Blood test, ECG & random errands! Carnivore Diet & Multiple Sclerosis

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jennig8824
    @jennig8824 6 місяців тому +13

    Love to hear your results 🙂 passing on your videos to family member whom has MS. Carnivore has helped me with inflammation joint pain. I pray that you also seek the Lord, he will save and give you inner peace, start by reading the New testament 🙂🙏❤️🇦🇺

  • @user-tm2vc6fj8q
    @user-tm2vc6fj8q 6 місяців тому +14

    You are looking wonderful and sounding positive...stay strong ❤❤❤

  • @maryshyrock1770
    @maryshyrock1770 6 місяців тому +5

    Love to ride along doing errands, love to see what people buy and sell and how they display their wares.

  • @AnneMB955
    @AnneMB955 6 місяців тому +4

    It’s quite therapeutic hearing about your life with its struggles and successes. I’d be emotional too with seeing a friend again after so long. A fun video thx. 👋🏻🇦🇺

  • @adgermatthews8313
    @adgermatthews8313 6 місяців тому +9

    Your place is looking really good.

    • @cabanachronicles
      @cabanachronicles  6 місяців тому

      Thanks Adger! It's coming along bit by bit 🙂❤

  • @Carnivorish47
    @Carnivorish47 6 місяців тому +7

    P.S. My cousin has MS and I have sent him links to your videos hoping that he might find relief through carnivore.

    • @DebbieAT
      @DebbieAT 6 місяців тому +1

      Search UA-cam for Emily Penton. She also reversed her MS symptoms.

  • @pamelawoodsum8608
    @pamelawoodsum8608 5 місяців тому

    ❤ Your plan sounds wonderful.Can't wait to see mushroom manner

  • @newsdropz5361
    @newsdropz5361 6 місяців тому +7

    Love following your story.

    • @newsdropz5361
      @newsdropz5361 6 місяців тому +1

      Is that all your land? Planning to get cows on it?

    • @cabanachronicles
      @cabanachronicles  6 місяців тому +3

      @@newsdropz5361 It is all my land! Hoping to get sheep

    • @jelenacluff1186
      @jelenacluff1186 6 місяців тому

      When I was little my grandma had goat (girl) I still love goat milk, better than cows milk 😁

    • @newsdropz5361
      @newsdropz5361 6 місяців тому

      @@cabanachronicles Great idea! It's beautiful.

    • @garyhiland6013
      @garyhiland6013 5 місяців тому

      @@cabanachronicles Then THEY can do the mowing!

  • @amarillasolo5864
    @amarillasolo5864 6 місяців тому +4

    Weird to get starkers for heart test😮😬

  • @amarillasolo5864
    @amarillasolo5864 6 місяців тому +9

    You are looking really well....despite the partying😂😂

  • @Carnivorish47
    @Carnivorish47 6 місяців тому +4

    I am so happy for you! I hope you can share your blood results. All the info everyone shares on carnivore, from blood test results to what it has cured and side effects- it helps us all, since there are no "long-term, double blind stidies (and probably never will be).

  • @pickledellies
    @pickledellies 6 місяців тому +6

    You said dinner time. Even if it's in the negative, you know the doggy rules. Btw, glad to see you settling in to your new community.

  • @tir7898
    @tir7898 5 місяців тому +2

    you need to get interviewd by Kerry from homsteadhow :) amazing story

    • @itzakpoelzig330
      @itzakpoelzig330 5 місяців тому +1

      I keep telling Kerry that, but he gets so many comments, I guess he hasn't noticed mine.

  • @teresamoore4126
    @teresamoore4126 6 місяців тому +2

    I've had 2 ECG in the UK and never been naked. Seems weird. I would have refused as well.

  • @jelenacluff1186
    @jelenacluff1186 6 місяців тому +7

    Hi . I’m admire your strength and positivity! Well done! I know how hard it can be when you have MS. I don have MS but I have SFL (spinal fluid Leak) some of the symptoms is similar to MS (fatigue,brain fog,pain everywhere in body…. I did find carnivore diet helps me a lot. From 25 horrible symptoms 10 is gone and 12 is better! I hope carnivore diet help me to heal hole in my dura . What I did find in google about ECG for the patients with MS : cardiac autonomic dysfunction (CAD)has reported in patients with MS ,but most of people who do treatments for MS . One more thing. I do believe you don’t need to get necked for ECG. Only take of you top ,socks and wrap up your trousers. I did have ECG recently. I’m in Uk but I’m originally from Estonia. ❤️❤️❤️🤗

    • @cabanachronicles
      @cabanachronicles  6 місяців тому +2

      So glad you've seen improvement on the diet!

    • @user-tm2vc6fj8q
      @user-tm2vc6fj8q 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@cabanachronicleshi Rebecca...i hope you see this message...its urgent. Please find on youtube live disease free - pam bartha - episode Parasites cause lesions in the brain and spinal cord... listen to at least 1st 30 may explain A LOT and also why MS sympton free but still more lesions at your last visit. Id say also share the info with your dad he may know more... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch it 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👀👂

  • @Penelopepitstop50
    @Penelopepitstop50 6 місяців тому +1

    Your amazing. I would not have been able to see Emma ever again after her childish abandonment while a good friend was suffering. Does she see you as a sister, close friend, or just good time acquaintance. Maybe she has hang ups, but you deserve an answer and to surround yourself with people that want to support you even when you are not well and celebrate life when you recover! I am sorry but I am very passionate about topics such as these. Stay strong! Here's a quote I just read..."some people will only love you if you fit into their box...don't be afraid to disappoint"

    • @cabanachronicles
      @cabanachronicles  5 місяців тому +3

      Feel weird to heart this comment which my friend might read, but I'm equally passionate about the issue and I find it VERY hard to forgive 99% of my former friends/family/colleagues. Abandoning sick/disabled people who you supposedly care about is not ok. It's cruel.

    • @Penelopepitstop50
      @Penelopepitstop50 5 місяців тому

      @@cabanachronicles We celebrate you! Keep up the good work!

  • @lat1419
    @lat1419 6 місяців тому +1

    Having had several ECGs, stripping off is bl**dy weird. I had 3 lead, and 12 lead (the number of wires attached on body and legs) all fully dressed just rolling up a few bits! Glad you stood your ground. Still you got good meat, a plunger, and a heros welcome from the dogs, all good.

  • @BlessedSaved-1x
    @BlessedSaved-1x 5 місяців тому

    Your ECG will be inacurate after the coffee even decaf contains cafine.
    Dont worry your heart loves carnivore ❤
    Glad Emma is back in the picture. Closer to you now.
    ECG on a naked body has no blood restriction via clothes, elastics ect.
    Great news on visitors to mushroom mannor. Straight and narrow is good. Carnivore is easier without distractions.

  • @flaviamilani1927
    @flaviamilani1927 6 місяців тому +1

    I suggest you rake the cut grass and put it all in a pile surrounded by four wooden or metal poles to form a rectangular shaped compost pile . Poles hold up chicken wire so you can press on the mass of wet grass even it out and fill the corners . You will obtain in a few months time some lovely compost for flowerbeds or vegetable garden. No products no chemicals needed. Otherwise the cut grass will rot on the ground in uneven patches and stop the grass from regrowing evenly . In some areas the grass will stop regrowing altogether and you will end up with uneven patches of bare ground which in dry hot summers such as you get in Spain will remain without grass for a very long time . Also in a structure such as I’m suggesting you can press down on the grass ( remember to wet each layer ) with a pole and avoid snakes getting in it . Remember snakes cannot dig so they are looking for a shelter a crack in a stone wall for instance,or a nice warm patch of cut grass . Not in the compost pile because you have compacted it and wetting it starts the decomposition process together with the heat VERY QUICKLY. You can also put biodegradables from your kitchen. Do not add bones from meat or cheese rinds because it attracts rats . Here in ITALY you get a 20% discount from your garbage collection tax if you have such a system.

  • @truenorth111
    @truenorth111 5 місяців тому

    Friends cant handle it. They jump off a sinking ship pretty fast. But dont blame them theyre just human. But definitely process the feelings. Its wonderful your well now xx

  • @AmandaViolinGirl
    @AmandaViolinGirl 6 місяців тому

    You are not alone. When my epilepsy started I lost several friends too. Epilepsy and MS are both neurological.

  • @gjahncke
    @gjahncke 6 місяців тому +2

    You go girl

  • @TD-nf1qo
    @TD-nf1qo 6 місяців тому +4

    Of course your heart is hurt at losing so many people when you got sick. I am glad your friend is back in your life, even if a few tears and some anger need to flush out. It is hard for people to truly register what it means to be chronically ill. My bf got an F- in the way he retreated when I was going through the worst of things...we are still together, but it hurts my heart to think of all he could have done, should have done, what he could have said and should have said through all the months I was confined to a couch unable to brush my own hair. Maybe it is unfair to have expected more when I had nobody else in my life to be there for me. But I think being chronically ill has given me life skills in order to help others moving forward, just knowing how I would have wanted to be treated. I guess this is my long-winded way of saying that every human only has a certain amount of skills, of bandwidth, of knowledge and capabilities. We just need to breathe and forgive, knowing we're all just doing our best in this crazy world. And I wonder if a bit of therapy might do your heart some good, I know it has helped me immensely. Posting more videos will help you as well, as they are therapeutic for you to talk it out as well!

    • @cabanachronicles
      @cabanachronicles  6 місяців тому

      Thank you for your understanding ❤ Sorry to hear you went through similar.

  • @L.OB-1
    @L.OB-1 6 місяців тому

    Fabulous farmers!

  • @terri4337
    @terri4337 5 місяців тому

    Got a lot done in an hour

  • @AbzScotland
    @AbzScotland 6 місяців тому

    They clearly do ECGs different in Spain😳. Glad you stood up to them.

  • @carrikartes1403
    @carrikartes1403 5 місяців тому

    I have had decent results with pouring baking soda down the drain and then pouring down vinegar.
    Might have to do it several times.
    Buy a couple boxes and a couple gallons (liters)
    God bless

  • @pabeader1941
    @pabeader1941 5 місяців тому

    Just thought you would like to know that I suggest your channel to everyone that asks about MS related things.

  • @robinbeers6689
    @robinbeers6689 6 місяців тому +10

    Your doggies are just too cute.
    The docs probably wanted an ECG to check for the fatal damage you must be doing to your heart with all that horrible meat eating. :)

    • @jimjoelliejack
      @jimjoelliejack 6 місяців тому


    • @leebrendalee
      @leebrendalee 6 місяців тому +2

      Say what. Don’t be ridiculous, meat is the only thing you should eat, the rest is garbage plus eating meat is keeping her healthy

    • @roghabhrideradioshow
      @roghabhrideradioshow 6 місяців тому +3

      @ Lee I fink she’s being sarcastic.
      (I was thinking the same thing too. )

    • @cabanachronicles
      @cabanachronicles  6 місяців тому +2

      @@leebrendalee It was a joke 🥰

    • @robinbeers6689
      @robinbeers6689 6 місяців тому +1

      @@leebrendalee I guess it's getting hard to tell these days who is being serious and what is sarcasm. For context, Lee, I have been keto since 2009 and carnivore since 2013. People have been waiting for me to drop dead of a heart attack for a while now.

  • @5150Bud
    @5150Bud 6 місяців тому +4

    Beautiful eyes❤

  • @leebrendalee
    @leebrendalee 6 місяців тому

    Rainy here in Canada too almost entire month, be well

  • @5150Bud
    @5150Bud 6 місяців тому +2

    Your hamburger looks great. It’s about 35% more expensive than here in South Carolina.

  • @AbzScotland
    @AbzScotland 6 місяців тому +1


  • @camiloraulrios7525
    @camiloraulrios7525 5 місяців тому

    Interesting for a start, the sing not in Spanish but in Galician; ECG well only to get some money from you, Plunger > sopapa, destapador, destapacaños, desatascador. Remember in medicine a patient cured is a customer lost.

  • @angelacross2216
    @angelacross2216 6 місяців тому +1

    Never had to strip for an ecg. So strange.

  • @noname-ea
    @noname-ea 5 місяців тому

    I cant believe how similar our stories are.... down to loosing frienda when we needed them teh most. I was heartbreaking and I am also still processing it. I also dream of living in spain, to get rhe healing sun. But I dont even know where to start.... any advice?

  • @MagnusTheNorthman
    @MagnusTheNorthman 6 місяців тому +1

    I also lost everybody when i got sick. But I'm doing the carnivore diet and I'm getting better. Maybe I will find some new friends.
    I would like to live like you, I have been dreaming of that for many years, even before I got sick. The Norwegian winters are too long and dark, so I'm looking south. Something affordable and quiet, with sun, clean air and good beef 😋
    I was thinking France, or maybe Spain, but I have no idea where or how to start looking.
    If anybody has any suggestions let me know 😄Thanks 😙

    • @Penelopepitstop50
      @Penelopepitstop50 6 місяців тому +1

      Hello Magnus, Just start researching those locations, reaching out to realtors in those countries, make a trip to the locations, etc. It will all come together, I promise. I am like you looking to make a final move to settle my life and just enjoy nature.

    • @Tuber649
      @Tuber649 6 місяців тому +1

      Håper du finner en plass med billigere biff 😂
      God diett! Kjøtt er digg!

    • @MagnusTheNorthman
      @MagnusTheNorthman 6 місяців тому

      Thank you Penelope.
      I was looking at some properties listet online, but I did not find anything suitable.
      Something like Mushroom Manor would have been great, if I could afford it.
      Maybe talking to a realtor could be helpful.
      I hope you find a good place. What country are you thinking about?

    • @MagnusTheNorthman
      @MagnusTheNorthman 6 місяців тому

      Ja det er ikke billig å leve på biff her hjemme, det er også en god grunn til å flytte 😆
      Denne dietten hjelper meg mye, så jeg er nødt til å fortsette med den. Ellers merker jeg at sommer og sol hjelper ☀
      Driver du også å fikser helsa med carnivore diett?

    • @Tuber649
      @Tuber649 6 місяців тому +1

      @@MagnusTheNorthman Meh, jeg er forfengelig, holder vekta nede. Om noe så har mitt kne blitt sterkere etter betennelse. Men jeg vil også være føre var, det er mange eldre som tærer på helsa og speedrunner opp diagnosene sine. Føler meg heldig som har oppdaget helsefordelene med dietten som 39åring. Nå må jeg bare spre det glade budskap og være et godt eksempel!

  • @annettebode9318
    @annettebode9318 6 місяців тому +1


  • @infinitespiritsongs9722
    @infinitespiritsongs9722 6 місяців тому

    Well you heart is a muscle so I imagine MS could possibly affect your heart?

    • @rosered3919
      @rosered3919 6 місяців тому

      MS affects my heart.

    • @cabanachronicles
      @cabanachronicles  5 місяців тому

      I think it's more likely there's a note on my record saying I'm carnivore so she wanted to check for my impending heart attack!

  • @UnMeRCiFuL22
    @UnMeRCiFuL22 5 місяців тому

    Challenge you to make a vídeo using sink plunger 😍 😍 😍

  • @DebraMcKinney-t1y
    @DebraMcKinney-t1y 6 місяців тому +2

    They're just looking for some excuse to prescribe you a bunch of expensive death in a bottle.

  • @Pavel_Franta
    @Pavel_Franta 6 місяців тому

    this video could be 30seconds long 😒

    • @cabanachronicles
      @cabanachronicles  6 місяців тому +6

      Lol. I'll run it by you next time to make sure it fits the TikTok generation attention span!

    • @Pavel_Franta
      @Pavel_Franta 6 місяців тому

      @@cabanachronicles as you have many MS patients in your channel that just wanna know if you are bad or better, i can assure you, they would be happy if you say facts in first 30seconds and keep funny stories for rest of your video :)

    • @cabanachronicles
      @cabanachronicles  6 місяців тому +5

      @@Pavel_Franta I have already stated many, many times that I am better. Do you want me to upload a short every day repeating this fact and only this fact? You can assure me all you like, but people with TikTok attention spans are not my core audience and that is not why I'm making videos.

    • @Pavel_Franta
      @Pavel_Franta 6 місяців тому

      @@cabanachronicles if you are so much better why you go to tons medical examinations?

    • @cabanachronicles
      @cabanachronicles  6 місяців тому +3

      @@Pavel_Franta I have explained this many times. I guess you wouldn't know because the broader context doesn't fit into 30 seconds. But since you ask this blood test was because I had just registered at a new doc after moving house, and if I don't play ball with the neurologist and go to the appts they can take my driving license away. Because I don't have private health insurance.

  • @Nik513m
    @Nik513m 6 місяців тому +3
