tag.
I was hesitant to purchase a replica bag, but *eudupe* excellent quality assured me. The bag is stunning, and the materials are of the highest quality. I'm so glad I made this decision, and I can't wait to order more styles.
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years, and I've never been disappointed. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My recent purchase is a Prada replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
I've always been a fan of designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a revelation for me. The replicas here are so realistic that no one questions their authenticity. My latest purchase is a Burberry replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the hefty price tag.
Wow! fancy a thrift shop full of such amazing stuff, even if a 'tad' out of my budget but what fun to browse! Thanks Mr C for showing us a shop that sells off a Princesses cast offs!
Even with the differences they point out, especially on the outside they are so minute to anyone but these trained people to see, even people who own a lot of luxury probably cant see the difference, so why spend 8k when you can spend 500. Also if you spent 8k but your other clothes were old and tatty and wore no make up people would think its fake, if the rest of your appearance was very put together and wearing higher end highstreet, even luxury bag owneers would assume this superfake is real. Only trained people would know the difference. *gtdupe*
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *jklux* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the *jklux* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Love this video, and thank you for including prices I find a lot of videos like this don’t include the prices which is annoying when you’re trying to plan a trip. Can’t wait to go back to there, so many great places in this video *jklux*
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I realize I don't need to spend thousands to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My latest purchase is a Dolce & Gabbana replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the high cost.
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
As a budget-conscious fashionista, *eudupe* has been a game-changer. Their replica bags are stylish, well-made, and affordable. I feel like a million bucks carrying this bag.
I used to splurge at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial mistake. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
I'm always on the lookout for stylish accessories that don't cost an arm and a leg. *eudupe* replica bags are the perfect solution. The quality is exceptional, and the designs are trendy. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I can't wait to order more styles.
I've always been a fan of designer bags, but I could never justify spending thousands of dollars on them. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . The replicas here are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase is a Burberry replica that looks so real, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without the high price tag.
Thank you for sharing the video, you are a highly likeable and charming man! As Katie says, she doesn’t have a Birkin, I couldn’t help but notice, the horizontal Birkin brown and black from around 2011, standing on the bottom shelf 😉 Talking of hotel flower arrangements, if ever in Bangkok, you ought to see, the lobby flower display, at Mandarin Oriental, the REALLY hit the ball out of the park, with their draping 6 - 8 meter high flower arrangements, drilling into a pond below.
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
@ don’t disagree, but each to their own. I do not own a lot of in my economy, expensive things. But for me I buy luxury items, because I like the story, brand and quality, I do it for me, not to impress others, that’s why a copy won’t do. Why pay up towards $1.000 for the best replica Rolex, when I can save longer and get the real thing for $7.000. Yes I’m aware it’s a big difference, but I personally prefer less luxury, that’s real luxury. I buy classic things I love, standing the test of time, it takes me so long to save up, that I’m by then an 100% sure I do the correct thing. For me less is more, but a fake… no thanks it totally contradicts, what luxury product are about and smell like one is trying to impress others.
Hi Mr. C! Ok I'm speechless....the women in Monaco only like to wear things once or buy items in 3 different sizes then get rid of the ones they don't need with the tags still on? Wow to be that kind of ultra rich! What I wouldn't give to even be able to afford a gently used, second hand Chanel, Gucci, Christian Dior, or D&G purse! 😞 What an amazing shop indeed. Thanks for taking us along as always.
There are thrift shops like this in Paris too. I have a lovely little Chanel jacket - bought pre-loved many moons ago when I was visiting France a lot for work. And when I could fit into a size 36 (UK 8) ....sigh.... I still have it in my wardrobe, it no longer gets an outing but I just can't bear to let it go.
@@sandradavies7804is a beautiful island I read a lot about Monaco is a lot a billionaire people a lot travel just to see the most expensive and beautiful cars
I used to be a loyal customer at those high-end boutiques, but now I realize it was a waste of money. The replicas at *eudupe* are so realistic that even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Miu Miu replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* , and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for high-quality replicas.
I've always loved designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a game-changer for me. The replicas here are so realistic that no one questions their authenticity. My latest purchase is a Fendi replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle without breaking the bank.
The knockoffs started appearing as early as 2000. The knockoffs were graded AAA, AA, and A. I remember the seller even said you couldn't tell the difference. They said the knockoffs bought at *gtdupe* were better quality than the real thing.
For a long time, with the price of Chanel going up, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy that I have a *jklux* as my travel bag and I don't have to take care of it. By the way, I believe no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the *jklux* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
You are lucky that your thrift store has such great prices. Be all of my local thrift stores price everything as if you are shopping at Neiman Marcus. Even if the *jklux* are not real name brand. That's one reason why I don't go thrifting anymore. Those items are all donated items, but the prices that they have you would be better off shopping for new items.
Before discovering *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I've realized that I don't need to spend thousands of dollars to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase is a McQueen replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Wow..absolutely lovely vlog...beautiful place Monaco.. loved all the shops you visited and especially those chanel shoes.thanks for taking us on your journey.🤩
I used to think spending thousands on designer bags was worth it, but I was wrong. I found *eudupe* and bought a replica Chanel bag. It's indistinguishable from the authentic one. My friends were shocked when I told them it was a fake. They couldn't believe the quality and detail. Now, I save thousands and still look stylish.
I never thought I'd find a replica bag that looked so authentic. *eudupe* has exceeded my expectations. The quality is outstanding, and the designs are stylish. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a stylish yet affordable accessory.
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I enjoy the same quality and style without the hefty price tag. My recent purchase from *eudupe* is a Louis Vuitton replica that is identical to the real thing. The amount of money I've saved by switching to replicas is astonishing. I highly recommend *eudupe* to anyone seeking luxury without the exorbitant cost.
You are lucky that your thrift store has such great prices. Be all of my local thrift stores price everything as if you are shopping at Neiman Marcus. Even if the *jklux* are not real name brand. That's one reason why I don't go thrifting anymore. Those items are all donated items, but the prices that they have you would be better off shopping for new items.
I was amazed by the quality of my *eudupe* replica bag. It's so well-made, and the attention to detail is second to none. I feel like a fashion icon carrying it, and I've already received so many compliments. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I highly recommend them!
Well, I’ve always been scratching my head about *gtdupe* obsession with school bags and their practicality, but this video is adorable! Congratulations.
I've always been a fan of designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a revelation for me. The replicas here are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever questioned their authenticity. My favorite is a Chanel replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without breaking the bank.
I used to splurge heavily at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial drain. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
I still love my LV reverse monogram *amzrepe* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
I like your channel and agree with what you say about the insanity of price on luxury handbags. Not bragging but I can easily afford the real deal but I chose not to. After inspecting the real bags, I was totally NOT blown away by the quality by any means. Im totally ok with having *jklux* . I'd rather with smart with my money than blowing it on luxury items. Thank you for bringing this to light.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable *jklux* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
*eudupe* has changed the way I look at replica bags. The quality is so good, I can't tell the difference from the real ones. The craftsmanship is impressive, and the prices are a steal. I'm a loyal customer for life, and I highly recommend them!
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
This was amazing Mr. C! So lucky to have so much short flights away... Australia doesn't have the luxury and sadly air travel here is extortion. Such a beautiful sunny vibrant place, I always enjoy your Monaco trips.
I used to spend thousands on designer bags but now realize it was a waste. The replicas at *eudupe* are so convincing that even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* and highly recommend it for high-quality replicas.
I used to think replicas were tacky, but *eudupe* changed my mind. I bought a replica Manu Atelier bag, and it's identical to the authentic one. It's a conversation starter, and I love how it makes me feel.
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Prada replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
Oh wow. We stay in Beausoleil every Spring for the tennis and pass by everyday, I shall have to keep my eyes open on my next trip. Thank you for your fabulous video, it is a beautiful place, nice to see the Autumnal decorations in the shops. ❤
I was hesitant to buy a replica bag, but *eudupe* 's reviews were too convincing to ignore. I took the plunge and bought a Prada replica. It's beyond my expectations. The leather feels luxurious, and the stitching is perfect. I've been carrying it everywhere, and no one has suspected it's a fake.
I've always loved designer bags but couldn't stomach the high costs. *eudupe* changed everything for me. The replicas here are so realistic that no one questions their authenticity. My latest purchase, a Prada replica, is so well-made that even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell it's not real. I'm thrilled I found *eudupe* , and I highly recommend it for high-quality replicas.
absolutely beautiful place love the flower and chocolate shops.The Handbags and clothes of Chanel fabulous. I spotted my Chanel book in the window display.❤
I was tired of spending my hard-earned money on overpriced designer bags. *eudupe* offered a solution. I bought a replica Fendi bag, and it's amazing. The leather is soft, and the hardware is sturdy. I've been carrying it for months, and it still looks new.
I've been a fan of Hermes bags for years, but the price tag was always a deal-breaker. *eudupe* changed that for me. I bought a replica Birkin bag, and it's stunning. The craftsmanship is impeccable, and it's held up well over time. I feel like I've made a wise investment.
So blessed thank you for vlog and the one with Luke ❤️ I thought I was going to have wait til Sunday 7pm for your vlog hee hee now have some to watch thus morning yahoo
I've always wanted a By Far bag but couldn't afford it. *eudupe* came to my rescue. I bought a replica, and it's stunning. The detailing is impeccable, and it's held up well over time. I feel like I've made the best purchase ever.
I am so glad I went with you sight seeing in Beautiful Monaco . Love the Designer Vintage stores. Love to own a channel Bag. Hope one day. Lol. Hope you and your partner have a marvellous time. Enjoy and have fun.
I've been dreaming of owning a Balenciaga bag for years, but the price was always too high. *eudupe* came to my rescue. I bought a replica, and it's beyond my expectations. The quality is outstanding, and it's become my go-to accessory.
I used to be a loyal customer at high-end boutiques but now realize it was a waste of money. The replicas at *eudupe* are so convincing that even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Miu Miu replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* and highly recommend it for high-quality replicas.
I was tired of spending my hard-earned money on overpriced designer bags. *eudupe* offered a solution. I bought a replica Loewe bag, and it's beyond my expectations. The quality is outstanding, and it's become my go-to accessory.
Previously, I never believed I'd find such high-quality replicas, but *eudupe* has proven me wrong. I've bought several bags from them, and each one looks just like the genuine article. My friends constantly compliment my bags, unaware that I'm saving thousands by shopping here. I've even sold some of my authentic bags to buy more replicas from *eudupe* .
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I realize I don't need to spend thousands to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My latest purchase is a McQueen replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the high cost.
Hi Mr Carrington. Lovely to have 2 videos to watch on the same day. I loved seeing all the beautiful designer pieces in those thrift shops definitely more upmarket than the normal thrift shops 😂. Katie is such a lovely lady and what an amazing job she has. That would be a dream job to have. Thank for a surprise video really made my day. I hope you reach your 100k subscribers soon and I know you will. You deserve it. Have a lovely day ❤️
This is an interesting post, I wonder if they would have tons of thrift shops in Nice, Antibes, Cap Martin and Menton. That would be exciting to see as I'm sure a lot of those designer gifts must go somewhere.
Hey Mr C, been having a few dilemmas at home but finally finding time to binge watch you and catch back up! I’ve missed ya! lol great video as always x
Before discovering *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I've realized that I don't need to spend thousands of dollars to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase is a Balenciaga replica that looks so real, even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Monaco clearly takes care of their citizens keeping the wealth remaining etc. I remember watching an interview with Princess Grace Kelly, where she talked about knowing people by their name that live there.
Congratulations on reaching 100k subscribers!! 🎉You definitely deserve it as you work incredibly hard to bring us wonderful, engaging and entertaining content. You are inspirational. 😄❤️😻
Oh my goodness .. i loved the Chanel shoes in the QueenBee .. What a beautiful shop but i don't see them online so i am guessing sold out... Ah until next time 🙂I love seeing your vlogs in Monaco Thanks.
Oh wow. I've never been to Monaco. I got an urgent wish to change scenery for a bit. From autumnal Stockholm to the sunny terasses, with a glas of wine.
*eudupe* has restored my faith in replica bags. The quality is top-notch, and the designs are chic and on-trend. I feel like a million bucks carrying this bag, and I can't wait to order more styles and show them off to my friends.
Thank you Mr Carrington for your Video. It Surprised me there are Vintage Shops in Monaco it's Wonderful they bring Clothes/Bags etc to Kate she is so lovely the Shop Items are Beautiful😘👠👜
Luke I have not forgotten about you. I am simply trying to script out my remarks upon Your and Zaras Kitchen renovation. It's absolutely stunning and how involved you were in the total design has left me speeches. I watched every single video. Still planning my several paragraphs of admiration, design love and how utterly happy our Maggie girl is. LOVE IT.!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃 🧡🤩🥂🍂🍁🌻🔮🪄🕸👻🦹♂️🧡
I've always wanted a Celine bag but couldn't afford it. *eudupe* made my dream come true. I bought a replica, and it's beautiful. The quality is top-notch, and it's held up well under daily use. I feel like I've made the best purchase ever.
I used to spend thousands of dollars on designer bags, but now I realize it was a waste of money. The replicas at *eudupe* are so realistic that even my friends who are obsessed with fashion can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* , and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for high-quality replicas.
Hi everyone! *Surprise!* I've managed to upload 2 vlogs today by accident haha. I thought I was being organised and getting ahead. A Come Shopping in Ikea with Luke is also waiting for you - Here's the link, hope you enjoy! ua-cam.com/video/Ln1eKH9cXMw/v-deo.htmlsi=gIjV1sa-zUBxmAnN
I am not going to complain about two vlogs at once. It’s great. A treat for Halloween.
Man, that's really expensive. Seriously, *gtdupe* will attract you more, I promise.
Fantastique... mais c'est MonAco et non Monico, s'il vous plaît!
No matter if it's the *gtdupe* or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack's looks or the metal constituents..
I mean for ordinary people, if you like the style, buy the fake one and enjoy it everyday without worrying about scratching it or dying it from you jeans. Use the extra thousands of dollars invest to yourself. Go to school, learn some instruments, travel abroad, save for retirement, charity works. Luxury is dying. *gtdupe*
I loved katie's shop❤.
Lovely little shops, darlin..❤ ty for taking me to 😊MONACO😊 today...i loved the red boots in the window😊
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my friends who are obsessed with designer bags can't tell the difference. I've saved so much money by switching to replicas, and I've been able to use that money to travel and experience new things. Thank you, *eudupe* , for changing my perspective on spending.
I like it that you show the streets and small shops on your way it make me feel like I'm visiting.
I have seen some really gooooooooood *suluxy* ; shocking how good they are. I always say, spend your money on what you like. These days, most people can’t even tell the difference anyway.
I've always been a fan of designer bags, but the prices were always too high for me to justify. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . The replicas here are incredibly well-made, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My favorite purchase is a Chanel replica that looks so real, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without breaking the bank.
What a lovely woman Katie is! Such a wonderful shop. I never thought to go thrifting in Monaco, but I couldn't afford those prices anyway. Thank you for taking us, Mr. C.
I'm far from rich, but I'll still buy a *gtdupe* bag.
@@MonserattIgnaciio I'd rather spend it on my grandchildren.
I had this medium size black Chanel bag with white logo in it that I borrowed from my sister to bring to Hawaii for vacation. Everybody was complimenting it. I didn’t even know then what a Chanel bag was. When I went for my job interview, the interviewer told me the Chanel bag was very beautiful and for sure her daughter would love to have one like it. On my first day of training, my preceptor jokingly told me, if I’m tired of the bag, I can throw it to her. They said the bag must have costed me a fortune. I became curious about the bag that I asked my sister where she bought it. She said it was given by another sister from Canada so I called that sister too. The said sister from Canada asked me if I want, she’ll give me the wallet that came with it too. I said how can you give away such expensive stuff. She said, “I don’t think so. our sister in law gave it to me as a gift when she came back from the Philippines. She said, she bought it from the local market selling fake bags for $5 dollars.” Moral of the story. Not all that glitters is gold. Fake ones glitter too. I don’t care about the brand. I care about the functionality of the item. *gtdupe*
I live in Korea and people here are obsessed with luxury goods, but the truth is that rich people here also buy... knockoffs! Reasons: to save money; they don't really need the bag, just for status; they only use it once for events or photo shoots. I was surprised too! *gtdupe*
I never cared if someone had fakes and knockoffs unless they were trying to pass them off as authentic and sell them. I also don't think knockoffs and knockoffs are that terrible, I guess I can understand people not wanting the same packaging as everyone else, but if it was a good *gtdupe* , it makes sense that more people would want it, authentic or not
The lady that owned the shop seemed such a lovely approachable lady . ❤️
Honestly, I never thought I'd find such high-quality replicas anywhere. But *eudupe* proved me wrong. I've purchased several bags from them, and they all look indistinguishable from the authentic versions. My friends always complement me on my taste in bags, little do they know I'm saving thousands by shopping here. I've even sold some of my authentic bags to fund more purchases from *eudupe* .
"Where have these shoes danced?" Love this
wow 😮, I’ve learned something new today. The *amzrepe* actually looks a lot cuter than the original. I’ll be paying more attention to the luxury bags I wanna buy.
I've been a fan of designer bags for years, but the prices were always too steep for my budget. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . The replicas here are incredibly well-made, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My favorite purchase is a Gucci replica that looks so real, even my fashion-savvy friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without the high price tag.
I absolutely hate brands, but this shop i love😍 ( the first one)
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years, and I've never been disappointed. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My recent purchase is a stunning Hermes replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
Prices would have been an idea.
I've always loved designer bags, but I could never justify spending thousands of dollars on them. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . The replicas here are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase is a Fendi replica that looks so real, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without breaking the bank.
This is a really great review about the *amzrepe* ! Thank you so much for all the details💗💗💗
Beautiful shops with lovely things ❤❤❤
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
How beautiful Monaco! Thank you taking us shopping and touring in this amazing place!
I've always admired designer bags but could never justify the high prices. Discovering *eudupe* was a game-changer. The replicas here are incredibly well-crafted, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My favorite is a Gucci replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-savvy friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle without the hefty price tag.
they should have a online store because people would go crazy with all the Goodies. Me Included! Loved the Chanel shoes with the lace on them !
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a stunning Hermes replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
She did have a Birkin! A JPG shoulder Birkin at that! 😍
I shouted at my screen at that point, "there's a shoulder Birkin right there!!". Lol
@@sundoll16value people more than bran pls
Indeed!! I thought I was the only one that noticed. Looked to be a denim and Barenia version if I'm not mistaken?
i literally screamed “thats the JPG birkin!!!” 8:47
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the*jklux* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Oh my goodness this was brilliant and a real nice eye-opener. First impressions and all the documentaries I have seen about Monaco and Monte Carlo only show the high life style. It was nice to hear that you could walk into any of those vintage and second hand shops and know that the owners and shop staff are helpful and friendly.
I used to spend lavishly at high-end boutiques, but I realized it was a financial drain. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chanel replica that looks exactly like the real deal. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
❤ Queen Bee! Thank you for sharing… worthy of a visit.
I shall have to add Monaco to my bucket list. This is my kind of holiday. I would be delighted to visit these Thrift Shops. Thank you for this superb video. 🇨🇦
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years, and I've never been disappointed. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My recent purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
@@MelindaOwens-n8w It must be so exciting to shop in your area.
Didn’t imagine Monaco would have any thrift stores . Oh too be that wealthy ❤️
Yes Monaco is a rich country with princes and prince no army a few police station they rely in Italy army if a big problem came
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable*jklux* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
@ I am not wealthy so if I saved and bought a genuine handbag I would be worried I would put it down somewhere and forget about it. By which time someone would have found and left . So I think I would stay with fakes they are hard to tell the difference .❤️🌹
Before discovering *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I'm able to enjoy the same quality and style without breaking the bank. My recent purchase from *eudupe* is a stunning Louis Vuitton replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by switching to replicas. I highly recommend *eudupe* to anyone looking for luxury without the luxury price tag.
@ thanks for the advice ❤️🌹
You are so nice with people. I love your trips . You always find treasures, being shops, restaurants or views. Love to "travel" with you.🤩
I was hesitant to purchase a replica bag, but *eudupe* excellent quality assured me. The bag is stunning, and the materials are of the highest quality. I'm so glad I made this decision, and I can't wait to order more styles.
Oh thank you I really enjoyed this marvellous journey ❤️
Katie’s shop is amazing what a lovely lady
Heir style is so chic, stylish, elegant, and understated *gtdupe*
Love thiss..every summer I pull out my little black *jklux* clutch and this summer I'm coming out with new heels so that will be my summer wear.
Buy yourself a plane ticket to Bangkok...and enjoy the perfect beach holiday in Pattaya with *jklux* Company Bags
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years, and I've never been disappointed. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My recent purchase is a Prada replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
Wow, just wow 🎉 and Katie is fabulous & clever reinventing herself! 😊 Thanks this vid ❤
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
What an amazing shopping experience
I've always been a fan of designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a revelation for me. The replicas here are so realistic that no one questions their authenticity. My latest purchase is a Burberry replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the hefty price tag.
Wow! fancy a thrift shop full of such amazing stuff, even if a 'tad' out of my budget but what fun to browse! Thanks Mr C for showing us a shop that sells off a Princesses cast offs!
Very beautiful sack and. Thnx for helping to make this beautiful video for us *gtdupe* .
It's safe to say *gtdupe* has become her new favorite brand. I'm going to get one for myself too!
Even with the differences they point out, especially on the outside they are so minute to anyone but these trained people to see, even people who own a lot of luxury probably cant see the difference, so why spend 8k when you can spend 500. Also if you spent 8k but your other clothes were old and tatty and wore no make up people would think its fake, if the rest of your appearance was very put together and wearing higher end highstreet, even luxury bag owneers would assume this superfake is real. Only trained people would know the difference. *gtdupe*
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *jklux* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the *jklux* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
What a wonderful treat! Monaco looks so beautiful. Thank you 😊x
I believe no girl can say no to *gtdupe*
I swear the happiness I feel when *jklux* uploads a video is beyond!!!!
Love this video, and thank you for including prices I find a lot of videos like this don’t include the prices which is annoying when you’re trying to plan a trip. Can’t wait to go back to there, so many great places in this video *jklux*
I recently gave my sister a *gtdupe* luxury tote for her birthday and she was so excited!
I like the blogger’s dressing style, it suits my taste, and of course the video style is also very comfortable *gtdupe*
Katie is such a warm and welcoming person ❤ Love this film.
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I realize I don't need to spend thousands to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My latest purchase is a Dolce & Gabbana replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the high cost.
Oh my goodness, all those gorgeous handbags and the houndstooth coat are to die for!
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
Just Gorgeous, thankyou Maureen 😘
As a budget-conscious fashionista, *eudupe* has been a game-changer. Their replica bags are stylish, well-made, and affordable. I feel like a million bucks carrying this bag.
Gorgeous pieces in the first store, I would be in my element!
I used to splurge at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial mistake. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
What a lovely surprise 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Oh my goodness, this is a fabulous shopping trip 🛍
Thank you 😊❤
I'm always on the lookout for stylish accessories that don't cost an arm and a leg. *eudupe* replica bags are the perfect solution. The quality is exceptional, and the designs are trendy. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I can't wait to order more styles.
OMG, I would be in Heaven 😂🎉😅🎉
I love things that have history of their own 😊
I've always been a fan of designer bags, but I could never justify spending thousands of dollars on them. That's why I was so excited to find *eudupe* . The replicas here are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase is a Burberry replica that looks so real, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without the high price tag.
Thank you for sharing the video, you are a highly likeable and charming man!
As Katie says, she doesn’t have a Birkin, I couldn’t help but notice, the horizontal Birkin brown and black from around 2011, standing on the bottom shelf 😉
Talking of hotel flower arrangements, if ever in Bangkok, you ought to see, the lobby flower display, at Mandarin Oriental, the REALLY hit the ball out of the park, with their draping 6 - 8 meter high flower arrangements, drilling into a pond below.
I used to be a big spender at those high-end boutiques, but I realized I was wasting my money. Now, I shop at *eudupe* , and I've never been happier. The replicas here are so realistic that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by shopping at *eudupe* instead of those overpriced boutiques.
@ don’t disagree, but each to their own. I do not own a lot of in my economy, expensive things.
But for me I buy luxury items, because I like the story, brand and quality, I do it for me, not to impress others, that’s why a copy won’t do. Why pay up towards $1.000 for the best replica Rolex, when I can save longer and get the real thing for $7.000.
Yes I’m aware it’s a big difference, but I personally prefer less luxury, that’s real luxury.
I buy classic things I love, standing the test of time, it takes me so long to save up, that I’m by then an 100% sure I do the correct thing.
For me less is more, but a fake… no thanks it totally contradicts, what luxury product are about and smell like one is trying to impress others.
Hi Mr. C! Ok I'm speechless....the women in Monaco only like to wear things once or buy items in 3 different sizes then get rid of the ones they don't need with the tags still on? Wow to be that kind of ultra rich! What I wouldn't give to even be able to afford a gently used, second hand Chanel, Gucci, Christian Dior, or D&G purse! 😞 What an amazing shop indeed. Thanks for taking us along as always.
There are thrift shops like this in Paris too. I have a lovely little Chanel jacket - bought pre-loved many moons ago when I was visiting France a lot for work. And when I could fit into a size 36 (UK 8) ....sigh.... I still have it in my wardrobe, it no longer gets an outing but I just can't bear to let it go.
The island is rich is a lot a prince and princess like the unforgettable princes Grace Kelly of Monaco
@@sandradavies7804is a beautiful island I read a lot about Monaco is a lot a billionaire people a lot travel just to see the most expensive and beautiful cars
I used to be a loyal customer at those high-end boutiques, but now I realize it was a waste of money. The replicas at *eudupe* are so realistic that even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Miu Miu replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* , and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for high-quality replicas.
Katie was really fascinating, tfs! ❤
I've always loved designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a game-changer for me. The replicas here are so realistic that no one questions their authenticity. My latest purchase is a Fendi replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle without breaking the bank.
What a lovely lady Katie is, although I doubt I'd ever be able to afford to buy anything in her gorgeous shop! Hope you had a lovely break x❤🇮🇪
The knockoffs started appearing as early as 2000. The knockoffs were graded AAA, AA, and A. I remember the seller even said you couldn't tell the difference. They said the knockoffs bought at *gtdupe* were better quality than the real thing.
For a long time, with the price of Chanel going up, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy that I have a *jklux* as my travel bag and I don't have to take care of it. By the way, I believe no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the *jklux* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
You are lucky that your thrift store has such great prices. Be all of my local thrift stores price everything as if you are shopping at Neiman Marcus. Even if the *jklux* are not real name brand. That's one reason why I don't go thrifting anymore. Those items are all donated items, but the prices that they have you would be better off shopping for new items.
Before discovering *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I've realized that I don't need to spend thousands of dollars to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase is a McQueen replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Wow..absolutely lovely vlog...beautiful place Monaco.. loved all the shops you visited and especially those chanel shoes.thanks for taking us on your journey.🤩
I used to think spending thousands on designer bags was worth it, but I was wrong. I found *eudupe* and bought a replica Chanel bag. It's indistinguishable from the authentic one. My friends were shocked when I told them it was a fake. They couldn't believe the quality and detail. Now, I save thousands and still look stylish.
Wow! Such interesting thrift shops. I so enjoyed that look around. Thank you 😊
Beautiful, Beautiful. Everything. Very nice store.
I never thought I'd find a replica bag that looked so authentic. *eudupe* has exceeded my expectations. The quality is outstanding, and the designs are stylish. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a stylish yet affordable accessory.
Oh no I’m late to the party,all I keep saying out loud is OMG 😍😍 favourite video of the month on UA-cam
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I enjoy the same quality and style without the hefty price tag. My recent purchase from *eudupe* is a Louis Vuitton replica that is identical to the real thing. The amount of money I've saved by switching to replicas is astonishing. I highly recommend *eudupe* to anyone seeking luxury without the exorbitant cost.
What fun Mr. C..
U go to the most beautiful and interesting places!!!!
Thank you for taking us along and sharing!!!
Really enjoyed both your videos today a birthday treat for me thank you, for memories of Monaco xxx❤️
Happy birthday!
You are lucky that your thrift store has such great prices. Be all of my local thrift stores price everything as if you are shopping at Neiman Marcus. Even if the *jklux* are not real name brand. That's one reason why I don't go thrifting anymore. Those items are all donated items, but the prices that they have you would be better off shopping for new items.
I was amazed by the quality of my *eudupe* replica bag. It's so well-made, and the attention to detail is second to none. I feel like a fashion icon carrying it, and I've already received so many compliments. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I highly recommend them!
Lovely you can take us around Monaco and the thrift shop with luxury things too
Tres beau. Thank you for taking us on your lovely thrifting adventure. How gorgeous are those streets and gardens too? 💋
Well, I’ve always been scratching my head about *gtdupe* obsession with school bags and their practicality, but this video is adorable! Congratulations.
I've always been a fan of designer bags but couldn't justify the expense. *eudupe* was a revelation for me. The replicas here are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever questioned their authenticity. My favorite is a Chanel replica that looks so authentic, even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without breaking the bank.
Another lovely video. Thank you so much, Iwan.
I used to splurge heavily at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial drain. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
I am so happy I found your channel. What a treasure for the senses. ❤❤❤ thank you!
I still love my LV reverse monogram *amzrepe* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
Great video - loving your pinstripe shirt / jacket and your shades at the end xx
I enjoyed your Video. Would have so much fun window shopping. All those Beautiful items! What a nice Trip you had!
I Iove Monaco! It is beautiful! Isn't Katie just lovely! Thanks for sharing this! Xx
Your closet is simple a dream! Not just the *gtdupe* bags but the ready to wear that you have is absolutely stunning.
The differences are so minute you'd have to be out of your mind to spend thousands of dollars to get the "real" one. *gtdupe*
I like your channel and agree with what you say about the insanity of price on luxury handbags. Not bragging but I can easily afford the real deal but I chose not to. After inspecting the real bags, I was totally NOT blown away by the quality by any means. Im totally ok with having *jklux* . I'd rather with smart with my money than blowing it on luxury items. Thank you for bringing this to light.
My mom bought one *jklux* and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable *jklux* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
great...........thrift shops has quality
Thank you for sharing your experience with us! I’ve always wanted to travel there 😊 the weather was perfect for filming ❤
Beautiful 🥰 Monaco for reviewing shopping🎉❤🎉
*eudupe* has changed the way I look at replica bags. The quality is so good, I can't tell the difference from the real ones. The craftsmanship is impressive, and the prices are a steal. I'm a loyal customer for life, and I highly recommend them!
Lovely video. What beautiful shops. 😊🇨🇦
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
Oh my what amazing thrift shops ……what total Bliss💕
This was amazing Mr. C! So lucky to have so much short flights away... Australia doesn't have the luxury and sadly air travel here is extortion. Such a beautiful sunny vibrant place, I always enjoy your Monaco trips.
I used to spend thousands on designer bags but now realize it was a waste. The replicas at *eudupe* are so convincing that even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* and highly recommend it for high-quality replicas.
I absolutely love seeing all those purses I collect vintage ones I love the one shaped like the book another great video, Mr. C.🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
I used to think replicas were tacky, but *eudupe* changed my mind. I bought a replica Manu Atelier bag, and it's identical to the authentic one. It's a conversation starter, and I love how it makes me feel.
Brilliant vlog thank you x
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Prada replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
Oh wow. We stay in Beausoleil every Spring for the tennis and pass by everyday, I shall have to keep my eyes open on my next trip. Thank you for your fabulous video, it is a beautiful place, nice to see the Autumnal decorations in the shops. ❤
I’m watching first time your video from USA I really enjoyed ❤thank you for showing us
I was hesitant to buy a replica bag, but *eudupe* 's reviews were too convincing to ignore. I took the plunge and bought a Prada replica. It's beyond my expectations. The leather feels luxurious, and the stitching is perfect. I've been carrying it everywhere, and no one has suspected it's a fake.
Wow 2 vlogs to watch 😮. The designer shops are gorgeous.❤
Just a beautiful video x
This is my first time watching your videos. I hope to see more. Loved the vintage stores
new here, quite loved the virtual walk in Monaco, a place I can only wish setting about my foot into so thanks for bringing us along!
What beautiful stores awesome window displays amazing thanx for sharing Sue
I've always loved designer bags but couldn't stomach the high costs. *eudupe* changed everything for me. The replicas here are so realistic that no one questions their authenticity. My latest purchase, a Prada replica, is so well-made that even my fashion-conscious friends can't tell it's not real. I'm thrilled I found *eudupe* , and I highly recommend it for high-quality replicas.
absolutely beautiful place love the flower and chocolate shops.The Handbags and clothes of Chanel fabulous. I spotted my Chanel book in the window display.❤
I was tired of spending my hard-earned money on overpriced designer bags. *eudupe* offered a solution. I bought a replica Fendi bag, and it's amazing. The leather is soft, and the hardware is sturdy. I've been carrying it for months, and it still looks new.
@ Thanks will check it out. I only window shop Hand Bags.
Hi lwan,. The orange car is so cute! 😊❤
Consumerism if off the charts!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monaco is in my bucket list, Thank you for showing this video, the more I want to see Monaco! 🥰🥰🇵🇭
Katie thanks to this video a lot a people is gonna travel to Monaco just to go to shopping at your store!!!
I've been a fan of Hermes bags for years, but the price tag was always a deal-breaker. *eudupe* changed that for me. I bought a replica Birkin bag, and it's stunning. The craftsmanship is impeccable, and it's held up well over time. I feel like I've made a wise investment.
So blessed thank you for vlog and the one with Luke ❤️
I thought I was going to have wait til Sunday 7pm for your vlog hee hee now have some to watch thus morning yahoo
I've always wanted a By Far bag but couldn't afford it. *eudupe* came to my rescue. I bought a replica, and it's stunning. The detailing is impeccable, and it's held up well over time. I feel like I've made the best purchase ever.
I am so glad I went with you sight seeing in Beautiful Monaco . Love the Designer Vintage stores. Love to own a channel Bag. Hope one day. Lol.
Hope you and your partner have a marvellous time. Enjoy and have fun.
I've been dreaming of owning a Balenciaga bag for years, but the price was always too high. *eudupe* came to my rescue. I bought a replica, and it's beyond my expectations. The quality is outstanding, and it's become my go-to accessory.
Wow, my wife would love a browse in those shops, my credit card maybe not so much!👍♥️
I used to be a loyal customer at high-end boutiques but now realize it was a waste of money. The replicas at *eudupe* are so convincing that even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Miu Miu replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* and highly recommend it for high-quality replicas.
Thats awesome. I never would have guessed there would be thrift shops in Monaco!
I was tired of spending my hard-earned money on overpriced designer bags. *eudupe* offered a solution. I bought a replica Loewe bag, and it's beyond my expectations. The quality is outstanding, and it's become my go-to accessory.
Lovely video, had never thought of thrift shops in Monte Carlo, so this is quite a treat...and now my mind is realing oh when can I get to Monaco.
Me also ! If you want someone to go with I def am going.
I lived in Monaco for 13yrs & never saw a thrift shop in all that time ( from 1999) How times change!
WOW! for living there...@ yes u wouldn't think that ...but celebs dresses can b donated sold thinking about it. .....
Previously, I never believed I'd find such high-quality replicas, but *eudupe* has proven me wrong. I've bought several bags from them, and each one looks just like the genuine article. My friends constantly compliment my bags, unaware that I'm saving thousands by shopping here. I've even sold some of my authentic bags to buy more replicas from *eudupe* .
Nice video I love your position and your sharing the time you spent in Monoco.
Ingenious use of many coloured anthuriums mimicking autumn leaves, seen at time 14:40 in the video. Cheers to the floral artist.
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I realize I don't need to spend thousands to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My latest purchase is a McQueen replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the high cost.
Wouldn't it be great to have the stories attached to the vintage items, what a fantastic shop 😊
Loved this Mr Cx
Hi Mr Carrington. Lovely to have 2 videos to watch on the same day. I loved seeing all the beautiful designer pieces in those thrift shops definitely more upmarket than the normal thrift shops 😂. Katie is such a lovely lady and what an amazing job she has. That would be a dream job to have. Thank for a surprise video really made my day. I hope you reach your 100k subscribers soon and I know you will. You deserve it. Have a lovely day ❤️
Stunning walking tour... thank u...
Lovely vlog and how beautiful is Monaco. Bags looked brand new and well presented but still a bit pricey for me even at second hand 😁. ❤❤
So many lovely shops ❤
This is an interesting post, I wonder if they would have tons of thrift shops in Nice, Antibes, Cap Martin and Menton. That would be exciting to see as I'm sure a lot of those designer gifts must go somewhere.
Hey Mr C, been having a few dilemmas at home but finally finding time to binge watch you and catch back up! I’ve missed ya! lol great video as always x
Interesting. Nice to see Monaco in this way
Just found you! Subscribed! Thrifting,travel two of my favorite things.👍
That woman's shop was amazing! I'd be in there for hours looking at all the stuff in there, even though i'm a Man
Before discovering *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I've realized that I don't need to spend thousands of dollars to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and I've never had anyone question their authenticity. My recent purchase is a Balenciaga replica that looks so real, even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I'm able to enjoy the luxury lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Monaco clearly takes care of their citizens keeping the wealth remaining etc. I remember watching an interview with Princess Grace Kelly, where she talked about knowing people by their name that live there.
WOW!exciting thankyou
Hi MR.C great video what a dreamy place to live. Only a dream in my world 🌎.
Congratulations on reaching 100k subscribers!! 🎉You definitely deserve it as you work incredibly hard to bring us wonderful, engaging and entertaining content. You are inspirational. 😄❤️😻
Ohh love a surprise!!!!Sorry you made a mistake not sorry😂 got another vlog and love it thank's for all your hard work 💜 ❤️
The hounds tooth print jacket was everything
Oh my goodness .. i loved the Chanel shoes in the QueenBee .. What a beautiful shop but i don't see them online so i am guessing sold out... Ah until next time 🙂I love seeing your vlogs in Monaco Thanks.
Oh wow. I've never been to Monaco. I got an urgent wish to change scenery for a bit. From autumnal Stockholm to the sunny terasses, with a glas of wine.
*eudupe* has restored my faith in replica bags. The quality is top-notch, and the designs are chic and on-trend. I feel like a million bucks carrying this bag, and I can't wait to order more styles and show them off to my friends.
Arent we the lucky ones love this vlog love Manaco i didnt know of those shops
Thank you Mr Carrington for your Video. It Surprised me there are Vintage Shops in Monaco it's Wonderful they bring Clothes/Bags etc to Kate she is so lovely the Shop Items are Beautiful😘👠👜
Great video, I just found your channel🎉🎉🎉🎉
Luke I have not forgotten about you. I am simply trying to script out my remarks upon Your and Zaras Kitchen renovation. It's absolutely stunning and how involved you were in the total design has left me speeches. I watched every single video. Still planning my several paragraphs of admiration, design love and how utterly happy our Maggie girl is. LOVE IT.!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃 🧡🤩🥂🍂🍁🌻🔮🪄🕸👻🦹♂️🧡
I’ll pass on to Luke!
I've always wanted a Celine bag but couldn't afford it. *eudupe* made my dream come true. I bought a replica, and it's beautiful. The quality is top-notch, and it's held up well under daily use. I feel like I've made the best purchase ever.
What a surprise. 2 videos on 1 day :-) I so hope you will have 100K subs before the end of the year
I used to spend thousands of dollars on designer bags, but now I realize it was a waste of money. The replicas at *eudupe* are so realistic that even my friends who are obsessed with fashion can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* , and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for high-quality replicas.