That cellular connection to each boat is pretty spotty! I have zero affiliation with these guys, but check out their WiFi broadcast solution: They're only running 3 remote cameras in the example. WiFi systems can handle much, much more. As large as your switch can handle! The remote cameras can have a dedicated stream that isn't reliant on cell towers.
I love these uploads!!! Keep them coming! I love watching Bassmaster Live as it happens but love rewatching them again.
Would love to see part 2 of this day ...
Let's get the rest of the tournament on here.
cool i watched again missed Dave Mercer talk on lake fork
That cellular connection to each boat is pretty spotty! I have zero affiliation with these guys, but check out their WiFi broadcast solution:
They're only running 3 remote cameras in the example. WiFi systems can handle much, much more. As large as your switch can handle! The remote cameras can have a dedicated stream that isn't reliant on cell towers.
“Ga ga giant bass!” I can’t stand that guy! 🙄