Excellent information and tips to locate and draw a personal bust circle. I will add this to my bodice block and I look forward to the next video. Thanks, Alexandra.
I DID learn something new! Thanks so much! Can’t wait to see the next video. I know you do talk about the bust circle in former videos, so I’ll look around for some of those. Thanks again!
I am always amazed at how many things you can return to the bust circle for ( such as making pleated necklines, corset like tops & dresses, and to determine your preferred depth of a V-neck blouse/bodice. Endless uses. Thanks!
I did learn something new! This will be very useful for me going forward. Thanks :).
Excellent information and tips to locate and draw a personal bust circle. I will add this to my bodice block and I look forward to the next video. Thanks, Alexandra.
I DID learn something new! Thanks so much! Can’t wait to see the next video. I know you do talk about the bust circle in former videos, so I’ll look around for some of those. Thanks again!
I am always amazed at how many things you can return to the bust circle for ( such as making pleated necklines, corset like tops & dresses, and to determine your preferred depth of a V-neck blouse/bodice. Endless uses. Thanks!