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🤍 لا تنسون كود الايتم شوب ( S4 ) Use Code 🤍
عربي ولا لا
@@adlish1161 عربي
والله انك مجنوننن مرجججلللههه🏃🏻♂️🔥
استمر والله احبك مرههههه❤️❤️❤️❤️
9:39 👀 S2FF caught in 4k 🤘🏽
Bro as a fan of spider man that’s soo cool 😦🔥
I love the selfy with spider man part
It looks like dead-pool and spider-man combined together
The outro💀🤣🤣🔥
الأفضل ولا أصيد الي عنده اعتراض
مليت و انا اقلك 😂 King of party Royale
كمل يا أسطورة ولله اني بحبك و بحب محتواك🔥🔥🔥❤🥺
that first lobby is filled with a bunch of kids that are jealous and salty that u have their emotes
ماشاءالله الله لايضرك حبي 🤍🥺
سيف والله حرام تخلي حسابك ماتفتحه😕💔
I was the ikonik skin looolz
والله انت مبدع👏👏👏
1:08 fishstick was mad you had the same chapter 1 season 2 floss and still put 💤
Power 😁😈👻
No you amazing CAT scanS4🏆🌹♥️
1:08 XD
cool video
its so embarrassing when they have to resort to emoticons
does the digital copy that you can buy from amazon include the code?
I don't think so
1:08 this kid with the fishstick skin makes no sense
Wsh bg t'as déjà le skin GG perso je l'aurai d'ici 1 semaine, sinon je regarderai le vidéo dans 30 minutes 👍
Oh un français 😂
C'est rare de voir des français sur UA-cam en ce moment à cause de Tiktok
@@Swiss_man non c’est rare de voir des français sur ses chaînes la
اطلق من ينزل❤️
S2FF 💖❤️
ayyo S2 how do u get that skin
I wish I had acc like this when u buy one skin a year and one emote a year it's like that u know
الأفضل 😢
You should do a giveaway for the skin 👉👈
He needs to chill out with the freestylin and do more of the switchstep
How did you get it early?
how did you get the skin early?
Either epic games got it early or the comic book came out in his country
Fire vidieo🔥
How do you get tha skin
How many emotes are in the game?
@@s2ff_ okay thank you
زمان عنك يا سيف ليش اختفيت من تيك توك
يالطيب كيف جبت السكن؟؟
Seriously tell me how to get it
Buy a code or wait until tomorrow and buy the issue #1
@@s2ff_ thanks
How do you even get it
If you flex your sad
You have all emote in fortnite?
@@s2ff_ ماشاء الله
@@s2ff_ How many all dances of fortnite now
Use code S2 guys best code on fortnite
bro no one cares it's a virtual body 😂😂😂
First and USE CODE
What does that mean when you shoot the grapple in the air ?
Like go away
@@NottiWhat oh ok... I see it all the time
is mean, get away from me, I don't want to see your nonsense
@@A.1- ok, thanks
The People is very toxic😞
Abd8x emote battle
كيف جبت السكن 🌚
اشتري كوميك مارفل و فورتنايت و بيجيك كود اتوقع
Rambunctious and tidy arent rare
The video was released before they came back
No offence but how on earth did you get it early and ppl like ninja and courage didn’t 😂😂
Some websites are selling codes and I bought one 😅
@Vivid Enaba
I hate tssss emote
🤍 لا تنسون كود الايتم شوب ( S4 ) Use Code 🤍
عربي ولا لا
@@adlish1161 عربي
والله انك مجنوننن مرجججلللههه🏃🏻♂️🔥
استمر والله احبك مرههههه❤️❤️❤️❤️
9:39 👀 S2FF caught in 4k 🤘🏽
Bro as a fan of spider man that’s soo cool 😦🔥
I love the selfy with spider man part
It looks like dead-pool and spider-man combined together
The outro💀🤣🤣🔥
الأفضل ولا أصيد الي عنده اعتراض
مليت و انا اقلك 😂 King of party Royale
كمل يا أسطورة ولله اني بحبك و بحب محتواك🔥🔥🔥❤🥺
that first lobby is filled with a bunch of kids that are jealous and salty that u have their emotes
ماشاءالله الله لايضرك حبي 🤍🥺
سيف والله حرام تخلي حسابك ماتفتحه😕💔
I was the ikonik skin looolz
والله انت مبدع👏👏👏
1:08 fishstick was mad you had the same chapter 1 season 2 floss and still put 💤
Power 😁😈👻
No you amazing CAT scan
1:08 XD
cool video
its so embarrassing when they have to resort to emoticons
does the digital copy that you can buy from amazon include the code?
I don't think so
1:08 this kid with the fishstick skin makes no sense
Wsh bg t'as déjà le skin GG perso je l'aurai d'ici 1 semaine, sinon je regarderai le vidéo dans 30 minutes 👍
Oh un français 😂
C'est rare de voir des français sur UA-cam en ce moment à cause de Tiktok
@@Swiss_man non c’est rare de voir des français sur ses chaînes la
اطلق من ينزل❤️
S2FF 💖❤️
ayyo S2 how do u get that skin
I wish I had acc like this when u buy one skin a year and one emote a year it's like that u know
الأفضل 😢
You should do a giveaway for the skin 👉👈
He needs to chill out with the freestylin and do more of the switchstep
How did you get it early?
how did you get the skin early?
Either epic games got it early or the comic book came out in his country
Fire vidieo🔥
How do you get tha skin
How many emotes are in the game?
@@s2ff_ okay thank you
زمان عنك يا سيف ليش اختفيت من تيك توك
يالطيب كيف جبت السكن؟؟
Seriously tell me how to get it
Buy a code or wait until tomorrow and buy the issue #1
@@s2ff_ thanks
How do you even get it
If you flex your sad
You have all emote in fortnite?
@@s2ff_ ماشاء الله
How many all dances of fortnite now
Use code S2 guys best code on fortnite
bro no one cares it's a virtual body 😂😂😂
First and USE CODE
What does that mean when you shoot the grapple in the air ?
Like go away
@@NottiWhat oh ok... I see it all the time
is mean, get away from me, I don't want to see your nonsense
@@A.1- ok, thanks
The People is very toxic😞
Abd8x emote battle
كيف جبت السكن 🌚
اشتري كوميك مارفل و فورتنايت و بيجيك كود اتوقع
Rambunctious and tidy arent rare
The video was released before they came back
No offence but how on earth did you get it early and ppl like ninja and courage didn’t 😂😂
Some websites are selling codes and I bought one 😅
@Vivid Enaba
I hate tssss emote