Wow, such a crystal clear putty! The time lapse in the end looked amazing! As you pointed out, putting each of the never before shown putties in their own video would make it easier to find it, if one searched for it. So for archival reasons that would be the best way to go! Thank you for this very nice video! 😊🙏🏾💖💖💖
It's amazing how clear that putty is. Very impressive! Edit: Interesting to see it become more opaque over time. Looks a bit like an ice cube. I like it.
Shoot I meant to comment but forgot. I would love to see all putties at once but honestly 3-4 a video would probably be better to spend more time on each!
I would actually love a big vid with all the putty, LPS Dave! It could be like one of the longer format vids you've done so each putty does get its own attention. :]
Here is a comparison video of the Crazy Aaron's Liquid Glass Thinking Putty - Bonus History & Box Games!
i came back to see if ur channel was still up and running and i’m so glad you are! Grew up along side ur videos and ur amazing, thanks for what you do
Wow, such a crystal clear putty! The time lapse in the end looked amazing! As you pointed out, putting each of the never before shown putties in their own video would make it easier to find it, if one searched for it. So for archival reasons that would be the best way to go! Thank you for this very nice video! 😊🙏🏾💖💖💖
my childhood
It's amazing how clear that putty is. Very impressive! Edit: Interesting to see it become more opaque over time. Looks a bit like an ice cube. I like it.
The nostalgia i get from that intro.
I see you’re still making videos ❤. You were my childhood! ❤
there's a new furby out, have you done a video on it?
I have one of the liquid glass. Love it
Can you review furby 2023?
Shoot I meant to comment but forgot. I would love to see all putties at once but honestly 3-4 a video would probably be better to spend more time on each!
Wow it took roughly 7 and a half hours for the time-lapse
I would actually love a big vid with all the putty, LPS Dave! It could be like one of the longer format vids you've done so each putty does get its own attention. :]