Here's all my problems with this map: 1. In order to get the first button, you need to go on a tiny piece of detail. You shouldn't have people go on a piece of detail to get one button because that's just a horrible way to start off the map. Another reason why I don't like this revamp because the lava rises way to fast and barley gives you time in the second room. Speaking about the second room, at 0:51 seconds into the video, this jump is almost impossible for me to do. And my last complaint is that when going on the last truss in the second room, the jump to it is way too long and needs to be patched. I think this map has a good chance of being added but there's a lot of things that prevent it.
Edit: I forgot to mention if you could nerf the wall jump when entering the room before the climbing section because that's where I die at all the time now
This map has gone so far
Here's all my problems with this map:
1. In order to get the first button, you need to go on a tiny piece of detail. You shouldn't have people go on a piece of detail to get one button because that's just a horrible way to start off the map. Another reason why I don't like this revamp because the lava rises way to fast and barley gives you time in the second room. Speaking about the second room, at 0:51 seconds into the video, this jump is almost impossible for me to do. And my last complaint is that when going on the last truss in the second room, the jump to it is way too long and needs to be patched. I think this map has a good chance of being added but there's a lot of things that prevent it.
Thx for the feedback, will definitely nerf the lava speed
I saw on the forums that you updated/nerfed the map so thanks for doing that.
Edit: I forgot to mention if you could nerf the wall jump when entering the room before the climbing section because that's where I die at all the time now
This is very true, and I've had the same problems. (Btw thanks for nerfing)
@@mr_bruh2279 Just cause you die shouldnt mean he has to nerf it
I will try this map it looks fun👍
Already beat it! It was fun
its really good but what is the id for the acid?
One of my favorite FE2CM maps
(i can solo dis ez 🙂 )
Nerf last walljump because it sucks tbh
Also is it ok if you can add back V1?
jyiyi51 is the id for v1 (and other old versions) :)
imo nerf jump to first button & lava speed and this can get in fe2
so confused, how did you manage to get custom music too work in Fe2??
roblox had already uploaded the music