1: Face impalement by airborne sword. 2: Starting a race early and being shot by the starting gun. 3: Trampled in unfortunate ballroom incident. 4: Bad spiked tennis ball call. 5: Attempting to wrestle a gorilla. 6: Letting a drop of water get past you so it can overgrow your lawn and destroy all you hold dear. 7: Boxing match against deadly fungi. 8: Misjudging your trajectory in to a bathroom stall, missing, and your bladder exploding. 9: Starving to death. 10: Failing to grasp the concept of toast. 11: Inability to pick nose. 12: Misunderstanding of plumbing. 13: Letting the elusive demon waddle escape your grasp. 14: Dying of embarrassment from a bad photograph gone viral. 15: Forgetting how to swim. 16: Not hitting the nail on the head. 17: Caught by aliens. 18: Consumed by the earth itself. 19: Fatal trip. 20: Racial profiling. 21: Snakes. 22: Struck down by a giant sentient eggplant. 23: Not providing ample evidence for proof of mythical creatures. 24: Freezing to death. 25: Drifting off in to the void of space. 26: Being destroyed by the Swine Trek. 27: Missing that one banana. 28: Not having enough ammo. 29: Empathy for balloons. 30: Pinball machine that controls like ass. 31: Dropped items in Rainbow Road. 32: Falling down a mountain. 33: Driving off a cliff. 34: Inability to press a button. 35: World annihilating comets. 36: Trying to slice a bomb fuse with a sword in attempts to disarm it. 37: Jamming expensive equipment. 38: Murder by jealous beauty pageant contestants. 39: STRUCK DOWN BY GOD HIMSELF. 40: Not understanding physics. 41: Popped. 42: Further endangering endangered species. 43: Dropping the ball. 44: Bears. 45: Not knowing how to use a bow. 46: Trying to be a show-off in gym class. 47: Bears. 48: Not meeting your personal fitness goals. 49: Bad time for a high five. 50: Bogey. 51: Medicine with bad side effects. 52: Replacing your armors exterior plating with rubber. 53: Nommed. 54: Not being able to provide food to feed yourself or family. 55: Aggressive birds. 56: Missing a landing. 57: Plants breathing fire. 58: Impalement followed by drowning. 59: ....Really, Mario? Really? 60: Drunk construction worker shenanigans. 61: Getting the axe from dropping the axe. 62: Pooping. 63: Crushing frustration of ruining the final sewing work on a cosplay you've spent months working on. 64: Mm, sweet lemonade. 65: Ill-advised hair cutting techniques. 66: Egg-bortion. 67: Language barrier. 68: Moldy clothes. 69: Uh... having a hard time thinking of a creative explanation for this one. 70: Magnetism. 71: Deep-seeded hatred between co-workers. 72: Culinary critics. 73: Not deactivating an instant kill puzzle in time. 74: Poor penmanship. 75: Crushed by barrels. 76: Silent judgement by your most loyal companions. 77: Inability to hear. 78: Motorcycle crashing in to a pit of spikes. 79: Misplacing your stylus for the millionth time. 80: Caught stealing fish. 81: Demonic old lady. 82: Bludgeoned by accident. 83: Spin spin spin spin spin spinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspin 84: Death penalty for failing your country in the Olympics. 85: Staying underwater too long. 86: Getting caught in the act of being a double agent. 87: Inescapable truth of death coming for us all despite good fitness. 88: Not being spared. You should have split. 89: Killed by rival ninja clans. 90: Think this one was a victory all things considered. 91: Plate tectonics. 92: Not being able to tell the difference between a banana and a cheetah. 93: Calling her a cow. 94: Not fully understanding the instructions to the game. 95: Caught in public not wearing clothes. 96: Angering the sun. 97: Weak lungs. 98: Captured in hostile enemy territory. 99: Exploded. 100: Trying to eat with your butt. 101: Failed rescues. 102: Taken by the tide. 103: Hello? 104: Sharing the high wire. 105: Run over by a potato. 106: Bears. 107: Premature leaps of faith. 108: Not having car insurance. 109: Untrustworthy allies letting you fall to your death. 110: Eaten by rocketing demon heads. 111: Trying to mimic what you saw on Food Network during your first day on a new chef job. 112: Only going 350 degrees of a full round-house kick. 113: Being too sexy. 114: Drinking problem. 115: Falling in to a pit. 116: Colorblind bomb defusing. 117: Honesty. 118: Slow reflexes. 119: Ultimate dishonor of not rehearing with your mariachi troop. 120: Falling hard-skinned fruit. 121: Slain by Satan's Hellspawn. 122: Overwhelmed by an advancing horde. 123: Demons stealing your food. 124: Over-inflating your camel. 125: Throwing out your spine. 126: Extreme ninja training. 127: Mom catching you playing games when you're supposed to be sleeping. 128: Wario's flatulence.
She isn't obscure... If you actually look she is the face of many things, and is almost as much of the face of WarioWare as Wario himself, she also appears on the front cover of several Japan Magazines.
Here are all the death list of fails 1: Failing to Fence a Airborne Sword 2: Starting the Race Early 3: Ballroom Incident 4: Failing to guess which star lands 5: Attempting to play wrestle with a gorilla 6: Failing to punch a rail drops 7: Playing a boxing fight with a hacker 8: Winning too many sports contest without peeing 9: Failing to catch a cookie thrown by mother 10: Not getting the bread on time 11: Night of the Living Boogers: Nose edition 12: Not checking the pipes and pour it to your face 13: Failing to catch a chicken at the right time 14: Bad picture incident 15: Impatient 16: Hitting the man's hand with hammer 17: Winning a staring contest with the Alien 18: Eaten by a Plant 19: Not checking the road 20: Attempting to check the same thing 21: Failing to follow the Map and got eaten by Snakes! 22: You just got pwned, FTW! 23: Failing to prove mythical creatures are real. 24: Getting Deaf by Thunderstorms. 25: Getting caught by Flying UFO. 26: Getting killed by Nose Boss! 27: Missing a Banana. 28: Not getting more Shells. 29: Missing a Balloon. 30: Playing a botched pinball. 31: Starting the time trial without cleanup. 32: Being Greedy to get the Veggie. 33: Sleeping while you are driving. 34: Attempting to Blind an Eye. 35: It's the end of the world as we know it. 36: Losing at Fruit Ninja. 37: Botched mining equipment. 38: Getting beaten by a pajent women. 39: GETTING STRUCK BY GOD HIMSELF! 40: Building a house upside-down and got consumed by a snow. 41: Botched planet rotation and got self-destruct. 42: Being lazy to control the bridge. 43: Failing to kick the ball on the right time. 44: Hitting a teddy bear during skiing. 45: Not having more ammo. 46: Attempting to slam dunk while being sick. 47: Attempting to play hand wrestle with a grizzly bear. 48: Not waiting for the personal exercise goals. 49: Giving a shadow figure a high-five. 50: Botched golf game. 51: Being positive to Covid-19. 52: Losing control to Samus. 53: Getting consumed by a flying jelly. 54: Fishing a great white shark. 55: Attacked by a bird. 56: Missing a landing spot. 57: Burned by Fire Piranha Plant. 58: Failing to check the spikes. 59: Really Mario, REALLY!. 60: Demolitation a Bomb Shelter. 61: Failing to balance a umbrella. 62: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW THAT STINKS! 63: Botched sewing machine. 64: Having a drunk party while you supposed not to. 65: Having a haircut while drunk. 66: Strong winds. 67: Going to Japanese School as a foreigner. 68: Mixing with wet clothes and dirty socks together. 69: Not good enough to sewing. 70: Strong Magnetic! 71: Not listening to your costumers. 72: inappropriate cake making. 73: Botching a boomerang throw. 74: Stalkers. 75: Getting hit by a barrel. 76: Missing some ducks. 77: Failing to check which mario sounds are correct. 78: Playing Exitebike with a troll. 79: Buying a fake 2DS 80: Getting caught by cats. 81: Interviewing a demonic old lady. 82: Allergic to dizzy. 83: Botching a pit stop. 84: Being drunk during the Olympic Games. 85: Getting drowned and caught by squids. 86: Passing it to your opponents. 87: Attempting to throw a hula hoop to anyone. 88: Reckless throwing bowling ball. 89: Attempting to kill a level 1000 ninja. 90: Botching a bomb fusing 91: Inappropriate bridge construction. 92: Mmmm. Bananas! 93: Rage quitting. 94: WRONG PUZZLE! 95: Botching a criminal investigation. 96: Failing to shot a grape. 97: Running out of helium. 98: Illegal plane fan. 99: The robot will not save you. 100: Starved to death. 101: Sneaky toy. 102: Earth being sucked by a black hole. 103: WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE! 104: Bridge incompletion. 105: Getting hit by a potato car. 106: Not strong enough to block a bear. 107: Getting Booby trap. 108: Not good enough to drive. 109: Angry birds. 110: Getting caught by the devil while swimming. 111: Failing to catch a egg. 112: Not good enough to kick. 113: Attemping to wear something thin when you're overweight. 114: Attempting to drink lava. 115: Falling to your death. 116: Botching a bomb defusal. 117: Being hateful 118: Reported for hateful content. 119: BOO! YOU STINK! 120: Get exploded by a garlic bomb. 121: GET GET GET REKT B*TCH 122: Not having some backup. 123: Monsters invading your mansion. 124: Inflating a camel. 125: Being noisy at 3:00 AM 126: Putting a camera backward the baseball catcher. 127: Getting caught by mother playing games while you supposed to sleep. And the final way to die 128: Wario's diarrhea.
Glad to hear Wario Deluxe at the end of the video. It's my fav song in the game. Man these microgames (and the challenge stages) can really trip you up if you aren't careful.
1: Being stabbed 2: Running early 3: Triped over 4: Blind 5: Knocked out 6: Miss a drop 7: Knocked out by a uppercut 8: Miss the stall 9: Hunger 10: Miss the toast 11: Poked in the wrong spot 12: Wrong drain 13: Missed 14: Funny picture in the internet 15: Tripped 16: Nail broke 17: Loser 18; Planted by earth 19: Tripped over a rock 20: Deaf 21: Snakes 22: Defeated by a boss 23: Not fully in frame 24: Spoiled egg 25: Save failed 26: Defeated 27: Missed one banana 28: Failed 29: Missed a balloon 30: Loser at pinball 31: Shell 32: Falling down 33: Falling down the table 34: Missed the eye a couple of times 35: Earth destroyed 36: Bomb 37: Stuck 38: Tripped 39: Sorting wrong 40: Falling down by physics 41: Popped 42: Falling in water 43: Soccer Ball missed 44: Bears 45: Missed 46: Failed at basketball 47: Battling a bear 48: Too skinny for your weight 49: Ouch! 50: Miss the hole 51: Viruses 52: Missed the power-up 53: Consumed 54: Missing a fish for your family 55: Birds attack you 56: Miss the ground 57: Death by plant 58: Drowning 59: Dead 60: Being drunk 61: Lost balance 62: Cannot poop 63: Broken machine 64: Losing drink 65: Cannot cut right 66: Cracked eggs 67: Drawing bad 68: So wet 69: Missed the needle 70: Magnet physics 71: Wrong floor 72: Cake failure 73: Torches 74: Game thinking it is 7 75: Barrels 76: Missed a bird 77: Bad listening 78: Pit of spikes 79: Where is it? 80: Stealing fish from a man 81: Being slow for the mic 82: Crash to the crowd 83 Spinning out of control 84: Deaf 85: Drowning 86: Loser 87: Loser again 88: Cheating at bowling 89: Missed the ninja 90: Try to explode with a wall 91: Crashed 92: Eating an animal 93: Not me, him. 94: Wrong block 95: It's not the person with no clothes 96: Missed the grapes 97: My lungs are weak to blow 98: Trapped in a trap 99: Exploded 100: Not your butt 101: Missed Fronk 102: Missed Fronk again 103: Wrong phone 104: Falling to death 105: Dead by a potato car 106: Bears 107: Falling into a pit 108: Crashed by a tree 109: Someone took the platform when you were going too 110: Bitten by enemy 111: Strong floor damage by pancake 112: Caught by a person 113: Too strong for shirts like this 114: Spilling juice on your face 115: Falling on a hole 116: Colorblind 117: Being a hater 118: Slow time of winning 119: Quiting your team to dance 120: Falling plants 121: Dead by enemies 122: Dead again by enemies 123: Not protecting your garden right 124: Elevator is stuck 125: Ran out of time 126: Extreme practice 127: Caught playing at night 128: Wario Deluxe
Penny: What happened!? Kat & Ana: What happened!? 9-Volt: Aw, come on! Young Cricket: That hurt! Orbulon: Oh-o! (Oh no!) Mike: UNFORTUNATE. Fronk: Too bad. Wario: Whaaa?! Wario Deluxe: Bye-bye.
1: Never blocking a throwing fencing sword 2: Early start 3: Getting hit by other romantic guys and girls 4: Choosing wrong side 5: Not throwing combo 6: Idk how to call this 7: Early dodging the Fun Gus super attack
20:02 is my favourite part! Holding down... the shirt is gonna rip! Release! no. If you don't then the shirt will be ripped! Ok then. The shirt ripped!
Pretty good in general, but I feel like you missed one of the best ones. There's one game where wario is huge and can't step on others, and stepping on the llama (in twisted) netted hilarious results. The emu Likely would be similar in this case.
1. Hit by a sword. 2. I got hit by the gun. 3. Hitted by other couples. 4. Bad way to play tennis. 5. Trying to wrestle a gorrila. 6. Can't punch water. 7. Punching a guy named Fun Gus. 8. Can't twitch in the stall. 9. Can't eat food. 10. You butterfingers. 11. Can't pick a nose. 12. Pouring using a kettle. 13. No chicken bugs. 14. Is the frame wrong? 15. Paddle at the wrong time. 16. Almost fixed it... 17. Aliens. 18. Steering a leaf. 19. Tripped on rocks. 20. Found the wrong one. 21. I hate snakes. 22. Big eggplant. 23. Photographing a dragon. 24. Can't warm up the egg. 25. Can't save another astronaut. 26. Defeated by the Swine Trek. 27. Missing that one *banana.* 28. Missed that Paragoomba. 29. Not good at that game. 30. Pinball has bad controls. 31. Falling items in Rainbow Road. 32. Falling on a mountain. 33. Fine. Car falling. 34. Inability to push D-Pad. 35. Meteors crashing Earth. 36. Slicing bombs. 37. Don't know to win Microgames. 38. Cactus style. 39. Sorting the wrong animal to the wrong side. 40. Bad controls. 41. Popping in my head. 42. Ostriches on water. 43. Trying to kick. 44. Bears. 45. Trying to shoot a fruit. 46. Not a show-off in gym class. 47. Same as death 44 48. What is my weight? 49. Not a high-five. 50. Bogey (even a double bogey!) 51. Can't imitate a virus. 52. Almost getting that. 53. Repelling the Metroid. 54. Almost doing it... 55. Donkey Kong Jr. is hard. 56. Missed the landing. 57. Hitting fire plants. 58. Hitting bad spikes. 59. When you killed the Goombas. 60. Demolishing people. 61. Balancing is bad. 62. Poop. 63. Sewing hard. 64. Pouring the whole cup. 65. Bad matching. 66. Twisting bad. 67. Um... the kanji is wrong. 68. Dirty clothes. 69. Threading at the wrong time. 70. Magnets. 71. Wrong floor. 72. I got less points too. 73. Bad way for boomerangs. 74. How many persons? 75. Playing at the wrong time. 76. Ducks go away. 77. Wrong sound. 78. Hitted that spike. 79. Trying to find your stylus. 80. Clawing in the place. 81. Becoming Super Saiyan. 82. The hammer tossing is wrong. 83. Changing and attaching. 84. Can't skate. 85. Remember those swimmers. 86. Pass those balls. 87. Jumpin' jumble. 88. Spare. 89. Shurikens throwing ninjas. 90. Fusing at the wrong time. 91. The feeling is sinking. 92. Wrong fruit. 93. Being a cow. 94. Breaking a glass. 95. Snatcher, snatch ME! 96. Wrong grape. 97. Blowing your balloon. 98. The wolf hit the cage. 99. Veggies crashing Earth. 100. Eating with your butt. 101. Clawing for more. 102. Sinking three. 103. Answering at the wrong time 104. Shhhhhhhhh! 105. Jumping car. 106. Bears in your house. 107. Missed the spring. 108. Hitted by trees. 109. Two balloons on the Warios. 110. Almost dodging enemies. 111. Flipping the pancake! 112. Circle kick. 113. Becoming muscular. 114. The liquid hits your face. 115. Not a birdie. 116. Wrong wire. 117. Praising me. 118. Scissors! 119. You're dancing wrong! 120. Hitted by beans. 121. Bugs shooting the gun. 122. Many enemies. 123. Panic on those enemies. 124. The ball hitting the fourth wall. 125. Winding at the wrong time. 126. Riding on that ferris wheel. 127. Mom's angryness. 128. Wario's magic.
The boss microgames that were left out are: - One Hit Wonder (Touch League - 5-Volt - Nintendo Classics) - Basic Training (Twist League - Dr. Crygor - Sports) - Toilet Training (Twist League - Penny - That's Life)
These are the songs that play for each character (if you want to know) (SPOILER ALERT) Jimmy T. and Mona: Body Rock Dribble and the first part of 5-Volt: Tomorrow Hill the rest of 5-Volt, Ashley, and Dr. Crygor: Ashley's song 18-Volt: Mona Pizza Penny and Kat&Ana: 4 Seasons 9-Volt and most of Young Cricket: Mike's song the last part of Young cricket, orbulon, Mike, and Fronk: 4 Seasons (Again) Wario (for all leagues (Mash, Twist, and Touch)) and Wario DX: Wario de Mambo Wario DX's boss (the final boss) Wario De Mucho (the music that plays in that game) Other modes: Introducing Wario DX
1: Epeec fail 2: Rushing 3: Unpredictable 4: Pay attention for once 5: beaten by gorilla 6: One punch Man 7: Beaten by Toad rip-off 8: Couldn't hold that 9: Playing with food 10: Toasted 11: Oh Nose 12: Oh you Pour thing 13: bad timing 14: I took that for laughs 15: Ducking 16: Nailed it 17: Busted 18: Reincarnated as plant 19: Love hurts 20: Look closer 21: impulsive 22: Grammar 23: Oh Snap 24: ADHD Pidgeon 25: well i tried... 26: Bullshit
27: Aiming 28: Way Too late 29: Shocked and distracted 30: even extra balls are crucial 31: Can't pick that 32: Literally head in the clouds 33: Button got stuck 34: Why do I have to move? 35: "Fuck it, I wanted this to happen" 36: Blasted 37: Softlocked 38: "Outta my way, bitch!" 39: Angering the god 40: gravity physics 41: Pressure 42: Crossing the line 43: 50/50 44: Interrupting bear 45: Microscopic target 46: Lacking power in twisting 47: Beaten by a bear 48: Working too hard 49: Busted as Raccoon 50: Who made this course?
51: Bad medicine 52: Gravity physics still lame 53: Eaten by Metroid 54: "Oh yeah, I have fish allergy!" 55: Grip lost by a bird 56: Going beyond the target 57: Jumping on rigged platform 58: Reverse controls 59: Super Mario Bros Twisted 60: Manpower 61: Losing balance 62: indigestion problems 63: Breaking a low budget sewing machine 64: Throwing all away 65: Cut it out 66: Disobedience 67: Astronomic requirements 68: Sogs to be you 69: "Threatened" 70: Attraction 71: Too much to handle 72: Hell's kitchen
73: boomer-rang 74: thats not what i wrote 75: do a barrel roll 76: shot in the dark 77: check your hearing 78: distracted 79: where is it? 80: i saw that mark 81: you dont like me angry 82: hammered 83: im tired 84: stoned 85: they all look the same 86: pass... 87: Cricket's words... 88: gutter ball 89: you shuri suck 90: fuseless 91: sunk 92: ooooh, banana 93: sheep 94: outmatched 95: robbed 96: blew it 97: out of breath 98: cooped up 99: veggied 100: fin 101: grabbed 102: soggy 103: prank call 104: go away 105: mashed like a potato 106: couldnt bear it 107: the first goomba-syndrome 108: skipped drivers ed 109: dropped it 110: deep hit 111: are you cooking a rock? 112: footloose
theres a 3 hour version where you win every version but guess that 2 hours and 20 mins or so is from just repeats / upgraded versions of the same game 2 more times
7:40 Is my favorite Part!
Ashley: You might be the ingredient i seek!
Poor Crygor.
5:37 Ashley’s “Oh no, not again!” Is right on time!
Yellow Circle The Gamer right when Mona showed up Ashley said “Oh no, not again!”
@@Vortmite1 she is 5 volt not Mona
Not gonna lie I thought u made a mistake it’s actually Ashley
@Lissy Gutierrez Idk why I said mona it is 5-volt
5 Volt: It's Okay.😕
1: Face impalement by airborne sword.
2: Starting a race early and being shot by the starting gun.
3: Trampled in unfortunate ballroom incident.
4: Bad spiked tennis ball call.
5: Attempting to wrestle a gorilla.
6: Letting a drop of water get past you so it can overgrow your lawn and destroy all you hold dear.
7: Boxing match against deadly fungi.
8: Misjudging your trajectory in to a bathroom stall, missing, and your bladder exploding.
9: Starving to death.
10: Failing to grasp the concept of toast.
11: Inability to pick nose.
12: Misunderstanding of plumbing.
13: Letting the elusive demon waddle escape your grasp.
14: Dying of embarrassment from a bad photograph gone viral.
15: Forgetting how to swim.
16: Not hitting the nail on the head.
17: Caught by aliens.
18: Consumed by the earth itself.
19: Fatal trip.
20: Racial profiling.
21: Snakes.
22: Struck down by a giant sentient eggplant.
23: Not providing ample evidence for proof of mythical creatures.
24: Freezing to death.
25: Drifting off in to the void of space.
26: Being destroyed by the Swine Trek.
27: Missing that one banana.
28: Not having enough ammo.
29: Empathy for balloons.
30: Pinball machine that controls like ass.
31: Dropped items in Rainbow Road.
32: Falling down a mountain.
33: Driving off a cliff.
34: Inability to press a button.
35: World annihilating comets.
36: Trying to slice a bomb fuse with a sword in attempts to disarm it.
37: Jamming expensive equipment.
38: Murder by jealous beauty pageant contestants.
40: Not understanding physics.
41: Popped.
42: Further endangering endangered species.
43: Dropping the ball.
44: Bears.
45: Not knowing how to use a bow.
46: Trying to be a show-off in gym class.
47: Bears.
48: Not meeting your personal fitness goals.
49: Bad time for a high five.
50: Bogey.
51: Medicine with bad side effects.
52: Replacing your armors exterior plating with rubber.
53: Nommed.
54: Not being able to provide food to feed yourself or family.
55: Aggressive birds.
56: Missing a landing.
57: Plants breathing fire.
58: Impalement followed by drowning.
59: ....Really, Mario? Really?
60: Drunk construction worker shenanigans.
61: Getting the axe from dropping the axe.
62: Pooping.
63: Crushing frustration of ruining the final sewing work on a cosplay you've spent months working on.
64: Mm, sweet lemonade.
65: Ill-advised hair cutting techniques.
66: Egg-bortion.
67: Language barrier.
68: Moldy clothes.
69: Uh... having a hard time thinking of a creative explanation for this one.
70: Magnetism.
71: Deep-seeded hatred between co-workers.
72: Culinary critics.
73: Not deactivating an instant kill puzzle in time.
74: Poor penmanship.
75: Crushed by barrels.
76: Silent judgement by your most loyal companions.
77: Inability to hear.
78: Motorcycle crashing in to a pit of spikes.
79: Misplacing your stylus for the millionth time.
80: Caught stealing fish.
81: Demonic old lady.
82: Bludgeoned by accident.
83: Spin spin spin spin spin spinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspinspin
84: Death penalty for failing your country in the Olympics.
85: Staying underwater too long.
86: Getting caught in the act of being a double agent.
87: Inescapable truth of death coming for us all despite good fitness.
88: Not being spared. You should have split.
89: Killed by rival ninja clans.
90: Think this one was a victory all things considered.
91: Plate tectonics.
92: Not being able to tell the difference between a banana and a cheetah.
93: Calling her a cow.
94: Not fully understanding the instructions to the game.
95: Caught in public not wearing clothes.
96: Angering the sun.
97: Weak lungs.
98: Captured in hostile enemy territory.
99: Exploded.
100: Trying to eat with your butt.
101: Failed rescues.
102: Taken by the tide.
103: Hello?
104: Sharing the high wire.
105: Run over by a potato.
106: Bears.
107: Premature leaps of faith.
108: Not having car insurance.
109: Untrustworthy allies letting you fall to your death.
110: Eaten by rocketing demon heads.
111: Trying to mimic what you saw on Food Network during your first day on a new chef job.
112: Only going 350 degrees of a full round-house kick.
113: Being too sexy.
114: Drinking problem.
115: Falling in to a pit.
116: Colorblind bomb defusing.
117: Honesty.
118: Slow reflexes.
119: Ultimate dishonor of not rehearing with your mariachi troop.
120: Falling hard-skinned fruit.
121: Slain by Satan's Hellspawn.
122: Overwhelmed by an advancing horde.
123: Demons stealing your food.
124: Over-inflating your camel.
125: Throwing out your spine.
126: Extreme ninja training.
127: Mom catching you playing games when you're supposed to be sleeping.
128: Wario's flatulence.
...I think I might have a problem.
Tommy TwoShoes your fingers are tired. are you in the Hospital?
62. Constipation
All in all....
66: Having ADHD (no offense to people who have ADHD)
Ashley: "You might be the ingredient I seek."
Dr. Crygor: "Whaat?"
ehay the grick us oh gue finish RFurwer fikkejte
the timing
18-Volt : What you doing ?
Chef : I don't know...
Ashley: *makes potion out of crygor*
lengreng poshinn of criegoe
Cyber Brew!…
…Way to make a Potion out of Your Metallic Friend, MURDERER!!!!…
20:46 LOL, ways to fail indeed!
Elwood 7X not reading the tip
The background: WARIO DE M A M B O
@@TboiEnjoyer8 *LETS D A N C I N G!*
14:10 This is pretty awesome fail that the interviewed person goes super Sayian.
No, only grandma does that.
dhr cabt beat dhaggy lol
1:27 Wario is falling for you
3:14 The car stopped working
10:48 There's fan art of you
wait what? i didnt get any of that
"Sees the timestamp of the last one"
Uhhh... please no
Ashley looks damn fantastic in the Thumbnail, great work!
"You must be cursed" - Ashley 2018
Boss Fails
0:54 Jimmy T
2:22 Mona
3:54 Dribble & Spitz
7:15 Ashley
9:52 18-Volt
11:55 Kat & Ana
13:53 9-Volt
15:21 Cricket & Mantis
16:46 Orbulon
18:34 Wario (Mash)
18:56 Wario (Twist)
19:21 Wario (Touch)
21:01 Wario Deluxe
1:12 perfect snc
It’s on the offbeats but yea
Ashley theme song feat. Dr. Crygor
And 5 Volt
5:43 when i control toy car
5-Volt: Oh well!
Grandma: Do you want Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts for Supper?
Kat & Ana: 11:24
7:41 *Splash Potion of Crygor*
Ashley for Smashley
nintendo sorta deconfirmed it in a tweet
Please link me because I have never seen any deconfirmation yet.
No offence, but why does everyone want such obscure characters in smash. I just want to see a few popular but quite forgotten ones like Contra.
She isn't obscure... If you actually look she is the face of many things, and is almost as much of the face of WarioWare as Wario himself, she also appears on the front cover of several Japan Magazines.
Coldfacekiller ColdFire Ashley... Legal loli
Ashley: You might be the ingredient i seek!
Dr. Crygor: *Whaaat!?*
Ashley: COME HERE AND DIE "shoves Dr. Crygor down the pot"
Penny: "Shrugs while sticking tongue out" Welp... he died...
Mona: Grab a hot slice! And take a big bite!
18-Volt: *Wha?*
@@demonox4005Mike: RIP Bozo.
Me: NANI!?!?😮😮😮
22:21 I bet that's going to be Ashley's model for when she's in Smash Bros. Ultimate!
Sorry, she is an assist
3:39 game logic:you can break the egg when you don't do anything to egg
Why overlap the music? The edited in music kinda ruins it
Ikr :/
8:39 aww yeah I love Mona pizza.
8:39 8bit mario
@@chikamotokenji3217 the music ._.
20:45 I know you don't want to lose but that attitude is uncalled for!
I didn't know you can die in this game, but awesome video as always.
Ashley: You might be the ingredient I seek!
Crygor: WHAAAAT!?
Perfect timing
Mona: Grab a hot slice! And take a big bite!
18-Volt: Wha?
1:13 Is The Funniest Because the guy tries to get to toilet, but he peed his self for bumping into a door! XD
yo, the "dun dun dun, DUN!" syncs almost perfectly in the beginning
Song list:
1.Body Rock.
2. Tomorrow Hill.
3. Ashley's theme. (WUUUUT!?)
4. Too obvious. -Mona Peezaaaaaa-
5. Four Seasons.
6. -Mic- Mike's theme.
7. -Stealthy!- Fine. Stealth Turtles.
8. Wario de Mambo.
9. Wario de Mucho.
10. Introducing Wario Deluxe!
9:13 Mona: Have a hot slice and take a big bite
18 volt: wut
Its Sal Out not Mona
19:53 Wario: Don't just stand there, KICK THEM!
5:38 The oh no not again is synced with the fail
Dr. Crygor is the ingredient Ashley seeks!
21:36 the evil music fits with the sad background here
Here are all the death list of fails
1: Failing to Fence a Airborne Sword
2: Starting the Race Early
3: Ballroom Incident
4: Failing to guess which star lands
5: Attempting to play wrestle with a gorilla
6: Failing to punch a rail drops
7: Playing a boxing fight with a hacker
8: Winning too many sports contest without peeing
9: Failing to catch a cookie thrown by mother
10: Not getting the bread on time
11: Night of the Living Boogers: Nose edition
12: Not checking the pipes and pour it to your face
13: Failing to catch a chicken at the right time
14: Bad picture incident
15: Impatient
16: Hitting the man's hand with hammer
17: Winning a staring contest with the Alien
18: Eaten by a Plant
19: Not checking the road
20: Attempting to check the same thing
21: Failing to follow the Map and got eaten by Snakes!
22: You just got pwned, FTW!
23: Failing to prove mythical creatures are real.
24: Getting Deaf by Thunderstorms.
25: Getting caught by Flying UFO.
26: Getting killed by Nose Boss!
27: Missing a Banana.
28: Not getting more Shells.
29: Missing a Balloon.
30: Playing a botched pinball.
31: Starting the time trial without cleanup.
32: Being Greedy to get the Veggie.
33: Sleeping while you are driving.
34: Attempting to Blind an Eye.
35: It's the end of the world as we know it.
36: Losing at Fruit Ninja.
37: Botched mining equipment.
38: Getting beaten by a pajent women.
40: Building a house upside-down and got consumed by a snow.
41: Botched planet rotation and got self-destruct.
42: Being lazy to control the bridge.
43: Failing to kick the ball on the right time.
44: Hitting a teddy bear during skiing.
45: Not having more ammo.
46: Attempting to slam dunk while being sick.
47: Attempting to play hand wrestle with a grizzly bear.
48: Not waiting for the personal exercise goals.
49: Giving a shadow figure a high-five.
50: Botched golf game.
51: Being positive to Covid-19.
52: Losing control to Samus.
53: Getting consumed by a flying jelly.
54: Fishing a great white shark.
55: Attacked by a bird.
56: Missing a landing spot.
57: Burned by Fire Piranha Plant.
58: Failing to check the spikes.
59: Really Mario, REALLY!.
60: Demolitation a Bomb Shelter.
61: Failing to balance a umbrella.
63: Botched sewing machine.
64: Having a drunk party while you supposed not to.
65: Having a haircut while drunk.
66: Strong winds.
67: Going to Japanese School as a foreigner.
68: Mixing with wet clothes and dirty socks together.
69: Not good enough to sewing.
70: Strong Magnetic!
71: Not listening to your costumers.
72: inappropriate cake making.
73: Botching a boomerang throw.
74: Stalkers.
75: Getting hit by a barrel.
76: Missing some ducks.
77: Failing to check which mario sounds are correct.
78: Playing Exitebike with a troll.
79: Buying a fake 2DS
80: Getting caught by cats.
81: Interviewing a demonic old lady.
82: Allergic to dizzy.
83: Botching a pit stop.
84: Being drunk during the Olympic Games.
85: Getting drowned and caught by squids.
86: Passing it to your opponents.
87: Attempting to throw a hula hoop to anyone.
88: Reckless throwing bowling ball.
89: Attempting to kill a level 1000 ninja.
90: Botching a bomb fusing
91: Inappropriate bridge construction.
92: Mmmm. Bananas!
93: Rage quitting.
95: Botching a criminal investigation.
96: Failing to shot a grape.
97: Running out of helium.
98: Illegal plane fan.
99: The robot will not save you.
100: Starved to death.
101: Sneaky toy.
102: Earth being sucked by a black hole.
104: Bridge incompletion.
105: Getting hit by a potato car.
106: Not strong enough to block a bear.
107: Getting Booby trap.
108: Not good enough to drive.
109: Angry birds.
110: Getting caught by the devil while swimming.
111: Failing to catch a egg.
112: Not good enough to kick.
113: Attemping to wear something thin when you're overweight.
114: Attempting to drink lava.
115: Falling to your death.
116: Botching a bomb defusal.
117: Being hateful
118: Reported for hateful content.
120: Get exploded by a garlic bomb.
122: Not having some backup.
123: Monsters invading your mansion.
124: Inflating a camel.
125: Being noisy at 3:00 AM
126: Putting a camera backward the baseball catcher.
127: Getting caught by mother playing games while you supposed to sleep.
And the final way to die
128: Wario's diarrhea.
The flying jelly is a Metroid... but i like the nickname
6:12 You're toast!
Glad to hear Wario Deluxe at the end of the video. It's my fav song in the game.
Man these microgames (and the challenge stages) can really trip you up if you aren't careful.
No. 01 Warioware
No. 02 Jimmy T
No. 03 Mona
No. 04 Dribble And Spitz
No. 05 5-Volt
1: Being stabbed
2: Running early
3: Triped over
4: Blind
5: Knocked out
6: Miss a drop
7: Knocked out by a uppercut
8: Miss the stall
9: Hunger
10: Miss the toast
11: Poked in the wrong spot
12: Wrong drain
13: Missed
14: Funny picture in the internet
15: Tripped
16: Nail broke
17: Loser
18; Planted by earth
19: Tripped over a rock
20: Deaf
21: Snakes
22: Defeated by a boss
23: Not fully in frame
24: Spoiled egg
25: Save failed
26: Defeated
27: Missed one banana
28: Failed
29: Missed a balloon
30: Loser at pinball
31: Shell
32: Falling down
33: Falling down the table
34: Missed the eye a couple of times
35: Earth destroyed
36: Bomb
37: Stuck
38: Tripped
39: Sorting wrong
40: Falling down by physics
41: Popped
42: Falling in water
43: Soccer Ball missed
44: Bears
45: Missed
46: Failed at basketball
47: Battling a bear
48: Too skinny for your weight
49: Ouch!
50: Miss the hole
51: Viruses
52: Missed the power-up
53: Consumed
54: Missing a fish for your family
55: Birds attack you
56: Miss the ground
57: Death by plant
58: Drowning
59: Dead
60: Being drunk
61: Lost balance
62: Cannot poop
63: Broken machine
64: Losing drink
65: Cannot cut right
66: Cracked eggs
67: Drawing bad
68: So wet
69: Missed the needle
70: Magnet physics
71: Wrong floor
72: Cake failure
73: Torches
74: Game thinking it is 7
75: Barrels
76: Missed a bird
77: Bad listening
78: Pit of spikes
79: Where is it?
80: Stealing fish from a man
81: Being slow for the mic
82: Crash to the crowd
83 Spinning out of control
84: Deaf
85: Drowning
86: Loser
87: Loser again
88: Cheating at bowling
89: Missed the ninja
90: Try to explode with a wall
91: Crashed
92: Eating an animal
93: Not me, him.
94: Wrong block
95: It's not the person with no clothes
96: Missed the grapes
97: My lungs are weak to blow
98: Trapped in a trap
99: Exploded
100: Not your butt
101: Missed Fronk
102: Missed Fronk again
103: Wrong phone
104: Falling to death
105: Dead by a potato car
106: Bears
107: Falling into a pit
108: Crashed by a tree
109: Someone took the platform when you were going too
110: Bitten by enemy
111: Strong floor damage by pancake
112: Caught by a person
113: Too strong for shirts like this
114: Spilling juice on your face
115: Falling on a hole
116: Colorblind
117: Being a hater
118: Slow time of winning
119: Quiting your team to dance
120: Falling plants
121: Dead by enemies
122: Dead again by enemies
123: Not protecting your garden right
124: Elevator is stuck
125: Ran out of time
126: Extreme practice
127: Caught playing at night
128: Wario Deluxe
I hope you like them
I should be a dirtbag and stick the middle finger at my opponent during Rock Paper Scissors
I'm calling it; one of the reasons will be something along the lines of "getting abducted and probed by the bowling pin alien."
"And if you say no, -- YOU MUST BE CURSED."
Jimmy T: Yikes
Mona: Keep at it!
Dribble: Move This!
5-Volt: Did your hands slip?
Ashley: Disappointed!
Dr. Crygor: HOW!?
18-Volt: HOW!?
Denis: How miss
Penny: What happened!?
Kat & Ana: What happened!?
9-Volt: Aw, come on!
Young Cricket: That hurt!
Orbulon: Oh-o! (Oh no!)
Fronk: Too bad.
Wario: Whaaa?!
Wario Deluxe: Bye-bye.
"You must be cursed!" Ashley
The music is overlaping... why?
Stop saying Milk Shake
Mona : uhhhhhh 1:18
23:12 oh no!
0:00 I
1:13 II
2:33 III
4:47 IV
6:01 V
7:30 VI
8:39 VII
11:06 IX
12:34 X
14:05 XI
15:39 XII
17:08 XIII
18:12 XIV
18:53 XV
19:17 XVI
19:33 XVII
21:36 XVIII
21:51 XIX
22:07 XX
22:22 XXI
22:36 XXII
23:00 XXIII
23:24 XXIV
23:44 XXV
24:00 XXVI
1: Never blocking a throwing fencing sword
2: Early start
3: Getting hit by other romantic guys and girls
4: Choosing wrong side
5: Not throwing combo
6: Idk how to call this
7: Early dodging the Fun Gus super attack
20:02 is my favourite part!
Holding down... the shirt is gonna rip! Release!
If you don't then the shirt will be ripped!
Ok then.
The shirt ripped!
“What’cha doing?”
“I don’t know!”
Pretty good in general, but I feel like you missed one of the best ones. There's one game where wario is huge and can't step on others, and stepping on the llama (in twisted) netted hilarious results. The emu Likely would be similar in this case.
1. Hit by a sword.
2. I got hit by the gun.
3. Hitted by other couples.
4. Bad way to play tennis.
5. Trying to wrestle a gorrila.
6. Can't punch water.
7. Punching a guy named Fun Gus.
8. Can't twitch in the stall.
9. Can't eat food.
10. You butterfingers.
11. Can't pick a nose.
12. Pouring using a kettle.
13. No chicken bugs.
14. Is the frame wrong?
15. Paddle at the wrong time.
16. Almost fixed it...
17. Aliens.
18. Steering a leaf.
19. Tripped on rocks.
20. Found the wrong one.
21. I hate snakes.
22. Big eggplant.
23. Photographing a dragon.
24. Can't warm up the egg.
25. Can't save another astronaut.
26. Defeated by the Swine Trek.
27. Missing that one *banana.*
28. Missed that Paragoomba.
29. Not good at that game.
30. Pinball has bad controls.
31. Falling items in Rainbow Road.
32. Falling on a mountain.
33. Fine. Car falling.
34. Inability to push D-Pad.
35. Meteors crashing Earth.
36. Slicing bombs.
37. Don't know to win Microgames.
38. Cactus style.
39. Sorting the wrong animal to the wrong side.
40. Bad controls.
41. Popping in my head.
42. Ostriches on water.
43. Trying to kick.
44. Bears.
45. Trying to shoot a fruit.
46. Not a show-off in gym class.
47. Same as death 44
48. What is my weight?
49. Not a high-five.
50. Bogey (even a double bogey!)
51. Can't imitate a virus.
52. Almost getting that.
53. Repelling the Metroid.
54. Almost doing it...
55. Donkey Kong Jr. is hard.
56. Missed the landing.
57. Hitting fire plants.
58. Hitting bad spikes.
59. When you killed the Goombas.
60. Demolishing people.
61. Balancing is bad.
62. Poop.
63. Sewing hard.
64. Pouring the whole cup.
65. Bad matching.
66. Twisting bad.
67. Um... the kanji is wrong.
68. Dirty clothes.
69. Threading at the wrong time.
70. Magnets.
71. Wrong floor.
72. I got less points too.
73. Bad way for boomerangs.
74. How many persons?
75. Playing at the wrong time.
76. Ducks go away.
77. Wrong sound.
78. Hitted that spike.
79. Trying to find your stylus.
80. Clawing in the place.
81. Becoming Super Saiyan.
82. The hammer tossing is wrong.
83. Changing and attaching.
84. Can't skate.
85. Remember those swimmers.
86. Pass those balls.
87. Jumpin' jumble.
88. Spare.
89. Shurikens throwing ninjas.
90. Fusing at the wrong time.
91. The feeling is sinking.
92. Wrong fruit.
93. Being a cow.
94. Breaking a glass.
95. Snatcher, snatch ME!
96. Wrong grape.
97. Blowing your balloon.
98. The wolf hit the cage.
99. Veggies crashing Earth.
100. Eating with your butt.
101. Clawing for more.
102. Sinking three.
103. Answering at the wrong time
104. Shhhhhhhhh!
105. Jumping car.
106. Bears in your house.
107. Missed the spring.
108. Hitted by trees.
109. Two balloons on the Warios.
110. Almost dodging enemies.
111. Flipping the pancake!
112. Circle kick.
113. Becoming muscular.
114. The liquid hits your face.
115. Not a birdie.
116. Wrong wire.
117. Praising me.
118. Scissors!
119. You're dancing wrong!
120. Hitted by beans.
121. Bugs shooting the gun.
122. Many enemies.
123. Panic on those enemies.
124. The ball hitting the fourth wall.
125. Winding at the wrong time.
126. Riding on that ferris wheel.
127. Mom's angryness.
128. Wario's magic.
Got a WarioWare Gold ad for this video...
The boss microgames that were left out are:
- One Hit Wonder (Touch League - 5-Volt - Nintendo Classics)
- Basic Training (Twist League - Dr. Crygor - Sports)
- Toilet Training (Twist League - Penny - That's Life)
I loved that you used Tomorrow Hill for Dribble
These are the songs that play for each character (if you want to know) (SPOILER ALERT)
Jimmy T. and Mona: Body Rock
Dribble and the first part of 5-Volt: Tomorrow Hill
the rest of 5-Volt, Ashley, and Dr. Crygor: Ashley's song
18-Volt: Mona Pizza
Penny and Kat&Ana: 4 Seasons
9-Volt and most of Young Cricket: Mike's song
the last part of Young cricket, orbulon, Mike, and Fronk: 4 Seasons (Again)
Wario (for all leagues (Mash, Twist, and Touch)) and Wario DX: Wario de Mambo
Wario DX's boss (the final boss) Wario De Mucho (the music that plays in that game)
Other modes: Introducing Wario DX
7:50 you should be afraid of the great Ashely
Dr cragor: but how
15:37 perfect timing
1 みわくのバディライン ~えいごバージョン 0:00 1~16
2 あしたののぼるおかまで ~えいごバージョン2:33 17~27
3 アシュリーのテーマ ~えいごバージョン 4:55 28~50
4 こちら☆モナピザ ~えいごバージョン 8:39 51~59
5 はるなつあきふゆ 10:10 60~72
6 マイクのテーマ ~えいごバージョン 12:34 73~87
7 しのびがめ 15:18 88~104
8 ワリオ de マンボ 18:12 105~118
9 さいしゅうバトル~ワリオデラックス 21:36 120~128
1: Epeec fail
2: Rushing
3: Unpredictable
4: Pay attention for once
5: beaten by gorilla
6: One punch Man
7: Beaten by Toad rip-off
8: Couldn't hold that
9: Playing with food
10: Toasted
11: Oh Nose
12: Oh you Pour thing
13: bad timing
14: I took that for laughs
15: Ducking
16: Nailed it
17: Busted
18: Reincarnated as plant
19: Love hurts
20: Look closer
21: impulsive
22: Grammar
23: Oh Snap
24: ADHD Pidgeon
25: well i tried...
26: Bullshit
27: Aiming
28: Way Too late
29: Shocked and distracted
30: even extra balls are crucial
31: Can't pick that
32: Literally head in the clouds
33: Button got stuck
34: Why do I have to move?
35: "Fuck it, I wanted this to happen"
36: Blasted
37: Softlocked
38: "Outta my way, bitch!"
39: Angering the god
40: gravity physics
41: Pressure
42: Crossing the line
43: 50/50
44: Interrupting bear
45: Microscopic target
46: Lacking power in twisting
47: Beaten by a bear
48: Working too hard
49: Busted as Raccoon
50: Who made this course?
51: Bad medicine
52: Gravity physics still lame
53: Eaten by Metroid
54: "Oh yeah, I have fish allergy!"
55: Grip lost by a bird
56: Going beyond the target
57: Jumping on rigged platform
58: Reverse controls
59: Super Mario Bros Twisted
60: Manpower
61: Losing balance
62: indigestion problems
63: Breaking a low budget sewing machine
64: Throwing all away
65: Cut it out
66: Disobedience
67: Astronomic requirements
68: Sogs to be you
69: "Threatened"
70: Attraction
71: Too much to handle
72: Hell's kitchen
73: boomer-rang
74: thats not what i wrote
75: do a barrel roll
76: shot in the dark
77: check your hearing
78: distracted
79: where is it?
80: i saw that mark
81: you dont like me angry
82: hammered
83: im tired
84: stoned
85: they all look the same
86: pass...
87: Cricket's words...
88: gutter ball
89: you shuri suck
90: fuseless
91: sunk
92: ooooh, banana
93: sheep
94: outmatched
95: robbed
96: blew it
97: out of breath
98: cooped up
99: veggied
100: fin
101: grabbed
102: soggy
103: prank call
104: go away
105: mashed like a potato
106: couldnt bear it
107: the first goomba-syndrome
108: skipped drivers ed
109: dropped it
110: deep hit
111: are you cooking a rock?
112: footloose
theres a 3 hour version where you win every version but guess that 2 hours and 20 mins or so is from just repeats / upgraded versions of the same game 2 more times
The part with Crygor is a reaction video in a nutshell.
In 9-Volts exitebike microgame, why cant we remove the spike trap?
4:48 Miss
Mona:Did your hands slip?
That s 5 volt
It's 5 Volt, 9 Volt's Mom Ya Peck Neck!!!
Long time I don't see this section
Hello, penguin.
Cuanto tiempo sin vernos :v
pinguino S Castillo Herrera no eres el único
9:51 super mario walk
19:45 *_"HA! ROOKIE!"_*
0:05 the best music theme
When you find ways to die in WarioWare Gold
I find their portraits really cute, especially 5-Volt. But the music mixup is kinda confusing.
6:07 Disappointing
7:40 When you play the You are an idiot music
14:05 the funniest
0:06 They got ya!
I didn’t know Wario ware had a survival mode
Grandma's wig, YOU MUST BE CURSED
Why does warioware gold go amazing with jimmy.t’s theme?
"That hoits!" LOL XD Can't stop laughing to that! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Help...! XD
Orbulon is swearing
6:12 RIP Somebody's floppy dong.
More like 128 Ways to Fail in WarioWare Gold
Kat and Ana for Smashana!
Um are you ether being nice to them or you’re just insulting them they are cute you know
Alayna Brown I’m being nice to them
11:33 that looked legit
That music for Jimmy T. So catchy
10:31 *True*
24:41 Keep crying Babies! >:D
Nintendo Unity, can you do All Minigames Failed in Warioware Gold.
mash leauge
jimmy t 0:01
mona 1:13
dribble and splitz 2:32
5 volt 4:45
23:00 what is that timer
0:00 Perfect Sync
twist leauge
ashley 6:01
dr crygor 7:30
18 volt 8:38
penny 10:10
What does the Mario handshake one do
0:46 C’est la Vie
Reference To Freddie Mercury
I'm just gonna leave this here.
F*** Top Notch with Dysentery, a Poison Mushroom and a Rake. All simultaneously.
This is Your First Longest Ways to Die Video and the Only one Without any Background Music.
6:43 ok i throw dolphin in sea
oops dolphin slipped
I feel like i took a hit of acid while watching this
8:10 Kitten spit now ur pants won’t fit WHAT
20:45 oof