I heard this excerpt from #ShawnBolz "The Winds of CHANGE" and it confirmed to me the change or transition we must go through similar to the transformation that takes place from a caterpillar to a butterfly: "There's a season of change that God has been cocooning many of you for and you are about to find yourself coming out of the cocoon and it's going to surprise you. Some of you have been in change or transition for so long and you can't see in front of you. It's so dark in that cocoon you can't see what God is going to do and you forgot some of the bigger promises because you are not keeping focus on them. Scripture reminds us that life is a dynamic journey and that change is essential to our aspect of growth and development. Ecclesiastes 3; 1-8
YES LORD, Yea and Amen!
I heard this excerpt from #ShawnBolz "The Winds of CHANGE" and it confirmed to me the change or transition we must go through similar to the transformation that takes place from a caterpillar to a butterfly: "There's a season of change that God has been cocooning many of you for and you are about to find yourself coming out of the cocoon and it's going to surprise you. Some of you have been in change or transition for so long and you can't see in front of you. It's so dark in that cocoon you can't see what God is going to do and you forgot some of the bigger promises because you are not keeping focus on them. Scripture reminds us that life is a dynamic journey and that change is essential to our aspect of growth and development. Ecclesiastes 3; 1-8